3.1. Chemical Composition of the PAS with or without PEs
PAS without PE showed lower DM, CP, and ADF and higher OM than PAS supplemented with PE, while the NDF content was the same in all treatment groups (
Table 1). The DM, CP, and OM contents of PAS in this study are similar to the chemical composition of the pineapple cannery by-product reported in a recent study [
6], although the NDF and ADF contents were higher in the present study. The high NDF and ADF contents in this study were similar to that reported for PAS (NDF: 59.48%, ADF: 42.63%) used as roughage feed for beef cattle [
18]. Higher DM and CP and lower OM of PAS supplemented with PE were expected. The supplemented PE was in powder form; thus, it increased the surface area of the samples for moisture absorption, thereby reducing the DM and OM of PAS. In addition, PE supplementation significantly increased the protein content of PAS, as the enzymes are proteins. In comparison with the commonly used and locally produced corn silage in South Korea [
19], PAS with or without PE showed similar NDF (63.09% PAS vs. 65.90% corn silage), ADF (36.64% PAS vs. 37.05% corn silage), and ash content (7.35% PAS vs. 6.05% corn silage). Overall, PAS with or without PE displayed comparably good nutritive value compared with corn silage.
3.2. Nutrient Disappearance and Effective Degradability of In Vitro-Incubated PAS with or without PE
The dry-matter loss of PAS supplemented with PE showed an increasing trend with incubation time while PAS without PE increased up until 12 h, slightly dropped at 24 h, and was steady from 48 h to 72 h (
Table 2). This notably indicates that the PE inclusion in pineapple waste silage regardless of the concentration would increase the dry-matter degradation in the rumen. The average dry-matter disappearance values at all incubation periods obtained in this study ranged from 29.11% to 72.7%, with PAS2 showing the highest DM disappearance. The DM disappearance of PAS reached its highest value (40.94%) at 12 h, slightly dropped to 39.05% at 24 h, and remained at 39% from 48 h to 72 h incubation time. The highest DM disappearance observed for PAS supplemented with PE ranged from 65.12% to 72.70% at 48 h to 72 h, respectively. These findings are similar to the results of a previous study in which 80% DM disappearance was achieved by incubating pineapple by-product for 96 h [
20]. In terms of effective degradability, PAS1 to PAS5 showed higher values of the highly soluble fraction a than PAS6, which could indicate that the addition of 4% PE or higher in pineapple waste silage will not further increase the effective degradability of highly soluble parts of silages. This also suggests that a 0.1 to 2.0% PE level in pineapple waste silage is effective in degrading the highly soluble parts of the by-product silage. Interestingly, all PAS supplemented with PE showed higher values of the slowly soluble fraction b than PAS alone, indicating that the supplementation of PE in pineapple waste silage increased the effective degradation of the hardly degradable parts of by-product silages. In support of this, supplementing with PE increased the EDDM of pineapple waste silage from 58.57 to 61.56%. The different levels of added PE did not show a significant difference. The EDDM of PAS alone was significantly lowest at 38.21%. Nonetheless, adding PE to PAS increased the effective DM degradability, which is likely due to protease acting on the degradation of the cell walls of the substrate.
As shown in
Table 3, the addition of PE to PAS resulted in an increase in organic-matter (OM) disappearance. The PAS without PE supplementation showed a 24.30% average OM disappearance, which is half of the average OM disappearance of PAS with PE (49.70%) at all incubation times. Among the concentration levels, PAS with 4% PE resulted in the highest EDOM (61.95%). The EDOM of PAS1 to PAS5 ranged from 55.80% to 57.64%, indicating that 0.1% to 2% PE treatments do not vary in their degradation of organic matter in pineapple waste silage. The high OM degradability of PAS could be due to the effective attack and degradation of fibers by PE, making the organic nutrients of the silage available for digestion and utilization. The high effective dry-matter (EDDM) and organic-matter degradability (EDOM) with the addition of PE was similar to the increased DM and OM digestibility of the total mixed rations when supplemented with exogenous PE [
The average percentage NDF disappearance (
Table 4) and ADF disappearance (
Table 5) of PAS without PE were 42.69% and 33.40%, respectively. The effect of PE added to PAS on NDF disappearance generally showed an increasing trend with increasing incubation time. The highest percentage NDF disappearance (79.61%) was observed in PAS supplemented with 4% PE (PAS6). Subsequently, PAS6 showed the highest EDNDF (61.58%). The EDNDF of PAS supplemented with other levels of PE (0.1% to 2.0%) showed lower values than PAS6, ranging from 58.87 to 60.76%, but higher than PAS alone (42.80%). The EDNDF of PAS supplemented with PE was better than the neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) of commonly used corn silage (51.3%) in South Korea [
19]. Adding PE increased the NDF degradability of PAS, similar to findings in in vitro studies of alfalfa hay and total mixed ration, which also showed increased in vitro NDF degradability [
23]. However, some studies have reported that PE was more effective in alfalfa hay than in corn silage [
23] or showed minimal fiber-digestion efficacy in barley silage [
24], which was attributed to the higher quality of silages or fermentation acids produced during the ensiling process. Contrary to the cited literature, supplementation of PAS with PE significantly increased the effective NDF degradability, likely due to the synergistic effect of the protease activity of the added PE and the existing digestive enzymes produced by the ruminal microorganisms in vitro. In addition, adding PE to PAS also increased the effective ADF degradability, strengthening the effective fiber-degradation effect of the PE in PAS. Supplementing PAS with PE increased the percentage ADF disappearance. The ADF loss of PAS with PE ranged from 30.01 to 79.02%. The addition of PE to PAS increased ADF disappearance with increasing incubation time. However, the incremental addition of PE to PAS did not show a linear increase with the highly insoluble and highly soluble fractions, thus resulting in a nonlinear increase in EDADF. Nonetheless, adding 2% PE increased the highly soluble and insoluble fractions of PAS, consequently resulting in an increased EDADF of PAS5. Other concentration levels of PE (PAS1–PAS4 and PAS6) added to pineapple waste silage showed a higher EDADF in comparison to PAS alone, indicating that the addition of PE could increase the degradation of ADF in by-product silages. Lignin, which acts as a restricting barrier to enzyme activities, could have been acted upon and degraded by the added PEs in addition to the digestive enzymes produced by the ruminal microorganisms.
In terms of protein degradation (
Table 6), PAS supplemented with PE showed a higher CP disappearance than PAS without PE at all incubation times. It can be noted that there is only a slight increase in the percentage CP disappearance from 0 h to 3 h incubation time. This could indicate that the added PE did not immediately act on proteolysis in the in vitro-incubated substrate PAS. From 6 h to 72 h, PAS with PE showed high CP disappearance ranging from 41.16–84.71%, indicating protein breakdown or degradation by the added PE. The CP disappearance of PAS without PE was the highest (52.26%) at 72 h incubation time. In terms of effective degradability, adding 0.3% PE increased the EDCP of PAS the most, while adding 0.1%, 0.2%, and 4% showed comparably high EDCP results, and adding 1% and 2% PE only slightly increased the EDCP of PAS compared to PAS without added PE. The incremental addition of PE to PAS did not result in a linear increase in the effective degradability of CP (EDCP), which is likely caused by the effect of the incubation period as observed. In a similar study, it was observed that protein degradation was only numerically increased despite increasing protease activity [
9], suggesting that supplementation with PE would not ensure effective CP degradability. Nonetheless, the addition of PE, regardless of the level, increased the effective CP degradability of PAS compared to PAS alone.
Altogether, it was observed that fraction a, or the highly soluble fractions in all ED nutrients, was high, indicating that highly soluble sugars and nitrogen compounds such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose in PAS were effectively degraded. In addition, fiber and lignin in PAS were also effectively degraded, as indicated by the high b or slowly degradable fractions in all ED nutrients [
25]. However, it is worth emphasizing that these highly soluble and slowly degradable fractions in PAS were highly degraded when supplemented with different levels of PEs, as indicated by the high a and b values for all ED nutrients. Consequently, the nutrients DM, NDF, ADF, OM, and CP in PAS with PE were effectively degraded. The most likely mechanism by which PEs enhance fiber degradation is through the attack of cell wall proteins or through nitrogen-containing components acting as physical restricting barriers to degradation, thus allowing for more extensive microbial access to fiber degradation [
26]. In general, PE supplementation increased EDDM, EDNDF, EDADF, EDOM, and EDCP. Although the effective degradability of each nutrient is not constant for one level or concentration of PE, it can be suggested that PAS with 4% PE could best increase the effective degradability of all nutrients. However, it should be noted that supplementation of 0.1 to 2.0% PE does not vary greatly compared to the 4% level in effectively degrading NDF, ADF, CP, and OM. Due to the fact that EDDM was comparable at all concentration levels of PE, it is finally suggested that the 0.1% PE level is best because it is both nutrient-fermentation- and cost-effective. In addition, PAS supplemented with PE showed better nutrient degradation than corn silage produced locally and normally used in South Korea.
3.3. Fermentation Characteristics of In Vitro-Incubated PAS with or without PE
The total gas production derived from the in vitro measurements shown in
Figure 1a shows an increase with increasing incubation time. The total gas produced was lowest in PAS without PE, whereas the total gas production was highest in PAS supplemented with 4% PE. Other treatments, such as PAS supplemented with 0.1% to 2% PE, also resulted in higher total gas production than PAS without PE. These findings support the highly effective degradability of nutrients, especially the high EDDM in PAS with PE. A high EDDM is highly correlated with total gas production [
27], as gas is produced from the fermentation of the highly degraded fraction of the roughage. The total gas production could also indirectly indicate the protease activity of PE in PAS. The PE could have attacked the cell wall proteins of the PAS, making the nutrients of the substrate accessible for microbial fermentation, thus increasing the total gas production. The ammonia-N concentration of PAS without PE was clearly the highest from 6 h to 72 h of incubation time and peaked at 24 h, as presented in
Figure 1b. The addition of 0.1 to 0.3% PE to PAS increased the ammonia-N concentration at 6 h, which then gradually decreased until the end of the incubation period. Surprisingly, adding 1, 2, and 4% PE to PAS showed a steady ammonia-N concentration ranging from 3.05 to 5.77 mg × 100 mL
−1. The optimum ruminal ammonia-N concentration for maximum microbial synthesis of proteins is 5–8 mg × 100 mL
−1 [
28]. All treatment groups, except PAS5, were above the optimum concentration, indicating that dietary protein had reached the level at which protein was converted to digestible energy and that the excess dietary protein was converted to ammonia, supporting the highly effective CP degradation observed in the study. The high ammonia-N concentration of PAS without PE could have suppressed existing enzyme activities in the in vitro culture, thus lowering the effective degradation of nutrients compared to PAS with PE. High concentrations of ammonia-N have been reported to suppress bacterial protease activity via a mechanism analogous to the classical feedback inhibition [
29]. This also suggests that the higher ammonia-N concentration in PAS with lower PE (0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3%) could have contributed to the suppression of the protease activity of the added PE; hence, the addition of higher PE (1%, 2%, and 4%) resulted in a higher effective degradation of nutrients.
The pH of the in vitro-incubated PAS gradually decreased from 6.13 at 0 h incubation to 5.45–5.74 at 72 h. It has been reported that a pH between 6 and 9 is the optimum level to ensure the growth of fiber-digesting cellulolytic bacteria [
30]. The pH of all groups fell below the minimum pH level, indicative of fermentation and effective degradation of nutrients converted to organic acids for use in energy production. However, the literature reported that a rumen pH below 6 washes out proteolytic organisms [
26], which could decrease nutrient degradation. In this study, the addition of PE could have replaced the apparently washed-out proteolytic organisms when the pH fell below minimum levels, as evidenced by the high nutrient effective degradation of PAS with PE.