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RETRACTED: Middleton, B.; Cosgrove, S.M. Isolation and Elimination of Latent and Productive Herpes Simplex Virus from the Sacral and Trigeminal Ganglions. Proceedings 2020, 50, 92

Proceedings Editorial Office
MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Proceedings 2020, 50(1), 150;
Published: 13 January 2021
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of Viruses 2020—Novel Concepts in Virology)
The journal retracts the Abstract [1] cited above. Following publication, concerns were brought to the attention of the publisher regarding misrepresentation of the affiliation of the first author. The author of the Abstract was listed as affiliated with the Department of Virology, ACU, North Sydney, Australia. The Australian Catholic University (ACU) in North Sydney confirmed that ACU does not have a Department of Virology and that the author has never been employed at the university [2].
The Abstract is therefore retracted.


  1. Middleton, B.; Cosgrove, S.M. RETRACTED: Isolation and Elimination of Latent and Productive Herpes Simplex Virus from the Sacral and Trigeminal Ganglions. Proceedings 2020, 50, 92. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef]
  2. ACU Not Connected to False Research Claims. Available online: (accessed on 20 October 2020).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Proceedings Editorial Office. RETRACTED: Middleton, B.; Cosgrove, S.M. Isolation and Elimination of Latent and Productive Herpes Simplex Virus from the Sacral and Trigeminal Ganglions. Proceedings 2020, 50, 92. Proceedings 2020, 50, 150.

AMA Style

Proceedings Editorial Office. RETRACTED: Middleton, B.; Cosgrove, S.M. Isolation and Elimination of Latent and Productive Herpes Simplex Virus from the Sacral and Trigeminal Ganglions. Proceedings 2020, 50, 92. Proceedings. 2020; 50(1):150.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Proceedings Editorial Office. 2020. "RETRACTED: Middleton, B.; Cosgrove, S.M. Isolation and Elimination of Latent and Productive Herpes Simplex Virus from the Sacral and Trigeminal Ganglions. Proceedings 2020, 50, 92" Proceedings 50, no. 1: 150.

APA Style

Proceedings Editorial Office. (2020). RETRACTED: Middleton, B.; Cosgrove, S.M. Isolation and Elimination of Latent and Productive Herpes Simplex Virus from the Sacral and Trigeminal Ganglions. Proceedings 2020, 50, 92. Proceedings, 50(1), 150.

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