Day Ahead Electric Load Forecast: A Comprehensive LSTM-EMD Methodology and Several Diverse Case Studies
:1. Introduction
- Methodology: Data pre-processing, model training and evaluation, and operational forecasting
- Case Studies: Several datasets are studied via the methodology including buildings, an electric vehicle charging station, and transmission networks
- Results: The intermediate and final results are evaluated and contextualized
- Conclusions: A final summary and evaluation of the methodology are discussed
2. Methodology
2.1. Error Metrics
2.2. Data Pre-Processing
2.3. Feature Engineering
Empirical Mode Decomposition
2.4. Long Short-Term Memory Model
2.5. Hyperparameter Tuning
2.6. Computational Burden Estimation
3. Case Studies
4. Results
4.1. Data Pre-Processing
4.2. Forecast
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sector | Papers (Single Site) | Papers (Multiple Sites) |
Residential | [10,11,12,13,14,15] | [16,17,18,19,20] |
Commercial | [10,21,22] | [9,16] |
Industrial | [10,23,24,25] | [16] |
All Three | [10] | [16] |
Site | Load | Koppen | Length | Interval | Peak | Autocorr. | ADF |
Sector 1 | Climate | [y] | [min] | [MW] | 1/7 day | Statistic | |
Residence 2 | Res. | BSk | 16.4 | 60 | 0.007 | 0.70/0.63 | −17.1 |
Hotel 1 | Com. | Af | 3.2 | 15 | 1.76 | 0.95/0.92 | −4.9 |
Hotel 2 | Com. | BSk | 2.0 | 15 | 0.45 | 0.87/0.80 | −5.5 |
Manufacturing Plant | Ind. | Dfa | 2.9 | 15 | 13.0 | 0.45/0.93 | −20.1 |
EV Charging Station 3 | Tra. | Cfa | 2.7 | 10 | 0.16 | 0.70/0.84 | −17.4 |
Distribution Network | Sys. | BSk | 13.8 | 60 | 1.9 | 0.94/0.86 | −10.5 |
Transmission Network 4 | Sys. | Many | 10.0 | 60 | 59,700 | 0.78/0.89 | −17.7 |
Case | Site | LSTM | NP | SARIMA | |||||||
Hyperparameters | Weights | Test Error | Test Error | Test Error | |||||||
IMFs | Units | Dropout | Layers | [] | [RMSE] | [RMSE] | [SS] | [RMSE] | [SS] | ||
1a | Residence | – | 1024 | 0.1 | 3 | 4.215 | 0.71 kW | 0.73 kW | 2.7% | 0.70 kW | −1.4% |
1b | 1,2,3 | 256 | 0 | 3 | 0.280 | 0.63 kW | 14% | 10% | |||
2a | Hotel 1 | – | 256 | 0 | 4 | 0.793 | 62.41 kW | 73.05 kW | 15% | 56.5 kW | −11% |
2b | 3,4,5 | 256 | 0 | 3 | 0.271 | 60.05 kW | 18% | −6.3% | |||
3a | Hotel 2 | – | 128 | 0 | 3 | 0.068 | 25.27 kW | 33.90 kW | 25% | 24.4 kW | −3.6% |
3b | 3,4,5 | 512 | 0 | 4 | 3.165 | 24.34 kW | 28% | 0.2% | |||
4a | Manufacturing | – | 96 | 0 | 4 | 0.113 | 598.7 kW | 595.1 kW | −0.6% | 1697 kW | 65% |
4b | Plant | 3,4,5 | 96 | 0 | 4 | 0.114 | 451.1 kW | 24% | 73% | ||
5a | Distribution | – | 128 | 0.1 | 4 | 0.200 | 51.01 MW | 58.18 MW | 12% | 58.1 MW | 12% |
5b | Network | 3,4,5 | 96 | 0.1 | 3 | 0.040 | 39.40 MW | 32% | 32% | ||
6a | Transmission | – | 512 | 0.1 | 4 | 3.159 | 1952 MW | 3594 MW | 46% | 4236 MW | 54% |
6b | Network | 3,4,5 | 512 | 0.1 | 4 | 3.165 | 1580 MW | 56% | 63% | ||
7a | EV Charging | – | 96 | 0 | 4 | 0.0039 | 11.23 kW | 24.27 kW | 54% | 19.6 kW | 43% |
7b | Station | 3,4,5,6 | 512 | 0.1 | 3 | 1.067 | 8.93 kW | 63% | 54% |
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Share and Cite
Wood, M.; Ogliari, E.; Nespoli, A.; Simpkins, T.; Leva, S. Day Ahead Electric Load Forecast: A Comprehensive LSTM-EMD Methodology and Several Diverse Case Studies. Forecasting 2023, 5, 297-314.
Wood M, Ogliari E, Nespoli A, Simpkins T, Leva S. Day Ahead Electric Load Forecast: A Comprehensive LSTM-EMD Methodology and Several Diverse Case Studies. Forecasting. 2023; 5(1):297-314.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWood, Michael, Emanuele Ogliari, Alfredo Nespoli, Travis Simpkins, and Sonia Leva. 2023. "Day Ahead Electric Load Forecast: A Comprehensive LSTM-EMD Methodology and Several Diverse Case Studies" Forecasting 5, no. 1: 297-314.