Laughing ‘With’ vs. ‘At’: Exploring Emotional Bonds in Media Strategies
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. General Analysis
3.1. The General Cultural and Historical Context
3.2. The Focus on Television in Portugal
3.3. The Risk of Symbolic Laughter
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Almeida, A. Laughing ‘With’ vs. ‘At’: Exploring Emotional Bonds in Media Strategies. Journal. Media 2024, 5, 1162-1172.
Almeida A. Laughing ‘With’ vs. ‘At’: Exploring Emotional Bonds in Media Strategies. Journalism and Media. 2024; 5(3):1162-1172.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlmeida, Abílio. 2024. "Laughing ‘With’ vs. ‘At’: Exploring Emotional Bonds in Media Strategies" Journalism and Media 5, no. 3: 1162-1172.
APA StyleAlmeida, A. (2024). Laughing ‘With’ vs. ‘At’: Exploring Emotional Bonds in Media Strategies. Journalism and Media, 5(3), 1162-1172.