On Coupled System of Langevin Fractional Problems with Different Orders of μ-Caputo Fractional Derivatives
:1. Introduction
- Flexibility: The -Caputo FDO is more flexible than the Riemann–Liouville FDO because it allows for the use of different kernels (functions that define the fractional derivative), depending on the application.
- Smoothing property: The -Caputo FDO has a smoothing property that can be used to eliminate noise from a signal or image. This property makes it useful in image processing, signal processing, and other applications where noise reduction is important.
- Nonlocality: The -Caputo FDO is nonlocal, meaning that the value of the derivative at a point depends on the values of the function at all other points. This property allows for the detection of long-range correlations in data, which can be useful for studying complex systems.
- Fractional order: The -Caputo FDO allows for the use of non-integer orders, which can be used to model phenomena that do not conform to integer-order models. This property makes it efficient for various applications such as physics, engineering, and other fields where non-integer orders are needed to accurately model systems.
- Numerical methods: The -Caputo FDO can be efficiently computed using numerical methods, which makes it useful for computer simulations and other applications where analytical solutions are not available.
2. Preliminaries
- 1.
- 2.
3. Main Results
4. Existence Results
- 1.
- ,
- 2.
- is compact and continuous on ,
- 3.
- is a contraction mapping on
- ()
- ()
- ()
- there exist a non-negative function , and nondecreasing functions
- ()
- there exist a non-negative function , and nondecreasing functions
5. Uniqueness Result
6. Examples
7. Conclusions
- (1)
- Subjected to the specific boundary conditions
- (2)
- Subjected to the specific boundary conditions
- (3)
- Subjected to the specific boundary conditions
- (4)
- Subjected to the specific boundary conditions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Almaghamsi, L.; Alruwaily, Y.; Karthikeyan, K.; El-hady, E.-s. On Coupled System of Langevin Fractional Problems with Different Orders of μ-Caputo Fractional Derivatives. Fractal Fract. 2023, 7, 337. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7040337
Almaghamsi L, Alruwaily Y, Karthikeyan K, El-hady E-s. On Coupled System of Langevin Fractional Problems with Different Orders of μ-Caputo Fractional Derivatives. Fractal and Fractional. 2023; 7(4):337. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7040337
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlmaghamsi, Lamya, Ymnah Alruwaily, Kulandhaivel Karthikeyan, and El-sayed El-hady. 2023. "On Coupled System of Langevin Fractional Problems with Different Orders of μ-Caputo Fractional Derivatives" Fractal and Fractional 7, no. 4: 337. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7040337
APA StyleAlmaghamsi, L., Alruwaily, Y., Karthikeyan, K., & El-hady, E.-s. (2023). On Coupled System of Langevin Fractional Problems with Different Orders of μ-Caputo Fractional Derivatives. Fractal and Fractional, 7(4), 337. https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract7040337