A Rare Event Modelling Approach to Assess Injury Severity Risk of Vulnerable Road Users
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Resampling Techniques
2.1.1. Undersampling
2.1.2. Oversampling
2.1.3. ROSE
2.2. Supervised Learning Classifiers
2.2.1. Decision Tree
2.2.2. Logistic Regression
2.3. Data Description and Case Studies
2.4. Pre-Processing Data
- VRU profile: gender and age group;
- Temporal variables: month, weekday and time period;
- Weather conditions: subdivided into good or bad (including any adverse situation, e.g., rain, fog, snow, strong winds);
- Luminosity: subdivided based on the national authority classification as daylight, sun glare, dawn or dusk, night with road lights or night without road lights;
- Road characteristics: describing the conservation conditions of the pavement (road conditions) and the presence of road surface markings for separating directions or directions and lanes (road markings).
3. Results
- To evaluate the most efficient prediction model based on three resampling techniques (undersampling, oversampling and ROSE);
- To explore and compare the results of two supervised classification techniques in order to identify which variables can significantly affect pedestrian and cyclist injury severity when involved in a motor vehicle crash.
4. Discussion
- Gender and age factors seem to play an important role in this type of VRU;
- Road markings are a risk factor considering pedestrian injury severity, especially for bigger cities;
- The luminosity of the road seems to be more important than weather conditions.
Limitations and Future Research
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable | Code | Description | Aveiro | Porto | Lisbon | |||
NSI | SI | NSI | SI | NSI | SI | |||
Gender | 0 | Male | 245 | 25 | 942 | 44 | 2072 | 178 |
1 | Female | 218 | 19 | 1062 | 27 | 2097 | 119 | |
Age | 1 | 11 years old | 22 | 4 | 89 | 3 | 213 | 11 |
2 | 12–17 years old | 29 | 2 | 146 | 4 | 291 | 14 | |
3 | 18–24 years old | 75 | 4 | 235 | 7 | 544 | 28 | |
4 | 25–49 years old | 140 | 15 | 572 | 11 | 1298 | 87 | |
5 | 50–65 years old | 102 | 8 | 472 | 14 | 820 | 51 | |
6 | >65 years old | 95 | 11 | 490 | 32 | 1003 | 106 | |
Month | 1 | January | 38 | 4 | 159 | 6 | 340 | 30 |
2 | February | 33 | 3 | 150 | 8 | 327 | 28 | |
3 | March | 36 | 3 | 172 | 4 | 325 | 25 | |
4 | April | 35 | 3 | 133 | 7 | 328 | 10 | |
5 | May | 35 | 6 | 162 | 4 | 391 | 30 | |
6 | June | 38 | 3 | 165 | 4 | 326 | 20 | |
7 | July | 37 | 2 | 187 | 3 | 344 | 24 | |
8 | August | 39 | 5 | 117 | 3 | 255 | 24 | |
9 | September | 37 | 5 | 201 | 9 | 387 | 21 | |
10 | October | 43 | 2 | 194 | 10 | 389 | 27 | |
11 | November | 55 | 3 | 182 | 5 | 387 | 29 | |
12 | December | 37 | 5 | 182 | 8 | 370 | 29 | |
Weekday | 1 | Sunday | 42 | 3 | 150 | 6 | 342 | 29 |
2 | Monday | 66 | 8 | 334 | 10 | 619 | 38 | |
3 | Tuesday | 80 | 3 | 297 | 12 | 671 | 44 | |
4 | Wednesday | 70 | 5 | 341 | 11 | 682 | 46 | |
5 | Thursday | 88 | 9 | 328 | 16 | 715 | 50 | |
6 | Friday | 65 | 10 | 342 | 9 | 723 | 56 | |
7 | Saturday | 52 | 6 | 212 | 7 | 417 | 34 | |
Time | 1 | 00:00–06:00 h | 22 | 4 | 67 | 4 | 222 | 22 |
2 | 07:00–10:00 h | 112 | 9 | 418 | 18 | 947 | 38 | |
3 | 11:00–15:00 h | 123 | 6 | 658 | 25 | 1256 | 91 | |
4 | 16:00–19:00 h | 163 | 18 | 637 | 14 | 1302 | 82 | |
5 | 20:00–23:00 h | 43 | 7 | 224 | 10 | 442 | 64 | |
Weather | 0 | Bad | 71 | 5 | 315 | 14 | 472 | 35 |
1 | Good | 392 | 39 | 1689 | 57 | 3697 | 262 | |
Luminosity | 1 | Daylight | 344 | 29 | 1519 | 50 | 3074 | 182 |
2 | Sun glare | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 20 | 3 | |
3 | Dawn or dusk | 10 | 0 | 29 | 0 | 131 | 13 | |
4 | Night with road lights | 91 | 10 | 419 | 19 | 925 | 92 | |
5 | Night without road lights | 17 | 4 | 29 | 1 | 19 | 7 | |
Road Conditions | 1 | Good | 239 | 19 | 1306 | 34 | 1998 | 143 |
2 | Regular | 219 | 22 | 691 | 37 | 2080 | 151 | |
3 | Bad | 5 | 3 | 7 | 0 | 91 | 3 | |
Road Markings | 1 | Without | 183 | 16 | 382 | 7 | 1736 | 71 |
2 | Separating directions | 121 | 12 | 384 | 7 | 468 | 41 | |
3 | Separating directions and lanes | 159 | 16 | 1238 | 57 | 1965 | 185 |
Datasets | Total | NSI | SI | |||
Aveiro | | | | | | |
Original | 249 | 258 | 222 | 241 | 27 | 17 |
Undersampling | 54 | 34 | 27 | 17 | 27 | 17 |
Oversampling | 444 | 482 | 222 | 241 | 222 | 241 |
ROSE | 249 | 258 | 126 | 131 | 123 | 127 |
Porto | ||||||
Original | 1849 | 226 | 1780 | 224 | 69 | 2 |
Undersampling | 138 | 4 | 69 | 2 | 69 | 2 |
Oversampling | 3560 | 448 | 1780 | 224 | 1780 | 224 |
ROSE | 1849 | 226 | 959 | 110 | 890 | 116 |
Lisbon | ||||||
Original | 3990 | 476 | 3713 | 456 | 277 | 20 |
Undersampling | 554 | 40 | 277 | 20 | 277 | 20 |
Oversampling | 7426 | 912 | 3713 | 456 | 3713 | 456 |
ROSE | 3990 | 476 | 2060 | 257 | 1930 | 219 |
Overall | ||||||
Original | 6088 | 960 | 5715 | 921 | 373 | 39 |
Undersampling | 746 | 78 | 373 | 39 | 373 | 39 |
Oversampling | 11430 | 1842 | 5715 | 921 | 5715 | 921 |
ROSE | 6088 | 960 | 3085 | 497 | 3003 | 463 |
Decision Tree | VRU | Original | Undersampling | Oversampling | ROSE |
Aveiro | | 0.576 | 0.611 | 0.773 | 0.536 |
| 0.505 | 0.667 | 0.839 | 0.635 | |
Porto | | 0.538 | 0.524 | 0.796 | 0.656 |
| 0.547 | 0.500 1 | 0.962 | 0.974 | |
Lisbon | | 0.558 | 0.671 | 0.660 | 0.636 |
| 0.574 | 0.571 | 0.931 | 0.547 | |
Overall | | 0.500 1 | 0.584 | 0.624 | 0.615 |
| 0.614 | 0.552 | 0.894 | 0.672 | |
Logistic Regression | VRU | Original | Undersampling | Oversampling | ROSE |
Aveiro | | 0.547 | 0.580 | 0.652 | 0.540 |
| 0.561 | 0.556 | 0.772 | 0.738 | |
Porto | | 0.652 | 0.512 | 0.684 | 0.692 |
| 0.680 | - 2 | 0.861 | 0.814 | |
Lisbon | | 0.653 | 0.694 | 0.697 | 0.679 |
| 0.578 | 0.510 | 0.692 | 0.623 | |
Overall | | 0.630 | 0.649 | 0.662 | 0.619 |
| 0.539 | 0.667 | 0.631 | 0.584 |
Resampling Techniques | VRU | Aveiro | Porto | Lisbon | Overall |
Original | | Age (28) Month (20) Luminosity (14) | Road Markings (100) | Road Markings (93) Age (4) Road Conditions (3) | |
| Age (31) Gender (28) Month (18) | Age (100) | Age (42) Weekday (36) Month (19) | Weekday (47) Age (36) Time (16) | |
Undersampling | | Month (51) Luminosity (15) Time (10) | Age (36) Month (24) Road Markings (17) | Road Markings (25) Age (24) Month (14) | Month (33) Luminosity (19) Road Markings (19) |
| Month (46) Age (12) Time (12) Luminosity (12) Road Conditions (12) | Road Markings (77) Gender (8) Age (8) Month (8) | Road Conditions (30) Month (22) Age (17) | ||
Oversampling | | Road Conditions (19) Month (17) Age (14) | Month (18) Road Markings (14) Age (14) | Road Markings (42) Time (21) Age (19) | Age (43) Gender (30) Road Markings (20) |
| Weekday (18) Month (17) Age (14) Time (14) | Month (61) Time (17) Luminosity (9) | Weekday (22) Time (22) Month (15) | Age (21) Month (20) Weekday (19) | |
ROSE | | Gender (41) Road Markings (16) Time (11) | Road Markings (23) Gender (20) Age (18) | Road Markings (42) Luminosity (36) Age (11) | Gender (28) Road Markings (25) Age (20) |
| Gender (31) Age (17) Road Conditions (16) | Month (30) Gender (18) Time (17) | Luminosity (24) Weather (19) Weekday (13) Time (13) | Road Conditions (19) Age (18) Luminosity (16) |
Dataset | Resampling Technique | Gender | Age | Month | Weekday | Time | Weather | Luminosity | Road Conditions | Road Markings |
Aveiro | Original | 0.4115 * | ||||||||
Undersampling | 2.0020 * | |||||||||
Oversampling | 0.9262 ** | 0.2262 ** | 0.4465 ** | |||||||
ROSE | −0.8828 *** | 0.2323 * | 0.4263 ** | |||||||
Porto | Original | −0.8858 *** | 1.0265 *** | |||||||
Undersampling | 0.3958 ** | 0.8862 * | ||||||||
Oversampling | −0.9121 *** | 0.2355 *** | −0.0515 ** | −0.2357 *** | −0.2142 * | 0.1561 *** | 0.7761 *** | 0.6581 *** | ||
ROSE | −0.5685 *** | 0.1181 *** | −0.1227 ** | 0.1065 *** | 0.4855 *** | 0.4051 *** | ||||
Lisbon | Original | −0.3684 ** | 0.2090 *** | 0.4627 * | 0.1456 ** | 0.5239 *** | ||||
Undersampling | −0.3795 * | 0.2079 ** | 0.2833 ** | |||||||
Oversampling | −0.4822 *** | 0.2601 *** | −0.0256 *** | 0.1009 *** | 0.1849 ** | 0.1653 *** | 0.3945 *** | |||
ROSE | −0.4406 *** | 0.1959 *** | 0.1158 *** | 0.2369 ** | 0.1072 *** | 0.3403 *** | ||||
Overall | Original | −0.5991 *** | 0.1812 *** | 0.16196 *** | 0.3441 *** | 0.4130 *** | ||||
Undersampling | 0.2438 *** | 0.2932 * | 0.3413 *** | |||||||
Oversampling | −0.5041 *** | 0.1970 *** | −0.0166 ** | 0.0609 *** | 0.2412 *** | 0.1573 *** | 0.2865 *** | 0.3219 *** | ||
ROSE | −0.3931 *** | 0.1325 *** | −0.020 ** | 0.0655 ** | 0.0804 *** | 0.1874 *** | 0.2808 *** |
Dataset | Resampling Technique | Gender | Age | Month | Weekday | Time | Weather | Luminosity | Road Conditions | Road Markings |
Aveiro | Original | 1.0863 ** | ||||||||
Undersampling | ||||||||||
Oversampling | −1.0377 *** | 1.0251 *** | 0.5456 *** | 0.7132 *** | −0.4234 *** | 1.3226 *** | 0.3846 ** | |||
ROSE | −0.9348 *** | 0.1494 * | 1.2172 *** | |||||||
Porto | Original | |||||||||
Undersampling | ||||||||||
Oversampling | −0.9513 *** | −0.6974 *** | −2.0614 *** | |||||||
ROSE | −0.9218 *** | 5.7643 ** | −0.3771 * | |||||||
Lisbon | Original | |||||||||
Undersampling | 0.4457 * | |||||||||
Oversampling | 0.0626 ** | 0.0342 ** | 0.1109 * | |||||||
ROSE | 0.0748 ** | 0.1847 ** | ||||||||
Overall | Original | |||||||||
Undersampling | ||||||||||
Oversampling | −0.3509 ** | 0.2066 *** | 0.0669 ** | 0.2386 *** | 0.6649 *** | |||||
ROSE | 0.1407 ** |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Vilaça, M.; Macedo, E.; Coelho, M.C. A Rare Event Modelling Approach to Assess Injury Severity Risk of Vulnerable Road Users. Safety 2019, 5, 29. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety5020029
Vilaça M, Macedo E, Coelho MC. A Rare Event Modelling Approach to Assess Injury Severity Risk of Vulnerable Road Users. Safety. 2019; 5(2):29. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety5020029
Chicago/Turabian StyleVilaça, Mariana, Eloísa Macedo, and Margarida C. Coelho. 2019. "A Rare Event Modelling Approach to Assess Injury Severity Risk of Vulnerable Road Users" Safety 5, no. 2: 29. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety5020029
APA StyleVilaça, M., Macedo, E., & Coelho, M. C. (2019). A Rare Event Modelling Approach to Assess Injury Severity Risk of Vulnerable Road Users. Safety, 5(2), 29. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety5020029