On the IND-CCA1 Security of FHE Schemes
:1. Introduction
1.1. Our Contributions
1.2. Related Work
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Notation
2.2. Notions
- Somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) refers to schemes able to perform a limited number of homomorphic additions and/or multiplications before an evaluated ciphertext is not guaranteed to decrypt correctly. Although the number of operations may be estimated, it cannot be set explicitly;
- Levelled homomorphic encryption (LHE) schemes are similar to SHE schemes in that they allow for a limited amount of operations to be performed on a ciphertext. Here, though, the amount can be set explicitly and is included as a parameter, the “levels” L, in the key generation;
- Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows for an unlimited number of homomorphic operations to be performed on a ciphertext. The only known way of achieving an FHE scheme is to bootstrap an SHE or LHE scheme.
- draws a key pair and sends to ;
- makes polynomially many ciphertext queries to her decryption oracle , which returns Dec for any ciphertext c that has sent it;
- sends two plaintexts of equal length to ;
- returns to , for a randomly chosen bit ;
- outputs the bit and wins if .
3. Schemes
3.1. (R)LWE
- The private key is a vector for some polynomial ring R (in the case of RLWE) or for (in the case of LWE). For RLWE, . The private key is drawn from either a bounded Gaussian distribution or a uniform distribution over polynomials with binary or ternary coefficients;
- The public key generation first computes an (R)LWE sample , where is a randomly sampled matrix and is sampled from a noise distribution . Then, the public key is constructed using and such that ;
- Encryption of a message first encodes it as (e.g., ), samples some randomness , and outputs . In some variants, and are matrices instead of vectors;
- Decryption parses the ciphertext as where and , then computes (for LWE) or (for RLWE), where is a rounding function into the plaintext space.
3.2. Ideal Lattices
3.3. Approximate Greatest Common Divisor
3.3.1. vDGHV
- KeyGen: Choose an odd integer p from the interval . Output ;
- Enc(): Draw such that , and output ;
- Dec(): Output mod .
3.3.2. BBL
- KeyGen: Sample an -bit integer p, and sample an integer such that the bit-length is . Then, sample integers such that for ; we write . Output ;
- Enc(): Draw a matrix , and output mod ;
- Dec(): Compute mod p. If , return one, else return zero.
3.3.3. Per
- KeyGen(): Draw an -bit prime p, then sample from such that the bit-length of is and for . Sample uniformly from until exists. Finally, define ; output ; update the set of public parameters to include ;
- EncMat(): Construct the matrix by sampling each matrix element from , which only outputting elements smaller than . Compute mod , and output ;
- DecMat(): Compute mod , then mod p, and finally, output ;
- EncVec(): Construct an n-length vector , again by sampling every vector element from . Compute and output ;
- DecVec(): Compute mod , then mod p. Return .
3.4. NTRU
- ParamsGen(): Given , fix n to determine the ring . The security parameter also determines the moduli q and p, as well as the noise distributions and ;
- KeyGen(): Draw ; set mod q; compute (redrawing if does not exist); output ;
- Enc(): Draw , and compute mod q as an element of R;
- Dec(): Compute and output mod mod .
3.5. Miscellaneous Schemes
3.5.1. AFFHP
- Enc(m): Draw f of bounded degree at random from . Compute , and select at random. Return ;
- Dec(C): Compute and return .
3.5.2. DHPSSWZ
- Enc(): Draw from a distribution giving small polynomials. Output mod ;
- Dec(): Replace y by in the polynomial C, and output mod .
3.5.3. LGM
- Setup(): Let and , and choose a modulus q and bounded noise distribution on such that at least security against known attacks is achieved. Choose the number of secret keys . Let and . Output ;
- KeyGen(): Uniformly sample . For , sample from ; set ; set , where is the i-th row of the identity matrix. Return the public key and the secret key ;
- Enc(): Let be the gadget matrix. Sample and . Output ;
- Dec(): Sample until the generated has a sufficiently small norm. Let be integers such that , and . Compute , where is the Ith column of the ciphertext matrix . Finally, output .
3.6. Noise-Free Attempts
4. Existing Attacks
4.1. (R)LWE Attacks
4.2. AGCD Attacks
4.3. NTRU Attack
4.4. LGM Attack
5. Attacking Other Schemes
5.1. Applying the (R)LWE Attack on Other Schemes
5.2. Attacks on AGCD-Based Schemes
5.2.1. Applying the Known Attack on Other Schemes
5.2.2. BBL
5.2.3. Per
- Step 1:
- Recovering p
- Step 2:
- Recovering
5.3. Attacks on AFFHP and DHPSSWZ
5.3.1. CCA Key Recovery Attack on AFFHP
5.3.2. CCA Key Recovery Attack on DHPSSWZ
6. Generic Constructions of IND-CCA1-Secure *HE
6.1. LMSV
6.2. Constructions from Multi-Key Identity-Based Encryption
- KeyGen: Same as for the multi-key IBHE scheme. The secret key is the master secret key , and the public key is the master public key ;
- Enc(): Sample a random identity ; compute ; output ;
- Dec(): Parse ; compute ; output ;
- Eval: Uses the IBHE evaluation function.
6.3. (Probabilistic) iO-Based
6.4. zk-SNARK Construction
7. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Background
Appendix B. Plaintext Awareness
KeyGen() | KeyGen() |
Choose coins coins and coins | |
St | |
Return d | , replying to oracle queries : |
Return m to | |
Return d |
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Attack | Affected Schemes | Extends to |
Chenal and Tang ((R)LWE) [11] | Bra12 [19], BGV [15], BV11a [16], BV11b [17], GSW [20] | CKKS [21], FV [22], BCIV [23], AN [24], CLPX [25], CIL [26], BV14 [27], BL [28], CCS [29], CM [30], CGGI [31], Jou [32], BP [33], AH [34], PS [35], CS17 [36] |
Loftus et al. * (Ideal Lattice) [37] | Gen [2], GH * [3], SV *[38] | SS * [39], SV14 * [40] |
Zhang et al. (AGCD) [41] and | CMNT [42], vDGHV [43] | CNT [44], CS15 [45] |
Chenal and Tang (AGCD) [11] | CLT [46], CCKLLTY [47], KLYC [48] | |
Dahab et al. (NTRU) [18] | BLLN [49], LATV * [50] | RC * [51] |
Fauzi et al. (other) [52] | LGM [53] | |
Section 5.2 (AGCD) | Per [54], BBL [55] | |
Section 5.3 (other) | DHPSSWZ [56], AFFHP [57] |
Parent | Child(ren) |
BGV [15] | CKKS [21] |
Bra12 [19] | FV [22] |
FV [22] | BCIV [23], AN [24], CLPX [25], CIL [26], AH [34] |
GSW [20] | BV14 [27], BL [28], CM [30], CCS [29], CGGI [31], PS [35], BP [33], Jou [32] |
Gen [2] | SS [39] |
SV [38] | GH [3], LMSV [37], SV14 [40] |
vDGHV [43] | CLT [46], KLYC [48], CNT [44], CCKLLTY [47], CMNT [42] |
Generic Construction | Instantiation | Notes |
*HE + PA-1 [37,71] | GH variant of SV + lattice knowledge assumption [37] | SV now insecure; PA-1 uses non-falsifiable assumption |
Multi-key IBHE [72,73] | Multi-key *HE + IBE [74] | Only compact w.r.t. circuit complexity |
SubExp LWE + random oracle [30] | Only compact w.r.t. circuit complexity | |
SubExp iO + SubExp DDH [73,75] | SubExp iO is a very strong assumption | |
FHE + zk-SNARK [73,76] | FHE without bootstrapping + knowledge assumptions [73] | FHE without bootstrapping currently only known using SubExp iO |
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Fauzi, P.; Hovd, M.N.; Raddum, H. On the IND-CCA1 Security of FHE Schemes. Cryptography 2022, 6, 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography6010013
Fauzi P, Hovd MN, Raddum H. On the IND-CCA1 Security of FHE Schemes. Cryptography. 2022; 6(1):13. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography6010013
Chicago/Turabian StyleFauzi, Prastudy, Martha Norberg Hovd, and Håvard Raddum. 2022. "On the IND-CCA1 Security of FHE Schemes" Cryptography 6, no. 1: 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography6010013