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Ensuring the Safety of Yellow Fever Vaccination in Travelers—The Experience at a Large U.S. Academic Medical Center in Colorado

School of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA
School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA
NRI General Hospital, Pradesh 522503, India
Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Albany, GA 30901, USA
Department of Emergency Medicine, Hospital Infantil de México, Federico Gómez, México City 06720, Mexico
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2020, 5(3), 125;
Submission received: 19 June 2020 / Revised: 23 July 2020 / Accepted: 25 July 2020 / Published: 29 July 2020


Background: Yellow fever (YF) virus has the potential to cause fatal outcomes among at-risk individuals visiting endemic areas. Vaccinating travelers who are at risk is necessary to prevent virus-related life-threatening complications. We lack data on the clinical features of persons seeking YF vaccination. We aim to describe the characteristics of a cohort of persons receiving the YF vaccine before travel. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 964 travelers receiving the YF vaccine (Stamaril®) from Oct 2016 to Jul 2019 was performed at the University of Colorado Hospital, U.S. Percentages, means, and standard deviations were calculated. A multivariate logistic regression model was built to evaluate the association between receiving YF vaccination less than 10 days before departure and visiting friends and relatives (VFR). Results: The average age of the subjects was 39 ± 18 years with a range of nine months to 83 years. Persons who were 60 years of age and older represented 17%. Women consisted of 52%, and most of the travelers were Caucasians (64%). Travelers reported traveling to Africa (57%) or South America (40%). The primary destinations for travelers overall were Kenya (19%), Uganda (11%), and Tanzania (11%) in Africa; and Peru (14%) and Brazil (13%) in South America. The most common reasons for travel included leisure (44%), VFR (18%), and mission trips (10%). Comorbidities included a history of hematologic disorders (4%), HIV infection (2%), and diabetes mellitus (3%). The average duration between vaccine administration and travel was 43 days. Those VFR were two times more likely to receive the YF vaccination <10 days before departure. Conclusions: Identifying the type of travel, itinerary, and underlying medical conditions allows providers to administer the YF vaccine to travelers safely. There is a need to identify strategies to improve the timing of YF vaccination among VFR travelers.

1. Introduction

Yellow fever (YF) is a hemorrhagic disease caused by a flavivirus and transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is found in parts of tropical South America and sub-Saharan Africa. Since the early 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there have been 200,000 cases of YF and 30,000 deaths due to the disease worldwide [1]. An analysis of African data sources in 2013 estimated that the burden of YF was 130,000 severe cases and 78,000 deaths [2].
Treatment for patients with YF is mainly supportive, as there is no specific antiviral therapy available. However, the YF vaccine is widely used for the prevention of YF in travelers, and for people living in endemic areas. There are 20–60 million doses of the vaccine distributed annually [3]. YF-VAX® and Stamaril® are live attenuated vaccines prepared by culturing the 17D-204 strain of the virus in chicken embryos, and their efficacy is based upon the development of neutralizing antibodies [4]. The vaccine has been used since the 1930s when it was first developed. WHO modified the length of validation by the vaccine in 2016 from 10 years to lifelong duration for most individuals [5]. In the U.S., the YF vaccine is primarily given as prophylaxis to military personnel and patients at risk due to travel to endemic areas. Sanofi held the manufacturing of YF-VAX® in 2016 due to factory production issues, and the company made available an alternative vaccine, Stamaril®, which is administered in the U.S. through an FDA-approved expanded access program. Standard clinical practice of screening patients during the pre-travel encounter is essential to prevent complications associated with YF vaccination. YF is a live attenuated vaccine with known serious adverse events, including vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease (YEL-AVD) and neurotropic disease (YEL-AND). Risk factors include uncontrolled HIV infection, 60 years and older patients [6], and other immunocompromised conditions. The subgroup of patients traveling to visit friends and relatives (VFR) can be a particularly vulnerable population at higher risk for some preventable infections, such as malaria, due to loss of previous immunity, and a lesser likelihood to seek pre-travel advice or take prophylaxis, while going back to their home countries [7,8]. There are limited studies in the U.S. that describe the patient population receiving the YF vaccine. This study aimed to identify important descriptors of patients getting the YF vaccine before travel, including patients traveling to visit friends and relatives. This information can aid public health agencies to enhance strategies to increase immunizations of patients at risk and avoid complications.

2. Methods

2.1. Ethics Statement

The present investigation complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) according to the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board (COMIRB) at the University of Colorado Denver. Patients received the YF vaccine through an approved Sanofi Pasteur Inc. Protocol Number STA00011, Expanded Access IND Program to Provide Stamaril® YF Vaccine (17D-204 strain) to Persons in the United States (Quorum Review File #32032). Analysis of clinical data has been performed under an approved protocol (COMIRB Protocol 17-1032).

2.2. Patients and Data Collection

Data from patients receiving the Stamaril® vaccine at the University of Colorado Hospital clinic from 31 October 2016 to 7 July 2019, were submitted for data extraction. Electronic medical records (EPIC) were automatically interrogated for the cohort of travelers through a software supported by Health Data Compass Data Warehouse project ( Study data were collected and managed using REDCap electronic data capture tools hosted at the University of Colorado Denver. The following variables were automatically collected: gender, age, race, state of residency, date of YF vaccine, and the following comorbidities based on International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes: diabetes mellitus, neoplasms, HIV infection, history of hematology-immune disorders, and pregnancy (see Appendix A for full ICD-9, and ICD-10 code definitions). VFR was defined as a form of travel wherein the purpose of the trip or the type of accommodation was visiting friends and/or relatives as consigned in the patient’s history. The following variables were manually collected through chart review: verification of vaccine date if it was unavailable per the automatic search, pregnancy at the time of vaccine administration, the reason for travel, the continent of travel, and destination countries. Some travelers had missing information on key variables (Table 1).

2.3. Statistical Analysis

The means and standard deviations for continuous variables were calculated. For categorical variables, frequencies and percentages were calculated. Patient characteristics were compared between those reporting to visit friends and relatives versus other reasons of travel using chi-squared, students t-tests, or Fisher exact tests. A multivariate logistic regression model was built to evaluate the association between those receiving YF vaccination less than 10 days before departure and those VFR, after controlling for confounders of age, sex, race, and the continent of travel. All analyses were conducted in SAS 9.4. We selected the 10 days based on WHO recommendation of the optimal time of immunization against YF before traveling to endemic areas [9].
Data access: The corresponding author had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

3. Results

3.1. Clinical Characteristics of Patients Receiving the Yellow Fever Vaccine:

Of 964 subjects, the average age of travelers receiving the vaccine was 39 years with a range from nine months to 83 years (Table 1). There were more females (52%), and most of the travelers were identified as Caucasian (64%). Most travelers were from the State of Colorado (96%). Travelers predominantly reported travel to Africa (57%) or South America (40%), among which the primary destinations included Kenya (19%), Uganda (11%), and Tanzania (11%) in Africa; and Peru (14%) and Brazil (13%) in South America (Figure 1). The most common reasons for travel included leisure (44%), followed by VFR (18%) and mission trips (10%) (Figure 2). Comorbidities were uncommon but included a history of neoplasm (7%), hematologic/immunologic disorders (4%), HIV infection (2%), and diabetes mellitus (3%). Heme/immune diagnosis captured through ICD codes included benign heme disorders such as polycythemia, pancytopenia, sickle cell trait, thalassemia, history of deep venous thrombosis, previous use of systemic lupus erythematous medications, and unspecified immune disorders (Appendix A). Common ICD neoplasm diagnoses captured were benign tumors of the skin, prostate, and uterus; and history of colorectal cancer, melanoma, multiple myeloma, uterus carcinoma, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and others (Appendix A). The average duration between vaccine administration and travel was 43 days. No evidence of mild or life-threatening reactions to Stamaril® occurred in this large cohort.
Travelers who were 60 years of age and older represented 17% of the total study population. They were 53% women, predominantly white (79%), and mostly traveling for leisure (63%). They visited Africa (52%) and South America (47%) more often and had plenty of time to receive the vaccine before departure with a mean of 50 days. Kenya (23%), Tanzania (22%), Brazil (24%), and Peru (16%) were popular destinations among these travelers. Only 7% received the vaccine less than 10 days from departure. Sixty years or older travelers had higher rates history of heme-immune conditions (8%), diabetes mellitus (8%), and neoplasms (22%).
Since the vaccine is licensed only to infants older than nine months of age, we only had four infants less than one year of age in our cohort, representing 0.4%. We did not have any reported side effects or complications in this group of travelers.

3.2. Travelers Visiting Friends and Relatives

Travelers visiting their friends and relatives were more predominantly men (56%), younger, and identified as African Americans for their primary ethnicity. Women in this subgroup were more likely to be pregnant and more likely to be HIV positive, but less likely to have a history of cancer. They were more likely to visit Africa as opposed to South America, and they had less time between vaccine administration and travel departure. Common destinations were Kenya, Ethiopia, and less commonly Brazil (Figure 1C). VFR travelers were more likely to receive the vaccine less than 10 days before departure compared to other reasons for travel (18% vs. 10%, p = 0.005). Those VFR were 2.2 times (OR 2.2 (1.3–3.7), p = 0.003) more likely to receive the YF vaccination <10 days before departure, after controlling for confounders of age, sex, race, and destination of Africa vs. South America.

4. Discussion

We describe the clinical characteristics of a cohort of travelers seeking YF vaccination at a U.S medical center. Some of those travelers presented themselves as family groups. Most were young adults, but the age varied widely from infants to seniors. In Colorado, most travelers were Caucasian, had a few comorbidities, and traveled to Africa most often. Travelers sought YF vaccination on an average of about a month and a half before their departure date. The subgroup of VFR travelers was younger, of African American descent, traveling to the African continent, more often pregnant, and had a higher likelihood of having an HIV infection.
We also showed that VFR travelers were more likely to receive the YF vaccine at a suboptimal time before travel. WHO recommends immunization against YF at least 10 days before travel to endemic areas [9]. Studies in travel clinics have shown inadequate timing of the YF vaccine before travel in children [10]. Those VFR may have a harder time making travel clinic appointments and may present just before travel and may be less prepared to take appropriate preventative measures [11].
Receiving the vaccine less than 10 days prior can also have implications for possible denial of entry or increased paperwork at the country of destination. Those VFR may also not recognize the specific country requirement of YF vaccination until just shortly before departure. VFR travelers carry a higher risk of acquired travel-related illnesses such as Hepatitis A, typhoid, malaria, soil-transmitted helminths, and influenza [12]. Specific risk factors associated with the increased threat of illness among VFR include longer stays, decreased pre-travel health plans, sick contacts while abroad, and poorer sanitary conditions during their stay. Public health interventions can aim to increase rates and enhance the optimal timing of YF vaccination among those VFR.
We have shown a large cohort of travelers who safely received the YF vaccine before travel. Since the rate of adverse events with the Yellow vaccine is of about three events per 100,000 doses [13], with our relatively small representative sample we cannot extrapolate a different safety profile. Nevertheless, through standardized travel advice encounters, we safely delivered the vaccine to more than 150 travelers aged 60 years or older, travelers with controlled HIV, and history of cancer, pregnancy, or heme-immune disorders not listed as absolute contraindications. Although travel clinic providers screened travelers for contraindications to receive the YF vaccine, the more comprehensive interrogation of our electronic medical records found a small rate of non-prohibitive relative contraindications in some travelers. We still encourage the avoidance of vaccination in travelers with relative contraindications if the risk of YF acquisition during travel is deemed low, but our findings suggest vaccination is safe in this relatively small cohort among travelers older than 60 years of age. Our cohort delivered some safety evidence of YF vaccine administration among travelers with those listed conditions. This data can reassure clinicians and travelers with a history of those conditions to make pre-travel decisions where the YF vaccine administration is mandatory.
Previous reports in Nigeria have documented the safe administration of the YF vaccine during pregnancy [14]. Administration of the vaccine to HIV-infected individuals with CD4 counts greater than 500 cells/mm3 is safe [15]. YF vaccine has been also administered safely in immunocompromised patients after the withdrawal of their immunosuppressive therapy [16,17].
Our population of travelers visiting family and friends reflects the diversity of African immigrants in Aurora, Colorado. A significant number of travelers seeking pre-travel advice will benefit from a continued comprehensive pre-travel screening of immunocompromised conditions.
Providing the YF vaccine remains a critical public health strategy to decrease transmission and disease. Although overall coverage for the YF vaccine has increased in endemic countries [18], travelers are an important target for this preventive strategy as well. Data from the recent Brazilian outbreak found a case fatality of up to 40% among unimmunized travelers [19].
Models incorporating clinical features have been important to showcase disease burden and to enhance vaccination strategies [20]. The study of high-risk populations can inform the best vaccine policies [21]. VFR travelers are considered a high-risk population. We recommend public health policies to enhance the inclusion of vulnerable populations such as people VFR for YF prophylaxis. We should explore policies such as outreach community messages on the importance of pre-travel health care among foreign-born populations in the US. Additional considerations include community health workers reaching VFR communities to explain the importance of pre-travel vaccination and assessing individual risks.
There are a few limitations to this study. The retrospective selection of data limits the reliability and number of variables analyzed. Misdiagnosis or irrelevant past medical history could have been selected through the automatic ICD screening of the previous diagnosis. However, selection bias was decreased through the automatic collection of some key risk factor variables. Missing data occurred in some medical records as well. We did not have data on foreign-born status among the VFR travelers, which can also account for different clinical characteristics or outcomes.
YF vaccine remains a priority for decreasing disease burden. Coloradans seeking the vaccine represent the current demographics of our community. Despite the history of uncommon well-known comorbidities, YF vaccination was effective and safe. YF disease remains a potentially lethal complication during travel. The current outbreak in Nigeria and the 2018 outbreak in Brazil, both with high case fatality ratios, highlight that prevention strategies are a priority. Efforts should be enhanced to continue YF disease prevention strategies in travel clinics throughout the United States.

Author Contributions

M.B. performed data collection and helped in drafting the first version of the manuscript. J.S. provided critical edits to the manuscript and assisted with the statistical analysis. K.T., D.M., and E.R. assisted with data collection and provided edits to the manuscript. S.A., S.C., W.M., D.C., and C.F.-P. provided critical edits to the manuscript. A.F.H.-M. had the original research idea, assisted with data collection, helped to draft the manuscript, and assisted with data analysis. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.


No funding agencies had any role in the preparation, review, or approval of this manuscript. This publication was supported by NIH/NCRR Colorado CTSI grant Number UL1 RR025780. Its contents are the authors’ sole responsibility and do not necessarily represent official NIH views.

Conflicts of Interest

A.H.M. was the recipient of a K12-clinical trial award as a co-principal investigator for the Expanded Access IND Program (EAP) to provide Stamaril Vaccine to Persons in the United States for Vaccination against Yellow Fever. The rest of the authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. List of diagnoses by ICD codes in yellow fever recipients, University of Colorado Hospital, Denver, 2016–2019.
Table A1. List of diagnoses by ICD codes in yellow fever recipients, University of Colorado Hospital, Denver, 2016–2019.
ICD-9-CM250.8Xanthoma diabeticorumDM
ICD-9-CM250.6Well controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM250.7Well controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM250Well controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM250.61Well controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM250.01Well controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM250.5Visual loss due to diabetes mellitus (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM250.9Unspecified diabetes mellitus with unspecified complicationsDM
ICD-9-CM250.02Uncontrolled type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathyDM
ICD-9-CM250.92Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus with complication (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM249.6Ulnar neuropathy due to secondary DM (HC code)DM
ICD-9-CM250.81Type I diabetes with complicationsDM
ICD-10-CME11.9Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complicationsDM
ICD-10-CME11.311Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edemaDM
ICD-10-CME11.8Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified complicationsDM
ICD-10-CME11.69Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complicationDM
ICD-10-CME11.39Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complicationDM
ICD-10-CME11.49Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic neurological complicationDM
ICD-10-CME11.59Type 2 diabetes mellitus with oth circulatory complicationsDM
ICD-10-CME11.3393Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateralDM
ICD-10-CME11.3293Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateralDM
ICD-10-CME11.3219Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eyeDM
ICD-10-CME11.3213Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateralDM
ICD-10-CME11.649Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without comaDM
ICD-10-CME11.65Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemiaDM
ICD-10-CME11.621Type 2 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcerDM
ICD-10-CME11.42Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic polyneuropathyDM
ICD-10-CME11.40Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathy, unspDM
ICD-10-CME11.610Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathic arthropathyDM
ICD-10-CME11.43Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic autonomic (poly)neuropathyDM
ICD-10-CME11.44Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic amyotrophyDM
ICD-10-CME11.3299Type 2 diab with mild nonp rtnop without macular edema, unspDM
ICD-10-CME10.9Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complicationsDM
ICD-10-CME10.649Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without comaDM
ICD-10-CME10.65Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemiaDM
ICD-10-CME13.44Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic amyotrophyDM
ICD-9-CM359.1Wielander’s distal dystrophy (HC code)Heme/Immune
ICD-9-CM287.2Vasculitis, hemorrhagicHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM287.5Unspecified thrombocytopeniaHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM279.3Unspecified immunity deficiencyHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM287.9Unspecified hemorrhagic conditionsHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM279.9Unspecified disorder of immune mechanismHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795.09Unexplained endometrial cells on cervical Pap smearHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795.51Tuberculin test reactionHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD69.6Thrombocytopenia, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD56.3Thalassemia minorHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795.79Systemic lupus erythematosus inhibitor (HC code)Heme/Immune
ICD-9-CM203Stage III multiple myeloma (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-10-CMD57.3Sickle-cell traitHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD75.1Secondary polycythemiaHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD86.3Sarcoidosis of skinHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795.52Response to cell-mediated gamma interferon antigen without active tuberculosisHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD69.1Qualitative platelet defectsHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD68.52Prothrombin gene mutationHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM279.49Progesterone dermatitisHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795.05Positive cervical papilloma DNA testNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMZ86.73Personal history of transient ischemic attack (TIA), and cerebral infarction without residual deficitsHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.711Personal history of pulmonary embolismHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.718Personal history of other venous thrombosis and embolismHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.59Personal history of other mental and behavioral disordersHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ92.89Personal history of other medical treatmentHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.19Personal history of other infectious and parasitic diseasesHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.69Personal history of other diseases of the nervous system and sense organsHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.79Personal history of other diseases of the circulatory systemHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.018Personal history of other benign neoplasmNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMZ86.13Personal history of malariaHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.008Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of other siteHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.39Personal history of endo, nutritional and metabolic diseaseHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.2Personal history of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanismHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ86.010Personal history of colonic polypsHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ92.21Personal history of antineoplastic chemotherapyHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795.03Papanicolaou smear of cervix with low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL)Heme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795.01Papanicolaou smear of cervix with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US)Heme/Immune
ICD-9-CM795Papanicolaou smear - nonspecific abnormalityHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD89.89Other specified disorders involving the immune mechanism, not elsewhere classifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD64.89Other specified anemiasHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD68.59Other primary thrombophiliaHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD61.818Other pancytopeniaHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD69.2Other nonthrombocytopenic purpuraHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD50.8Other iron deficiency anemiasHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD70.9Neutropenia, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD70.3Neutropenia due to infectionHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD50.9Iron deficiency anemia, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD50.0Iron deficiency anemia secondary to blood loss (chronic)Heme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD84.9Immunodeficiency, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD89.42Idiopathic mast cell activation syndromeHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD69.9Hemorrhagic condition, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD72.0Genetic anomalies of leukocytesHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ51.81Encounter for therapeutic drug level monitoringHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ51.5Encounter for palliative careHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ51.89Encounter for other specified aftercareHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ51.12Encounter for antineoplastic immunotherapyHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMZ51.11Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapyHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD72.829Elevated white blood cell count, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD72.9Disorder of white blood cells, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD89.9Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD75.9Disease of blood and blood-forming organs, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD72.819Decreased white blood cell count, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD68.9Coagulation defect, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD64.9Anemia, unspecifiedHeme/Immune
ICD-10-CMD68.51Activated protein C resistanceHeme/Immune
ICD-9-CMV65.5Worried wellHIV
ICD-9-CMV65.3Weight loss, intentionalHIV
ICD-9-CMV65.40Visit for counselingHIV
ICD-9-CMV08Viruses, lymphadenopathy-associatedHIV
ICD-9-CMV65.49Surgical counseling visitHIV
ICD-9-CMV65.8Reasons for seeking consultationHIV
ICD-10-CMB20Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diseaseHIV
ICD-9-CMV65.41Exercise counselingHIV
ICD-10-CMZ21Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection statusHIV
ICD-9-CM186.9Yolk Sac TumourNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM193Wuchernde struma langhansNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM189WT (Wilms tumor) (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM210.2Warthin’s tumourNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC88.0Waldenstrom macroglobulinemiaNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM184.4Vulvar malignant neoplasm (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM182Uterus neoplasmsNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM188.9Urinary bladder cancer (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.90Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.9Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin, site unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.40Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of scalp and neckNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.4Unspecified malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin of neckNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM201.9Unspecified Hodgkin’s disease, site unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sitesNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM162.9Undifferentiated carcinoma of lung (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.91Ulcers, rodentNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM174.9Tubular carcinoma of breast (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM185Transitional cell carcinoma of prostate (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM145.9The mouth cancersNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM162.3Syndromes, Pancoast’sNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.99Sweat gland tumor, malignantNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM172.9Superficial spreading melanoma (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-10-CMD25.2Subserosal leiomyoma of uterusNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM154.1Stage IV carcinoma of rectum (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM210.4Squamous papilloma of uvulaNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.62Squamous cell skin cancer, wristNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.42Squamous cell skin cancer, parietalNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.92Squamous cell skin cancerNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.9Squamous Cell EpitheliomaNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.92Squamous cell carcinoma of skin, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.42Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of scalp and neckNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.622Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.329Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of faceNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.321Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of noseNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM154.3Squamous cell carcinoma of anus (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.41Skin cancer of scalp or skin of neckNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.31Skin cancer of noseNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.51Skin cancer of anterior chestNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM197Secondary teratoma of lung (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-10-CMC78.00Secondary malignant neoplasm of unspecified lungNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC78.01Secondary malignant neoplasm of right lungNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC78.02Secondary malignant neoplasm of left lungNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM154Recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of colorectal region (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-9-CM173.61Recurrent basal cell carcinoma of shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM174.2Primary malignant neoplasm of upper inner quadrant of female breast (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.99Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD26.9Other benign neoplasm of uterus, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.9Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.60Other benign neoplasm of skin of unspecified upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.30Other benign neoplasm of skin of unspecified part of faceNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.70Other benign neoplasm of skin of unspecified lower limb, including hipNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.5Other benign neoplasm of skin of trunkNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.4Other benign neoplasm of skin of scalp and neckNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.71Other benign neoplasm of skin of right lower limb, including hipNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD23.62Other benign neoplasm of skin of left upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM210Neurofibroma of lipNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD49.89Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other specified sitesNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD49.7Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of endocrine glands and other parts of nervous systemNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD49.0Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of digestive systemNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD49.2Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of bone, soft tissue, and skinNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD48.9Neoplasm of uncertain behavior, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD48.5Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skinNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM172.6Nail bed melanoma, upper extremity (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-10-CMC90.00Multiple myeloma not having achieved remissionNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD47.2Monoclonal gammopathyNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM172.5Melanoma, skin of trunkNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM172.7Melanoma, skin of lower limbNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD03.4Melanoma in situ of scalp and neckNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD03.59Melanoma in situ of other part of trunkNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD03.62Melanoma in situ of left upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.9Melanocytic nevi, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.70Melanocytic nevi of unspecified lower limb, including hipNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.60Melanocytic nevi of unsp upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.5Melanocytic nevi of trunkNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.4Melanocytic nevi of scalp and neckNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.61Melanocytic nevi of right upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.71Melanocytic nevi of right lower limb, including hipNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.39Melanocytic nevi of other parts of faceNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.62Melanocytic nevi of left upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD22.72Melanocytic nevi of left lower limb, including hipNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC51.9Malignant neoplasm of vulva, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC55Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-9-CM174.4Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of right female breast (HC code)Neoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.412Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of left female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.211Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of right female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC34.12Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, left bronchus or lungNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.919Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of unspecified female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.912Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC34.90Malignant neoplasm of unspecified part of unspecified bronchus or lungNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC34.92Malignant neoplasm of unspecified part of left bronchus or lungNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC64.9Malignant neoplasm of unspecified kidney, except renal pelvisNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.911Malignant neoplasm of unsp site of right female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC73Malignant neoplasm of thyroid glandNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC64.1Malignant neoplasm of right kidney, except renal pelvisNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC20Malignant neoplasm of rectumNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC19Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junctionNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC61Malignant neoplasm of prostateNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.819Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of unspecified female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.012Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, left female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC06.9Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC34.31Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, right bronchus or lungNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC64.2Malignant neoplasm of left kidney, except renal pelvisNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC54.1Malignant neoplasm of endometriumNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC62.11Malignant neoplasm of descended right testisNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC50.111Malignant neoplasm of central portion of right female breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC67.9Malignant neoplasm of bladder, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC21.0Malignant neoplasm of anus, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC43.9Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC80.1Malignant (primary) neoplasm, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC62.91Malig neoplm of right testis, unsp descended or undescendedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC62.90Malig neoplasm of unsp testis, unsp descended or undescendedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD25.9Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD25.1Intramural leiomyoma of uterusNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD05.10Intraductal carcinoma in situ of unspecified breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC81.90Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, unspecified siteNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD18.00Hemangioma unspecified siteNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD18.01Hemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissueNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD47.3Essential (hemorrhagic) thrombocythemiaNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD09.9Carcinoma in situ, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD04.39Carcinoma in situ of skin of other parts of faceNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD01.3Carcinoma in situ of anus and anal canalNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD36.9Benign neoplasm, unspecified siteNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD27.9Benign neoplasm of unspecified ovaryNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD31.30Benign neoplasm of unspecified choroidNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD12.3Benign neoplasm of transverse colonNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD24.1Benign neoplasm of right breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD36.10Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD36.13Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of lower limb, including hipNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD11.0Benign neoplasm of parotid glandNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD36.7Benign neoplasm of other specified sitesNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD10.39Benign neoplasm of other parts of mouthNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD32.9Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD11.9Benign neoplasm of major salivary gland, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD24.2Benign neoplasm of left breastNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD13.7Benign neoplasm of endocrine pancreasNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD33.3Benign neoplasm of cranial nervesNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD21.9Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD21.10Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of unspecified upper limb, including shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD12.6Benign neoplasm of colon, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD16.4Benign neoplasm of bones of skull and faceNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD17.9Benign lipomatous neoplasm, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD17.20Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of unspecified limbNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD17.23Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of right legNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD17.21Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of right armNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD17.24Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of left legNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD17.22Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of left armNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMD17.0Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of head, face and neckNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.611Basal cell carcinoma skin/ unsp upper limb, inc shoulderNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.91Basal cell carcinoma of skin, unspecifiedNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.41Basal cell carcinoma of skin of scalp and neckNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.319Basal cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of faceNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.519Basal cell carcinoma of skin of other part of trunkNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMC44.311Basal cell carcinoma of skin of noseNeoplasms
ICD-10-CMZ34.81Encounter for suprvsn of normal pregnancy, first trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.80Encounter for supervision of other normal pregnancy, unspecified trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.83Encounter for supervision of other normal pregnancy, third trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.82Encounter for supervision of other normal pregnancy, second trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.90Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified, unspecified trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.93Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified, third trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.91Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified, first trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.00Encounter for supervision of normal first pregnancy, unspecified trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.03Encounter for supervision of normal first pregnancy, third trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.02Encounter for supervision of normal first pregnancy, second trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ34.01Encounter for supervision of normal first pregnancy, first trimesterPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ32.00Encounter for pregnancy test, result unknownPregnancy
ICD-10-CMZ32.01Encounter for pregnancy test, result positivePregnancy


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Figure 1. Heat map of destinations among patients receiving the yellow fever (YF) vaccine. (A). Heat map of countries of destination for the total cohort. (B). Heat map for travelers going for leisure. (C). Heat map for travelers going to visit friends and family. The density of patients is represented by color bars.
Figure 1. Heat map of destinations among patients receiving the yellow fever (YF) vaccine. (A). Heat map of countries of destination for the total cohort. (B). Heat map for travelers going for leisure. (C). Heat map for travelers going to visit friends and family. The density of patients is represented by color bars.
Tropicalmed 05 00125 g001
Figure 2. Reasons for travel among patients receiving the YF vaccine (n = 964).
Figure 2. Reasons for travel among patients receiving the YF vaccine (n = 964).
Tropicalmed 05 00125 g002
Table 1. A cohort of travelers receiving the yellow fever vaccine at the University of Colorado Hospital.
Table 1. A cohort of travelers receiving the yellow fever vaccine at the University of Colorado Hospital.
VariablesTotal (n = 964)Visit F&R, N = 170 (18%)Other Reason, N = 794 (82%)p-Value
Age (years), mean (SD)39 (18)30 (20)41 (17)<0.0001
Age ≥ 60 years old 167 (17%)18 (11%)149 (19%)0.01
Sex, female502 (52%)74 (44%)428 (54%)0.01
Race <0.0001
White614 (64%)36 (21%)578 (73%)
African American142 (15%)104 (61%)38 (5%)
Other208 (22%)30 (18%)178 (22%)
Out of Colorado State41 (4%)5 (3%)36 (5%)0.35
Pregnancy 11 (2%)5 (6%)6 (1%)0.004
Hematologic/Immunulogic Disease 36 (4%)9 (5%)27 (3%)0.237
Diabetes Mellitus27 (3%)6 (4%)21 (3%)0.526
Neoplasm72 (7%)7 (4%)65 (8%)0.07
HIV22 (2%)12 (7%)10 (1%)<0.0001
Africa551 (57%)146 (86%)405 (51%)<0.0001
South America387 (40%)22 (13%)365 (46%)
Other26 (3%)2 (1%)24 (3%)
Time between vaccine administration and depature (days), mean (SD)41 (38)34 (39)43 (38)0.0049
Vaccination < 10 days 110 (11%)30 (18%)80 (10%)0.005

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MDPI and ACS Style

Bandali, M.; Schultz, J.; Than, K.; McGregor, D.; Archuleta, S.; Chadalawada, S.; Mundo, W.; Chastain, D.; Franco-Paredes, C.; Reno, E.; et al. Ensuring the Safety of Yellow Fever Vaccination in Travelers—The Experience at a Large U.S. Academic Medical Center in Colorado. Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2020, 5, 125.

AMA Style

Bandali M, Schultz J, Than K, McGregor D, Archuleta S, Chadalawada S, Mundo W, Chastain D, Franco-Paredes C, Reno E, et al. Ensuring the Safety of Yellow Fever Vaccination in Travelers—The Experience at a Large U.S. Academic Medical Center in Colorado. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2020; 5(3):125.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Bandali, Mehdi, Jonathan Schultz, Kimlien Than, Donna McGregor, Solana Archuleta, Sindhu Chadalawada, William Mundo, Daniel Chastain, Carlos Franco-Paredes, Elaine Reno, and et al. 2020. "Ensuring the Safety of Yellow Fever Vaccination in Travelers—The Experience at a Large U.S. Academic Medical Center in Colorado" Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 5, no. 3: 125.

APA Style

Bandali, M., Schultz, J., Than, K., McGregor, D., Archuleta, S., Chadalawada, S., Mundo, W., Chastain, D., Franco-Paredes, C., Reno, E., & Henao-Martínez, A. F. (2020). Ensuring the Safety of Yellow Fever Vaccination in Travelers—The Experience at a Large U.S. Academic Medical Center in Colorado. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 5(3), 125.

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