Tension between Journalistic and Entertainment Values in Live Soccer TV Commentary: The Commentator’s Perspective
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Tensions in Sports Journalism
2.2. The Live Report
2.3. The Role of the Live Commentator
2.4. The ‘Good’ Commentary
- RQ1: How do live soccer TV commentators perceive the tension between journalistic and entertainment values in their work?
- RQ2: Which constraining factors affect this assessment?
3. Method
3.1. Sample
3.2. Procedures and Interview Questions
3.3. Coding
3.4. Limitations
4. Results
4.1. The Tension between Journalistic and Entertainment Values (RQ1)
4.1.1. The Emotional Entertainer
4.1.2. The Objective Mediator
4.2. Perception of Constraints (RQ2)
4.2.1. Nature of the Match
4.2.2. Context of the Commentator
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Emotional Entertainer | Objective Mediator | Mix of Both |
8 (ARD radio) 9 (Sport1, DAZN) 18 (sportdigital) 23 (Sky) 25 (Sky) 27 (Sky) | 1 (sportdigital) 2 (ARD) 3 (RTL, DAZN) 4 (Sport1, Magenta Sport) 7 (Eurosport, BR Fußball (radio)) 12 (DAZN) 14 (Magenta Sport) 15 (sportdigital) 16 (ZDF) 17 (DAZN) 19 (ZDF) 20 (ARD) 21 (Sky) 22 (ZDF) 29 (sportdigital) | 5 (DAZN) 6 (Sky) 10 (sportdigital) 11 (Sky) 13 (Sky) 24 (DAZN) 26 (DAZN) 28 (Eurosport, DAZN) 30 (Sky) |
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Kunert, J.; Kuni, P. Tension between Journalistic and Entertainment Values in Live Soccer TV Commentary: The Commentator’s Perspective. Journal. Media 2023, 4, 631-647. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia4020040
Kunert J, Kuni P. Tension between Journalistic and Entertainment Values in Live Soccer TV Commentary: The Commentator’s Perspective. Journalism and Media. 2023; 4(2):631-647. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia4020040
Chicago/Turabian StyleKunert, Jessica, and Peer Kuni. 2023. "Tension between Journalistic and Entertainment Values in Live Soccer TV Commentary: The Commentator’s Perspective" Journalism and Media 4, no. 2: 631-647. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia4020040
APA StyleKunert, J., & Kuni, P. (2023). Tension between Journalistic and Entertainment Values in Live Soccer TV Commentary: The Commentator’s Perspective. Journalism and Media, 4(2), 631-647. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia4020040