Assessment of Peacock Spot Disease (Fusicladium oleagineum) in Olive Orchards Through Agronomic Approaches and UAV-Based Multispectral Imaging
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Plant Material Sampling
2.3. Assessment of Disease Incidence
2.4. Assessment of Disease Severity
2.5. Multispectral Imagery Acquisitions
2.6. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Field Observations and Disease Symptomatology
3.2. Temporal Analysis of Disease Parameters and Their Statistical Distribution Patterns
3.3. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Disease Severity
3.4. Spectral Imagery and Vegetation Indices for Disease Surveillance and Prediction
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Vegetative Index | Formula | ||
1 | Green (520–590 nm) | --- | |
2 | Red (630–685 nm) | --- | |
3 | RedEdge (690–730 nm) | --- | |
4 | NIR (760–850 nm) | --- | |
5 | NormG | Normalized Green | Green/(NIR + Red + Green) |
6 | NormNIR | Normalized NIR | NIR/(NIR + Red + Green) |
7 | NormR | Normalized Red | Red/(NIR + Red + Green) |
8 | CG | Chlorophyll Green | (NIR/Green)−1 |
9 | GDVI | Difference NIR/Green Vegetation Index | NIR − Green |
10 | GRVI | Green-Red Vegetation Index | (Green − Red)/(Green + Red) |
11 | GNDVI | Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | (NIR − Green)/(NIR + Green) |
12 | NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | (NIR − Red)/(NIR + Red) |
13 | NDRE | Normalized Difference Red Edge Index | (NIR − RedEdge)/(NIR + RedEdge) |
14 | SR | Simple Ratio index | NIR/Red |
15 | SR800/550 | Simple Ration 800/550 index | NIR/Green |
16 | SR750-550 | Simple Ratio 750/550 index | RedEdge/Green |
17 | CI-RedEdge | Chlorophyll Index RedEdge | (NIR/RedEdge) − 1 |
18 | CI-Green | Chlorphyll Index Green | (NIR/Green) − 1 |
19 | TRiVI | Triangular Vegetation Index | 0.5 × [120 × (RedEdge − Green) – 200 × (Red − Green)] |
20 | WDRVI | Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index | (0.1 × NIR − Red)/(0.1 × NIR + Red) |
21 | SCCCI | Simplified Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index | NDRE/NDVI |
Tree | AUDPC_Incidence | AUDPC_Severity | AUDPC_ID | AUDPC_DLA | |
count | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 48 |
mean | 24.5 | 6419.05 | 3326.08 | 3637.77 | 987.78 |
std | 14 | 1002.17 | 634.92 | 682.67 | 283.71 |
min | 1 | 4530 | 2204.93 | 2460,5 | 566.58 |
25% | 12.75 | 5781.38 | 2916.42 | 3188.69 | 791.45 |
50% | 24.5 | 6493.75 | 3351.28 | 3676.81 | 931.93 |
75% | 36.25 | 7061.5 | 3752.11 | 4102.52 | 1146.04 |
max | 48 | 8575 | 5292.37 | 5730.94 | 2005.11 |
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Hamzaoui, H.; Maafa, I.; Choukri, H.; Bakkali, A.E.; Houssaini, S.E.I.E.; Razouk, R.; Aziz, A.; Louahlia, S.; Habbadi, K. Assessment of Peacock Spot Disease (Fusicladium oleagineum) in Olive Orchards Through Agronomic Approaches and UAV-Based Multispectral Imaging. Horticulturae 2025, 11, 46.
Hamzaoui H, Maafa I, Choukri H, Bakkali AE, Houssaini SEIE, Razouk R, Aziz A, Louahlia S, Habbadi K. Assessment of Peacock Spot Disease (Fusicladium oleagineum) in Olive Orchards Through Agronomic Approaches and UAV-Based Multispectral Imaging. Horticulturae. 2025; 11(1):46.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHamzaoui, Hajar, Ilyass Maafa, Hasnae Choukri, Ahmed El Bakkali, Salma El Iraqui El Houssaini, Rachid Razouk, Aziz Aziz, Said Louahlia, and Khaoula Habbadi. 2025. "Assessment of Peacock Spot Disease (Fusicladium oleagineum) in Olive Orchards Through Agronomic Approaches and UAV-Based Multispectral Imaging" Horticulturae 11, no. 1: 46.
APA StyleHamzaoui, H., Maafa, I., Choukri, H., Bakkali, A. E., Houssaini, S. E. I. E., Razouk, R., Aziz, A., Louahlia, S., & Habbadi, K. (2025). Assessment of Peacock Spot Disease (Fusicladium oleagineum) in Olive Orchards Through Agronomic Approaches and UAV-Based Multispectral Imaging. Horticulturae, 11(1), 46.