Design for an Art Therapy Robot: An Explorative Review of the Theoretical Foundations for Engaging in Emotional and Creative Painting with a Robot
:1. Introduction
1.1. Terms
1.2. Motivation
2. Theoretical Foundations
2.1. Therapy Robots
2.2. Robot Art
2.3. Interaction Strategies for Art Therapy
2.3.1. Humanistic Art Therapy: Robot as Partner
2.3.2. General Interactions
2.4. Ethical Pitfalls
2.4.1. Identifying Pitfalls
2.4.2. Proposed Solutions to Ethical Pitfalls
2.5. Emotions
2.6. Creativity
3. Design for an Art Therapy Robot
3.1. Requirements and Capabilities
- R1 Co-explore. The robot should investigate the meaning of the person’s art with the person, showing attention: expressing inferences about the person or their artwork in painting and verbally, and asking questions to confirm and to encourage the person to reflect. The robot can also track the state of the person’s artworks over time.
- R2 Enhance self-image. The robot should be positive, accepting and encouraging the communication of emotions. If sharing a substrate, the robot can also leave the most important parts of the painting for the person to paint, providing opportunities to feel independence, control, purpose, and growth, while possibly scaffolding and adjusting the challenge to the person’s skill level. The robot can seek to include positive personalized content tailored to the person in its painting.
- R3 Improve social interactions. The robot can suggest including others in paintings, mention others who have painted similar paintings, or seek to include interesting content in paintings which could lead to conversation.
- R4 Please. To promote a general perception of hedonic well-being, the robot should help the person to feel good about engaging in art therapy with the robot, by behaving in an enjoyable and likeable way. For easy good communication, the robot can offer a familiar interface such as humanoid behavior and capable of multimodal interaction. To be liked by the person, the robot can show empathy and match a person’s emotions, although it should not show negative emotions toward a person or their art; and be positive, showing sincere liking, as praise can be given for a person’s creativity and skill, even for negative depictions. Emotion expression can be made to be large and meaningful, and express sincerity by being clear, e.g., ensuring that referents are clearly conveyed. Creativity can show interesting variation within a stable core. Suggestions, delivered proactively, can invite interaction and clearly convey interactive affordances and a robot’s intentions. The robot can also infer when the person wants to end the interaction.
- R5 Engage Emotionally. The robot should seek to infer emotions embedded in a person’s artwork, and can also seek to infer a person’s emotions directly. Basic emotions can be conveyed abstractly based on heuristics, or via symbols such as a person’s face. The robot can also seek to infer and convey complex phenomena such as mixed emotions, referents, and progressions.
- R6 Engage Creatively. The robot should be able to make basic creative choices and discuss these with a person through conversation.
- R7 Avoid Pitfalls. The robot should avoid pitfalls including physical harm, psychological harm, mistakes, and deception.
- C1 Infer. C1.1 Emotions from painting or C1.2 emotions directly from a person. C1.3 Speech, when person wants to end the interaction, asks a question, or answers. C1.4 Problems.
- C2 Paint. Express C2.1 Matching emotions. C2.2 Positive emotions. C2.3 Creativity. C2.4 Complex Emotions.
- C3 Talk. C3.1 Ask. About person’s painting and permissions. C3.2 Greeting C3.3 Explain. C3.4 Suggest. Social interactions. C3.5 Be Positive. C3.6 Alert.
- C4 Track State. (If permitted) Store a record for a care giver.
- C5 Offer Familiar Interface.
- C6 Be Safe.
3.2. Simplified Implementation Example
3.2.1. Safe, Familiar Interface
3.2.2. Inference
3.2.3. Painting
3.2.4. Speech
- “Hello, welcome to art therapy.”
- “My name is Baxter and I am learning how to interact with humans. Please don’t be disappointed if I don’t understand what you say.”
- “Do you feel like doing some painting today? It’s fine to say ‘no’.”
- “Is it okay if I let… know that you have painted with me today, and take a photo of your painting to show them?”
- “Also, do you know that you can stop my arm at any time, or push the emergency button to make me turn off?’ I’m completely safe.”
- “Let’s get started! Please paint whatever you like, and I will do the same”
- “What are you feeling right now?”
- “Are you feeling…?”
- “Thank you for asking about my painting. I decided to…”
- “You’re done? Okay, then I’m done, too.”
- “Thank you for painting with me, and showing me your wonderful artwork, goodbye!”
4. Discussion
- Art therapy robots. We have motivated why art therapy robots would be useful, and described an apparent gap in the literature in regard to drama, writing, and gardening therapy for robots.
- Therapeutic interactions. We have suggested the usefulness of a humanistic, “responsive art” approach as a starting point for an interaction strategy for art therapy robots, comprising concepts such as “matching” and “distracting”.
- Emotions. We have compiled with the help of the artists a list of heuristics for autonomously generating abstract emotional art based on simplified properties of color, lines, and composition. We have reported on some symbols which appear to strongly convey emotions, proposing the importance of one symbol in particular, a painted human face with various expressions, as a familiar and powerful symbol. Furthermore, we have highlighted a perceived gap between our understanding of emotions in human science and what is currently typically being addressed in engineering studies, in terms of mixed emotions, referents, timing, and polysemy, and suggested how such emotional characteristics can be considered or conveyed in art therapy.
- Creativity. We have discussed some issues in artificial creativity, and proposed that an art therapy robot should be able to discuss creative choices with a person through conversation.
- Ethics. We have identified some potential ethical pitfalls for an art therapy robot and proposed solutions for avoiding them.
- Art therapy robots. Theoretical work will extend our design to work with other forms of therapy such as music therapy.
- Therapeutic interactions. Interaction strategies will be refined, e.g., by clarifying how art should be used to provide therapeutic feedback, possibly through preparing datasets of patient art and responsive art from human therapists.
- Emotions. We will get a better understanding of how to convey complex emotions, also using symbols, and we will tackle some questions which emerged in our work such as: Will abstracted symbols be perceived more as conveying emotions, whereas realistic symbols will be perceived more as semantic or referential?
- Creativity. Various questions can be tackled, such as: How could an art therapy robot personalize creative artwork generated for a person?
- Ethics. Concerns for other forms of art or therapy should be addressed, as well as legal questions. For example, if an art therapy robot errs, who is at fault: the robot, the makers, or the entity offering its services? Moreover, who will own the copyright for the robot’s generated artwork if it is generated in a therapy session for a human?
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Emotions
- Co-occurrence. Humans can feel multiple, sometimes opposite, emotions simultaneously [177,178]. For example, conflicting emotions might include enjoying a scary movie, a “dumb” joke, or cacophonous music; feeling happy and sad at experiencing a small winning or loss in gambling; feeling hopeful at new prospects but sad to lose contact with friends, when moving; feeling happy but sad when a child leaves home; or feeling happy for students who excel and sad for those who do not, after a test. Some examples of complimentary emotions are feeling relaxed and happy, or sad and angry. Humans appear to be adept at recognizing such emotions; it has even been suggested that blended emotions are displayed more often in the face than single emotions, and that people are better able to process this mixed information [179].
- Referents. Another property we note is that emotions are typically directed toward some context (here, a “referent”), and not random phenomena disconnected from the world; this can be seen in some typical patterns of thought occurring during the experiencing of emotions described by appraisal theory [180]. For instance, appraisal of an event can involve assessing its relevance, how difficult it is to handle, the causes, and norms for how people typically react [181]. Referents are also generally important for phenomena related to emotions such as “sentiments”, attitudes, preferences and opinions, which are typically directed toward something or someone. We believe that identifying the referent of an emotion is vital for human interactions; for example, a robot might need to know if a person is angry at the robot or at someone else. However, referents can be quite complex. A person cut off while driving might feel angry toward another driver, their car, or even everyone in the vicinity, or the situation in general. Moreover, in some cases, the referent might be obvious, but in others, even humans can have difficulty identifying why others feel the way they do, for example when someone is angry with them. Furthermore, it has been suggested that sometimes emotions are not directed at anything in particular, in the case of “core affect”, in which a person might feel excited, depressed, or relaxed [182].
- Timing. Additionally, emotions change over time. In general, there is an internal homeostatic tendency for strong emotions to gradually fade over time, and emotions can be more easily regulated as they start than when they are in progress [183]. The role of timing in “emotion episodes” has also been examined in affective events theory, in which it is claimed that that the patterns with which emotions fluctuate over time are highly predictable [184]. In addition, some typical progressions of emotions have been described. For example, a grief response can proceed from denial, to anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance [185]; in terms of basic emotions, this could be described as a progression from surprise to anger, sadness, and finally a neutral state. In addition, progressions of emotions from fear to anger are predicted in General Strain Theory [120,186]. We believe that humans have some intuitive understanding of such processes, which could be beneficial for a robot art therapist; for example, if it is known that scared people can become angry, predictions can be made about how a scared person might feel in the future.
- Polysemy. Additionally, emotional signals can be ambiguous. For example, nodding can be positive, indicating agreement, greeting, or thanks; neutral expressing confirmation; or negative conveying irony or emphatic insistence [124]. Robots should be aware of such nuances in order to communicate well with humans. In the current article, we seek to take into account such considerations, in exploring the complex phenomenon of the visual communication of emotions.
Appendix B. Creativity
Appendix C. Basic Forms of Art Therapy
Appendix D. The Emotional Meaning of Symbols
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Question | Proposal |
Who | One robot engages with one human (dyadic) |
What | In nondirective painting |
Where | Using different canvases |
When | During a single session (1 h; comprising a warm-up, a main activity, and reflection) |
Requirement | Solution |
Art therapy. | |
Co-explore. | Infer, Paint, Ask, Track State. |
Enhance self-image. | Be Positive. |
Improve social interactions. | Suggest. |
Please. | Offer familiar interface, Paint (Match, Creativity), Suggest, Be Positive, Infer, Greeting |
Engage Emotionally. | Infer/Paint |
Engage Creatively. | Paint creatively, Explain. |
Avoid Pitfalls. | |
Avoid Physical harm | Infer problems, Alert |
(from robot) | Be Safe (safe design, self-diagnostics, transparency about activities and intentions; physics model, capability to detect paints, water, substrates, etc.) |
(from art-making) | Explain (disclosure of potential dangers), Infer (checking for risks) |
(from others) | Infer (detect negative human interactions), Alert (try to prevent/defuse) |
Avoid Psychological harm | |
(intimidating) | Explain (disclose safety) |
(making people feel bad) | Praise (positivity toward the person) |
Avoid Mistakes | |
(Indiscriminately revealing emotions) | Be Safe (patient confidentiality, safe storage of paintings, secure system) |
(Recognizing/showing the wrong emotions) | Paint Complex Emotions (use rich expressive model (e.g., mixed emotions, referents, timing)), Ask (give feedback and confirm), Be Safe (secure system) |
(Mistaken judgements) | Explain (transparency, collaborative), Track State (not taking the place of humans) |
Avoid Deception | |
(Taking the place of humans) | Explain (prioritize/assist human therapists, transparency), Suggest (promote social ties) |
(Manipulating emotions) | Be Safe (confidentiality, no financial incentive) |
(Disappointing) | Explain (ensure expectations are clear) |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Cooney, M.D.; Menezes, M.L.R. Design for an Art Therapy Robot: An Explorative Review of the Theoretical Foundations for Engaging in Emotional and Creative Painting with a Robot. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2018, 2, 52.
Cooney MD, Menezes MLR. Design for an Art Therapy Robot: An Explorative Review of the Theoretical Foundations for Engaging in Emotional and Creative Painting with a Robot. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2018; 2(3):52.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCooney, Martin Daniel, and Maria Luiza Recena Menezes. 2018. "Design for an Art Therapy Robot: An Explorative Review of the Theoretical Foundations for Engaging in Emotional and Creative Painting with a Robot" Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 2, no. 3: 52.
APA StyleCooney, M. D., & Menezes, M. L. R. (2018). Design for an Art Therapy Robot: An Explorative Review of the Theoretical Foundations for Engaging in Emotional and Creative Painting with a Robot. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(3), 52.