Teaching Practice on Sámi Topics in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study from the South Saepmie Region of Norway
:1. Introduction
1.1. Sámi and Indigenous Topics in the Norwegian School
1.2. Sámi Content in Teaching Aids
1.3. Sámi Topics in the Teacher Education Programs
1.4. Aim of the Study
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Mixed Methods Design
2.2. Respondents and Questionnaire
2.3. Analysis of Quantitative Data
2.4. Analysis of Qualitative Data
2.5. Ethical Considerations
3. Results
3.1. Content and Implementation of the Teaching
3.2. Competence
3.3. Teaching Aids
4. Discussion
4.1. Content and Implementation of the Teaching
4.2. Competence
4.3. Teaching Aids
4.4. Strengths and Limitations of the Study
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Theme | Norwegian | Social Studies | English | Natural Sciences | Religion Education | Arts and Crafts | Music | Food and Health |
Sámi traditional use of animals, plants, and fungi * | x | x | ||||||
Constellations of stars | x | |||||||
Social conflicts ** | x | |||||||
Sámi pre-Christian religion and tradition | x | |||||||
The politics of Norwegianization | x | |||||||
Sámi language and linguistic rights | x | |||||||
Sámi texts | x | |||||||
Sámi/indigenous culture * | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Variables | Comments | |
Population | N ≈ 3210. With an estimate of an average of 10 teachers per school | |
Sample | n = 190 | |
Response rate | ~5.9% | |
Gender | 2 informants did not want to state their gender or other gender identity | |
Female | 77.4% | |
Male | 21.6% | |
Age | Percentage is given for age groups, age in years | |
<35 | 19.4% | |
35–55 | 56.9% | |
>55 | 23.7% | |
Grade | Percentage is given for different grades * | |
1–4 | 74.7% of the informants teach only grades 1–4 | 38.4% |
5–7 | 17.4% of the informants teach only grades 5–7 | 40.0% |
8–10 | 7.9% of the informants teach only grades 8–10 | 54.7% |
School size | Percentage teaching in different school sizes, in students | |
<100 | 25.8% | |
101–200 | 30.5% | |
201–400 | 25.8% | |
>401 | 17.9% | |
City | Percentage of schools located in a city | 17.4% |
Subject | Percentage teaching different subjects ** | |
Norwegian | 61.6% | |
Mathematics | 50.5% | |
Social Studies | 43.2% | |
English | 37.4% | |
Natural Sciences | 35.8% | |
RE | Religion Education | 34.2% |
Arts and Crafts | 30.0% | |
PE | Physical Education | 28.4% |
Music | 25.8% | |
Food and Health | 15.3% | |
Others | Foreign languages, Sámi language, elective subjects, interdisciplinary themes, etc. | 16.3% |
Code | Number of Statements | Example of Statement |
Resources | 34 | There is not enough funding in the school to visit museums or resource centers. |
Sámi in all subjects–curriculum | 7 | I wish it could be more integrated in the subjects, but I feel that we, the teachers, lack enough knowledge to practice that. |
“Theme day”, “theme week”, Sámi National Day | 13 | We have Sámi children at our school, and we celebrate February 6th with flag raising and singing. |
Oppression and colonialization | 5 | It is especially important in topics that deal with Norwegianization and conflicts. |
External resources | 47 | A visit of two Sámi people talking about their history and childhood. |
Competence | 14 | Unfortunately, I do not know the Sámi culture and tradition well enough to distinguish between different Sámi cultures. |
Teacher education | 8 | I hope the teacher education programs today have better training and that future teachers will be better qualified to teach about Sámi culture and life. |
South Sámi | 17 | We need more resources on the South Sámi language and culture. The text-books are mostly focused on Northern Sámi conditions. |
Categories | Codes Assigned to Each Category |
Content and implementation of the teaching | Sámi in all subjects—curriculum “Theme day”, “theme week”, Sámi National Day Oppression and colonialization |
Competence | Competence Teacher education |
Teaching aids | Resources External resources South Sámi |
Subject | Norwegian | Social Studies | English | Natural Sciences | Religion Education | Arts and Crafts | Music | Food and Health |
N = 102 | N = 78 | N = 18 | N = 36 | N = 49 | N = 57 | N = 42 | N = 28 | |
Values Given below Are Numbers of Participants That Reported Teaching in Sámi Topics for the Alternatives Never, As a Single Event/Occasionally and As an Integrated Part of the Subject. | ||||||||
Sámi traditional use of animals, plants, and fungi | 29/64/9 | 15/47/16 | 10/5/3 | 0/25/11 | 24/17/8 | 21/28/10 | 34/5/3 | 1/15/12 |
Constellation, of stars | 60/34/8 | 40/30/8 | 16/2/0 | 14/18/4 | 26/19/4 | 33/21/5 | 35/6/1 | 26/1/1 |
Social conflicts * | 29/61/12 | 7/43/28 | 5/11/2 | 9/18/9 | 18/23/8 | 41/16/2 | 34/6/2 | 18/9/1 |
Sámi pre-Christian religion and tradition | 29/55/18 | 14/46/18 | 10/6/2 | 17/13/6 | 2/18/29 | 31/21/7 | 28/10/4 | 21/5/2 |
The politics of Norwegianization | 18/47/37 | 9/37/32 | 6/9/3 | 18/13/5 | 11/21/17 | 40/16/3 | 27/14/1 | 20/7/1 |
Sámi language and linguistic rights | 3/55/44 | 10/44/24 | 3/12/3 | 16/15/5 | 17/17/15 | 34/21/4 | 15/23/4 | 19/8/1 |
Sámi texts | 10/61/31 | 24/43/11 | 11/5/2 | 18/17/1 | 16/20/13 | 34/21/4 | 11/25/6 | 23/4/1 |
Sámi/indigenous culture | 11/69/22 | 8/53/17 | 4/9/5 | 11/23/2 | 9/23/17 | 0/33/26 | 0/21/21 | 12/10/6 |
Teaching Aids | Norwegian | Social Studies | English | Natural Sciences | Religion Education | Arts and Crafts | Music | Food and Health |
N = 102 | N = 78 | N = 18 | N = 36 | N = 49 | N = 57 | N = 42 | N = 28 | |
Use textbooks | 53 | 52 | 10 | 18 | 25 | 10 | 11 | 9 |
Visits to resource centers, etc. | 22 | 21 | 2 | 7 | 10 | 15 | 3 | 3 |
Visits of external resource person | 25 | 20 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 14 | 8 | 3 |
Use other teaching aids | 91 | 68 | 17 | 33 | 45 | 50 | 36 | 23 |
Degree of Teaching in South Sámi Aspects | Number (%) |
Never | 55 (32.7%) |
As a single event | 34 (20.2%) |
Occasionally | 52 (31.0%) |
Often | 25 (14.9%) |
Other | 2 (1.20%) |
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Share and Cite
Holand, A.M.; Haugan, K. Teaching Practice on Sámi Topics in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study from the South Saepmie Region of Norway. Genealogy 2024, 8, 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8010031
Holand AM, Haugan K. Teaching Practice on Sámi Topics in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study from the South Saepmie Region of Norway. Genealogy. 2024; 8(1):31. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8010031
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoland, Anna Marie, and Kåre Haugan. 2024. "Teaching Practice on Sámi Topics in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study from the South Saepmie Region of Norway" Genealogy 8, no. 1: 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8010031
APA StyleHoland, A. M., & Haugan, K. (2024). Teaching Practice on Sámi Topics in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study from the South Saepmie Region of Norway. Genealogy, 8(1), 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8010031