2.1. Ship Particulars
The Croatian fishing fleet includes 7808 vessels, among which 56.4% are smaller than 6 m in length [
36]. The fleet represents the 6th fleet in the Mediterranean area based on the total capture production, where around 90% of landing weight and 55% of landing values correspond to a catch from purse seiners [
37]. With an average age of over 40 years, some improvements regarding power systems would need to be made to Croatian fishing vessels by retrofitting them with new and clean alternatives. In this paper, the evaluation of the electrification of fishing vessels with different batteries is performed, where the Croatian purse seiner and trawler are taken as test cases. Their main particulars are presented in
Table 2.
There are several differences between Croatian purse seiners and trawlers. Purse seiners are powered by engines with an average power of 150–400 kW, while the trawler’s average engine power varies between 150 and 250 kW. Purse seiners are greater in length and GT than trawlers. The average length of a purse seiner is 24 m, while for a trawler, it equals 19 m. The average daily operation of purse seiners includes an operation time of the main engines (
tME) of four hours and of the auxiliary engines (
tAE) of 15 h, while for trawlers, both the main and auxiliary engines operate daily for 10 h. Both fishing vessels operate around 200 days a year [
The energy needs for purse seiner and trawler are calculated using the same equations. The average power of a fishing vessel,
Pave (kW) is calculated with the following equation, obtained from [
According to Koričan et al. [
38], the average power of the main engine,
PME,ave,PS (kW), and auxiliary engine,
PAE,ave,PS (kW), for a purse seiner are calculated as follows [
while for a trawler, the average power of the main engine,
PME,ave,T (kW), and auxiliary engines,
PAE,ave,T (kW), for a trawler is calculated as follows [
The annual energy consumption of a ship,
ECA (kWh), is calculated with the following equation, obtained from [
tME,A (h) and
tAE,A (h) denote the annual operating time of the main engine and auxiliary engines, which equal 800 h and 3000 h for purse seiners and 2000 for trawlers (both engines).
2.2. Life-Cycle Assessment and Life-Cycle Cost Assessment
LCA is a standardized method for evaluating the environmental impact of a product, process or system by investigating released emissions through their life-cycle [
40]. According to ISO guidelines [
41], there are four phases within the LCA framework: goal and scope, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation (
Figure 1).
The initial stage of LCA involves establishing the goal, scope, functional unit, and system boundary and identifying data and impact categories. This paper aims to investigate different battery technologies installed on board a Croatian purse seiner and trawler by using LCA, which offers insight into the environmental friendliness of the considered LiB’s chemistry (LFP, NCA, NMC111, NMC532, NMC622, NMC811). This study deals with cradle-to-gate assessments, where the cradle refers to the resource extraction, and the gate refers to the output of a ship power system (tailpipe emissions). The functional unit is used to compare investigated power systems and, for this assessment, it is 1 kWh of the energy consumed. The system boundary is placed on the ship itself, where only emissions related to the ship’s power system are investigated. This paper investigates emissions during the 20 years of the ship’s lifetime, and they can be divided into three groups: Manufacturing (M), Well-to-Tank (WTT), and Tank-to-Wake (TTW) emissions. The first category encompasses emissions released from the manufacturing process of the primary component of a power system (engine, battery, etc.). The second category consists of WTT emissions, i.e., emissions released through the fuel cycle (processes of raw material extraction, fuel production, and distribution to the ship). The third category comprises emissions released during the ship’s operation (TTW emissions). The overall life-cycle emissions,
Ei (kg), are calculated by summing the emissions of particular gas
i from each LCA phase (M, WTT and TTW phases) [
The LCA of the existing and alternative powering options is performed using LCA software GREET 2022 [
42]. This software incorporates a comprehensive database comprising various fuels, stationary processes, and transportation processes associated with their life cycle. Although it is primarily intended for land transportation modes, GREET’s processes of fuel application in a power system can easily be modified to describe ship power systems. In this paper, the impact categories of climate change, acidification and human toxicity are selected for analysis. They are investigated via the calculation of their Global Warming Potential (
GWP (kg CO
2-eq)), Acidification Potential (
AP (kg SO
2-eq)) and Aerosol Formation Potential (
AFP (kg PM2.5-eq)), according to the following equations [
To investigate the profitability of alternative powering option, the LCCA is performed. The economic evaluation encompasses investment costs, fuel costs, and maintenance costs (covering the upkeep of the power system and equipment replacement), as well as a carbon tax applicable solely to power systems that generate tailpipe emissions, such as a diesel-powered ship in this instance.
Carbon tax refers to the purchase of permits for releasing each ton of CO
2 emissions (carbon allowance) into the atmosphere. Starting in 2024, the shipping sector will become part of the Emission Trading System (ETS), mandating that commercial cargo and passenger ships operating within the European Union whose GT exceeds 5000 tons must purchase carbon allowances [
43]. In the past three years, the value of carbon allowance has gradually grown from around 20 EUR/t CO
2 to 95 EUR/t CO
2 [
44], and it is projected to rise to 238 EUR/t CO
2 [
45]. According to World Energy Outlook 2022 [
46], there are three scenarios of projected carbon allowance,
2). The values of carbon allowances for each investigated carbon tax scenario can be found in a study carried out by Perčić et al. [
Carbon tax for the particular year is calculated by multiplying the annual CO
2 emissions from the TTW phase by a
CA of a particular year. To ensure adaptation to additional costs, shipowners will pay for their reported emissions gradually, i.e., in 2025 for 40%, in 2026 for 70%, and from 2027, 100% of reported emissions [
The fuel costs usually represent more than 50% of the total costs of fishing vessels, e.g., trawlers 40–50% of their annual total costs, while for tropical tuna purse seiners, this cost exceeds 70% [
33]. Recent fluctuance in fuel prices has greatly impacted the fishing sector, which represents an incentive for some alternative solutions.
2.2.1. The LCA and LCCA Models of a Diesel-Powered Ship
Before analyzing the electrification of fishing vessels with different batteries, the LCA and LCCA of the currently used powering option (diesel-powered ship) need to be performed, whose results serve as a baseline scenario. The energy needs of the diesel-powered purse seiner and trawler are presented in
Section 2.1. The annual fuel consumption of diesel,
FCA (kg), is calculated with the following equation [
SFC (kg/kWh) represents the specific fuel consumption of diesel of 0.215 kg/kWh.
The conducted Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for a diesel-powered ship takes into account emissions stemming from the engine manufacturing process (M phase), the crude oil recovery, its transportation to the refinery, the refining process, and fuel distribution to the pump (WTT phase), as well as the combustion of fuel during fishing activities (TTW phase),
Figure 2.
Perčić et al. [
20] evaluated the environmental impact of a diesel engine by determining the weight of each material. This is achieved by multiplying the weight ratios of the materials by the weight of the engine, denoted as
m (t), calculated as follows:
The WTT phase involves crude oil extraction in the Middle East and transportation via a tanker covering a distance of 4000 km to Croatia. Upon reaching a Croatian refinery, the oil undergoes refining, and diesel is produced. Subsequently, it is distributed by a tank truck to the pump in the port, covering a distance of 100 km. The TTW phase relates to the combustion of diesel in the marine engine, leading to tailpipe emissions, denoted as
ETTW (kg), which are calculated by multiplying emissions factors,
EF (g gas/kg fuel) by fuel consumption,
FC (kg), with the following equation [
where the
EF for each gas (CO
2, CH
4, N
2O, NO
X and PM) is obtained from the Fourth IMO GHG study [
43] and presented in
Table 3.
The LCCA of a diesel-powered ship includes investment, fuel, maintenance and carbon tax costs. The investment cost of an existing power system refers to the purchase of a new diesel engine, accounting for 250 EUR/kW [
44], while the annual maintenance cost is 0.014 EUR/kWh [
47]. Fuel cost calculation involves multiplying fuel consumption by the current diesel price. Considering recent fluctuations in fuel prices, the average price for European diesel is obtained from [
48] and equals 0.84 EUR/kg. The carbon tax is calculated as described in
Section 2.1, where the most rigorous scenario is taken into for the assessment.
2.2.2. The LCA and LCCA Models of an All-Electric Ship
Inputs required for LCA and LCCA are specific energy, lifetime and the price of a battery. The data found in the literature often vary in a very large range, which is also noted in the work of Hasselwander et al. [
49]. They compared findings from the literature and expert interviews, and for their analysis on batteries applicable to electric vehicles, they took the variables presented in
Table 4. These are used also in this paper.
It is assumed that the battery capacity must be sufficient to provide power for the entire duration of the fishing trip and it is calculated as follows [
Battery capacity is increased by 50% due to maintaining the state of charge, safety and battery degradation. The energy needs of all-electric ship are equal to those for the existing diesel-powered ship.
The performed LCA of an all-electric ship considers emissions released from the battery manufacturing process (M phase) and electricity generation, transmission and distribution (WTT phase), as shown in
Figure 3. Since the ship operates solely on batteries, there are no tailpipe emissions, i.e., TTW emissions are equal to zero.
The environmental impact of the battery is assessed using GREET 2022 software, where battery weight represents an input. By dividing
BC and battery energy density (
Table 4), the battery weight is calculated. The battery is replaced after its lifetime, which is presented as a number of cycles of charging and discharging. During the 20 years of fishing operation, the battery would be charged 4000 times. By taking into account the lifetime for a specific LiB chemistry from
Table 4, the number of replacements is calculated. The emissions released during electricity production depend on the electricity mix and in this paper, the European electricity mix is used, obtained from the GREET 2022 database, as shown in
Figure 4.
The LCCA of an all-electric ship includes the investment cost, fuel cost, and maintenance cost, which also includes the battery replacement cost. The investment of a fully electrified ship refers to 45% of the battery cost, while 55% of the cost is attributed to additional equipment [
20]. Battery cost is calculated by multiplying battery capacity by the battery price. The specific LiB’s chemistry corresponds to a specific price, as shown in
Table 4. It is assumed that once the battery needs to be replaced, the price of the battery declines by 25%. The maintenance represents 5% of the investment cost, while the fuel cost, i.e., electricity cost is calculated by multiplying the energy consumption by the electricity price. Due to fuel price fluctuations, the average electricity price is obtained from [
6] and is equal to 0.04 EUR/kWh.