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Logics, Volume 1, Issue 4 (December 2023) – 2 articles

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58 pages, 772 KiB  
Graph Algebras and Derived Graph Operations
by Uwe Wolter and Tam T. Truong
Logics 2023, 1(4), 182-239; - 17 Oct 2023
Viewed by 1850
We revise our former definition of graph operations and correspondingly adapt the construction of graph term algebras. As a first contribution to a prospective research field, Universal Graph Algebra, we generalize some basic concepts and results from algebras to graph algebras. To [...] Read more.
We revise our former definition of graph operations and correspondingly adapt the construction of graph term algebras. As a first contribution to a prospective research field, Universal Graph Algebra, we generalize some basic concepts and results from algebras to graph algebras. To tackle this generalization task, we revise and reformulate traditional set-theoretic definitions, constructions and proofs in Universal Algebra by means of more category-theoretic concepts and constructions. In particular, we generalize the concept of generated subalgebra and prove that all monomorphic homomorphisms between graph algebras are regular. Derived graph operations are the other main topic. After an in-depth analysis of terms as representations of derived operations in traditional algebras, we identify three basic mechanisms to construct new graph operations out of given ones: parallel composition, instantiation, and sequential composition. As a counterpart of terms, we introduce graph operation expressions with a structure as close as possible to the structure of terms. We show that the three mechanisms allow us to construct, for any graph operation expression, a corresponding derived graph operation in any graph algebra. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Combining Logics and Theories)
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19 pages, 408 KiB  
Carnap’s Problem for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
by Haotian Tong and Dag Westerståhl
Logics 2023, 1(4), 163-181; - 22 Sep 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2849
We show that intuitionistic propositional logic is Carnap categorical: the only interpretation of the connectives consistent with the intuitionistic consequence relation is the standard interpretation. This holds with respect to the most well-known semantics relative to which intuitionistic logic is sound and [...] Read more.
We show that intuitionistic propositional logic is Carnap categorical: the only interpretation of the connectives consistent with the intuitionistic consequence relation is the standard interpretation. This holds with respect to the most well-known semantics relative to which intuitionistic logic is sound and complete; among them Kripke semantics, Beth semantics, Dragalin semantics, topological semantics, and algebraic semantics. These facts turn out to be consequences of an observation about interpretations in Heyting algebras. Full article
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