Field Test of an Autonomous Observing System Prototype for Measuring Oceanographic Parameters from Ships
:1. Introduction
2. Brief Overview on AOS Initiatives
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. AOS Prototype Implementation
3.2. AOS Sensors and Ocean Waves Estimator Description
- Meteorological Unit: The AWS installed onboard the RV and shown in Figure 3a consists of three main systems: the integrated sensor suite (ISS) which houses and manages the external sensor array, the anemometer, and the indoor console data receiver and display. The wireless ISS is powered by a battery and a solar panel and acquires weather data from its array of sensors and anemometer, sending them via radio (Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-certified communication, license-free, spread-spectrum frequency hopping) to the wireless indoor console which is connected to the ODC using a data logger.The ISS is equipped with a rain collector to measure the rainfall, the air temperature, and humidity sensors are mounted in a passive radiation shield to minimize the influence of solar radiation on sensor readings, and a barometric sensor. The anemometer measures the wind speed and direction [17,18].The AWS WeatherLink® software version 6.0.5 installed on the ODC allows for the configuration of the AWS sensors and records the collected weather data through the functionalities displayed in the user interface [19]. It uses the archive memory and a database to store weather data. The archive memory stores data records at each archive interval. When downloaded, all the weather data are transferred from the software’s archive memory to the database stored in the ODC disk. The software estimates the data for each weather function to arrive at an entry for the archive memory or database. The archive interval was set to 10 min and downloaded automatically every 5 min. The sampling rates and calculations are given in Table 2 for 10 min intervals. Additionally, specific technical data of the AWS are shown in Table 3.Table 2. Sampling rates and calculations of weather functions for 10 min archive interval [19].Table 2. Sampling rates and calculations of weather functions for 10 min archive interval [19].
Weather Function Sample Rate (Every) Temperature (average) 5 s Barometric pressure (1 reading) 10 min Wind speed (average) 5 s Wind direction (dominant) 5 s Relative humidity (average) Not specified Table 3. Specific technical data of the AWS [17].Table 3. Specific technical data of the AWS [17].Weather Variables Resolution Accuracy Range Temperature 1 °C ±0.3 °C [−40, +65] °C Barometric Pressure 0.1 mmHg ±0.8 mmHg [410, 820] mmHg Wind Speed 1 knot 2 knots or 5% [0, 173] knots Wind Direction 22.5° ±3° 1–360° Humidity 1% ±2% 1–100% RH The software’s user interface displays the current and dominant wind directions on a compass rose and several measures of the wind speed, such as current and averaged values, as can be seen in Figure 3b. However, the AWS does not have inputs from a gyrocompass nor GNSS, and thus the wind speed and direction readings are relative to the vessel. Hence, the true wind speed and direction are estimated taking also into consideration the ship’s speed over ground (SOG) and course over ground (COG), obtained from GNSS data. To successfully ensure the correct estimation of the wind speed and direction values, the arm of the anemometer points to the bow of the vessel to set a reference, meaning that when the wind vane is pointing to the same direction of the arm, it is known that the reading is 0° or 360°. It is important to distinguish between true heading and COG, as the terms course and heading are used interchangeably, for example, in much of the literature on guidance, navigation, and control of marine craft, which leads to confusion [20].By definition, a ship’s heading at any given moment in time is the angle, expressed in degrees clockwise from north (0 degrees) of the ship’s fore-and-aft line relative to the true meridian or the magnetic meridian. In other words, it is the direction in which a vessel (its bow) is pointing at, being expressed as the angular distance relative to north, generally 0 degrees at north, clockwise through 359 degrees, of either true, magnetic, or compass direction. Therefore, true heading is when this angle is referred to the true meridian or geographical north. Generally, the heading estimation can be given by an IMU. In turn, the course is the intended direction of travel, which ideally (but seldom) is equal to the heading. As the heading, it is also expressed as the angular distance from north (0 degrees), clockwise. Additionally, the actual direction of the vessel’s motion or progress between two points, with respect to the surface of the earth, is named course over ground (COG), which can be provided by a GNSS receiver [21,22,23]. - Motion sensor unit: It is both a fibre-optic survey-grade IMO (International Maritime Organization)-certified gyrocompass and a motion reference unit for marine applications. It delivers true heading, roll, pitch, heave, surge, sway, rates of turn, and accelerations. Its core is a compact strapdown IMU containing three accelerometers, three fibre-optic gyrometers, and a real-time computer. The gyrometer has no moving parts, requiring neither maintenance nor recalibration. It provides a broad dynamic range and tolerates extremely demanding mechanical environments without compromise to its performances. Strapdown equation processing ensures that the system finds North in less than 5 min under any sea conditions. The IMU outputs directly binary data to the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 standard, which can be reconfigurable [24]. A short technical description is given in Table 4.
Heading Values Dynamic accuracy ±0.2° Secant latitude Settle point error ±0.1° Secant latitude Repeatability ±0.025° Secant latitude Resolution 0.01° Settling time (static conditions) <1 min (full accuracy) Settling time at sea 1 <3 min (full accuracy) Speed compensation No limitation Latitude range No limitation Heave/Surge/Sway Values Accuracy 5 cm or 5% (highest of) Resolution 1 cm Heave motion periods 0.03 to 1000 s (tuneable) Roll/Pitch/Yaw Values Dynamic accuracy 0.01° (ind. from attitude) Range No limitation (±180°) Follow-up speed Up to 500°/s 1 Whatever sea-state (Secant lat. = 1/cos lat.).The unit is connected to the ODC via a USB to RS232 converter. The IMU was installed on the floor of the survey room, as seen in Figure 4a, as near as possible to the centre of gravity of the ship, and its relative position to the centre was recorded for the wave estimator calculations and correction of ship motions.The LabVIEW™ software 2018 version from National Instruments© installed on the ODC was programmed for acquiring and saving data automatically from the IMU and to provide a user interface, as shown in Figure 4b. - GNSS unit: This set has a next-generation receiver with high-performance global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning, and in the field, it is software-upgradable to provide the custom performance needed for application demands [26]. It provides scalable high precision positioning with ethernet, serial, USB, and controller area network (CAN) bus interfaces together with an application program interface (API) option to support custom applications. It can track all current and upcoming GNSS constellations and satellite signals, such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou [27]. A short technical description is given in Table 5. The receiver was installed in the survey room, as seen in Figure 5a, and the antenna was installed on the deck above the bridge. The software user interface installed on the ODC is shown in Figure 5b.
- Ferrybox system: The surface oceanographic measurements were performed by a multi-sensor Ferrybox with a water pumping system and a GNSS system for geolocation. The measurements were obtained continuously during the full-scale trial route, and the core parameters were sea water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids (TDS), conductivity, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, and phycocyanin. Having an in situ acquisition system provided real-time water surface oceanic data transmitted in real-time to the cloud platform through a 3G connection and antenna. Additionally, it integrated a GNSS receiver and antenna for accessing positional information. There was a screen on top of the box to control its operation. Being compact, the Ferrybox was small-sized (30 cm × 30 cm × 25 cm) and light-weighted (<6 kg), enabling its easy installation in a ship (e.g., VOO), which is an advantage over heavier Ferrybox-type devices. It was powered by the vessels’ electric grid and used an external water pump for sea water input and output having the inflow controlled through a flowmeter. Every time the Ferrybox was turned on, a clean freshwater inlet was activated to clean the sensors, preventing them from getting dirty [3]. The Ferrybox was installed in a box/enclosure/cabinet set right outside the survey room along with the connection to the power supply, water pump, installation pipes, and flowmeters for sea and freshwater inputs and output discharges (see Figure 2).
- Ocean Waves Estimator: This estimator algorithm was part of the AOS, and it ran on the ODC through a MATLAB® script and data from the IMU. The algorithm estimated the ship wave spectrum every 20 min using three ship motions data recorded with a 20 Hz frequency by the IMU, namely, heave, roll, and pitch. The estimator was based on the work by [28] and employed the pre-estimated vessel’s response amplitude operators (RAOs), which depends on the vessel hull’s geometry, ship SOG as well as on the measured ship motions to estimate the wave spectrum using genetic algorithms.Several assumptions are considered to simplify the estimation process, i.e., the ship responses are linear with the incident waves, the waves formulation considers deep water, the fixed position is taken coincident to the ship axis, and the ship motions can be estimated following the equation [29]Equation (2) can represent Equation (1) in a matrix form, where b is the cross-spectrum vector composed of real and imaginary parts of the cross-spectrum responses, A is the coefficient or system matrix of the products of the complex transfer functions, and w the Gaussian white noise sequence vector, with zero mean and variance.Essentially, the relationship between the measured response spectra and the directional wave spectrum is provided by Equation (2), as well as the information on the equivalence of energy. Without introducing white noise, no assumption is made on the error between the measured and the calculated response spectra, meaning that the directional wave spectrum can be sought in the least square sense by solving Equation (3).
- Onboard Desktop Computer (ODC): where all measured data are automatically collected and recorded in separate files for each sensor. It also provides the user interfaces and live readings of each sensor. The AOS is totally autonomous (no human intervention) after beginning to run. The ODC operates with a Microsoft Windows® 10 license, has an Intel® Core™ i3-2100 CPU at 3.1 GHz, 2 cores, 4 logical processors, a 64-bit operating system, 8 GB RAM, and a 250 GB solid-state drive (SSD).
3.3. AOS Tests Onboard the RV Mário Ruivo Description
4. Results of the Full-Scale Trial
4.1. Meteorological Parameters
- The anemometer’s arm was pointed to the bow of the ship upon its installation. This way, when the measured value of the apparent wind direction was 0° or 360°, the direction of the wind was known to be aligned with the ship’s bow.
- The ship’s speed was estimated from the AOS GNSS data.
- The true wind speed was obtained by subtracting the vessel’s SOG vector to the apparent wind speed vector given by the AWS anemometer, taking into account that the apparent wind direction was known, i.e., the angle of this vector relative to the ship’s bow.
4.2. Oceanographic Waves Parameters
- Significant height of combined wind waves and swell (Hs): This represents the mean height in meters of the highest third of surface ocean/sea waves produced by local winds and the related swell (this parameter takes both into account), meaning the vertical distance between the wave crest and wave trough. It is a parameter which is four times the square root of the integral over all directions and frequencies of the 2D wave spectrum.
- Peak wave period (Tp): This represents the period in seconds of the most energetic oceans waves produced by local winds and the related swell (this parameter takes both into account), being calculated from the reciprocal of the frequency associated with the largest value (peak) of the frequency wave spectrum.
- (True) mean wave direction (β): This represents the mean direction in degrees true of the ocean/sea surface waves generated by local winds and swell (this parameter takes both into account), consisting in the mean over all frequencies and directions of the 2D wave spectrum. The degrees true mean the direction relatively to the North Pole geographic location. It is the direction that waves are coming from. Thus, 0 and 90 degrees mean “coming from the North” and “coming from the East”, respectively.
- Location 1: 188° relatively to the vessel’s stern, as seen in Figure 10a (equivalent to 172° due to ship symmetry), and 14° true heading (from IMU). So, the wave direction is 180° − 172° = 8° starboard relatively to the bow, and we must add it to the 14° true heading, giving 14° − 8° = 6° true wave direction. Therefore, the error is (|Forecasted − Estimated|) = |336° − (360° + 6°)| = 30°.
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AOS | Autonomous Observing System |
API | Application Program Interface |
AWS | Automatic Weather Station |
CAN | Controller Area Network |
CDO | Climate Data Operator |
CENTEC | Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering |
COG | Course Over Ground |
ECEF | Earth-Centred, Earth-Fixed |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts |
ECV | Essential Climate Variable |
EMSO | European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory |
EOV | Essential Ocean Variable |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission, A United States (US) Federal Government Agency to Regulate All Forms of Telecommunications Inside of the US |
GA | Genetic Algorithms |
GCOS | Global Climate Observing System |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GOOS | Global Ocean Observing System |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
GTS | Global Telecommunication System of WMO |
GTSPP | Global Temperature–-Salinity Profile Program |
ICOADS | International Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit |
IOC | Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission |
IODE | International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IPMA | Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere |
ISS | Integrated Sensor Suite |
JCOMM | Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology |
JCOMMOPS | Jcomm Observing Programme Support |
LoRa | Long Range |
MDC | Marine Data Centre of Florida State University |
NMEA | National Marine Electronics Association |
NMHS | National Meteorological and Hydrographic Service |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
OCG | Observation Coordination Group |
ODAS | Ocean Data Acquisition System |
ODC | Onboard Desktop Computer |
OWS | Ocean Weather Station |
QC | Quality Control at MDC |
RAO | Response Amplitude Operator |
RV | Research Vessel |
SAMOS | Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System |
SOG | Speed Over Ground |
SOOP | Ships of Opportunity Program |
SOT | Ship Observations Team |
SSD | Solid-State Drive |
TDS | Total Dissolved Solids |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization |
UOT | Upper Ocean Thermal |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated |
VOO | Vessels of Opportunity |
VOS | Voluntary Observing Ship |
VOSClim | Vos Climate Fleet |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WWI | World War I |
WWII | World War Ii |
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Length Overall (m) | 75.60 |
Length Between Perpendiculars (m) | 65.80 |
Maximum Breadth (m) | 14.80 |
Maximum Draught (m) | 4.50 |
Moulded Depth (m) | 6.60 |
Design Draft (m) | 3.80 |
Gross Tonnage (ton) | 2290 |
Net Tonnage (ton) | 687 |
Light Displacement Tonnage (ton) | 1560 |
Maximum Speed (knots) | 10.0 |
Flag | Portugal |
IMO Number | 8402010 |
MMSI | 263762000 |
Built/Refitted Year | 1986/2013 |
Signal Tracking | Values |
GPS | L1, L2, L2C, L5 |
GLONASS | L1, L2, L2C |
Galileo | E1, E5a, E5b, AltBOC |
BeiDou 1 | B1, B2 |
Horizontal Position Accuracy (RMS) | Values |
Single Point L1 | 1.5 m |
Single Point L1/L2 | 1.2 m |
Maximum Data Rate 2 | Values |
Measurements and Position | 100 Hz |
Time to First Fix | Values |
Cold Start 3 | <50 s |
Hot Start 4 | <35 s |
Population | 1000 |
Generations | 30 |
Xover | 70% for 30 pairs |
Mutate | 5% |
Mean Value | Standard Deviation | |
Average temperature | 0.11 °C | 0.12 °C |
Average relative humidity | 1.63% | 1.15% |
Barometric pressure | 0.22 mmHg | 0.12 mmHg |
True wind speed | 2.96 knots | 1.92 knots |
Location | Hs (m) 1 | Tp (s) 2 | γ 3 | β (°) 4 | s 5 | |
1 | Forecasted | 3.42 | 13.7 | - | 336 | - |
Estimated | 3.39 | 16.8 | 2 | 6 (14) | 1.8 | |
Error | 0.9% | 22.6% | - | 30 | - | |
2 | Forecasted | 2.98 | 13.2 | - | 330 | - |
Estimated | 2.9 | 16.9 | 2 | 4 (13) | 1.6 | |
Error | 2.7% | 28.0% | - | 34 | - | |
3 | Forecasted | 2.33 | 12.61 | - | 326 | - |
Estimated | 2.34 | 14.7 | 2 | 281 (26) | 1.7 | |
Error | 0.4% | 16.6% | - | 45 | - |
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Santos, F.P.; Rosa, T.L.; Hinostroza, M.A.; Vettor, R.; Piecho-Santos, A.M.; Guedes Soares, C. Field Test of an Autonomous Observing System Prototype for Measuring Oceanographic Parameters from Ships. Oceans 2024, 5, 127-149.
Santos FP, Rosa TL, Hinostroza MA, Vettor R, Piecho-Santos AM, Guedes Soares C. Field Test of an Autonomous Observing System Prototype for Measuring Oceanographic Parameters from Ships. Oceans. 2024; 5(1):127-149.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSantos, Fernando P., Teresa L. Rosa, Miguel A. Hinostroza, Roberto Vettor, A. Miguel Piecho-Santos, and C. Guedes Soares. 2024. "Field Test of an Autonomous Observing System Prototype for Measuring Oceanographic Parameters from Ships" Oceans 5, no. 1: 127-149.
APA StyleSantos, F. P., Rosa, T. L., Hinostroza, M. A., Vettor, R., Piecho-Santos, A. M., & Guedes Soares, C. (2024). Field Test of an Autonomous Observing System Prototype for Measuring Oceanographic Parameters from Ships. Oceans, 5(1), 127-149.