Password Similarity Using Probabilistic Data Structures
:1. Introduction
2. State of the Art
The No. 1 cause of harm on the internet.[12]
3. Password Similarity
3.1. Bloom Filters for Text Similarity
- a bucket which can be an array of bits initially set to the false value (0), we reference to its size in the number of bits as ;
- , a set of hash functions which will be used to insert and check values.
- which generates a Bloom Filter using the hash functions present in the set with a bucket of size .
- which inserts the bit string s in the Bloom Filter.
- which checks if the value s is not present in the filter or if it collides with a value which is already there.
- that inserts the string s splitting it in -grams.
- that returns the distance between two Bloom Filters. To be comparable, two Bloom Filters must have the same bucket size , and need to use the same set of hash functions .
- the value that must be inserted into the bucket is hashed using the set of hash functions; The hash functions output must be re-mapped to provide indexes in the co-domain of cardinality .
- every bucket slot indexed by the keys got using the hash functions is set to the true value (1).
- The element s is hashed against all the functions to get a list of indexes;
- If any index points to a false value, then the element is not present in the filter for sure. The Bloom Filter never exhibits false negatives.
- Otherwise the value could be present in the filter, but due to the collision possibility of the hash functions, the result can be a false positive.
3.2. Privacy Guarantees
- m, the cardinality of the set on which the filter is built;
- k, the number of different hash functions that are used to hash values into the filter;
- n, the number of elements which will be inserted into the filter.
3.3. Analysis of the Hash Function Family
3.4. Anagram Attack
- Generate all the hashes for a specific n-gram;
- Hash the n-grams into a Bloom Filter;
- Analyze the Bloom Filter and get the position of bits set to the true value;
- Compose the various n-grams to create a password.
4. Experimental Analysis
5. Conclusions
Future Works
- As stated in the Section 3, the filter can be generated using encrypted salts in conjunction with a strong cryptographic hash function (for example SHA3). This approach can be employed to ensure that data inserted in the structure are analyzable only by the owner of the secret key. The crypto-analysis of the resultant system should be explored to create secure Bloom Filters like the one presented in this paper and similar works [29].
- A comparison with deep-learning based techniques can be introduced. This comparison should therefore include an analysis of the resistance against data-set reverse engineering. We argue that a neural network-based system needs a bigger data-set than our Bloom Filter-based one, and that the former approach can be difficult to analyze using black-box classifiers.
- The analysis of the crypto-system can be improved with a more in-depth comparison with privacy preserving techniques, such as -presence, k-anonymity or t-closeness as described in the surveys on the topic [45,46]. As stated in Section 5, these approaches can suffer from the same issues affecting the deep-learning based one, i.e., the user cannot provide a data-set big enough to make the analysis valuable.
- Analysis of homomorphic encryption could lead to devise an encryption scheme to compute distances between encrypted strings using algorithms present in literature [47].
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Peculiarity | RAPPOR [7] | SSDD [8] | Schnell et al. [5] | CTPH [9] | Our Method |
Detect exact matches | ● | ○ | ○ | ● | ○ |
Detect similarities | ○ | ● | ● | ● | ● |
Can be (natively) encrypted locally | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ○ | ● |
Uses or can use secure hash function | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ● |
Main focus | Crowdsourcing | Documents | Medical Records | Malware analysis | Passwords |
Main technology | BF (binary) | BF + HE | BF | PHF | BF |
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Berardi, D.; Callegati, F.; Melis, A.; Prandini, M. Password Similarity Using Probabilistic Data Structures. J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2021, 1, 78-92.
Berardi D, Callegati F, Melis A, Prandini M. Password Similarity Using Probabilistic Data Structures. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy. 2021; 1(1):78-92.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBerardi, Davide, Franco Callegati, Andrea Melis, and Marco Prandini. 2021. "Password Similarity Using Probabilistic Data Structures" Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 1, no. 1: 78-92.
APA StyleBerardi, D., Callegati, F., Melis, A., & Prandini, M. (2021). Password Similarity Using Probabilistic Data Structures. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, 1(1), 78-92.