Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of the Public Discourse on Twitter about COVID-19 and MPox
:1. Introduction
- The results of sentiment analysis using the VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary for sEntiment Reasoning) approach shows that nearly half the tweets (46.88%) had a negative sentiment. It was followed by tweets that had a positive sentiment (31.97%) and tweets that had a neutral sentiment (21.14%), respectively.
- Using concepts of text analysis, the top 50 hashtags associated with these tweets were obtained. These hashtags are presented in this paper.
- The top 100 most frequently used words that featured in these tweets were obtained after performing tokenization, removal of stopwords, and word frequency analysis of these tweets. The findings show that some of the commonly used words involved Twitter users directly referring to either or both of these viruses. In addition to this, the presence of words such as “Polio”, “Biden”, “Ukraine”, “HIV”, “climate”, and “Ebola” in the list of the top 100 most frequent words indicates that topics of conversations on Twitter in the context of COVID-19 and MPox also included a high level of interest related to other viruses, President Biden, and Ukraine.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Recent Works That Focused on Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of Tweets about COVID-19
2.2. Recent Works That Focused on Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of Tweets about MPox
3. Methodology
- The desktop version of Hydrator was downloaded and installed on a computer with a Microsoft Windows 10 Pro operating system (Version 10.0.19043 Build 19043) comprising Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-7600U CPU @ 2.80 GHz, 2904 Mhz, 2 Core(s) and 4 Logical Processor(s)
- The Hydrator app was then connected to the Twitter API by clicking on the “Link Twitter Account” button on the app’s interface.
- This next step involved uploading a dataset file to the Hydrator app for hydration. As the Hydrator app allows only one file to be uploaded at a time, all the dataset files (containing only Tweet IDs) were merged to create one .txt file, which was uploaded to the app.
- Then, specific information about the uploaded dataset file (such as Title, Creator, Publisher, and URL) was entered in the Hydrator app, and then the “Add Dataset” button was clicked to complete the process of dataset upload.
- Thereafter, in the “Datasets” tab of the Hydrator app, the “Start” button was clicked to initiate the process of hydration.
- a.
- VADER distinguishes itself from LIWC, as it is more sensitive to sentiment expressions in social media contexts.
- b.
- The General Inquirer suffers from a lack of coverage of sentiment-relevant lexical features common to social text.
- c.
- The ANEW lexicon is also insensitive to common sentiment-relevant lexical features in social text.
- d.
- The SentiWordNet lexicon is very noisy; a large majority of synsets have no positive or negative polarity.
- e.
- The Naïve Bayes classifier involves the naïve assumption that feature probabilities are independent of one another.
- f.
- The Maximum Entropy approach makes no conditional independence assumption between features and thereby accounts for information entropy (feature weightings).
- g.
- In general, machine-learning classifiers require (often extensive) training data, which are, as with validated sentiment lexicons, sometimes troublesome to acquire.
- h.
- In general, machine-learning classifiers also depend on the training set to represent as many features as possible.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Results of Sentiment Analysis
4.2. Results of Text Analysis
4.3. Comparative Study with Prior Works
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Tweets Related to COVID-19 and MPox | |
Tweet #1 | They cant figure out how Monkey Pox got here without traveling, and why people are susceptible to it after Covid? Try looking at your immune system after taking the vaccines. Every disease that ever was, is now something for you to fear. Your immune system has been compromised. |
Tweet #2 | Thanks all you biden fans letting in all these illegal immigrants that have been coming every day since Biden took office. Now we have to worry even more about a new virus coming into this country Monkey Pox forget Covid welcome MONKEY POX |
Tweet #3 | So, I’ve got my rainbow sticker, Thank you NHS on my window,’ I’ve had my covid vaccine’ on my fb page, Ukraine flag in the garden. It still isn’t enough to show how nice I am! Just need a monkey pox sticker. Deffo going to heaven. Stay safe everyone |
Tweet #4 | MONKEY POX, I am so not ready for you to show up anywhere.Can you imagine the dilemma of future docs, Now with long COVID, long monkey, monkey heart, monkey lungs, monkey brain might emerge. a monkey mask might help. If lived long enough, might have COVID docs, monkey docs etc |
Tweet #5 | Are you kidding me, now Monkey Pox?! I’ve spent 3 years caring for my ill wife, fighting against Covid, and trying to survive…now this?! Some days… |
Tweet #6 | I sure hope the Government doesn’t plan to try to force everyone to get monkey pox vaccines. I’d hate to see where that goes so shortly after covid. |
Tweet #7 | Another lockdown is incoming. They are trying to make monkey pox look like a pandemic. Their media tools are ready, their vaccines were ready before the pox was introduced. These were the same people that played the COVID19 play. They just changed the name of the movie. Failure! |
Tweet #8 | Monkey Pox new Covid. Election is coming. Coincidence? No |
Tweet #9 | First it was maga. Then there came covid. Now, it’s Monkey Pox. When will these horrors end?!? |
Tweet #10 | No longer scared of disease be it Covid or Monkey pox; I’m scared of loosing more years of my life… |
Hashtag | Frequency |
monkeypox | 350 |
COVID19 | 97 |
Monkeypox | 88 |
monkeypox COVID19 | 77 |
COVID19 monkeypox | 64 |
COVID | 31 |
MonkeyPox | 29 |
SchlongCovid | 27 |
monkeypoxCOVID | 24 |
CovidIsNotOver | 21 |
covidmonkeypox | 21 |
COVIDmonkeypox | 19 |
MonkeypoxVirus | 18 |
monkeypoxCovid_19 | 17 |
covid19 | 16 |
COVIDisAirborne | 15 |
moneypox | 15 |
monkeypoxcovid | 15 |
schlongcovid | 15 |
auspol | 14 |
COVID19Monkeypox | 13 |
CovidIsNotOvermonkeypox | 12 |
MonkeypoxCOVID19 | 12 |
Covidmonkeypox | 11 |
Covid19 | 11 |
LongCovid | 11 |
covid | 11 |
covid19monkeypox | 11 |
Covid_19 | 9 |
Covid_19monkeypox | 9 |
LoveIslandUSA | 9 |
MoneyPox | 9 |
monkeypoxcovid19 | 9 |
MonkeypoxCOVID | 8 |
PrimeMorning | 8 |
monkeypoxmonkeypox | 8 |
COVID19ausCOVID19vicWearamask | 7 |
Covid | 7 |
Covid19monkeypox | 7 |
LoveIsland | 7 |
MedTwitter | 7 |
MonkeyPoxCOVID19 | 7 |
monkeypoxCovidIsNotOver | 7 |
rogerbezanisLetsGoBrandon | 7 |
CovidMonkeypox | 6 |
FJB | 6 |
RussiaUkraine | 6 |
SmartNews | 6 |
cdnpoli | 6 |
covidMonkeypox | 6 |
Word | Frequency |
pox | 40,154 |
monkey | 34,485 |
Covid | 25,992 |
covid | 21,385 |
Monkey | 15,963 |
COVID | 15,078 |
Pox | 10,051 |
monkeypox | 6578 |
people | 6223 |
get | 5968 |
going | 3763 |
vaccine | 4040 |
Monkeypox | 3247 |
got | 3004 |
time | 2744 |
know | 2579 |
shit | 2565 |
virus | 2540 |
go | 2331 |
think | 2286 |
pandemic | 2226 |
flu | 2096 |
want | 2008 |
polio | 1939 |
getting | 1985 |
health | 2005 |
cases | 2036 |
spread | 2006 |
see | 1895 |
world | 1823 |
vaccines | 1808 |
thing | 1614 |
why | 1586 |
mask | 1559 |
years | 1518 |
make | 1393 |
disease | 1365 |
said | 1373 |
work | 1403 |
say | 1237 |
keep | 1167 |
Polio | 1128 |
POX | 1133 |
scared | 1216 |
fear | 1155 |
outbreak | 1125 |
Biden | 1131 |
Ukraine | 1064 |
year | 1127 |
emergency | 1146 |
stop | 1119 |
come | 1033 |
ay | 1092 |
change | 1017 |
spreading | 1010 |
good | 1006 |
coming | 985 |
masks | 987 |
global | 973 |
bad | 954 |
HIV | 943 |
climate | 925 |
trying | 897 |
Why | 940 |
day | 898 |
MONKEY | 862 |
news | 903 |
vaccinated | 893 |
cause | 862 |
stay | 827 |
vax | 1001 |
government | 820 |
care | 844 |
safe | 810 |
else | 769 |
CDC | 822 |
made | 785 |
days | 802 |
country | 765 |
shot | 979 |
Flu | 755 |
sick | 765 |
believe | 750 |
case | 758 |
risk | 791 |
start | 717 |
corona | 727 |
catch | 736 |
control | 753 |
thought | 711 |
saying | 725 |
look | 706 |
diseases | 720 |
Ebola | 714 |
moneypox | 689 |
kids | 744 |
life | 699 |
sex | 756 |
give | 695 |
Lol | 691 |
Work | Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about COVID-19 | Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about MPox |
Vijay et al. [77] | ✓ | |
Mansoor et al. [78] | ✓ | |
Pokharel [79] | ✓ | |
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Tsao et al. [102] | ✓ | |
Griffith et al. [103] | ✓ | |
Chum et al. [104] | ✓ | |
Kothari et al. [105] | ✓ | |
Barkur et al. [106] | ✓ | |
Afroz et al. [107] | ✓ | |
Hota et al. [108] | ✓ | |
Venigalla et al. [109] | ✓ | |
Paliwal et al. [110] | ✓ | |
Zhou et al. [111] | ✓ | |
Lamsal et al. [112] | ✓ | |
Zhou et al. [113] | ✓ | |
de Melo et al. [114] | ✓ | |
Brum et al. [115] | ✓ | |
de Sousa et al. [116] | ✓ | |
Iparraguirre-Villanueva et al. [117] | ✓ | |
Mohbey et al. [118] | ✓ | |
Farahat et al. [119] | ✓ | |
Sv et al. [120] | ✓ | |
Bengesi et al. [121] | ✓ | |
Dsouza et al. [122] | ✓ | |
Zuhanda et al. [123] | ✓ | |
Cooper et al. [124] | ✓ | |
Ng et al. [125] | ✓ | |
Thakur [this work] | ✓ | ✓ |
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Share and Cite
Thakur, N. Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of the Public Discourse on Twitter about COVID-19 and MPox. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2023, 7, 116.
Thakur N. Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of the Public Discourse on Twitter about COVID-19 and MPox. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2023; 7(2):116.
Chicago/Turabian StyleThakur, Nirmalya. 2023. "Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of the Public Discourse on Twitter about COVID-19 and MPox" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 7, no. 2: 116.