Algorithmic Journalism—Current Applications and Future Perspectives
:1. Introduction
2. Definition of Algorithmic Journalism
3. Areas of Application
- Automated content production;
- Data mining;
- News dissemination;
- Content optimization.
3.1. Automated Content Production
3.2. Data Mining
3.3. News Dissemination
3.4. Content Optimization
4. Challenges and Potential Future Implementations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kotenidis, E.; Veglis, A. Algorithmic Journalism—Current Applications and Future Perspectives. Journal. Media 2021, 2, 244-257.
Kotenidis E, Veglis A. Algorithmic Journalism—Current Applications and Future Perspectives. Journalism and Media. 2021; 2(2):244-257.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKotenidis, Efthimis, and Andreas Veglis. 2021. "Algorithmic Journalism—Current Applications and Future Perspectives" Journalism and Media 2, no. 2: 244-257.
APA StyleKotenidis, E., & Veglis, A. (2021). Algorithmic Journalism—Current Applications and Future Perspectives. Journalism and Media, 2(2), 244-257.