Types and Effectiveness of Public Policy Measures Combatting Graffiti Vandalism at Heritage Sites
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
- Proactive measures: Legislation, Education and Public Awareness Raising, Data Gathering and Monitoring, Heritage Management, Legal Art Sites;
- Reactive measures: Criminal Sanctions, Graffiti Removal, and Damage Repair.
3.1. Proactive Measures and Policies
3.1.1. Legislation
3.1.2. Education and Public Awareness Raising
3.1.3. Data Gathering
3.1.4. Heritage Management
3.1.5. Legal Art Sites as a Proactive Measure
3.2. Reactive Measures
3.2.1. Criminal Sanctions
3.2.2. Graffiti Removal and Damage Repair
4. Good Practice Examples
4.1. New York
4.2. Toronto
4.3. Stockholm
4.4. Bogotá
4.5. Bunbury
4.6. Wellington
4.7. Melbourne
4.8. Barcelona
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Authors/Year | Title |
A.M.D. Jong, A. Iyer, D. Yates 2024 | Heritage and Criminal Sanctions |
D. Chylińska, G. Kosmala 2023 | The ‘I was Here’ Syndrome in Tourism: The Case of Poland |
J.L. DeShazo 2022 | Going beyond the usual suspects: engaging street artists in policy design and implementation in Bogotá |
M.H. Mustafa, R.M. Al-Rousan, F.A. Bala’awi 2022 | They Were Here: Graffiti by Tourists in the Ancient City of Jerash, Jordan |
H. Mekonnen, Z. Bires, K. Berhanu 2022 | Practices and challenges of cultural heritage conservation in historical and religious heritage sites: evidence from North Shoa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia |
D. Yates, D. Bērziņa, A. Wright 2022 | Protecting a Broken Window: Vandalism and Security at Rural Rock Art Sites |
J.R. Alzate, M.S. Tabares, P. Vallejo 2021 | Graffiti and government in smart cities: a Deep Learning approach applied to Medellín City, Colombia |
J. Denis and D. Pontille 2021 | Maintenance epistemology and public order: Removing graffiti in Paris |
B.S. Frey, A. Briviba, 2021 | Revived Originals—A proposal to deal with cultural overtourism |
B.S. Frey, A. Briviba 2021 | A policy proposal to deal with excessive cultural tourism |
R. AlMasri, A. Ababneh 2021 | Heritage Management: Analytical Study of Tourism Impacts on the Archaeological Site of Umm Qais—Jordan |
N.C. Hugo 2020 | Overtourism at Heritage and Cultural Sites |
T. Flessas, L. Mulcahy 2018 | Limiting Law: Art in the Street and Street in the Art |
H. Shobe, T. Conklin 2018 | Geographies of Graffiti Abatement: Zero Tolerance in Portland, San Francisco, and Seattle |
S.-U. Petronela, I. Sandu, L. Stratulat 2017 | The conscious deterioration and degradation of the cultural heritage |
G. Vanderveen and G. van Eijk 2016 | Criminal but Beautiful: A Study on Graffiti and the Role of Value Judgments and Context in Perceiving Disorder |
J.I. Ross 2016 | How major urban centers in the United States respond to graffiti/street art |
D. Chatzigiannis 2015 | Vandalism of Cultural Heritage: Thoughts Preceding Conservation Interventions |
G. Marche 2014 | Local democracy and public spaces in contest: Graffiti in San Fracisco |
H. Shobe, D. Banis 2014 | Zero graffiti for a beautiful city: the cultural politics of urban space in San Francisco |
L. Grove 2013 | “Heritocide? Defining and Exploring Heritage Crime” |
K. Thompson, N. Offler, L. Hirsch, D. Every, M.J. Thomas, D. Dawson 2012 | From broken windows to a renovated research agenda: A review of the literature on vandalism and graffiti in the rail industry |
S.O.C. Merrill 2011 | Graffiti at Heritage Places: Vandalism as Cultural Significance or Conservation Sacrilege |
A. Young 2010 | Negotiated consent or zero tolerance? Responding to graffiti and street art in Melbourne |
Type of Method | ||
City/Country | Proactive | Reactive |
New York, USA |
Toronto, Canada |
Stockholm, Sweden |
Bogotá, Colombia |
Bunbury, Australia |
Wellington, New Zealand |
Melbourne, Australia |
Barcelona, Spain |
Type of Method | Effectiveness of Measures and Policies | |
Advantages | Disadvantages | |
1. Proactive | ||
1.1. Legislation |
1.2. Education and Public Awareness Raising |
1.3. Data Gathering |
1.4. Heritage Management |
1.5. Legal Art Sites |
2. Reactive | ||
2.1. Criminal Sanctions |
2.2. Graffiti Removal and Damage Repair |
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Raič, M.; Jelinčić, D.A. Types and Effectiveness of Public Policy Measures Combatting Graffiti Vandalism at Heritage Sites. Heritage 2025, 8, 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage8010018
Raič M, Jelinčić DA. Types and Effectiveness of Public Policy Measures Combatting Graffiti Vandalism at Heritage Sites. Heritage. 2025; 8(1):18. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage8010018
Chicago/Turabian StyleRaič, Marko, and Daniela Angelina Jelinčić. 2025. "Types and Effectiveness of Public Policy Measures Combatting Graffiti Vandalism at Heritage Sites" Heritage 8, no. 1: 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage8010018
APA StyleRaič, M., & Jelinčić, D. A. (2025). Types and Effectiveness of Public Policy Measures Combatting Graffiti Vandalism at Heritage Sites. Heritage, 8(1), 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage8010018