Indoor Navigation—User Requirements, State-of-the-Art and Developments for Smartphone Localization
:1. Introduction
Indoor positioning is defined as any system which attempts to provide an accurate positioning inside of a covered structure using radio waves, acoustic signals, or other sensory information collected by mobile devices. It is primarily used for real-time location of people or objects in large buildings and in closed areas/spaces. Several types of location-sensing systems exist in which each have its own strengths and limitations.
2. User Requirements
2.1. Key Performance Parameters
- Accuracy is obtained thanks to multi constellation, multi-frequency GNSS, augmented by PPP-RTK (Precise Point Positioning – Real Time Kinematic) services and hybridized with INS and other sensors;
- Connectivity relies on the integration with both satellites and terrestrial networks, such as the mobile 5G networks, LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites or LPWANs (Low Power Wide Area Networks);
- Ubiquity is provided by complementary positioning technologies and sensors; and
- Security is provided by the combination of independent redundant technologies, cybersecurity and authentication.
2.2. Positioning Requirements
2.3. The Key Parameter Integrity
- Integrity monitoring is the ability of a system to provide timely warnings to users when the system should not be used for navigation [26]; and
- Position integrity is the general performance feature referring to the level of trust a user can have in the value of a given position or velocity as provided by a location system [22].
2.4. Relationship between Key Parameters
3. Localization Topologies and Methods
3.1. Cell-Based Positioning
3.2. Lateration
3.3. Hyperbolic Lateration
3.4. Location Fingerprinting
3.5. Scene Analysis
3.6. Promising Alternative Techniques
4. Inertial Navigation (IN) as Primary Sensor
4.1. INS Trajectory Estimation
4.2. Inertial Navigation (IN)
4.3. Dead Reckoning (DR) Principle
4.4. Map Matching (MM)
4.5. Activity and Step Detection
4.6. Indoor Altitude Determination
5. Combination of MEMS-Based INS with Other Sensor Systems
5.1. RF-Based Wireless Options
5.1.1. Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)
- the ISTA sends an FTM request to the RSTA;
- the RSTA receives the request and returns an acknowledgement (ACK) signal to the ISTA;
- then several FTM feedbacks are sent from the RSTA to the ISTA; and
- then the mean RTT measurement is used for range calculation.
5.1.2. Bluetooth
5.1.3. Ultra-Wide Band (UWB)
5.1.4. Comparison of Wi-Fi, BLE and UWB
5.1.5. Hybrid Solutions
5.2. Vision-Aided Positioning
5.3. Sensor Fusion
6. Smartphone-Based Localization Capabilities
6.1. MEMS-Based Inertial Sensor Systems
6.2. Wi-Fi in Smartphones
6.3. UWB in Smartphones
6.4. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
6.5. 5G Cellular Networks
6.6. Evolution of PNT Solutions Leading to Cooperative Positioning (CP)
- inter-nodal ranging sub-system in a dynamic network;
- optimisation of dynamic network configuration;
- time synchronisation;
- optimum distributed sensor aperture size;
- communication sub-system;
- selection of master and anchor nodes; and
- network topology.
6.7. Application Fields
7. Comparison of Sensors, Technologies and Techniques
8. Concluding Remarks
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Application | Availability | Accuracy | Continuity | Integrity | Robustness | Indoor Penetration | TTFF | Latency | Power Consumption |
Mass market | H | H | H | M | H | H | H | L | H |
Safety and liability critical applications | H | H | H | H | H | L | H | H | M |
Performance Level | Low | High |
Application | Navigation, sports, tracking, social networking, enterprise applications, infotainment, games | Augmented Reality (AR), mHealth, geo marketing and advertising, fraud management and billing, safety and emergency |
Key requirements | Availability TTFF | Accuracy Authentication Availability TTFF |
Other requirements | Connectivity (incl. short range) Interoperability Power consumption | Connectivity (incl. short range) Interoperability Power consumption |
Specification | Wi-Fi | BLE | UWB |
Standard | IEEE 802.11 | IEEE 802.15.1 | IEEE 802.15.4 |
Radio | Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) |
Frequency range | 2.4 and 5 GHz | 2.402 and 2.48 GHz | 3.1 to 10.6 GHz |
Data rate | 11 Mb/s | 1 Mb/s | >100 Mb/s |
Latency | 30 ms | 20–30 ms | 0.1 ms |
Extendibility | roaming possible | no | yes |
Range [m] | 100 | 10–50 | 10–200 |
Positioning Method | CoO, fingerprinting, lateration | CoO, lateration | lateration |
Sensors | Navigation Information | Typical Accuracy | Characteristics |
Accelerometer | accelerations , , | <0.03 m s | subject to drift calibration should be made when absolute positions are available |
Gyroscope | azimuth (heading) | 0.5–3° | short term accuracy stability not subject to external disturbances, but to drifts calibration should be made when absolute positions are available |
Magnetometer | azimuth (heading) | 0.5–3° | measurement of the azimuth in respective to the earth’s magnetic field long-term accuracy stability subject to magnetic disturbances sensitive to tilt |
Barometric pressure sensor | height difference Z | 1–3 m | requires calibration by an initial height to provide heights with respect to a global reference frame |
Temperature sensor | temperature T | 0.2–0.5 °C | requirement for barometric height conversion |
Technology | 5G-mmWave | 5G-sub-6-GHz | 4G LTE |
Speed | 1.8 Gbit/s | 50–400 MB/s | 35–53 MB/s |
Range | short | medium | several hundreds’ of m |
Environment | dense, urban areas or specified targeted spots | suburban and rural areas | widely applied globally |
Scale | not enough BTS to support mmWave yet | supported by limited devices | supported by most mobile devices |
Positioning Accuracy | less than 1 m | 20 m | 50 m |
Signal | System | Technique | Method | Positioning | Type | Costs | Accuracy [m] |
IR | Active beacons | proximity | CoO | absolute | symbolic | low | room level |
IR | Kinect camera | scene analysis | computer vision | absolute and relative | geometric symbolic | high | 0.01–0.1 |
US | Active Bat | lateration | ToA | absolute | geometric | high | 0.01–1 |
RF | Cellular network | proximity hyperbolic lateration angulation | CoO TDoA AoA | absolute and relative | geometric | low | >50 |
RF | Wi-Fi RSSI | fingerprinting lateration | RSSI | absolute | geometric | low | 3-5 |
RF | Wi-Fi RTT | lateration | ToA | absolute | geometric | low | 0.1–1 |
RF | Bluetooth | proximity fingerprinting lateration | CoO RSSI ToA | absolute and relative | geometric symbolic | medium | 1–10 |
RF | UWB | lateration | ToA | absolute | geometric | medium | 0.01-1 |
Magnetic | Ambient geomagnetic field | fingerprinting | pattern recognition | absolute | geometric | low | 1–5 |
Magnetic | Induced magnetic field | lateration | ToA | absolute | geometric | high | 0.1–10 |
Optical | Camera | scene analysis | computer vision | absolute and relative | geometric symbolic | low | 0.1–1 |
Optical | QR codes | proximity | pattern recognition | absolute and relative | geometric symbolic | low | 1–10 |
Optical | LED | lateration angulation | computer vision | absolute and relative | geometric | low | 0.5–1 |
INS | Accelerometer | DR | accelerations , , | relative | geometric | low | <0.03 m s |
INS | Gyroscope | DR | heading pitch roll | relative | geometric | low | 0.5–3 degree |
Others | Magnetometer | DR | heading | relative | geometric | low | 0.5–3 degree |
Others | Barometric pressure sensor | DR | altitude Z | relative | geometric | low | 1–3 |
Technology | Access Point | Positioning Method | Positioning Accuracy | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Cellular network (up to 4G LTE] | cellular tower (BTS) | CoO hyperbolic lateration lateration | >50 m | world wide coverage; no extra infrastructure needed | low precision |
Wi-Fi RSSI | router | fingerprinting lateration | m | low-cost; easy deployment | low precision |
Wi-Fi RTT | router | lateration | dm-m | low-cost; high accuracy | new Wi-Fi hardware needed |
BLE | iBeacon | fingerprinting lateration | m | low-cost; easy deployment | low stability |
UWB | UWB anchor | lateration | cm-dm | robust against multipath; high accuracy; easy deployment | still higher costs for anchor installation |
Camera | N/A | scene analysis visual odometry | dm-m | no infrastructure needed | building up image database labourious |
INS | N/A | DR | m | self-sufficient | accumulative error |
Infrared | Ultrasound | Wi-Fi | BLE | UWB | |
IPS | Active Badge [6] | Active Bat [7] | RADAR [35] | TOPAZ [170] | Sapphire Dart [171] |
Examples | Firefly [172] | Cricket [173] | Ekahau [174] | ZONITH [175] | Zebra Dart [176] |
OPTOTRAK [177] | Smart LOCUS [178] | Horus [179] | Apple iBEacon [180] | Ubisense [181] | |
EIRIS [182] | TELIAMADE [183] | SmartCampusAAU [184] | Qorvo (Decawave) [185] | ||
IRIS LPS [186] | Nibble [187] | TimeDomain [188] | |||
WhereMaps [189] | Pozyx [190] | ||||
Scalability | poor, 3D | poor, 3D | good, 2D, 3D | good, 2D, 3D | excellent, 2D, 3D |
Accuracy | few m | dm - m | several m (RSSI) dm- m (RTT) | few m | cm - dm |
Complexity | moderate | high | moderate | low | low |
Robustness | low | low | high | low | high |
Reliability | low | moderate | fair | high | fair |
Energy Efficiency | low | high | moderate | low | low |
Cost | moderate | high | low | low | moderate |
Throughput | high | high | high | high | high |
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Retscher, G. Indoor Navigation—User Requirements, State-of-the-Art and Developments for Smartphone Localization. Geomatics 2023, 3, 1-46.
Retscher G. Indoor Navigation—User Requirements, State-of-the-Art and Developments for Smartphone Localization. Geomatics. 2023; 3(1):1-46.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRetscher, Günther. 2023. "Indoor Navigation—User Requirements, State-of-the-Art and Developments for Smartphone Localization" Geomatics 3, no. 1: 1-46.
APA StyleRetscher, G. (2023). Indoor Navigation—User Requirements, State-of-the-Art and Developments for Smartphone Localization. Geomatics, 3(1), 1-46.