A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections †
:1. Introduction
- A Music Content Model, or MCM (Section 3). It borrows from the principles of music notation, reduced to the aspects that are independent from presentation purposes (i.e., ignoring staves, clefs, or other elements that relate to the layout of music scores). Although strongly influenced by the Western music tradition, we believe that this model is general enough to represent a large part of the currently digitized music. We call a Music Content Descriptor (MCD) a description of a music document according to this model. The model supports some major functionalities of a search engine, namely transformations corresponding to the classical linguistic operations in text-based search engines and ranking.
- A set of features that can be obtained from an MCD thanks to the above-mentioned transformations. The features set presented in the current work (Section 4) is by no way intended to constitute a final list, and the framework design is open to the addition of other features like harmony, texture, or timbre.
- The design of the core modules of a search engine, based on these features and dedicated to music retrieval (Section 5). They consist in indexing, searching, ranking, and on-line identification of fragments that match the query pattern.
- An actual implementation (Section 6), dedicated to XML-encoded musical score collections shows how to integrate these modules in a standard information retrieval system, with two main benefits: reduction of implementation efforts and horizontal scalability.
2. Related Work
3. The Music Content Model
3.1. The Domain of Sounds: Pitches and Intervals
- (1)
- The set of pitch symbols , ,
- (2)
- The rest symbol, noted r,
- (3)
- The continuation symbol, noted _.
- A chromatic interval is the number of steps, negative (descending) or positive (ascending), in the chromatic scale, between two pitches.
- A diatonic interval is a nominal distance measuring the number of steps, descending or ascending, in the diatonic scale, between two pitches.
3.2. Music Content Descriptors
- (1)
- (a piece of music is a sequence of measures),
- (2)
- (a measure is decomposed in four quarter notes/beats),
- (3)
- (a beat is decomposed in two quavers/eighth note),
- (4)
- A set of rules where is a musical symbol.
- (1)
- If N has no children,
- (2)
- If N is of the form , I is partitioned in n sub-intervals of equal size each: with
3.3. Non-Musical Domains
3.4. Polyphonic Music
4. Offline Operations: Features and Text-Based Indexing
- There exists an analyzer that takes a content descriptor as input and produces a feature as output.
- There must exist a serialization of a feature as a character string, which makes possible the transposition of queries to standard text-based search supported by the engine.
- Finally, each feature type must be equipped with a scoring function that can be incorporated into the search engine for ranking purposes.
4.1. Chromatic Interval Feature
- (1)
- All repeated values from are merged in a single one.
- (2)
- Rest and continuation symbols are removed.
4.2. Diatonic Interval Feature
4.3. Rhythmic Feature
- Rhythmic perception is essentially invariant to homomorphic transformations: doubling both the note durations and the tempo results in the same music being played.
- The rhythmic tree provides a very elaborated representation of the rhythmic organization: putting all this information in a feature would favor a very high precision but a very low recall.
4.4. Lyrics Feature
4.5. Text-Based Indexing
4.6. A Short Discussion
5. Online Operations: (Scalable) Searching, Ranking, Highlighting
5.1. Searching
5.2. Scalability
5.3. Ranking for Interval-Based Search
- and are two distinct non-rest values, and
- each is either a rest, or a pitch such that
- (1)
- For children of the root: insert/delete/replace a measure.
- (2)
- For all other nodes N: either insert a subtree by applying a rule from to the non-terminal symbol N, or delete the subtree rooted at N.
Algorithm 1 Rhythmic Ranking |
Algorithm 2 Simplified Rhythmic Ranking |
5.4. Ranking for Rhythmic-Based Search
Algorithm 3 Interval-Based Ranking |
5.5. Finding Matching Occurrences
6. Implementation
6.1. Global Architecture
6.2. Query Processing
6.3. Distribution and Aggregation
6.4. Highlighting
6.5. Interacting with the Server
6.6. Data and Performance Evaluation
7. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Feature | Mean Time | Standard Deviation | |
Regex-based search | Chromatic | 246 ms | 41 ms |
Diatonic | 250 ms | 21 ms | |
Rhythmic | 219 ms | 10 ms | |
1 server | Chromatic | 0.869 ms | 0.269 ms |
Diatonic | 0.583 ms | 0.194 ms | |
Rhythmic | 0.804 ms | 0.136 ms | |
3 servers | Chromatic | 0.312 ms | 0.110 ms |
Diatonic | 0.166 ms | 0.064 ms | |
Rhythmic | 0.700 ms | 0.216 ms |
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Zhu, T.; Fournier-S’niehotta, R.; Rigaux, P.; Travers, N. A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 23. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc6010023
Zhu T, Fournier-S’niehotta R, Rigaux P, Travers N. A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2022; 6(1):23. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc6010023
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhu, Tiange, Raphaël Fournier-S’niehotta, Philippe Rigaux, and Nicolas Travers. 2022. "A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6, no. 1: 23. https://doi.org/10.3390/bdcc6010023