Anaerobic Digestion of Cuttings from Grassland in Protected Landscape Areas
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Area and Fieldwork
2.1.1. Lowland Hay Meadows
2.1.2. Extensively Managed Orchard Meadows
2.2. Laboratory Analysis
2.2.1. Sample Preparation and Chemical Composition Analyses
2.2.2. Biochemical Methane Potential Test
2.2.3. Inoculum
2.2.4. Kinetics of Methane Formation Process
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Biomass Yields of Lowland Hay and Orchard Meadows during the Growing Season
3.2. Chemical Composition of Harvested Biomass during the Vegetation Period
3.3. Methane Yield Potential
3.4. Kinetics Analysis of Methane Formation (Gompertz)
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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XP | XL | XF | aNDF | ADF | ADL | SMY | ||
SMY | Pearson Correlation | 0.724 ** | 0.252 ** | −0.795 ** | −0.795 ** | −0.841 ** | −0.804 ** | 1 |
Rm | λ | ½ M | SMY | ||
Rm | Pearson Correlation | 1 | |||
λ | Pearson Correlation | 0.876 ** | 1 | ||
½ M | Pearson Correlation | −0.897 ** | −0.766 ** | 1 | |
SMY | Pearson Correlation | 0.901 ** | 0.693 ** | −0.777 ** | 1 |
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Brandhorst, C.; Hülsemann, B.; Ohnmacht, B.; Lemmer, A. Anaerobic Digestion of Cuttings from Grassland in Protected Landscape Areas. Inventions 2024, 9, 23.
Brandhorst C, Hülsemann B, Ohnmacht B, Lemmer A. Anaerobic Digestion of Cuttings from Grassland in Protected Landscape Areas. Inventions. 2024; 9(1):23.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBrandhorst, Christina, Benedikt Hülsemann, Benjamin Ohnmacht, and Andreas Lemmer. 2024. "Anaerobic Digestion of Cuttings from Grassland in Protected Landscape Areas" Inventions 9, no. 1: 23.
APA StyleBrandhorst, C., Hülsemann, B., Ohnmacht, B., & Lemmer, A. (2024). Anaerobic Digestion of Cuttings from Grassland in Protected Landscape Areas. Inventions, 9(1), 23.