Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems: Ferromagnets, Antiferromagnets and Frustrated Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Model and Method
2.1. Model
2.2. Simulation Method
- (i)
- We take a conduction spin and calculate its actual energy using the different interactions mentioned above.
- (ii)
- We make a trial move for the electron in a random direction between 0 and a, where a is the lattice constant. If the move takes the itinerant electron outside the sample, then we put it inside on the other sample end by virtue of the periodic boundary condition.
- (iii)
- We then calculate the new energy . If , then the trial position is accepted. Otherwise, it is accepted with the probability .
- (iv)
- We take another conduction electron and repeat the three steps above. We continue with other electrons until all electrons are considered: this accomplishes one MC step/spin. A large number of MC steps/spins are necessary to arrive at a steady current state. We next average physical quantities of interest at the temperature T under consideration.
- (v)
- We take another T and repeat the above four steps. We should cover the temperature region of interest.
3. Review
3.1. Spin Resistivity in Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets
3.2. Frustrated Model on a Simple Cubic Lattice
- A.
- For :
- B.
- For :
3.3. The Case of MnTe
4. Phase Transition and Spin Resistivity in the Ising HCP Lattice
4.1. Hamiltonian and Ground State
4.2. Phase Transition in the Case of Ising Spins on the HCP Lattice
4.3. Spin Resistivity in the HCP Lattice with Ising Spins
- (i)
- At very low temperatures, the resistivity increases with decreasing temperature. This behavior can be understood by the freezing of the itinerant spins due to low T: the energy of itinerant spins is low; they occupy the low-energy positions in the periodic lattice; it is difficult to move them out by the insufficient thermal energy. They are somewhat frozen in almost periodic positions; namely, a pseudo crystallization occurs. Note that the increase of resistivity with decreasing T at very low T has been observed in many experiments on various materials and is not limited to ferromagnets [3,5,7,40]. This increase of with decreasing T in the quantum case has been explained by J. Kondo using a third-order perturbation theory [58]: the scattering of s-electrons by d-electrons of localized magnetic impurities gives rise to a resistivity minimum at a finite T. We have also found here this minimum of at low T with the classical spin model. The similarity with the quantum Kondo effect can be explained by the fact that an excited localized lattice down-spin (in a very small number at low T) can be viewed as an impurity that captures nearby conduction up-spins.
- (ii)
- Outside this low-T region, when T increases, the thermal energy progressively unfreezes the itinerant spins. As a consequence, decreases and passes through a minimum (see discussion above). However, at higher T, the scattering with the lattice spins is stronger; increases up to the transition temperature.
- (iii)
- At the transition temperature, shows a peak. The physical mechanism leading to the peak can be explained: in a previous work [21], it was found from our simulations that the peak is due to scattering of the itinerant spins by antiparallel-spin clusters that are numerous in the transition region. When one gets close to the transition point, the number of clusters of down spins are the most numerous, giving rise to the peak in . Note that the “defects” clusters (i.e., clusters of antiparallel spins) have an energy barrier to resist the passage of itinerant spins. This is also the origin of the extremely long relaxation time in the critical region.
- (iv)
- Well above the transition temperature, in the paramagnetic phase, as temperature increases, clusters of down and up spins are increasingly broken into independent disordered spins, namely, spins with zero energy; itinerant spins move easily on their trajectory, decreasing with the increasing T.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Hoang, D.-T.; Diep, H.T. Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems: Ferromagnets, Antiferromagnets and Frustrated Systems. Condens. Matter 2023, 8, 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/condmat8010003
Hoang D-T, Diep HT. Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems: Ferromagnets, Antiferromagnets and Frustrated Systems. Condensed Matter. 2023; 8(1):3. https://doi.org/10.3390/condmat8010003
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoang, Danh-Tai, and Hung T. Diep. 2023. "Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems: Ferromagnets, Antiferromagnets and Frustrated Systems" Condensed Matter 8, no. 1: 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/condmat8010003
APA StyleHoang, D.-T., & Diep, H. T. (2023). Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems: Ferromagnets, Antiferromagnets and Frustrated Systems. Condensed Matter, 8(1), 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/condmat8010003