1. Introduction
We present here an idea of instanton-mediated superconductivity using a ‘minimal’ model Hamiltoninan of electronic system with spin-fermion coupling [
2] to a bosonic mode on a square lattice with antiferromagnetic (AF) wave vector
near the ‘nested’ Fermi-surface points in momentum space. It proves to be that this simple model incorporates intrinsic creation of instantons and provides a unified explanation of an emergence of a ‘hidden order’ state followed by a transition to superconductivity. To explain a matter of principle we consider here just a model of fermions on a square lattice linearly coupled to a spin subsystem with dominating AF spin fluctuations. The latter are described by effective nonlinear Euclidean action
are the Pauli matrices, and
is the chemical potential. This model could be considered formally as being an effective infrared-scale theory obtained by a proper renormalisation of the Hubbard-like on-site repulsive-
U Hamiltonian [
4]. In principle, two-component spin-fermion models could be derived from taking into account details of Cu and O orbitals in cuprates [
6]. Naively, one would expect the spin subsystem part
to consist just of the Hubbard-Stratonovich ‘spin-field’ quadratic term
(cast into general
term in (2)), that together with the spin-fermion term
, restores the familiar onsite repulsion,
, of the Hubbard-U model after path integration over spins
, where
. But, in reality, one has also to allow for the spin-exchange terms of the kind
, that are generated by inter-site fermionic (indirect) exchange, and cause spin dynamics, creating the AF spin ordering fluctuations. The quartic and higher order in
terms are cast into
term in (2) as well, compare [
7]. To proceed, we single out the most important for the rest part of the spin-fermion system action, that follows from the general expressions (
1) and (2) and is conveniently written in the Fourier representation, assuming summation over the momenta in 2D Brillouin zone of the square lattice:
where we have introduced the AF wave vector
expressed in the inverse units
of the square lattice, and
is a spin-wave velocity,
enters a ‘mass’ term, that defines finite correlation length of the AF fluctuations,
characterises coupling between the different spin fluctuations, and
is fermionic dispersion shifted by the chemical potential
Leaving for the future work a solution of the 2+1D Higgs model that stems from the symmetries of the Euclidean action in (
3) [
8], we consider here much simplified version, that nevertheless demonstrates our major idea of the condensation of an instantonic Cooper-pairing ‘glue’. Namely, we introduce Ising spin
instead of the Heisenberg spin
and, as an indulgence for the loss of the local rotational degrees of freedom, introduce a local rotation frame with the spin polarization axis changing direction on the scale of a ‘spin-bag’ size. The latter is of the order of the spin correlation length
. Since we have introduced a local spin polarization axis in each bag e.g., aligned along the
z-axis, the scalar product of the Pauli matrices and Fourier component of the spin vector in a particular ‘spin-bag’ could be substituted with the product of corresponding projections in the rotated ‘spin-bag’ reference frame:
, where
. Simultaneously, the spin part of the fermionic field operators should be transformed with the unitary
, that changes as a function of the point in the Euclidean space-time
. Then, the terms in (
, generate dynamics of SU(2) guage field
and provide corresponding extra terms in the Euclidean action (
3) [
8]. In what follows we consider approximately complicated dynamics of the fermionic-
, guage-
and Higgs-
fields. Namely, the whole system is divided into a conglomerate of the ‘spin-bags’, their number is of the order of
, where
V is 2D volume of the system. Each bag possesses space index
i, now enumerating the ‘centers’ of the different bags inside the system. Each bag accommodates an antiferromagnetic spin-density wave (SDW) fluctuation, polarized along the i-th bag’s (local) spin polarization axis. The amplitude of the SDW fluctuation depends on the imaginary Matsubara time:
, and possesses a single AF wave-vector
. To allow for the change of the ‘spin-bag’ reference frames between the different bags we introduce the fluctuating phases
, that change at random as function of the bag’s index
i. Then, the Euclidean action (
3) becomes:
Here space distribution of spin fluctuation projection on the
ith bag’s local
z-axis, possessing AF wave vector
, is characterized by the Matsubara time dependent complex amplitude
Several remarks are in order now. Comparison of (
3) and (5) with (
1) shows that we have approximated summation over SDW wave vector
in the spin-fermion scattering terms with assignment of a finite weight to a single AF wave vector
, assuming that this contribution dominates in the integrations in the Eliashberg like equations with the spin-fermion vertices, compare [
1]. Consequently, the real-space antiferromagnetic spin rigidity energy in (
, is dropped in (5), as we consider only spin fluctuations with the wave vectors
. Besides, we have chosen a local spin polarization axis in each ‘spin-bag’, thus substituting scalar product of Fourier component of the spin vector
and of fermion spin operator
with the product of corresponding projections in the rotated reference frame of the i-th bag [
. Since bosonic spin field must be
-periodic, the amplitude in (
6) obeys periodicity condition:
T is temperature, and dependence of
on coordinate is due to periodic variation of the prefactor
with AF wave vector
. We have absorbed the coupling constant
U in the definition of
in the spin-fermion coupling (second) term in (
4). This gives then a renormalized coupling constant:
. We shall consider below the case when mean-field SDW order is missing, though
is ‘macroscopic’, i.e., proportional to the volume of a ‘spin-bag’. This means that a SDW in each spin-bag accommodates instanton-anti-instanton pairs, e.g., considered previously within effective
model [
9]. Then, the following condition is obeyed:
Hence, we call such ‘invisible SDW’ a quantum SDW (QSDW), to emphasise the absence of the static antiferromagnetic order.
Now we define expression for the partition function of the system. We take into account randomness of the phases
ascribed to the different ‘spin-bags’ by applying a ‘random phase approximation’, i.e., by taking average over
from 0 to
in the partition function:
Here an interaction representation for the spin-fermion coupling term in Equation (
4) is used [
10], and Matsubara time
ordering procedure is applied to the products of the quantum field-operators, as is indicated with the sign
. The Hibbs averaging is indicated by the angle brackets
, being performed with the statistical weight provided by the noninteracting parts of the action of the magnetic
subsystem, see (5), and of the fermionic subsystem,
, that equals respectively:
In what follows, we shall consider instanton-populated ‘spin-bags’ for the reason explained below. Then, an integration over
in the Equation (
9) arises due to presence of the zero mode in each ‘spin-bag’, accompanying the instantonic saddle-point solution
of the magnetic subsystem [
11]. A detailed description is given below, see Equation (
20) and the text after it. Correspondingly,
A-factor signifies Jacobian used for the integration over the zero mode of the magnetic action
, where
is the saddle point value of the instantonic magnetic action. Integration over random phases
reflects existing symmetry of the spin subsystem on the scale of the ‘spin-bag’ size, as explained above. We introduce a short-hand notation for the farther convenience:
Now, the time ordering
permits us to rewrite (
9) in the form of series expansion:
Independent averaging over the phases
of the QSDW in the different ‘spin-bags’ gives nonzero result under the conditions
and, simultaneously, couples into “Wick-like” pairwise products the amplitudes
, where
is Kronecker delta. Hence, partition function (
9) reduces to:
where all
are now real. In the saddle-point approximation we substitute retarded interaction
in the four-fermion interaction term in (
13) by the instantonic propagator
defined below in Equation (
25). Hence, we have derived effective retarded interaction between the fermions inside a ‘spin-bag’, mediated by the fluctuating QSDW.
Namely, we demonstrate that, under a strong enough spin-fermion coupling in the Hamiltonian (
4), a positive bare pre-factor
in front of
in (5) is renormalised and may become negative:
. An intrinsic mechanism of this sign reversal, that happens below a temperature
, is a first order transition into a phase, that possesses a new saddle point of the Euclidean action of the Fermi-system. The saddle point accommodates a complex macroscopic fluctuation, that constitutes quantum antiferromagnetic ‘hidden’ order (QSDW) bound to a Cooper-pair condensate inside each ‘spin-bag’. We show that as the temperature
T is lowered within the temperature interval
, the energy of this fluctuation crosses zero and becomes negative below
. This happens due to a growth of the amplitude of the antiferromagnetic QSDW, which is periodically modulated in the imaginary Matsubara time and has zero mean.The latter property makes this QSDW a ‘hidden order’ [
9]. The periodic modulation of the QSDW amplitude along the Matsubara time axis is facilitated via sequence of (anti)instantons, an “instantonic crystal”, giving rise to instanton-mediated Cooper-pairing ‘glue’. The strength of the ‘glue’ increases as the temperature decreases, and the energy of the collective fluctuation passes through zero at
. Below
Cooper-pairing fluctuation turns into equilibrium superconducting condensate, and the amplitude of the instantonic modulation of QSDW
saturates and remains finite in the
limit. A clip-representation of the quint essence of this scenario is presented in
Figure 1. In the next section we remind derivation [
13] of the zero mode instantonic propagator for an
ad hoc Lagrangian of the type (5), but with sign-changed coefficient
, (
14). The ‘hidden order’ behaviour of the QSDW characterized with this propagator is described. Next, in
Section 3 we use the instantonic propagator of
Section 2 as a ‘glue boson’ in the Eliashberg like system of equations, which is derived in the random-phase
approximation, and find analytic solution for the temperature Green’s functions of the Cooper-paired fermions, using a toy model in Equation (
4), with dispersion
possessing “nested” Fermi-surface regions. In
Section 4 a negative shift of the bare coefficient
is calculated explicitly via a second order variational derivative of the free energy decrease,
, due to superconducting fluctuations:
. As a result, an algebraic self-consistency equation for the coefficient
is obtained and solved. Below a temperature
this coefficient first becomes negative, which manifests transition of the Fermi-system into a state with saddle-point fluctuation described as ‘hidden order’ inside of each ‘spin-bag’ accommodating an antiferromagnetic QSDW coupled to superconducting condensate. At strong enough spin-fermion coupling the
is greater than
, giving rise to a ‘strange metal’ region of the phase diagram of the Fermi-system. Namely, in the interval
, as the temperature further decreases below
, the saddle-point solution splits into two. One of the two saddle-points corresponds to
and has free energy that decreases together with the temperature and at
reaches an upper bound of the free energy of the equilibrium superconducting state. Another saddle-point corresponds to
and has free energy that remains higher than the equilibrium free energy value and, hence, remains a fluctuation down to and at
. Below
the superconducting state coexists with ‘hidden’ QSDW order, that plays a role of ‘pairing glue’. The relevance of the proposed instantonic mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity for cuprates is discussed in the last
Section 5.
2. Instantonic Propagator: Cooper ‘Pairing Glue’ and ‘Hidden Order’
First, we remind our previous derivation [
9] of the instantonic propagator, that was obtained using imaginary time-periodic instanton-anti-instanton solution for a Lagrangian of the type used in the Euclidean action (5), but with the negative pre-factor in front of
Here temperature
T and Matsubara time variable
are assumed to be properly renormalized with parameter
, and we’ll keep track of this in the final answers, avoiding busy formulas in between, compare [
11]. In (
14) we also had dropped the spin-bag index
i and simplified notations by denoting QSDW amplitude
simply with
M. It is straightforward to see that saddle-point solution
of Euclidean action
with Lagrangian (
14), periodic in the imaginary Matsubara time, obeys equation for the snoidal Jacobi elliptic function [
14]. The saddle-point equation is readily derived by equating the variational derivative of the action
to zero:
where new parameters
E, and
k are introduced as follows:
Indeed, Equation (16) has periodic solution expressed via the well known Jacobi snoidal function [
14], see
Figure 2:
is called elliptic modulus, and Matsubara time periodicity (
7) of the saddle-point field
imposes conditions:
is elliptic integral of the first kind [
14], and
n is integer equal to the number of instanton-anti-instanton pairs inside a single period of the Matsubara’s time
, and
T is the temperature. Hence, the periodic saddle-point solution is:
In (
20) a shift
along the Matsubara axis signifies existence of a zero mode excitation
causing an arbitrary shift of the saddle-point solution (
20) along the Matsubara time axis without a change of the Euclidean action
11]. In passing from the first to last equality in (
20) we had rescaled Matsubara time:
, to match notations in [
11]. Simultaneously, using the first integral of the saddle-point differential Equation (16) we express the saddle-point action
In the limit
Jacobi function (
18) acquires infinite period
and turns into hyperbolic tangent:
-times the well known single instanton action [
11], but shifted by the mean-field action offset:
factor arises due to imposed Matsubara time periodicity of the Hubbard-Stratonovich field
, see condition (8), thus leading to an instanton-anti-instanton pairs contribution, with
n being the number of such pairs on the interval
, the latter being the “thickness” of the Euclidean space slab along the Matsubara time axis. It is important to mention, that combination of conditions (
17) and (
19) imposes bounds on the independent change of parameters
k, and temperature
T entering snoidal solution (
20). Namely, to keep
finite at
one has to assume
. A choice, that minimises Euclidean action (
24), would be to fix
and let
, [
11]. We’ll return to this later in
Section 4.
2.1. Instantonic Zero-Mode Enhancement of the Spin-Wave ‘Pairing Glue’
Using instantonic saddle-point solution
20) we define an instantonic propagator:
The coordinate space dependent pre-factor arises from the nesting wave-vector
of the QSDW (
6). According to the Hamiltonian in the action (
4), this propagator describes coupling of the fermions to the spin excitations in the saddle-point approximation for
, and allows for the zero mode via averaging over
along the Matsubara time interval
. Since we have absorbed the coupling constant
U into definition of
M in the spin-fermion interaction term in (
4), the spin-density correlator taken in the saddle-point approximation,
is related to the propagator
in a simple way:
Now, as it was demonstrated in [
9], propagator
can be calculated in explicit form from Equations (
25) and expression
in Equation (
20) using Fourier expansion for Jacobi elliptic function
. After substitution of expression Equation (28) into Equation (
25) one finds readily:
Next, the sum in Equation (
29) is expressed via the contour integral [
where only the real-space Fourier component with wave-vector
is kept. The integration contour surrounds imaginary axis of
z, and Matsubara time variable
is taken inside the interval
being the half-period of function
. Within the latter interval of Matsubara time the integrand in (
30) converges fast enough to zero, thus allowing to stretch the contour
C along the real axis, leading to equality:
where summation runs over all integers
s. In the limit
, equivalent to
, see definition in (28), the propagator takes especially simple form, that approaches ‘sawtooth’ curve along the Matsubara axis, with the period
In the interval
one finds
using relations:
Finally, approximate expression for the instantonic propagator
in the
limit takes the form below, with relations (
17) being used:
At this point it is convenient to compare the scale of the instantonic propagator found in Equations (
32) and (
, with the common spin-wave propagator, see e.g., [
1]. For the latter case we use the general recipe of [
10] and find an amplitude of the harmonic oscillator in the vicinity of the local mean-field minima of the Euclidean action (
15) characterised with Lagrangian:
From (
36) it is straightforward to check that just opposite to (
Comparison of (
35) and (
37) indicates that exchange with instantons in the semiclassical limit,
, provides stronger ‘pairing glue’ than exchange with the spin-waves. The same is true for the spin-waves of the bare Lagranian in (
14), in that case one can use (
37), but exchange
in the estimate.
2.2. Instantonic Propagator as ‘Hidden Order’
Before considering in the next section the role of instantonic exchange in the triggering of superconducting transition at ‘high temperature’, we first demonstrate why instantonic SDW (i.e., QSDW) is ‘hidden order’.
Namely, it is instructive to use (
35) and calculate for a particular case of
Fourier components of
along the Matsubara axis of bosonic frequencies
This calculation demonstrates (proven for the general case in [
a unique property of the propagator to possess only second order poles, i.e., to have zero residues. This comes out from Equation (
29), reflecting the fact that
in Equation (
20) is Jacobi’s elliptic double periodic function in the complex plane of
14]. Hence, using the general recipe [
10], one finds zero cross section
of the neutron scattering on the instantonic QSDW (
where retarded Green function is obtained by analytic continuation of the propagator (
25) from the imaginary Matsubara’s axis to the real axis of frequencies, see [
Hence, we see, indeed, that QSDW (
6) has zero scattering cross section in meand field approximation, as it should be since it does not dissipate energy already at finite temperatures. Also the energy transfer
W between the external “force”
and the QSDW (
6) is strictly zero:
4. Instanton Driven ‘Strange Metal’ and Superconducting Transitions
Now we use standard procedure [
10] to calculate free energy change
per ‘spin-bag’ due to instanton-mediated superconducting pairing (thus dropping the spin-bag index
i introduced in (
is the first term in the sum in (
4) respectively. We use the instantonic amplitude
defined in (
33), as a formal variable coupling strength in the spin-fermion interaction Hamiltonian
in (
59) and calculate the free energy derivative:
where thermodynamic averaging in (
60) together with an averaging over the ‘zero mode’ shift
of the instantons leads to the following relation, see
Appendix A and
Appendix B:
Now, we take into account ‘nesting’ conditions with vector
expressed in (
45) and (46), and further use definition of ‘kernel’
in (48) in combination with Eliashberg Equations (
43) and (44). Along this route we finally obtain, after subtraction of the ‘normal state’ free energy,
, the following expression:
where we had inferred
from (48) and approximated self-energy
with a frequency independent function of momentum
p at
. Now, we use solution (
56) for the self-energy
and pass from summation over momentum
p to an integration over energy
, simultaneously introducing a bare density of states
in the vicinity of the Fermi-level. Then, relation (
63) further yields:
where upper limit of integration
is defined in (
57). To proceed, one uses the following relation that follows from Equations (
17), (28) and (
Following the well known procedure of calculation of the free energy of an interacting system [
10], we substitute
in (
64) and integrate over
x from 0 to
, thus, finding
Before we proceed one important observation is in order. The above integration in (
66) neglects dependence of coefficients
: see Equations (
81)–(85). This leads to a simplified result for
below, (
86). When allowing for
dependence of
one finds more involved expression for
, (
87), that results in
Figure 5. A detailed derivation will be published in the paper under preparation. Now, neglecting mentioned above effect, we obtain a simple expression, that depending on ratio
, has two limits:
Now, using (
67), one is in a position to find self-consistently a phase transition from the bare ‘spin-wave’ Lagrangian to an ‘instantonic’ Lagrangian, as is indicated in (
14), which is induced by Cooper pairing fluctuations. Namely, in the above derivation of (
67) an instantonic pairing ‘glue’ propagator (
32) was used to evaluate the lowest energy eigenvalue
of the ‘Schrödinger’s’ Equation (
54). Hence, using (
67), we can relate a value of the free energy per ‘spin-bag’ decrease due to superconducting fluctuations,
, to pairing ‘glue’ amplitude,
, and infer from this a mechanism of (sign) change of the pre-factor:
in the Lagrangian (
14). A value of parameter
has to be determined self-consistently, which is described in the next subsection.
4.1. Self-Consistency Equation for Instantonic Phase Formation
An idea of the following derivation is to cast energy decrease (
67) into a form:
which then leads to the following expression for effective Euclidean action
of the system:
Here (70) follows immediately from definitions (
68), (
69), and (
14). In order to find coefficient
from (
68), we calculate variation of the both sides of equality (
68) under an infinitesimal variation of the function
at a time instant
. The variation of the left hand side of (
, can be found using well known formula [
16], that relates variation of e.g., eigenvalue
of the Schrödinger’s Equation (
54) to an infinitesimal change of potential
at a time instant
is eigenfunction of the Schrödinger’s Equation (
54) corresponding to the eigenvalue
, and variation of the potential is derived readily from (
Substituting (
72) into (
71) we obtain:
Choosing a zero origin of the Matsubara time interval
and taking into account strong localisation of the eigenfunction
in the vicinities of the minima of potential
, see
Figure 4b, we rewrite (
where factor
arises due to normalisation of the eigenfunction
in the
n minima of potential
possessing period
. Using (
74), it is straightforward to find variation of
Simultaneously, variation of the right hand side of (
68) is found trivially:
Now, equating results in (
75) and (
76) and using Equation (80) and known value of
from (
56) one finds self-consistency equation for the pre-factor
of the effective instantonic action (
Hence, we found that positive bare coefficient
in the Lagrangian may turn into a negative coefficient
in the effective Lagrangian (
14) due to Cooper pair condensate formation, thus manifesting formation of an ‘instantonic phase’. The latter would be manifested by a nonzero constant
, see (
56) and
Figure 4.
4.2. ‘Strange Metal’ Phase Below Transition Temperature T*
Our strategy is to investigate evolution with temperature of the Euclidean action
of the system (
24), starting from origination of the instantonic phase,
(likely called ‘strange metal’ phase in high-
cuprates), until transition to superconducting phase,
. We proceed by solving Equations (
77) simultaneously with Eliashberg equations for the constants
f and
s, defined in (
47), that follow from (
43), see
Appendix A and
Appendix B. First, consider the ‘high temperatures’ interval
. Then, the first of the Equations (
77) constitutes a quadratic equation, and together with equations for the constants
f and
s read:
An inequality in (79) hints to smallness of
parameter, leading indeed, to a consistent solution:
The choice of “−” sign in (
81) is dictated by consistency with inequality (79). Hence, from (84) one readily finds a temperature
, at which transition to an instantonic phase first takes place:
In relation with remark made after Equation (
66), an account of
dependence on
leads to a more involved relation (derivation is pending in the paper under preparation):
where the upper sign brunch leads to result (
86), while the lower sign brunch leads to a saturation of
in the large limit of dimensionless coupling constant
. The two branches of the instantonic amplitude
originate at
according to (84), and split in the temperatures interval
while starting from the common initial value
where both expressions are given in the ‘low temperature’ limit
. In order for these solutions to exist the following condition must hold:
Thus, temperature dependences of the Euclidean action
of the system (
24) corresponding to the two instantonic brunches
differ. While branch
finally leads to a condensation of Cooper pairs in superconducting state at
, the other branch
remains a (macroscopic) fluctuation mode, that gradually softens (
) as the temperature decreases.
4.3. Superconducting Transition Inside the Instantonic Phase: Tc
Consider now an expression for the effective Euclidean action
of the system (
24) with normal metal Euclidean action being subtracted, see (
69). It is obvious, that transition from instantonic phase to superconducting thermal equilibrium state is manifested by
becoming negative. Hence, equation that defines superconducting transition temperature
is just:
It is straightforward to infer from (
91) and definition (
65) that:
Hence, in the vicinity of
one has to use the second of Equations (
77) and also equations for the constants
f and
s, that are valid in the limit:
Appendix A and
Appendix B):
Next, one substitutes (94) into (95), and also (96) into (94), leading after a simple algebra to the following relations:
Then, a choice consistent with inequality (96) and finiteness of the instantonic amplitude in (
93) would be:
Finally, substituting (
98) into (
93) one finds
from (
It is interesting to observe, that a necessary condition for existence of solution for
follows from (
and is less restrictive than condition for existence of
solution in (
. Thus, there may exist an interval of intermediate coupling strength,
, in which
is not preceded by
, i.e., ‘strange metal’ phase is absent above the superconducting dome. This feature is indeed present in the phase diagram of high-
cuprates in the ‘underdoped’ regime [
19]. Both transition temperatures are found from Eliashberg like system of equations, but with spin wave instantonic propagator playing role of pairing boson.
Figure 5 contains plots of the analytically evaluated
, (
86), and
, (
99), dependences on effective instanton-fermion dimensionless coupling strength
, that surprisingly resemble phase diagram in the temperature-doping coordinates, see e.g., [
19]. To get the second part of the superconducting
dome in the ‘overdoped’ region of high-
cuprates an assumption should be made on the dependences on doping of e.g., bare density of ‘nested’ fermionic states
, (
64), and related cut-off energy
, (
57). Simultaneously, a numerical self-consistent solution of the ‘Eliashberg equations’ (
43), (44), and (
76) in the whole interval of coupling
g should be made. Finally, we mention that transition temperatures
derived above depend on the powers of
, rather than on
typical for a weak-coupling BCS theory, compare e.g., [