Engineering Human–Machine Teams for Trusted Collaboration
:1. Introduction
2. Example Scenario: Disassembling a (Simple) Complex Product
3. Background and State of the Art
3.1. Collaborative Human Machine Teams
3.1.1. Team Collaboration
- Symmetry in collaboration is higher than in cooperation: In collaborative work, all actors are allowed to perform the same activities (symmetry of action), they possess (roughly) similar knowledge regarding the execution of the activity, and all individuals have a similar status regarding the collaborative process. On the contrary, in cooperation, individuals may perform different actions (e.g., actions that follow each other), they may have different knowledge (e.g., performing parts of their activity based on their knowledge), and there may be hierarchies for the overall process or parts of it. Regarding our example, the difference between a collaborative or cooperative disassembly process would be whether all participants are allowed to replace the lid, whether they possess enough knowledge to do all tasks and whether they decide collectively on sharing work or based on some hierarchy.
- In collaboration, it can be assumed that collaborators follow an overarching common goal in their collaboration, which goes beyond their (shared) individual goals. For cooperative processes, it would be enough if the individuals share similar goals (e.g., fulfilling their part of the processes with high quality).
- The division of labor is potentially the most obvious difference between cooperation and collaboration: “In cooperation, partners split the work, solve sub-tasks individually and then assemble the partial results into the final output. In collaboration, partners do the work together” [8] (p. 8). As described above, in our example, collaboration would describe a process in which the robot and human work conduct joint activities such as one teammate holding the object and the other dismantling it, or whether they perform them in sequential steps that happen after each other.
3.1.2. Human–Machine Teams
3.2. Trust between Humans and Technology
3.2.1. What Is Trust?
3.2.2. Human–Machine Trust Models
3.2.3. Mutual Trust and Trust Cycles
3.3. Engineering AI-Based Cyber-Physical Systems
4. Research Opportunities
4.1. Engineering and Validation of Collaborative Human–Machine Teams
4.1.1. Trust Dimensions for Human–Machine Hand-in-Hand Collaboration
4.1.2. Human–Machine Interaction Engineering
4.1.3. Validation and Verification for Self-Adapting Systems under Trust and Intention Models
4.2. Perceiving, Modeling, and Anticipating Human Condition and Behavior in Human–Machine Collaboration
4.2.1. Physiological Features to Infer the Level of Trust in Humans
4.2.2. Novel Privacy-Preserving Data Fusion Methods to Extract Trust Levels
4.2.3. Real-Time Models and Anticipation of Human Behavior in Team Collaboration
4.3. Optimization and Simulation of Collaborative Human–Machine Teams
4.3.1. Integrated Team Formation and Task Sequencing/Planning
4.3.2. Heterogeneous Preferences, Fairness, and Trust-Building
4.3.3. Decentralized Scheduling Models with Complex Real-World Constraints
4.3.4. Methods for Reliable Performance Assessment
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Alhaji, B.; Beecken, J.; Ehlers, R.; Gertheiss, J.; Merz, F.; Müller, J.P.; Prilla, M.; Rausch, A.; Reinhardt, A.; Reinhardt, D.; et al. Engineering Human–Machine Teams for Trusted Collaboration. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2020, 4, 35.
Alhaji B, Beecken J, Ehlers R, Gertheiss J, Merz F, Müller JP, Prilla M, Rausch A, Reinhardt A, Reinhardt D, et al. Engineering Human–Machine Teams for Trusted Collaboration. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2020; 4(4):35.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlhaji, Basel, Janine Beecken, Rüdiger Ehlers, Jan Gertheiss, Felix Merz, Jörg P. Müller, Michael Prilla, Andreas Rausch, Andreas Reinhardt, Delphine Reinhardt, and et al. 2020. "Engineering Human–Machine Teams for Trusted Collaboration" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 4, no. 4: 35.