1. Introduction
In the last two decades, challenges have been made to the classical use of blood pressure measurements in the diagnosis of preeclampsia (PE), and it was suggested that near delivery (birth), the diagnosis can reach higher accuracy by adding certain biomarkers, particularly the pro- and anti-angiogenic markers placental growth factor (PLGF) and soluble forms, like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) [
6]. Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide [
10]. The International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) [
8] recommended adding the measurements of angiogenic markers in the diagnosis of PE near delivery [
8]. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) [
9], and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) [
10] included recommendations to use various biochemical and biophysical markers to improve the accurate diagnosis and prediction of PE near delivery.
In a previous set of publications [
14], our team examined the accuracy of levels of maternal blood biochemical pro- and angiogenic markers in the prediction and diagnosis of PE using a Slovenian cohort of women attending the high-risk pregnancy clinic with the suspected complication. Indeed, we were able to show, like many previous studies [
20], that near delivery, PlGF and the ratio of sFlt-1/PlGF reached high accuracy in the prediction and diagnosis of early PE, where delivery would be required before 34 weeks (<34 wks gestation), but were less accurate in predicting late cases of PE [
13]. In addition, we showed the added accuracy offered when we combined the levels of the said biomarkers with the level of maternal serum Inhibin A, especially in the diagnosis of PE developed around term [
14]. The accuracy was estimated using the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, from which we extracted the detection rates (DR) and false positive rates (FPR) using continuous and cut-off models [
Prior cardiovascular disorders (CVD) were found to contribute to the development of PE [
21]. Although the etiology of PE remained an enigma, impaired placentation and inappropriate remodeling and expansion of the uterine arteries are considered as important causality as they are accompanied by reduced supply of nutrients and oxygen to the placenta especially in early cases of the disorder [
23]. One measure for the narrower arteries supplying blood to the pregnancy is the increased uterine arteries pulsatility index (UtA PI) for the blood flow through the uterine arteries that is measured by abdominal Doppler sonography [
25]. Other features of blood vessel changes include increased blood vessel stiffness [
26] and insufficiency of the endothelium layer [
27], that are contributing to reduced oxygen and nutrient supply to the pregnancy.
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is often accompanied by PE, creating a combined complication (PE + FGR). The FGR can also be developed without PE symptoms. Typical features of FGR combined with PE are reduced blood circulation to the fetus without hypertension, that can be assessed as a reduced impedance of the fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA), increased umbilical cord artery’s PI, and reduced fetal biometry as the fetus does not grow to its expected biological potential in utero [
28]. The newborn has fetal distress, low birthweight, and an un-optimized APGAR score at delivery. The FGR could also be developed due to genetic abnormalities alone or in conjunction with placental insufficiency [
30]. Pure FGR as well as FGR coupled with PE, especially the early cases, are often correlated with impaired cognitive and motor disabilities of the newborn, and long-term developmental disorders [
The distrust in using blood pressure measurements for PE prediction and diagnosis is probably derived from using old manometers or uncalibrated automated devices [
5]. Subsequently, the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) has introduced rigorous guidelines for blood pressure measurements based on the use of arm adjusted cuffs placed on both arms and the double measurements from both arms, 20 min apart, after pre-calibrating the measuring devices. These are followed by calculating the mean arterial blood pressure as a better measure than the use of diastolic and/or systolic values [
31]. The values of MAP and uterine artery PI (UtA PI, also measured according to the FMF guidelines [
25]) are widely used in the prediction and diagnosis of PE, FGR, and PE + FGR.
Endo PAT is an additional tool to evaluate biophysical features [
32]. We and others have previously showed the efficacy of using this device in evaluating the risk to develop hypertension disorders in pregnancy, as was previously applied to monitoring cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The device enables the evaluation of the peripheral arteries’ tone (PAT) [
37], and the assessment of the impaired function of the endothelial layer of the blood vessels. Measures involve the determination of fingertips hyperemia index (RHI) elicited by arterial pulse after a short occlusion of the brachial artery, and the comparison of responses between the occluded and free arms. Arterial stiffness is measured from the response to PAT signal that augment the blood pressure over the peripheral vessels walls and enables calculation of the augmentation index (AIX) of peripheral vascular resistance [
Our aim in this study was to evaluate the accuracy of each biophysical marker on its own and in combination for the prediction of PE, FGR and PE + FGR near delivery to direct clinical decision making in managing the patients admitting to the hospital delivery clinic near labor with the suspected complication.
While such studies have already been performed for large cohorts and medical centers, here we conducted the study and analysis in a relatively small medical center with restricted staff time and resources. Our study aimed to evaluate how the biophysical markers could be best utilized to assist in reaching clinical excellence despite limited resources and personnel.
The biophysical markers used were divided into two groups: those we routinely use, including mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and uterine artery pulsatility index (PI), and two additional markers generated using a relatively new tool, the Endo PA, the AIX (%) and RHI. This analysis could help verify the added value of the new tools compared to the routinely available ones.
The performance of each of these markers on its own was evaluated using standard tools such as Box and Whisker plots to identify means, medians, and interquartile distribution, and Receiver Operation Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to assess the detection rate (DR) and false positive rate (FPR), as well as to extract the positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive value for each complication group.
These standard tools provide accuracy to the use of markers to direct clinical work as has been shown elsewhere [
19]. These were calculated for each clinical group as a whole and for early cases before 34 wks gestation, to separate their future necessity for clinical management.
Markers were evaluated either singly, or in combined analyses of two, three and four markers, in the context of early and all cases. This way we could verify whether such combined analysis was adding accuracy to the clinical work up.
A multiple regression model was subsequently developed to evaluate the Odds Ratio of the prediction accuracy to create a tool to support differential diagnosis.
Finally, the performance of the biophysical markers was compared to the performance of the angiogenic markers as previously published by us (11–14) for this cohort. We did this to assess the apparent advantages for a relatively small clinical setting like ours, and to help clinical sites like ours to choose the most suitable methods of testing (according to available resource and staff expertise) to reach clinical decision, and whether one should prefer biophysical vs. biochemical tests to maintain high standards of clinical care.
4. Discussion
The aims of this study were to conduct a secondary analysis of our cohort data to evaluate a set of biophysical markers measured at the time of suspected complications and evaluate how accurately they were in the prediction and the diagnosis of PE, FGR and PE + FGR near delivery. If such were to be successful, it may assist in directing clinical management. In previous studies [
14], such evaluation involved mainly biochemical markers. We have estimated that having data for both types of markers could help in establishing our internal guidelines for clinical management of PE and FGR according to test availability and accuracy.
Our main findings were as follows: (a) In cases that required delivery < 34 weeks, high values of MAP and of UtA Doppler PI appeared each extremely accurate in the diagnosis of PE (MAP > 110) or FGR (UtA Doppler PI > 1.35), respectively, with AUC = 1.00 and DR = 100% at 10% FPR (for each). (b) In each of these cases the high values of MAP and UtA Doppler PI provided results that were near diagnostic accuracy for the group of PE + FGR developed before 34 wks gestation and reached diagnostic accuracy when they were combined. The underlying pathology was most likely placental insufficiency and reduced blood supply to the placenta and the fetus, leading to shortage of oxygen, and those should be managed according to the protocol for PE or FGR or both [
27]. (c) To reach high accuracy in clinical diagnosis (and management) of late complications, it was necessary to have data for multiple markers, reflecting the potential involvement of different parameters such as systemic arterial stiffness and endothelial insufficiency that in this study were provided using the Endo PAT.
One needs to keep in mind that we were dealing with multi-factorial syndromes, with many unknowns in their etiology. A recent publication by Erez et al. [
43] reviewed the broad additional pathways underlying the risk to develop PE with and without FGR. Factors like poor nutrition, obesity, inappropriate diet composition (such as shortage of calcium or anti-oxidants), genetics, cardio-vascular disorders or other confounders were listed along additional contributors [
43]. Practically, it imposed the use of complicated testing protocols for reaching accurate prediction and diagnosis when late complications, which are most of the cases, are to be evaluated [
The MAP—The accuracy of blood pressure measurement (systolic, diastolic, or MAP) as a diagnosis measure of PE has been challenged frequently [
44]. Difficulties in obtaining correct blood pressure values may have been derived from using devices that were not properly calibrated, the lack of cuff size adjustment to arm size, or other low precision steps while handling the measurements [
44]. Here, where we adhered to a strict application of the FMF guidelines for blood pressure measurements, the problem was diminished and provided us with the good prediction accuracy in the cases of PE and PE + FGR requiring delivery <34 wks gestation. The MAP was found in our study to be a very good marker for predicting hypertension disorders. In the ASPRE and SPREE studies, members of our team have found that such early hypertension disorders of pregnancy associated with preterm delivery can be used to screen for and prevent the development of PE by the daily use of aspirin, starting from gestational week 12 and lasting until 36 weeks [
46]. Aspirin causes reversible endothelium-dependent vasodilation of resistance arteries in pregnancy [
47], and thus the repeated daily administration of aspirin may be required to renew the daily expansion of the uterine arteries [
47]. The selection of cases to be treated with aspirin to prevent PE is based on the introduction of first trimester screening to identify patients at high risk of developing PE [
50]. If aspirin treatment is not introduced and in the cases that the prophylactic use of aspirin is ineffective, additional frontier of risk assessment near delivery is offered by the use of pro-and anti-angiogenic markers as others have already demonstrated [
19], and we have confirmed in this cohort [
14]. The near-delivery assessment of cases with suspected complications enabled improved management of PE and of FGR, and offered the proper selection for the time of delivery.
In this study, we found that for All cases of PE, measuring MAP alone was indeed an insufficient measure, and multiple markers (MAP, UtA Doppler PI, RHI and AIX) were required to reach accuracy. The latter two markers indicate that systemic complications, such as endothelial insufficiency and arterial stiffness [
38], must be taken into consideration when choosing the clinical management. We have previously found that there was an increased accuracy in the differential diagnosis of PE combining peripheral arterial tonometry with MAP (and with angiogenic markers [
11]). Interestingly, tonometry and endothelial dysfunction (AIX and RHI) are also known to predict later development of cardiovascular disorders [
37]. Having PE in pregnancy was identified as a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disorder ten years later [
52]. Hence, the American College of Cardiology has recommended to conduct periodic post pregnancy testing of cardiac function among women with a history of PE for evaluating their risk for developing cardiovascular disorders, given the finding that PE in pregnancy is a major risk for morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorder and 10-years of shortening of life expectancy [
54]. Here, we found that the impaired values of these markers are present not only in the early PE cases but also in the late and term cases. Accordingly, it may be important to include all women who have developed PE in pregnancy and not only the early and preterm cases in the high-risk groups, as recommended by the American College of Cariology.
The uterine artery pulsatility Index (UtA PI) is certainly shown to be a powerful way to predict the risk and to diagnose FGR, particularly in cases of early FGR (<34 wks of gestation), who are in the top 20-percentile of values of UtA Doppler PI [
30]. In these cases, our analysis showed that values of UtA Doppler PI > 1.35 have a diagnostic accuracy (ROC = 1.00, DR = 100%, and PPV and NPV = 100%). The UtA Doppler PIs have also provided us with high accuracy for the prediction of combined PE + FGR pathology, but not for the groups of All cases of PE without FGR, or for the FGR group without PE, mainly for cases near term delivery. In the latter, approximately 20% of the cases have normal values of UtA Doppler PI. For these near-term cases, a bimodal distribution of newborn birth weight was found here, with some cases in the higher range whereas others were in the lower range of the growth scale. This is consistent with findings of others [
53]. This may explain the poor performance of UtA Doppler PI and of MAP in the prediction of these complications in the groups of All PE and All FGR, that include many near term cases. Our study showed that reaching accurate prediction in these cases necessitates the use of multiple biophysical markers and with an important impact for RHI and AIX.
Reduced PlGF has been broadly found as a useful marker to predict PE in the first and third trimester and near delivery [
45]. In previous publications, we have already shown the accuracy of reduced PlGF in the near delivery diagnosis of early but also of all cases of FGR in this cohort [
14]. Hence, we now have two very good markers for the accurate prediction of FGR—UtA Doppler PI > 1.35 and PlGF < 150 pg/mL. Each of these two could individually provide accurate diagnosis of early FGR. In this regard, it is remarkably interesting to report that our Spearman’s regression coefficient of UtA Doppler PI over PlGF (r > −0.497,
p < 0.001), or over the ratio of sFlt-1/PlGF (r = 0.327,
p < 0.05), provided very high correlations. Similar results were reported by Schlembach et al. [
55]. These findings highlighted the markers included in the toolbox for FGR prediction and diagnosis. Professionals could now use either UtA Doppler PI or PlGF for their clinical work and choose the marker that is most suitable for their setting according to local availabilities, resources, and professional expertise.
Endothelial insufficiency—The endothelium is estimated to be the larger organ in our body, covering the internal layers of all our blood vessels [
56]. It is the source of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF), and of placental growth factor (PlGF) [
57], although there are other tissues (the placenta, the kidney, etc.) that also generate these factors. Here RHI on its own was not a good biophysical marker for predicting the complication of All cases, or even of early PE, or early FGR, or the two combined. However, when added to UtA Doppler PI, the pair offered near diagnostic accuracy for the prediction of these complications.
Arterial Stiffness assessed by AIX—On its own, AIX is mainly higher in the cases requiring delivery <34 wks of gestation. Yet, among the early cases, there were alternative markers as the MAP and UtA PI provided accurate prediction and they are also more routinely used. However, when AIX was used to predict and diagnose all cases of PE, mainly when a large proportion of late cases are included, especially for the groups of PE + FGR near term, it helped improve the accuracy to diagnostic levels, especially in advanced maternal age and in obese women. Perry et al. [
26] conducted a longitudinal analysis of arterial stiffness measured from the aorta and showed its increase throughout pregnancy in cases of hypertensive disorders. Our measurements near delivery reflect the worsening of arterial stiffness in cases developed near term. The high AIX was associated with a faster pulse wave that moves away from the heart and then returns earlier [
59] especially in cases developed at advanced maternal age as we found here. Indeed, high AIX and MAP and a faster heart rate are all indicators of PE, and are linked to an increased vascular resistance, and the findings that a history of PE and high AIX are both risk factors for CVDs later in life show the importance of frequent life monitoring for women with a history of any PE [