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A New Species Agrocybe striatipes, also a Newly Commercially Cultivated Mushroom with Highly Nutritional and Healthy Values

State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
College of Science, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand
Xianheyi Agricultural Technology Development Co., Yibin 644400, China
Huayuan Bank Ecological Agricultural Development Co., Yibin 644400, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Fungi 2023, 9(3), 383;
Submission received: 2 March 2023 / Revised: 20 March 2023 / Accepted: 20 March 2023 / Published: 21 March 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Edible and Medicinal Macrofungi, 2nd Edition)


The species of Agrocybe (Strophariaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetes) are saprophytic and widely distributed in temperate regions. In this study, a new species named Agrocybe striatipes from China is described, which has been successfully cultivated in China recently. The phenotypic characteristics examination and molecular phylogenetic analyses using multilocus data (ITS and nrLSU) both support it as a new species in the genus Agrocybe. Moreover, nutritional ingredient analysis showed that the fruiting body of A. striatipes was rich in seventeen amino acids, including eight essential amino acids, in addition to high levels of calcium (78.5 mg/kg) and vitamin D (44.1 μg/100g). The following analysis of the heavy metal contents of the fruiting bodies show that it does not contain lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and other heavy metal elements. In the crude extract of the mushroom, the nutrients in the aqueous phase are amino acids and oligosaccharides, and the active substances in the ethyl acetate layer are sterols, which have a variety of pharmacological effects. In conclusion, A. striatipes is not only a new species but also has highly application values as a cultivated edible mushroom in nutrition and health.

1. Introduction

The genus Agrocybe was first named by Fayod in 1889 with the type species A. praecox (Pers.) Fayod. Agrocybe species are highly adaptable and widely distributed in temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America [1]. In China, sixteen species/varieties were reported from the Guizhou, Yunnan, Fujian, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces, etc. [2,3]. Recently, the outline of Basidiomycota documented c. 100 species in this genus [4]. Members of Agrocybe are saprophytic, usually grow in the forest or grassland, and are characterized by small-to-medium-sized basidiomata, most of them have a membranous ring, brown spore prints, pileipellis a hymeniderm or ixohymeniderm, basidiospores ovoid, ellipsoid or fusiform, yellow to light brown, smooth, usually with a broad germ-pore [5,6].
Singer conducted a comprehensive morphological classification study on Agrocybe, and placed this genus in the family Bolbitiaceae based on characteristics of the pileipellis cell consisting of pear-shaped, subspherical, sphaerocytes cells; the presence or absence of hymenial cystidia; and brown spore prints [7]. Furthermore, he divided this genus into two subgenera, subg. Agrocybe and Aporus; subg. Agrocybe was further divided into five sections (sections Agrocybe, Pediades, Microsporae, Allocystides, and Evelatae), and subg. Aporus was separated into two sections (sections Aporus, Velatae) [7]. Later, the section Evelatae was moved into subg. Aporus from subg. Agrocybe, while section the Allocystides was deleted from the taxonomic system of this genus [5]. This classification system has been used widely [2,5,8].
However, the molecular phylogenetic studies indicated that the genus Agrocybe should belong to the family Strophariaceae (Agaricales, Agaricomycetes) [9], which has been accepted in the modern Basidiomycota taxonomic system [4,10]. Furthermore, the molecular phylogenetic analyses that used ITS and nrLSU sequence revealed that the genus Agrocybe was a polyphyletic group composed of four clades [11,12]. The species from three of those clades were kept in Agrocybe, including the type species A. praecox (Pers.) Fayod. In contrast, the clade contained the widely cultivated the species “Chashugu” Cyclocybe cylindracea (=A. cylindracea), C. erebia (=A. erebia), and C. erebioides (=A. erebioides) formerly from subg. Aporus that were moved to the genus Cyclocybe Velen. [12,13]. More recently, another phylogenetic research revealed one more clade from the genus Agrocybe. Therefore, Agrocybe contained four clades total, but still was a polyphyletic group [8].
It is well known that the genus Cyclocybe, which is similar to Agrocybe in morphology and phylogeny, contains many edible species, and some of them have been successfully cultivated, including C. cylindracea (DC.) Vizzini & Angelini, C. salicaceicola (Zhu L. Yang, M. Zang & X.X. Liu) Vizzini, and C. chaxingu (N.L. Huang) Q.M. Liu, Yang Gao & D.M. Hu [3,12,14]. These species are popular because of their high nutritional properties such as high protein, low fat, and having bioactive ingredients with potential pharmacological effects such as antioxidant and anti-aging properties [13,15]. In recent years, A. praecox, the type species of Agrocybe, has been successfully cultivated [16], and presently it is the only species of this genus that has been domesticated. The following analysis of the cultivated fruiting bodies of A. praecox show that it contains rich essential amino acids and K (2190mg/kg) [16]. Therefore it should be possible that there are more species from this genus that could be explored as new food resources.
In this study, the specimens of Agrocybe were collected from Sichuan Province, China, and the morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysis showed that it represented a new species. In addition, the artificial domestic cultivation of this species was successfully carried out. The analyses of nutrients and bioactive ingredients show that this mushroom is rich in amino acids, elemental calcium, vitamin D, and ergosterol. We concluded that this species could be a great cultivated mushroom for commercial development.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials

Mushroom specimens were collected from 28.36 N, 105.12 E, FuAn Village, Bo Wang Shan Town, Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, China, and deposited in the Herbarium Mycologicum Academiae Sinicae, Beijing, China (HMAS). Strains were isolated from fresh fruiting bodies and deposited in the China General Microbial Strain Collection Management Center, Conservation number CGMCC 40360.

2.2. Morphological Study

Mushroom specimens were collected in the field after taking photographs. Odor and color changes on bruising were recorded at the same time. Macromorphological features and chemical reactions of fresh specimens were recorded. Specimens were dried completely with a food drier under a temperature of 55 °C overnight. Anatomical and cytological features including lamellae, pileipellis, basidiospores, basidia, and cystidia were observed from dried specimens and following the protocols [17,18,19]. A total of 5% KOH were used for a staining reaction. More than twenty measurements of microscopic features (spores, basidia, and cystidia) were recorded, which included tx, the mean of the length by the width ± SD; Q, the quotient of the basidiospore length to width; and Qm, the mean of the Q-values ± SD [17,20].

2.3. Molecular Phylogenetic Study

DNA was extracted from the dried specimens using a Broad-spectrum plant Rapid Genomic DNA Kit (Biomed) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Primers ITS4 and ITS5 were used for internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and LROR and LR5 for large ribosomal subunit (nrLSU) PCR reactions [21]. The PCR programs followed previous studies [19,20,22]. The PCR products were sent to a Biomed Biotechnology commercial company for sequencing.
The sequences produced from this study and some from the NCBI GenBank database were used in phylogenetic analyses [3,8,12,13,23,24] (Table 1). Sequences of multigene data were aligned by Muscle version 3.6 separately [25], then manually adjusted to remove ambiguous regions in BioEdit version 7.0.4 [26]. Maximum likelihood (ML) analysis was performed by RAxmlGUI 1.3 under a GTRGAMMA model with one thousand rapid bootstrap (BS) replicates [27]. Bayesian Inference (BI) analysis was performed by MrBayes v3.2.6 [28]. Six Markov chains were run for 2,000,000 generations and trees were sampled every 100th generation. Burn-ins were determined in Tracer version 1.6 with an ESS value higher than 200, and the remaining trees were used to calculate Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP). The trees were displayed in FigTree version 1.4.0 [29].

2.4. Nutritional Analysis of Fruiting Bodies

2.4.1. Nutritional Composition Analysis

Nutrient composition analysis was performed using a completely dried artificially cultivated fruiting body. The amino acid content, polysaccharide content, protein content, ash content, mineral content, fat content, energy, and carbohydrate were determined by sending it to the Analysis and Testing Center of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. An automatic amino acid analyzer (L-8800) and atomic-fluorescence photometer (AFS3000) were used to assay the amino acid and mineral contents. All determinations are under China’s National Food Safety Standard System, respectively [30,31,32,33,34,35]. A comparative analysis of the nutrient compositions of this proposed new species and eight reported cultivated species, namely A. praecox, C. cylindracea, C. salicacicola, Pleurotus placentodes (Rumph. ex Fr.) Boedijn, P. ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm., Lentinus edode (Berk.) Pegler, Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer, and Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Imbach, was conducted.

2.4.2. Heavy Metal Content Analysis

The artificially cultivated fruiting body was detected for heavy metal content. Pb (Lead), Cd (Cadmium), Hg (Mercury), and As (Arsenic) were determined by sending them to the Analysis and Testing Center of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. An atomic fluorescence photometer (AFS3000) was used in the analysis based on the atomic fluorescence spectrometric method, and all determinations were performed according to the corresponding China National Food Safety Standard [36].

2.4.3. Metabolites Analysis

The target compound was purified by HPLC (Agilent 1200), which was performed on C18 column (4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5 μm) with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The mobile phase consisted of methanol (A) and water containing 0.01% formic acid (B). A gradient elution program was set as follows: 0–5 min, 5% A; 5–40 min, 5–100% A. The sample injection volume was 10 μL and the column temperature was set at 25 °C. Its structure was determined by 1H and 13C NMR data analysis.

3. Results

3.1. Phylogenetic Results

Ninety-five samples were included in this multigene phylogenetic analysis, and it contained 50 Agrocybe samples representing 23 species; the genus Cyclocybe was set as the outgroup. The overall topologies of the ML and BI trees did not show a difference, and the ML tree is shown in Figure 1. Among them, six ITS sequences and six nrLSU sequences were newly generated for this study. It is noticeable that Agrocybe was not a monophy-letic group, and all Agrocybe species split into four clades, which correspond with a previous study by Kiyashko [8]. The proposed new species A. striatipes was nested in the Clade I, which comprised the type species of this genus, and it also showed its sister relationship with the known species A. smithii Watling & H.E. Bigelow, then clustered with the other known Agrocybe species (A. firma (Peck) Singer, A. acericola (Peck) Singer, A. praecox, and A. pediades (Fr.) Fayod). The new species is represented by specimens (HMAS 286942, HMAS 286943) and strains (JL2022301, JL2022302, CGMCC 40360, ZRLJL2021002) which form a distinct lineage with strong supported values (99 BS/1 PP).

3.2. Taxonomy

Agrocybe striatipes R.L. Zhao & J.X. Li, sp. nov. Figure 2 and Figure 3
Fungal Names number: FN571233
Etymology: referring to the surface of stem striate.
Holotype: HMAS286942 (ZRL20211296). China, Sichuan Province, Yibin City, Xingwen County, Bo Wang Shan Town, FuAn Village, 28.36 N, 105.12 E, 28 July 2021, collected by Rui-Lin Zhao.
Macroscopic description: Pileus 18–45 mm diameter, light yellowish, ochraceous-brown, darkening in the center, sometimes completely white in cultivation, obtusely umbonate with a distinct papilla, surface dry, smooth, usually with irregular rugose when mature, margin occasionally decurved. Lamellae-free, adnate-to-sub-decurrent, dark-brown, chestnut color, crowded. Stipe 65–125 × 30–80 mm, fibrillose, striate-sulcate, cylindrical, hollow, equal except for the enlarged base, with abundant white rhizomorphs. Annulus absent. Spore-prints rusty-brown to ocher. Context white-to-ochraceous, up to 2 mm thick at the disk.
Microscopic description: Basidiospores 8.1–10 × 5.2–6.9 μm, [X = 8.7 ± 0.4 × 6.2 ± 0.4, Q = 1.2–1.7, Qm = 1.4 ± 0.1, n = 22], ellipsoid, occasionally globose to subglobose, smooth, reddish-brown, thick-walled, apically truncate with a germ-pore, up to 1–2 μm. Basidia 23.6–31.1 × 8–10.5 μm, clavate, hyaline, four-spored, occasionally three-spored. Pleurocystidia 34–47.2 × 24.7–28 μm, ventricose with rounded obstuse apex, thin-walled, hyaline. Cheilocystidia 38.4–46.1 × 20–27.9 μm, similar to pleurocystidia, ventricose with a broadly rounded apex. Pileipellis hymeniform, composed of calvate, hyaline hyphae, 1.1–7.6 μm, with vesicular-clavate cells at the apex, 15.6–58.6 × 9–15 μm. Stipitipellis composed of branched, calvate, hyaline hyphae, thick-walled, 3.4–10 μm. Clamp-connections abundant.
KOH reaction: not distinctive
Habit: gregarious on soil.
Known distribution: Sichuan Province, China.
Other examined materials: HMAS486943 (ZRL20220014). China, Sichuan Province, Yibin City, Xingwen County, Bo Wang Shan Town, FuAn Village, 28.37 N, 105.09 E, 21 May 2022, collected by Rui-Lin Zhao.
Notes: The new species A. striatipes is characterized by its yellowish ochraceous-brown pileus, stipe deeply striate-sulcate with somewhat fibril, relatively larger pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia, and smaller basidiospores than other species. In the phylogenetic tree (Figure 1), A. striatipes and A. smithii formed a distinct lineage and separated from the other Agrocybe species. However, A. smithii can be easily distinguished by a fresh cap with olive shades and having bigger basidiospores (11–13.5 × 6.5–8 μm) [37]. A. allocystis and A. striatipes are very similar in the field in terms of morphological characteristics; however, the former has much bigger basidiospores (10–16 × 7–10.5 μm) and is different in pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia shapes, which were ventricose to lageniform, and apically usually sub capitate to capitate [6]. Another morphologically similar species is A. broadwayi, which differs from A. striatipes by its bigger basidiospores (12–15 × 8–9 μm) and margin of pileus usually striated, occasionally covered with small concolorous squamules [38]. A. retigera resembles A. striatipes too because they both have umbonate, yellow-cream colored to pale brownish pileus surfaces; however, this known species’ heavy lacunose-rugose will disappear in older ones, and it possesses bigger basidiospores (11.5–18 × 7–10 μm) with a double wall [39].
There are pure-white fruiting bodies that occurred in the cultivated yard and mixed with those in brown. Due to the fact that they have the same morphological characters except for the color and identical sequences, they were identified as the same species. In Agaricus and some other mushroom genera, these white variants are very frequent in many species, such as A. bisporus, A. subrufescens [40,41].

3.3. Evaluations of Nutrition and Food Security of A. striatipes

The nutrient content of A. striatipes was analyzed from its dry materials, and the details are shown in Table 2. The protein content of A. striatipes was 5.66 g/100 g, and its content was nearly three times as much as those of A. praecox. The richness of calcium (78.5 mg/kg) and zinc (6.87 mg/100 g) is beneficial to the elderly and growing children; in addition, trace amounts of selenium have been detected, which is beneficial to the normal physiological activities of the human body. Furthermore, the cultivated specimens were also rich in vitamins, with a vitamin D content of 44.1 μg/100 g. Vitamin C and other fat-soluble vitamins were not detected within the limit of quantification.
As shown in Table 3, a comparative analysis of amino acid content with another eight common edible mushrooms was conducted. Our analysis revealed that this species is rich in 17 amino acids; the total amino acid is 19.24 g/100 g, including the eight essential amino acids required by the human body. In addition, we have detected gamma-aminobutyric acid, which was not reported in others. The ratios of essential and non-essential amino acids indicated that these two were in equal amounts.
The analysis results of heavy metal contents are detailed in Table 4, and the results show that the artificially cultivated fruiting body did not contain lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, or other heavy metal elements, and their contents were within the standard limits.

3.4. The Bioactive Ingredients of A. striatipes

The dry encarpium (200 g) was extracted repeatedly with 95% ethanol 500 mL three times, and the organic solvent was evaporated to dryness under a vacuum to afford the crude extract (3.2 g), which was distributed between water and EtOAc to afford the two fractions. They were analyzed by HPLC. The water fraction was dissolved in DMSO-d6 and analyzed by 1H NMR, which revealed that the water fraction mainly contained oligosaccharides and amino acids (Appendix A Figure A1). We found that there was a main compound with a retention time of 40.0 min; other peaks with similar retention times have the same UV absorption, which were as shown in Figure 4. The main compound (3.0 mg) was purified by the same HPLC condition. It was identified as ergosterol by an analysis of 1H and 13C NMR contrast the reference (Appendix B Figure A2 and Appendix C Figure A3) [42]. Ergosterol, the major product of mycosterol biosynthesis, is an important component of fungal cell membranes that maintain membrane structural integrity, permeability, and fluidity, which can promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the human body. It is one of the good sources of exogenous vitamin D2 in the human body and is often used to improve rickets, osteomalacia, and osteoporosis caused by vitamin D deficiency in infants and elderly people [43].

4. Discussion

Although species of the generas Agrocybe and Cyclocybe are morphologically similar, the molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that Cyclocybe, which is represented by the widely cultivated C. cylindracea complex (=A. cylindracea), belongs to Tubariaceae. However, the phylogenetic study that used multigene sequences of Strophariaceae, Tubariaceae, and other selected Hymenogastraceae species showed that Agrocybe are in fact phylogenetically distant from Cyclocybe and belong to Strophariaceae [24]. In morphology, species of Agrocybe possess a broad germ-pore; however, Cyclocybe species rarely possess germ-pore [6,12].
In this study, a multi-gene phylogenetic analysis was carried out based on 95 specimens, including 50 specimens of 23 Agrocybe species. Phylogenetic results enable the division of the current Agrocybe into four main clades, which coincided with previous research [8,12,13]. Clade I contains the proposed new species and the type species A. praecox, as well as most of the Agrocybe species. Clade II contains only species A. arvalis, which is nested at the sister position with Clade I without statistics supporting the values. The Clade IV is located at the base of the phylogenetic tree and comprises five strongly supported species (97 BS/1 PP). Regardless, the molecular analysis supports A. striatipes as a new species, and this is also supported by its morphological characteristics. To resolve the taxonomic problem of polyphyletic Agrocybe, the taxonomic system for those related taxa may change in the future. However, no matter how the taxonomic system changes, A. striatipes as belonging to Agrocybe will not change due to it being closely clustered with type species A. praecox within clade I in the phylogeny (Figure 1) [8].
Currently, eight edible species of Agrocybe were reported in China [44], and only A. praecox was successfully domesticated and cultivated. The new species A. striatipes introduced from this study is the second species of Agrocybe that can be capable of cultivation. The results of the nutrient analysis revealed that the cultivated A. striatipes can be used as a nutritious food high in proteins. As shown in Table 2, the protein content of A. striatipes is about 5.66 g/100 g, which is significantly higher than that of A. praecox. In addition, it is rich in polysaccharides. Further analysis of polysaccharide extraction and identification of components can be carried out to develop the medicinal value of its polysaccharide active substances and other components. A. striatipes is also rich in mineral elements, with a calcium content (78.5 mg/kg) significantly higher than that of A. praecox. Meanwhile, A. striatipes substrates are rich in Vitamin B2 (0.33 mg/100 g), and B vitamins are mainly involved in bio-oxidation and metabolism in the form of coenzymes, which have very important physiological functions. From the results of the amino acid content, A. striatipes is rich in amino acids, with a total amino acid content of 4.14 g/100 g, which is significantly higher than that of A. praecox, and GLU is the highest amino acid content, accounting for 18%. However, compared with other common edible mushrooms, the total amino acids of A. striatipes are not high, but the ratio of essential amino acids to total amino acids is comparable to other edible mushroom species.
In the crude extract of the mushroom, the nutrients in the aqueous phase are amino acids and oligosaccharides, and the active substances in the ethyl acetate layer are sterols. Ergosterol is the most common class of active substances in fungi. Ergosterol has a variety of pharmacological effects, such as strengthening the immune system, anti-inflammatory and pain-relief properties, lowering cholesterol, anti-fibrosis, anti-oxidant, and delaying aging [45,46].

5. Conclusions

This study, which involved multiple DNA gene-fragment analyses in combination with morphological analysis, revealed that A. striatipes is highly supported as a new species. The success of its artificial cultivation proved that it was the second species in the genus that can be successfully cultivated. Furthermore, the evaluations of its nutrition, food security, and bioactive ingredients indicated that it could be a healthy food for human beings. Compared with A. praecox, A. striatipes produces higher levels of proteins and amino acids and is richer in calcium, zinc, and vitamin D contents, which especially make it more suitable for the elderly and growing children. In the daily diet structure, we recommend combining A. striatipes with other edible mushrooms, vegetables, or meats, which can provide a complementary balance of amino acids and mineral elements.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.L.; methodology, J.L., W.Y. (Wenqiang Yang) and J.R.; software, J.R. and B.C.; validation, J.L. and W.Y. (Wen Ye); formal analysis, J.L.; investigation, L.L. and W.Y. (Wenqiang Yang); resources, X.Z.; data curation, J.L.; writing—original draft preparation, J.L. and W.Y. (Wenqiang Yang); writing—review and editing, R.Z. and J.R.; supervision, R.Z.; project administration, B.C.; funding acquisition, R.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by [National Natural Science Foundation of China] grant number [31961143010, 31970010], [Beijing Innovation Consortium of Agriculture Research System] grant number [BAIC03-01] and [CAS Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Microbial Technology of Agriculture] grant number [KFJ-PTXM-016].

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All sequence data are available in NCBI GenBank following the accession numbers in the manuscript.


The authors thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project ID:31961143010, 31970010), Beijing Innovation Consortium of Agriculture Research System BAIC03-01, CAS Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Microbial Technology of Agriculture KFJ-PTXM-016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Figure A1. Analysis of the 1H NMR of water fraction.
Figure A1. Analysis of the 1H NMR of water fraction.
Jof 09 00383 g0a1

Appendix B

Figure A2. Analysis of main compounds with retention times of 40 min in HPLC by 13C NMR.
Figure A2. Analysis of main compounds with retention times of 40 min in HPLC by 13C NMR.
Jof 09 00383 g0a2

Appendix C

Figure A3. Analysis of main compounds with retention times of 40 min in HPLC by 1H NMR.
Figure A3. Analysis of main compounds with retention times of 40 min in HPLC by 1H NMR.
Jof 09 00383 g0a3


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Figure 1. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree of Agrocybe based on ITS and nrLSU sequences data, including species selected from Hymenogastraceae and Strophariaceae, rooted with Cyclocybe. The bootstrap values and Bayesian posterior probabilities of more than 50%/0.8 (BS/PP) are indicated at the nodes.
Figure 1. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree of Agrocybe based on ITS and nrLSU sequences data, including species selected from Hymenogastraceae and Strophariaceae, rooted with Cyclocybe. The bootstrap values and Bayesian posterior probabilities of more than 50%/0.8 (BS/PP) are indicated at the nodes.
Jof 09 00383 g001
Figure 2. The macromorphological characters of Agrocybe striatipes in cultivation. (A,B,E) holotype (HMAS286942); (C,D,F) specimen HMAS286943 with pure-white fruiting bodies. Scale bar: (AC) = 2 cm; (D) = 1 cm, (E,F) = 2 cm.
Figure 2. The macromorphological characters of Agrocybe striatipes in cultivation. (A,B,E) holotype (HMAS286942); (C,D,F) specimen HMAS286943 with pure-white fruiting bodies. Scale bar: (AC) = 2 cm; (D) = 1 cm, (E,F) = 2 cm.
Jof 09 00383 g002
Figure 3. Micromorphology of A. striatipes (HMAS486942, holotype). (A) basidiospores; (B) pileipellis hyphae; (C) basidia; (D,E) cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia; (F) stipitipellis hyphae. Scale bar: (AF) = 5 μm.
Figure 3. Micromorphology of A. striatipes (HMAS486942, holotype). (A) basidiospores; (B) pileipellis hyphae; (C) basidia; (D,E) cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia; (F) stipitipellis hyphae. Scale bar: (AF) = 5 μm.
Jof 09 00383 g003
Figure 4. Analysis of the main compound of water and EtOAc fractions by HPLC.
Figure 4. Analysis of the main compound of water and EtOAc fractions by HPLC.
Jof 09 00383 g004
Table 1. Sequence information of Agrocybe used in molecular phylogenetic analyses; newly generated sequences are in red. Missing sequences are indicated by “-”.
Table 1. Sequence information of Agrocybe used in molecular phylogenetic analyses; newly generated sequences are in red. Missing sequences are indicated by “-”.
SpeciesVoucher Number/StrainsLocationGB Accession Numbers
Agrocybe acericolaiNAT4372319USAMZ158314-
Agrocybe acericolaiNAT13761691USAMZ158565-
Agrocybe acericolaLE 11357KyrgyzstanJN684805-
Agrocybe arvalisDSM 9710GermanyMN306191MN306170
Agrocybe arvalisB3092020USAMW349111-
Agrocybe arvalisTENN 073105USAMH615058MT237464
Agrocybe coprophilaLE 17592RussiaOM524384OM523960
Agrocybe dennisiiTENN 068499USAKY744153MF797665
Agrocybe duraCBS 157UnknownMH858248MH869851
Agrocybe duraCBS 246UnknownMH855957MH867453
Agrocybe eduardiiLE 313652RussiaOM524381OM523957
Agrocybe elatellaLE 302059RussiaOM524385OM523961
Agrocybe elatellaLE 323547RussiaOM524386OM523962
Agrocybe elenaeLE 313629RussiaOM524382OM523958
Agrocybe fimicolaLE 11386RussiaOM524383OM523959
Agrocybe firmaF26774USAMZ314314-
Agrocybe firmaCBS 390.79UnknownMN306192MN306171
Agrocybe firmaRMA 17USAMG663239MT237458
Agrocybe striatipesZRL20211296ChinaOQ186168OQ186162
Agrocybe striatipesZRL20220014ChinaOQ186171OQ186165
Agrocybe striatipesZRLJL2021001ChinaOQ186172OQ186166
Agrocybe striatipesZRLJL2021002ChinaOQ186173OQ186167
Agrocybe striatipesJL2022301ChinaOQ186169OQ186163
Agrocybe striatipesJL2022302ChinaOQ186170OQ186164
Agrocybe ochraceaA10IndiaMG383657-
Agrocybe pediadesJAUCC2136ChinaMN715758MN710538
Agrocybe pediadesJAUCC2137ChinaMN715759MN710539
Agrocybe pediadesPBM 2080-DQ484057-
Agrocybe pediadesCBS 104.39-MH855969MH867465
Agrocybe pediadesCBS 333.36--MH877770
Agrocybe pediades f. bisporaLE11398RussiaJN684774-
Agrocybe praecoxAFTOL_ID 728UnknownAY818348AY646101
Agrocybe praecoxOS387NorwayKC842389KC842460
Agrocybe praecoxPDD 86836New ZealandKM975410KM975356
Agrocybe praecoxCCBAS 641Czech RepublicMN530062MN528792
Agrocybe pruinatipesTENN 061191USAOM523930-
Agrocybe pusiolaLO304_05-DQ389732-
Agrocybe putaminumPDD 96108New ZealandKM975434KM975371
Agrocybe retigeraJAUCC2154ChinaMT755839MN710544
Agrocybe retigeraFLAS_F_60923USAMH016951MH620258
Agrocybe rivulosaCCB160USAKF830098KF830090
Agrocybe rivulosaKUBOT_KRMK_2020_95IndiaMW487609MW485813
Agrocybe smithiiAFTOL_ID 1494UnknownDQ484058DQ110873
Agrocybe smithiiPBM3793USAMG663269-
Agrocybe sororiaLE 24912RussiaOM524387OM523963
Agrocybe sp.LE11405TurkmenistanJN684794-
Agrocybe subpediadesLE 217898RussiaJN684795-
Agrocybe subpediadesLE 217899RussiaJN684790-
Agrocybe vervactiGLM 45870Germany-AY207143
Agrocybe vervactiNL_2653Hungary-MK277506
Cyclocybe cylindraceaANGE318ItalyKM260145KM260150
Cyclocybe cylindraceaANGE315ItalyKM260144KM260149
Cyclocybe parasiticaBRQ02/24--AY219580
Deconica chionophilaCBS 657.87FranceMH862112MH873799
Deconica chionophilaCBS 659.87FranceMH862114MH873801
Deconica coprophilaCBS 182.37-MH855878MH867388
Deconica coprophilaCBS 181.37-MH855877MH867387
Deconica montanaCBS 101791NorwayMH862762MH874362
Deconica montanaCBS 599.87FranceMH862108MH873797
Hebeloma affineNI270904CanadaFJ436320EF561632
Hebeloma olympianumBK 21_Nov_98_0--AY038310
Hebeloma velutipesPBM 2277--AY745703
Hemistropharia albocrenulataT15ChinaMH697851MH697861
Hemistropharia albocrenulataNL_5161USA-MK278139
Hypholoma capnoidesGLM 45937Germany-AY207211
Hypholoma fasciculareTNS Kasuya B384JapanKC477654KC603725
Hypholoma fasciculareFO 46696Germany-AF291340
Hypholoma subericaeumGLM 45940Germany-AY207215
Hypholoma subericaeumH15--AF261629
Kuehneromyces mutabilisCBS 205.32BelgiumMH855288MH866740
Leratiomyces ceresG0672Germany-MK278280
Leratiomyces similis---AF042009
Leratiomyces squamosusPRM 922211Czech RepublicMH043620MH036179
Meottomyces dissimulansMushroomObserver. Org_352303USAMW692353MW692361
Phaeogalera stagninaOS403NorwayKC842390KC842461
Pholiota lentaTENN 074792ChinaMN209742MN251130
Pholiota lentaTENN 074640USAMN209743MN251131
Pholiota lubricaTENN 074763ChinaMN209749MN251137
Pholiota lubricaTENN 074784ChinaMN209750MN251138
Pholiota spumosaTENN 074772ChinaMN209776MN251159
Pholiota spumosaTENN 074778ChinaMN209775MN251158
Protostropharia islandicaMacroFF16013ItalyKY914476KY914475
Protostropharia semiglobatav166--AF261625
Psilocybe cubensisDNA 2052-KF830094KF830083
Psilocybe cyanescensCBS 10197--AF261620
Psilocybe silvaticaDAOM 187832-AY129362AY129383
Psilocybe stuntziiVT1263_D216--AF042567
Pyrrhulomyces astragalinusTENN 074962USAMT187979MT228845
Pyrrhuylomyces amaricepsTENN 071890USAMG735284MN251114
Pyrrhuylomyces amaricepsPBM 2975USAHQ832448HQ832462
Stropharia aeruginosaS7ChinaMH697848MH697856
Stropharia ambiguaAFTOL_ID 726UnknownAY818350AY646102
Stropharia coronillaCBS 534.50FranceMH856747MH868269
Stropharia coronillaGLM 46028Germany-AY207301
Stropharia rugosoannulataS22ChinaMH697846MH697854
Table 2. Vitamins and elements content of A. striatipes and A. praecox (g/100 g dry weight). Missing data are indicated by “-”.
Table 2. Vitamins and elements content of A. striatipes and A. praecox (g/100 g dry weight). Missing data are indicated by “-”.
Nutrient ContentA. striatipesA. praecox
Protein (g/100 g)5.662.05
polysaccharide (g/100 g)
Ca (mg/kg)78.533.4
Fe (mg/kg)21.259.7
Zn (mg/100 g)6.873.54
Mn (mg/100 g)1.762.82
Se (mg/100 g)0.0480.23
Vitamin B1 (mg/100 g)0.08500.0525
Vitamin B2 (mg/100 g)0.3330.123
Vitamin A (μg/100 g)1030
Vitamin C (mg/100 g) 2.0
Vitamin D (μg/100 g)44.12
Vitamin E (mg/100 g)-0.12
Table 3. Nutrient content of A. striatipes and other eight edible mushrooms (g/100g dry weight). Missing data are indicated by “-”.
Table 3. Nutrient content of A. striatipes and other eight edible mushrooms (g/100g dry weight). Missing data are indicated by “-”.
Nutrient ContentA.
THR *0.230.0750.991.251.810.830.950.661.1
VAL *0.210.0740.961.050.950.91.080.771.09
MET *0.0520.180.290.320.160.270.490.120.4
ILE *0.160.0670.750.660.810.590.720.540.81
LEU *0.260.0871.420.901.431.
PHE *0.190.0660.390.420.790.450.60.710.51
LYS *0.27-0.862.710.850.771.061.091.08
* T: Total amino acids; E: The total essential amino acids; N: The total non-essential amino acids. The asterisks refer to essential amino acids. Abbreviations: A., Agrocybe; C., Cyclocybe; P., Pleurotus; L., Lentinus; F., Flammulina; A., Agaricus.
Table 4. The maximum allowable limits of heavy metals in edible mushrooms.
Table 4. The maximum allowable limits of heavy metals in edible mushrooms.
Heavy MetalsCategory of Edible MushroomsMaximum Allowable
Limits (mg/kg)
Content in Cultivated
A. striatipes
National Food Safety Standard
PbEdible mushrooms and their products≤0.50.0262GB 2762-2022
CdEdible mushrooms and their products≤0.20.047GB 2762-2022
AsEdible mushrooms and their products≤0.50.036GB 2762-2022
HgEdible mushrooms and their products≤0.10.053GB 2762-2022
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, J.; Yang, W.; Ren, J.; Cao, B.; Zhu, X.; Lin, L.; Ye, W.; Zhao, R. A New Species Agrocybe striatipes, also a Newly Commercially Cultivated Mushroom with Highly Nutritional and Healthy Values. J. Fungi 2023, 9, 383.

AMA Style

Li J, Yang W, Ren J, Cao B, Zhu X, Lin L, Ye W, Zhao R. A New Species Agrocybe striatipes, also a Newly Commercially Cultivated Mushroom with Highly Nutritional and Healthy Values. Journal of Fungi. 2023; 9(3):383.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Jiaxin, Wenqiang Yang, Jinwei Ren, Bin Cao, Xinyu Zhu, Li Lin, Wen Ye, and Ruilin Zhao. 2023. "A New Species Agrocybe striatipes, also a Newly Commercially Cultivated Mushroom with Highly Nutritional and Healthy Values" Journal of Fungi 9, no. 3: 383.

APA Style

Li, J., Yang, W., Ren, J., Cao, B., Zhu, X., Lin, L., Ye, W., & Zhao, R. (2023). A New Species Agrocybe striatipes, also a Newly Commercially Cultivated Mushroom with Highly Nutritional and Healthy Values. Journal of Fungi, 9(3), 383.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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