1. Introduction
In the past few decades, there has been increasingly attention for the cooperative control of multi-agent systems (MASs) from various application fields, such as social sciences, artificial intelligence, and military, and so on [
6]. As an important component of cooperative control, the formation control, which aims to motivate agents to achieve a predefined configuration under the designed control protocols, has been widely applied in many practical fields, for example, unmanned aerial vehicle [
7], multi-robot systems [
8], and biological system [
Recently, a lot of scholars have paid their attention to the formation control of multi-agent systems (MASs), and some significant works have been reported. Such as in [
10], a neuro-adaptive formation scheme for nonlinear MASs with time-delay was designed to realize target tracking. In [
11], under the directed communication graphs, by equipping the event-triggered approach and applying complex Laplace transform, a distributed control scheme was presented to achieve the time-invariant formation control (TIFC) for networked MASs. In [
12], the authors developed the design method of the TIFC protocol for second-order MASs based on sampled data on a fixed directed communication topology. In [
13], the formation-containment target was achieved for general linear MASs under a discontinuous protocol, where the dynamics of leader is influenced by unknown input. In [
14], by applying an adaptive output–feedback approach, Wang investigated the time-variant formation control (TVFC) of nonlinear MASs with switching networks. In [
15], by using a sliding mode method, under the influence of random disturbances, a novel ETCS was proposed to analyze the stability of error system for second-order MASs.
It is worth noting that, in the above mentioned literature [
15], the obtained results focus on the integer-order MASs. However, in practical applications, such as engineering, manufacturing, aerospace, and artificial intelligence, the fractional systems can give a more accurate description for various processes with the characterization of hereditary and memory properties [
16], and many results have been derived [
22]. Recently, some achievements have emerged in regard to the formation control of fractional-order MASs. For example, in [
23], by applying a frequency-domain analytical method, the formation problem was studied for double-integrator FMASs. Liu et al. in [
24] designed an active reconfigurable control scheme to address the distributed formation tracking control problem for MASs with multiple leaders under actuator faults and constraints. In [
25], Gong proposed an observer-based protocol to address the TVFC problem for FMASs with general linear dynamics, where the topology structure is selected as fixed and switched, respectively. In [
26], by using the sliding mode strategy, a distributed feedback control scheme was designed to solve the problems of consensus and formation for FMASs.
On the one hand, in most traditional formation control strategies, such as a sliding mode scheme, impulsive strategy, and periodic sampling scheme, agents are always assumed to obtain continuous information from their neighbors, and information transmission occurs in either continuous or cyclical time. However, in practical applications, continuous exchange of information cannot be guaranteed because of the limitations of communication bandwidth and energy supply, which brings a lot of inconvenience. In addition, the continual monitoring of information might result in an enormous energy and financial waste. Therefore, researchers proposed an event-triggered control strategy (ETCS). Under this control mechanism, information communication proceeds after a predetermined event occurred, which can guarantee the expected performance and reduce communication costs. Based on the above advantages, ETCS have been widely used in the study of MASs in [
31]. In [
28], the authors applied stability theory of FMASs and developed a differential inequality convex function to address the consensus problem for discontinuous singularly perturbed MASs based on ETCS. In [
29], under interplay between control gains and parameters, by employing the discrete-time signals from neighbors and co-design approach, two novel ETCS were presented to investigate the consensus issue of general MASs with linear growth. In [
31], under the periodic DoS attacks, the problem of MASs formation was discussed via novel attack-resilient ETCS, and the generalized Nyquist stability criterion was used to analyze the error systems.
It should be pointed out that, in literature [
31], the design of control protocols is related to some global or unknown knowledge, such as the Laplacian matrix eigenvalue information, and the knowledge of the unknown nonlinear dynamics. To overcome this drawback, the distributed adaptive updating law is proposed. Recently, some scholars have combined the advantages of ETCS and adaptive control to design the adaptive event-triggered control. In addition, some admirable results were obtained [
35]. For example, in [
34], the TVFC issue of linear MASs was considered under the proposed adaptive ETCS with adjustable time-variant parameters. In [
35], the authors developed an adaptive ETCS and a novel Lyapunov function to handle the asymptotic tracking problem for uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown virtual control coefficients.
It should be pointed out that most of works in [
35] are concerned with the formation control of first-order integer system, which can not accurately characterize some complex dynamic behaviors in practical application. To the best of our knowledge, a few results are concerned with the formation control problem of second-order FMASs. Particularly, the distributed event-triggered control protocol and adaptive event-triggered mechanism are adopted to address the formation problem of second-order FMASs.
Motivated by the above discussion, in this paper, our objective is to address the global Mittag–Leffler bounded formation control issue for second-order FMASs with QUAD inherent dynamics under the designed event-triggered and adaptive event-triggered control mechanisms. Compared with the previous results, the significant innovations are demonstrated as follows:
This paper extends the formation control problem for MASs to the case of fractional order. In the existing works [
37], the results mainly focus on the integer order MASs, which can be regarded as special cases of this paper. Therefore, the results in this paper are more general.
The system model is modeled to second-order MASs, which is not only related to position information but also to velocity information. Compared with literature [
38], where the system model only considers position information, the established system model is more realistic.
An adaptive event-triggered control protocol is developed, where the global information of Laplacian matrix is not required. Different from the proposed state-dependent triggering conditions in [
31], a constant is introduced into triggering conditions in this paper to address the formation control issue and avoid the occurrence of Zeno behavior.
The remainder of this brief is organized as follows: in
Section 2, some preliminary knowledge and the problem formulation are introduced. The main results are proposed in
Section 3. The executive flow algorithm in regard to protocol is presented in
Section 4. Two numerical simulations are given in
Section 5. Finally, the conclusions are listed in
Section 6.
2. Preliminaries and Problem Formulation
2.1. Basic Graph Theory
The topology between follower agents and can be described by an undirected graph g , where denotes the set of N followers in g; intends the set of edge in g, where edge shows the information communication between and ; is the weighted adjacency matrix of g. For an undirected graph, the elements of adjacency satisfy that if and only if , and , otherwise. Moreover, we suppose there is no self-loops, i.e., in g for all . The adjacency matrix for the leader is defined , represents connected weight between the leader and the follower i. The neighbor set of is denoted . The in-degree of is defined as . The Laplacian matrix corresponding to g is , where . There is a path from to if there exists a finite ordered edge belongs to the edge set such that holds. If there exists at least a path between any two nodes, the undirected graph is said to be connected. In this paper, the graph g is assumed undirected.
Lemma 1 ([
. For any , and , the following inequality holds: Lemma 2 ([
. Let , , and . The following inequalities hold: Definition 1 ([
. (QUAD condition) The function is QUAD, if for any and , there exists , , and such that 2.2. Fractional Calculus
Definition 2 ([
. For an integrable function , the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of order is defined by:where is Gamma function. Definition 3 ([
. The Caputo’s fractional derivative of order for is defined bywhere and . Particularly, In the following, represents .
Property 1. Let , and be any constants. Then,; . |
Lemma 3 ([
. Let be a continuously differentiable function, and , then Lemma 4 ([
. If functions , are continuously differentiable, and φ is convex on R. Then, for any , we obtain Lemma 5 ([
. Let be a continuously differentiable function on , , and . If, for any , holds, thenwhere is constant, C is defined as in [28], and is the Mittag–Leffler function, , is constant, and z is a complex variable. Definition 4. Let , if there exist constants , , and >0, such thatthen is said to be Mittag–Leffler convergent to . Lemma 6. Let . If is continuously differentiable on any compact interval of , is C-regular and . If there exist constants , , and , for any satisfying , |
then is said to be Mittag–Leffler convergent to , where . Proof. On the basis of condition (ii) and Lemma 6, it yields that
Combined with condition (i) and the above-mentioned inequality, we obtain
Applying Lemma 2, we have
. Definition 4 shows
is Mittag–Leffler convergent to
. The proof is completed. □
2.3. Problem Formulation
Consider the MASs consisting of one leader and
N followers. The dynamics of each follower
i can be described by the following second-order differential equations:
, for
denote the position and velocity of
ith-follow at time
t, respectively;
represents the control input; the nonlinear mapping
depicts the inherent dynamics of follower
The dynamics of the leader is formulated as
are the position and velocity of
ith-leader at time
depicts the inherent dynamics of leader.
In order to obtain the main results, we made the assumptions as follows:
Assumption A1. The undirected network topology of g is connected.
Assumption A2. is QUAD.
For systems (1) and (2), a desired geometric formation tracking vector is specified by
. To achieve the desired formation between follows and leader, define error state as
, where
; furthermore, we obtain
, and
Definition 5. Given a desired geometric formation, . Under control protocol , if for ,holds, then systems (1) and (2) are said to realize the desired formation. Remark 1. In Definition 5, stands for the relative offset vector between and , if , then systems (1) and (2) are said to realize the consensus tracking.
Definition 6. Under control protocol , , if there exist constants and , such thatthen systems (1) and (2) are called to realize the global Mittag–Leffler bounded formation. 3. Main Results
In this section, we presented two distributed protocols based on event-triggered mechanism to achieve desired formation. In addition, Zeno behavior is excluded for designed event-triggered control scheme. Moreover, the executive algorithm in regard to protocol is proposed.
Denote a triggering instants sequence of agent i as , which is determined by the triggering function. Let state information , where . Denote , and .
Denote the state measurement errors of follower and leader, respectively,
3.1. Global Mittag–Leffler Formation with Event-Triggered Protocol
In this subsection, the global Mittag–Leffler bounded formation of systems (1) and (2) is discussed under the proposed control protocol based on predefined ETCS, and the formation condition is derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). In addition, Zeno behavior is excluded.
The distributed ETCS for
agent is designed as
is the feedback gain matrices to be determined later, and the triggering instant sequence
of the
agent will be determined by the following event-triggered condition
is a threshold parameter, and
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the designed ETCS protocol.
. Furthermore, the error system (7) can be written as
Theorem 1. Suppose that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold, and . If there exist scalars , and , matrices , and , such thatholds, then FMASs (1) and (2) can realize the global Mittag–Leffler bounded formation under designed protocol (5) with (6). Proof. Consider the following candidate Lyapunov function:
, according to Lemma 3, the Caputo’s fractional derivative of
along of the trajectories of error system (8) is calculated as
According to the Assumption 2 that
is QUAD, we obtain
Substituting (6), and (10) to (13), it yields that
, and
. By utilizing Lemma 6, it can derive
. According to Definition 6, it shows that the global Mittag–Leffler bounded formation of FMASs (1) and (2) is realized. The proof is completed. □
As is known to all, “Zeno behavior” means that the limitless number of event-triggering times is proceeded in finite time, it causes the ETCS protocol to be invalid. Consequently, the following theorem is to verify that the intervals between any two event-triggering instants are lower-bound.
Theorem 2. For FMASs (1) and (2), under the scheme (5), the Zeno behavior can be excluded.
Proof. According to Theorem 1, we can obtain that
is bounded. Hence, for
, there is a positive scalar
, such that
. Because of
, and
, we have
. Thus, we also derive
In line with event-triggered condition (6), when , it is easy to derive that . Furthermore, it follows from (15) that . If , then . If , then . Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that Zeno behavior is excluded. The proof is completed. □
3.2. Global Mittag–Leffler Bounded Formation with Adaptive Event-Triggered Protocol
In this subsection, the global Mittag–Leffler bounded formation is discussed under an adaptive protocol based on ETCS. In addition, Zeno behavior is excluded.
We consider the following adaptive ETCS formation protocol:
are the feedback gain matrices,
are the adaptive coupling weights with
are positives satisfying that
The triggering instant sequence
of the
agent will be determined iteratively by the following trigger function
. The triggering function in triggering mechanisms (17) is designed as
, thereinto
, and
Remark 2. It is worth noting that, if the adaptive coupling weight and in (16) and (17) are constants, then determination of these scalar gains requires global information of the Laplacian matrix. Hence, in this paper, and are introduced, which are adaptive rather than being prefixed.
For the follower, substituting the control protocol (17) into the error system (3), it yields that Theorem 3. Suppose that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold, and . If there exist scalars , , and , matrices , , and , such thatholds, then FMASs (1) and (2) can realize the global Mittag–Leffler bounded formation under designed adaptive protocol (16) with ETCS (17). Proof. Consider the following candidate Lyapunov function:
, by employing Lemmas 3 and 4, the Caputo’s fractional derivative of
is listed as
It follows from (23) that
. Based on (16), it can be derived that
In addition, by use of (16), we also obtain
Based on Lemma 1, it yields that
Based on the above calculations, we obtain
In light of Lemma 1, we can obtain
According to expression (4), we have
Substituting (24) and (25) into (23), we can derive
. Apply Lemma 5, we can obtain
. According to Definition 6, it implies that FMASs (1) and (2) can achieve the Mittag–Leffler bounded formation under designed control protocol (16) with the ETCS (17). The proof is completed. □
Theorem 4. For FMASs (1) and (2), under the control scheme (16), Zeno behavior is avoided.
Proof. According to Theorem 3, we obtain that is bounded. Hence, for , there has positive scalar , such that , which utilizes the fact that . According to Definition 2, we can obtain .
In light of the the triggering function in triggering mechanisms (17), when
, we have
Because the adaptive coupling weight and will have convergent constants, then and are constants. Let and . Furthermore, combining with
and (3.24), we have . Hence, it yields that . This implies that Zeno behavior is excluded in Theorem 3. The proof is completed. □
Remark 3. In the designed control protocol (5), the control gain and triggering condition parameter are required to satisfy condition (9). Because the term may be negative, then does not need to be large. In the designed control protocol (5), the control gains and Λ are applied to satisfy inequality condition in Theorem 3. It should be pointed out that adaptive ETCS means that coupling weight is adaptively adjusted with error state . The gain is still determined from precisely known agent dynamics, which is not adaptive.
Remark 4. In the existing works [27,28,29,30,31], the triggering function is designed as state-dependent that is . It is worth noting that this may lead to some limitations, such as the requirement on continuous communication and occurrence of Zeno behavior. To circumvent this drawback, some scholars proposed a state-independent triggering function [41], i.e., . However, the triggering function does not include the information from the system states, which would lead to the change of the system performance. For the design of the distributed event-triggered scheme, how to avoid Zeno behavior while ensuring control performance is a challenge. In this paper, constants and are introduced into triggering conditions (6) and (17) to address this problem, respectively. 5. Numerical Simulations
In this section, to validate the correctness of the proposed results, two simulation examples are given. The efficiency of distributed event-triggered protocol and adaptive event-triggered scheme is illustrated in Examples 1 and 2, respectively.
Example 1. The second-order FMASs with QUAD inherent dynamics is employed to simulate a traffic scenario in the rough sand, which consists of three followers labeled 1–3 and a leader labeled 0. Suppose that each agent denotes a robot, where leader is called as a guidance robot. Our objective is that multiple autonomous robots finally shape a formation pattern of a triangle. Figure 2 shows the corresponding topologly structure. Moreover, let and are the position error and velocity error between leader and followers i.
According to
Figure 2, the weighted adjacency matrix of this system is:
The weight of communication between leaders and followers , and parameter .
Select the dynamic function , it is easy to check that Assumption 2 holds. Let scalars , , , , , , and . Set the predesigned formation compensation vector as:
For protocol (5), select the control gain matrix
According to inequality (9), the following matrixes are derived:
The triggering interval of the three followers under the triggering function (6) is shown in
Figure 3; it can be seen that there is no Zeno behavior occurs. The trajectories of control input are shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 5 shows the formation tracking errors of
within 6 s. From
Figure 5, it can be found that errors
asymptotically approach 0.
Figure 6 shows the formation of leader and followers at different times, and they finally perform and maintain an obtuse triangle formation. Thus, it can be verified that, under the event-triggered strategy (6), the control protocol (5) for the shape of the desired formation is effective.
Example 2. Consider a second-order FMASs with QUAD inherent dynamics, which consists of 4 followers labeled 1–4 and a leader labeled 0. Figure 7 shows the corresponding topology. Moreover, let and are the position error and velocity error between leader and followers i. According to
Figure 6, the weighted adjacency matrix of this system is
The weight of communication between leaders and followers
, and parameter
. Select the dynamic function
, it is easy to check that Assumption 2 holds. Let scalars
. Set the predesigned formation compensation vector as:
For protocol (16), select the control gain matrixes
According to inequality condition, the following matrixes are derived:
The triggering interval of the four followers under the triggering function (17) is shown in
Figure 8, it can be seen that there is no Zeno behavior occurs.
Figure 9 describes the trajectories of control input (16), and the trajectories of adaptive coupling weight are displayed in
Figure 10. From
Figure 10, we can find that the adaptive coupling weight is convergent to constant.
Figure 11 shows the formation tracking errors of
within 8 s, and we find errors
asymptotically approach 0.
Figure 12 shows the formation of leader and followers at different times, and they perform and maintain a rectangle formation finally. Thus, it can be verified that, under the ETCS (17), the control protocol (16) for the shape of the desired formation is efficient.