Contribution of Remote Sensing on Crop Models: A Review
:1. Introduction and Historical Overview
2. Crop Growth Models
2.1. Types of Crop Growth Models
2.2. Uses of Crop Growth Models
2.3. Data Requirements
2.4. Limitations and Advantages of Crop Models
3. Remote Sensing and Crop Growth Models
3.1. Estimation of Crop Parameters from Remote Sensing
3.2. Linking Remote Sensing with Crop Growth Models
3.3. Scale Considerations
3.4. Limitations and Advantages of Using Remote Sensing Data with Crop Models
4. Future Trends and Challenges
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1. Site |
2. Weather |
3. Soils |
4. Initial conditions |
5. Management |
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Kasampalis, D.A.; Alexandridis, T.K.; Deva, C.; Challinor, A.; Moshou, D.; Zalidis, G. Contribution of Remote Sensing on Crop Models: A Review. J. Imaging 2018, 4, 52.
Kasampalis DA, Alexandridis TK, Deva C, Challinor A, Moshou D, Zalidis G. Contribution of Remote Sensing on Crop Models: A Review. Journal of Imaging. 2018; 4(4):52.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKasampalis, Dimitrios A., Thomas K. Alexandridis, Chetan Deva, Andrew Challinor, Dimitrios Moshou, and Georgios Zalidis. 2018. "Contribution of Remote Sensing on Crop Models: A Review" Journal of Imaging 4, no. 4: 52.
APA StyleKasampalis, D. A., Alexandridis, T. K., Deva, C., Challinor, A., Moshou, D., & Zalidis, G. (2018). Contribution of Remote Sensing on Crop Models: A Review. Journal of Imaging, 4(4), 52.