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Morphology and Multigene Phylogeny Revealed Three New Species of Helminthosporium (Massarinaceae, Pleosporales) from China

College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal, Calle 110 No. 514 e/5ta B y 5ta F, Playa, La Habana 11600, Cuba
College of Forestry Engineering, Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University, Jinan 250100, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Fungi 2023, 9(2), 280;
Submission received: 2 February 2023 / Revised: 17 February 2023 / Accepted: 19 February 2023 / Published: 20 February 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Ascomycete Fungi)


Saprobic hyphomycetes are highly diverse on plant debris. Over the course of our mycological surveys in southern China, three new Helminthosporium species, H. guanshanense sp. nov., H. jiulianshanense sp. nov. and H. meilingense sp. nov., collected on dead branches of unidentified plants, were introduced by morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Multi-loci (ITS, LSU, SSU, RPB2 and TEF1) phylogenetic analyses were performed using maximum-likelihood and Bayesian inference to infer their taxonomic positions within Massarinaceae. Both molecular analyses and morphological data supported H. guanshanense, H. jiulianshanense and H. meilingense as three independent taxa within Helminthosporium. A list of accepted Helminthosporium species with major morphological features, host information, locality and sequence data was provided. This work expands our understanding of the diversity of Helminthosporium-like taxa in Jiangxi Province, China.

1. Introduction

Hyphomycetes, a group of anamorphic Ascomycota, are highly diverse in aquatic and terrestrial habitats and distributed worldwide on many natural substrates such as plant tissues, wood and bark, dung, insects and other arthropods and other fungi including lichens [1]. More than 30,000 species of asexual fungi are recorded worldwide, with 2500 hyphomyceteous genera [2,3]. The most comprehensive occurrence of this group is in the northern temperate regions, with little recorded in tropical and subtropical areas [1,3]. China is considered an important reservoir of biodiversity by the Convention on Biological Diversity. However, more research on fungal diversity in China is needed.
Helminthosporium is a hyphomyceteous genus in the family Massarinaceae of the order Pleosporales, which was established by Link [4] and typified by H. velutinum Link. It is an old, species-rich genus, and its taxonomic history is complex. To date, more than 770 epithets for Helminthosporium are listed in Index Fungorum [3], but most Helminthosporium species are not congeneric with the generic type in development of conidia and conidiophores and were excluded from Helminthosporium [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]. Ellis [7] synonymised numerous species with H. velutinum, and accepted 10 Helminthosporium species based on extensive morphological investigations. Siboe et al. [10] accepted 27 Helminthosporium species, and provided a synopsis table summarizing their main diagnostic morphological characters. Since then, 45 further species have been added to the genus [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31]. However, nine species, viz., H. apicale V. Rao and de Hoog, H. bigenum Matsush., H. catenatum Matsush., H. dictyoseptatum S. Hughes, H. hypselodelphyos M.B. Ellis, H. parvum R.F. Castañeda and W.B. Kendr., H. senseletii Bhat and B. Sutton, H. varium Alves-Barb., Malosso and R.F. Castañeda and H. zombaense B. Sutton, were excluded [11,12,13]. Two species, H. cylindrosporum Matsush. [32] and H. gigasporum Shirouzu and Y. Harada [33], are, respectively, synonymised with H. matsushimae D.W. Li, K. Zhang and R.F. Castañeda [13] and H. magnisporum Shirouzu and Y. Harada [17] because they are a later homonym of H. cylindrosporum Sacc. and H. gigasporum Berk. and Broome, respectively. Helminthosporium dimorphosporum Hol.-Jech. is regarded as a questionable species that produces distoseptate and euseptate conidia and does not fit the Helminthosporium generic concept [13]. Thus, following Siboe et al.’s [10] treatment, the genus currently comprises 60 species.
Most Helminthosporium species are described based on their anamorph alone, and only six species, H. massarinum Kaz. Tanaka, K. Hiray. and Shirouzu, H. microsorum D. Sacc., H. oligosporum (Corda) S. Hughes, H. quercicola (M.E. Barr) Voglmayr and Jaklitsch, H. quercinum Voglmayr and Jaklitsch and H. tiliae (Link) Fr., have been linked with Massaria- or Splachnonema-like teleomorphs, of which five have been confirmed by pure culture and sequence data [22,24]. Recent molecular data demonstrated that Helminthosporium is a polyphyletic genus [30,34], with some members mixed with other taxa of Byssothecium, Haplohelminthosporium, Helminthosporiella, Pseudosplanchnonema and Synhelminthosporium [30,34].
Jiangxi, located in the southeast of China, is one of the most biodiverse provinces. Its preserved superior ecological environment, humid subtropical climate and abundant plant resources would suggest that the province also has great fungal diversity. During a survey of saprobic hyphomycetes from plant debris in this province, three interesting hyphomycetes belonging to the genus Helminthosporium (Massarinaceae, Pleosporales) were collected on dead branches. Based on the multi-locus phylogenetic analysis and morphological examination, they are introduced as new to science in the present study.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sample Collection, Isolation and Morphology

Samples of dead branches were collected from humid environments and river banks in the subtropical forests of Jiangxi Province, China, and placed in Ziploc™ plastic bags. Samples were processed and examined following the methods described in Ma et al. [35]. Colonies on decaying wood surfaces were examined and visually observed with a stereomicroscope (Motic SMZ-168, Xiamen, China) from low (0.75 times) to high (5 times) magnification. Fresh colonies were picked with sterile needles at a stereomicroscope magnification of 5 times, placed on a slide with a drop of lactic acid–phenol solution (lactic acid, phenol, glycerin, sterile water; 1:1:2:1, respectively), then placed under an Olympus BX 53 light microscope fitted with an Olympus DP 27 digital camera (Olympus Optical Co., Tokyo, Japan) for microscopic morphological characterization. The tip of a sterile toothpick dipped in sterile water was used to capture the conidia of the target colony directly from the specimen; the conidia were then streaked on the surface of potato dextrose agar (PDA; 20% potato + 2% dextrose + 2% agar, w/v) and incubated in an incubator at 25 °C overnight. The single germinated conidia were transferred to fresh PDA plates following the method of Goh [36] and incubated in an incubator at 25 °C. Culture characteristics were examined and recorded after 3 days and later at regular intervals for 3 days. Colony colors were assessed according to the charts of Rayner [37]. All fungal strains were stored in 10% sterilized glycerin at 4 °C for further studies. The studied specimens and cultures were deposited in the Herbarium of Jiangxi Agricultural University, Plant Pathology, Nanchang, China (HJAUP). The names of the new taxa were registered in Index Fungorum [3].

2.2. DNA Extraction, PCR Amplification and Sequencing

Genomic DNA was extracted from fungal mycelia grown on PDA, using the Solarbio Fungi Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Solarbio, Beijing, China) following the manufacturer’s protocol. DNA amplification was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the respective loci (ITS, LSU, SSU, TEF1 and RPB2). The following primer sets were used for these genes: ITS: ITS5/ITS4 [38]; LSU: 28S1-F/28S3-R [39]; SSU: 18S-F/18S-R [39]; TEF1: EF1-983F/EF1-2218R [28,40] and RPB2: RPB2-5F2 [41]/fRPB2-7cR [42]. The amplifications were performed in a 25 μL reaction volume containing 12.5 μL of 2 × Power Taq PCR MasterMix, 1 μL of each forward and reverse primer, 1 μL of DNA template and 9.5 μL of ddH2O. The PCR thermal cycle program for ITS, LSU, SSU and TEF1 amplification was as follows: 95 °C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 15 s, annealing at 55 °C for 15 s, elongation at 72 °C for 30 s and finally extended at 72 °C for 5 min. Regions of RPB2 were amplified with annealing at 59 °C for 15 s, elongation at 72 °C for 2 min and others consistent with the above procedure. The PCR products were checked on 1% agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidium bromide. Purification and sequencing of PCR products were carried out by Beijing Tsingke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. China. New sequences generated in this study were deposited in the NCBI GenBank (, accessed on 5 January 2023; Table 1).

2.3. Phylogenetic Analyses

The newly generated sequences together with other sequences obtained from GenBank (Table 1) were aligned using MAFFTv.7 [43] on the online server (, accessed on 5 January 2023), and optimized manually when needed. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted individually for each locus at first and then for a combined dataset of five gene loci (ITS, LSU, SSU, TEF1 and RPB2). The tandem sequences of ITS, SSU, LSU, TEF1 and RPB2 were obtained by Phylosuite software v1.2.1 [44] under “Concatenate Sequence”, and absent sequence data in the alignments were treated with a question mark as missing data. The best-fitting nucleotide substitution models for each alignment dataset were selected using ModelFinder [45]. Maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) were used to analyze the dataset after splicing. Maximum-likelihood phylogenies were inferred using IQ-TREE [46] under an Edge-linked partition model for 10,000 ultrafastbootstraps [47]. The optimal ML tree search was conducted with 1000 separate runs using the default algorithm of the program from a random starting tree for each run. The best-fit model was TIM3 + F + R3 for TEF1, TIM2e + I + G4 for ITS, TNe + R4 for LSU, TN + F + I + G4 for RPB2 and K2P + R2 for SSU. Bayesian inference phylogenies were inferred using MrBayes 3.2.6 [48] under a partition model (2 parallel runs, 2,000,000 generations), in which the initial 25% of sampled data were discarded as burn-in. The best-fit model was GTR + F + I + G4 for RPB2, ITS and LSU, GTR + F + G4 for TEF1 and HKY + F + G4 for SSU. ModelFinder [45] was used to select the best-fit partition model (Edge-linked) using BIC criterion. These trees were visualized using FigTree v. 1.4.4 (, accessed on 16 January 2023), with editing and typesetting using Adobe Illustrator CS v. 5.

3. Results

3.1. Molecular Phylogeny

In this study, five gene regions of ITS, LSU, SSU, TEF1 and RPB2 were obtained successfully except for H. jiulianshanense, which lack SSU and TEF1 sequences. Phylogenetic relationships of three Helminthosporium species were assessed in the combined analysis using 5 gene regions of 74 strains representing 48 species in Massarinaceae and related families (Periconiaceae, Corynesporascaceae and Cyclothyriellaceae). The combined dataset (TEF1:1-372, ITS:1373-2042, LSU:2043-2937, RPB2:2938-4068, SSU:4069-5129) was composed of 2274 distinct patterns, 1900 parsimony-informative, 319 singleton sites and 2910 constant sites. A total of 5 single-locus datasets, ITS, LSU, SSU, RPB2 and TEF1, contained 670, 895, 1061, 1131 and 1372 parsimony informative sites, respectively. Cyclothyriella rubronotata (TR) and C. rubronotata (TR9) served as outgroup taxa. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of the combined datasets resulted in phylogenetic reconstructions with largely similar topologies, and bootstrap support values for maximum-likelihood higher than 75% and Bayesian posterior probabilities greater than 0.90 are given above the nodes. The best-scoring ML consensus tree (lnL = −38,302.006) with ultrafast bootstrap values from ML analyses and posterior probabilities from MrBayes analysis at the nodes are shown in Figure 1. Our newly obtained Helminthosporium isolates represent three different clades. The strain of H. guanshanense (HJAUP C1022) forms a distinct clade sister to two different strains of H. massarinum (KT 838 and KT 1564.7) with 89%ML/0.92BI bootstrap support; H. jiulianshanense (HJAUP C1057) forms a high-support clade (100%ML/1.00BI) with the lineage consisting of five different strains of H. velutinum (H4626, H4739, L131, L115 and L98); H. meilingense (HJAUP C1076) clustered as a sister taxon to the clade containing H. nabanhense (HJAUP C2054) and H. chlorophorae (BRIP 14521) with 94%ML/0.68BI bootstrap support.

3.2. Taxonomy

Helminthosporium guanshanense Y.F. Hu and Jian Ma, sp. nov., Figure 2.
Indexfungorum number: IF900239.
Etymology: The name refers to Guanshan Nature Reserve, the locality where the fungus was collected.
Holotype: HJAUP M1022.
Description: Saprobic on dead branches in terrestrial habitats. Anamorph hyphomycetous. Colonies on natural substrate effuse, scattered, hairy, brown to dark brown. Mycelium superficial and immersed in the substratum, composed of branched, septate, smooth, pale brown to brown, thick-walled hyphae. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, solitary or in groups of 2–4, simple, erect, straight or flexuous, cylindrical, smooth, 10–34-septate, blackish brown, paler towards the apex, sometimes with cylindrical, enteroblastic percurrent extensions with well-defined small pores at the apex and laterally beneath the upper 1–5 septa, 282.5–977.5 × 15–20 μm ( x ¯ = 700.3 × 16 μm, n = 10). Conidiogenous cells polytretic, integrated, terminal and intercalary, cylindrical, brown, smooth. Conidial secession schizolytic. Conidia acropleurogenous, solitary, dry, obclavate, rostrate, straight or curved, 5–14-distoseptate, pale brown, smooth, 55–107.5 × 10–15 µm ( x ¯ = 85.8 × 13.7 μm, n = 21), tapering to 4.5–7.5 µm near the apex, 5–9 μm wide at the base.
Culture characteristics: Colony on PDA reaching 55–65 mm diam. after 4 weeks in an incubator under dark conditions at 25 °C, irregular circular, surface reddish dark brown with gray white in the center and gray mat of aerial hyphae at the margin; reverse rosy-brown with black dots and pale brown periphery.
Material examined: China, Jiangxi Province, Yichun City, the Guanshan National Nature Reserve, on dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree, 25 June 2021, Y.F. Hu (HJAUP M1022, holotype; ex-type culture permanently preserved in a metabolically inactive state by freezing HJAUP C1022).
Notes: The phylogenetic tree shows that the strain of H. guanshanense (HJAUP C1022) clusters with the ex-type strain of H. massarinum (KT 838 and KT 1564T). The BLASTn analysis of H. guanshanense (HJAUP C1022) and H. massarinum (KT 1564 T) shows 94% identity (432/461, 2 gaps) using ITS, 99% identity (570/578, 2 gaps) using LSU, 99% identity (447/448, no gap) using SSU and 95% identity (865/910, no gap) using RPB2. Moreover, H. guanshanense differs from H. massarinum [22] by its wider conidiophores (15–20 μm vs. 7–9 μm) and longer conidia (55–107.5 × 10–15 µm vs. 17–56.5 × 5–9 μm) with more distosepta (5–14 vs. 1–8). Helminthosporium guanshanense also superficially resembles H. quercinum [24], but the latter has smaller conidiophores [(40–)74–199(–332) × 11–18 µm vs. 282.5–977.5 × 15–20 μm], and longer conidia [(47–)78–130(–201) × (13.2–)15.3–18.0(–20.5) µm vs. 55–107.5 × 10–15 µm] with 8–13(–20) distosepta.
Helminthosporium jiulianshanense Y.F. Hu and Jian Ma, sp. nov., Figure 3.
Index Fungorum number: IF900240.
Etymology: The name refers to Jiulianshan National Forest Park, the locality where the fungus was collected.
Holotype: HJAUP M1057.
Description: Saprobic on decaying wood in terrestrial habitats. Anamorph hyphomycetous. Colonies on natural substrate effuse, scattered, hairy, brown to dark brown. Mycelium superficial and immersed in the substratum, composed of branched, septate, smooth, pale brown to brown, thick-walled hyphae. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, solitary or in groups of 2–3, simple, erect, straight or flexuous, cylindrical, smooth, 10–21-septate, blackish brown, paler towards the apex, with one cylindrical, enteroblastic percurrent extension with well-defined small pores at the apex and laterally beneath the upper 1–4 septa, (290–)531–712 × 10–15 μm ( x ¯ = 520 × 13 µm, n = 10). Conidiogenous cells polytretic, integrated, terminal and intercalary, cylindrical, brown, smooth. Conidial secession schizolytic. Conidia acropleurogenous, solitary, dry, obclavate, rostrate, straight or curved, 6–13-distoseptate, pale brown to brown, smooth, (57–)78–120 × 13–17.5 µm ( x ¯ = 93 × 14.8 µm, n = 20), tapering to 4–6.5 µm near the apex, 5–9 μm wide at the base.
Culture characteristics: Colony on PDA reaching 70–78 mm diam. after 4 weeks in an incubator under dark conditions at 25 °C, irregular circular, surface velvety, with dense, dark brown mycelium plus white patches of aerial hyphae, and becoming sparser towards the edge; reverse gray with sparser black patches in the center.
Material examined: China, Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou City, Jiulianshan National Forest Park, on dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree, 26 June 2021, Y.F. Hu (HJAUP M1057, holotype; ex-type culture permanently preserved in a metabolically inactive state by freezing HJAUP C1057).
Notes: The phylogenetic tree shows that the strain of H. jiulianshanense (HJAUP C1057) clusters with five different strains of H. velutinum (H4626, H4739, L131T, L115, L98), and they form a sister clade to H. solani (CBS 365.75 and CBS640.85). The BLASTn analysis of H. jiulianshanense (HJAUP C1057) and H. velutinum (L131T) shows 96% identity (563/585, 6 gaps) using ITS, 98% identity (574/583, 4 gaps) using LSU and 94% identity (880/934, 7 gaps) using RPB2. Moreover, H. jiulianshanense morphologically differs from H. velutinum [24] in the size of the conidiophores [(290–)531–712 × 10–15 μm vs. (163–)340–698(–960) × 14–26 µm] and conidia [(57–)78–120 × 13–17.5 µm vs. (42–)56–89(–142) × (11–)14.3–18.5(–24.7) µm] and conidial distosepta (6–13 vs. 6–8). In addition, H. jiulianshanense morphologically differs from H. solani Durieu and Mont. [7,49] by its longer conidiophores [(290–)531–712 μm vs. 120–600 μm] and longer conidia [(57–)78–120 µm vs. 24–85 µm] with more distosepta (6–13 vs. 2–8).
Helminthosporium meilingense Y.F. Hu and Jian Ma, sp. nov., Figure 4.
Index Fungorum number: IF900241.
Etymology: The name refers to Meiling Scenic Spot, the locality where the fungus was collected.
Holotype: HJAUP M1076.
Description: Saprobic on decaying wood in terrestrial habitats. Anamorph hyphomycetous. Colonies on natural substrate effuse, scattered, hairy, brown to dark brown, velvety. Mycelium superficial and immersed in the substratum, composed of branched, septate, smooth, pale brown to brown, thick-walled hyphae. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, solitary or in groups of 2–4, simple, erect, straight or flexuous, cylindrical, smooth, 18–29-septate, blackish brown, paler towards the apex, with several cylindrical, enteroblastic percurrent extensions with well-defined small pores at the apex and laterally beneath the upper 1–5 septa, 544–712.5 × 12.5–17 μm ( x ¯ = 622 × 15.2 μm, n = 8). Conidiogenous cells polytretic, integrated, terminal and intercalary, cylindrical, brown, smooth, with noncicatrized, distinct pores. Conidial secession schizolytic. Conidia acropleurogenous, solitary, dry, obclavate, rostrate, straight or curved, 6–13-distoseptate, pale brown, smooth, (20.7–)41.5–82.8 × 6.9–10.4 µm ( x ¯ = 64 × 8 µm, n = 29), tapering to 1.7–3.5 µm near the apex, 3–7 μm wide at the base. Basal cell or apical portion sometimes with branches that developed a rostrate.
Culture characteristics: Colony on PDA reaching 60–70 mm diam. after 4 weeks in an incubator under dark conditions at 25 °C, irregular circular, surface gray-brown with blackish brown in the center and gray mat of aerial hyphae at the margin; reverse rosy-brown with dark brown center and pale brown periphery.
Material examined: China, Jiangxi Province, Nanchang City, Meiling Scenic Spot, on dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree, 27 June 2021, Y.F. Hu (HJAUP M1076, holotype; ex-type culture permanently preserved in a metabolically inactive state by freezing HJAUP C1076).
Notes: The phylogenetic tree shows that the strain of H. meilingense (HJAUP C1076) forms an independent clade and clusters with the strains of H. nabanhense (HJAUP C2054) and H. chlorophorae (BRIP 14521). The BLASTn analysis of H. meilingense (HJAUP C1076) and H. nabanhense (HJAUP C2054) shows 92% identity (450/487, 4 gaps) using ITS, 96% identity (562/583, 7 gaps) using LSU, 99% identity (883/86, 2 gaps) using SSU and 94% identity (712/761, 1 gap) using TEF1; of H. meilingense (HJAUP C1076) and H. chlorophorae (BRIP 14521) show 90% identity (427/473, 12 gaps) using ITS. Moreover, H. meilingense is significantly different from H. nabanhense Jing W. Liu and Jian Ma [31] in its longer conidiophores (544–712.5 × 12.5–17 μm vs. 365–557 × 6.5–13.5 μm) and longer conidia [(20.7–)41.5–82.8 μm vs. 26.5–46.5 μm] with more distosepta (6–13 vs. 3–6) and from H. chlorophorae M.B. Ellis [7] in its longer conidiophores (544–712.5 × 12.5–17 μm vs. 120–270 × 7–10 μm) and smaller conidia [(20.7–)41.5–82.8 × 6.9–10.4 μm vs. 52–102 × 8–11 μm] with more distosepta (6–13 vs. 6–9). In addition, H. meilingense further differs from H. nabanhense and H. chlorophorae in producing simple or branched conidia.

4. Discussion

The establishment of Helminthosporium was based on morphological studies. More than 770 epithets for Helminthosporium have been listed in Index Fungorum [3]. Members in the genus mainly occur in the asexual morph, usually forming effuse, hairy colonies on decaying leaf or twig litter. The generic concept of Helminthosporium is based on the characteristics of asexual morph and is mainly characterized by distinct, determinate or percurrently extending conidiophores with a well-defined small pore at the apex and/or laterally beneath the septa and tretic, integrated, terminal or intercalary conidiogenous cells that produce solitary (rarely in short chains), clavate or obclavate, distoseptate conidia usually with a distinct dark brown to black scar at the base [1,4,7,11,24,50,51]. Voglmayr and Jaklitsch [24] transferred four Corynespora species to Helminthosporium based on molecular phylogenetic analyses, which led to the characters delineating the genus Helminthosporium also covering the criteria of Corynespora. The traditional distinction between monotretic vs. polytretic conidiogenous cells for separating Corynespora and Helminthosporium is shown to be insignificant in a phylogenetic context.
The taxonomic history of the genus Helminthosporium is complex. Many graminicolous taxa conventionally named as “Helminthosporium” species have been reclassified into the genera Bipolaris, Curvularia, Drechslera and Exserohilum [8], and several lignicolous species were recently transferred to Ellismarsporium, Mirohelminthosporium, Stanhughesiella, Varioseptispora and other genera due to their atypical features in Helminthosporium [11,12,13]. Konta et al. [34] listed 216 Helminthosporium species based on records from Species Fungorum, but many species are identified based only on morphological studies, and only 33 species have sequence data so far. Morphological comparison is important for fungal identification, but species identification only based on morphological studies is not comprehensive [31]. There is presently a strong tendency to evaluate previous described Helminthosporium species by molecular methods. Thus, resurrection of the genus Helminthosporium and studying their diversity and biology by a morpho-molecular approach are urgently necessary, which may be helpful to clarify the taxonomic status of many doubtful species and some important plant pathogens [23,28].
The genus Helminthosporium has a worldwide distribution with species recorded from a wide range of hosts [23,24,30,34,51,52,53,54,55]. However, the number of Helminthosporium species is very confusing in the recent monograph [24,28,56,57,58]. For example, Kirk et al. [56] recorded in the Dictionary of the Fungi that the genus comprises c. 35 species. Wijayawardene et al. [57,58] respectively estimated the genus including c. 40 and 416 species. Voglmayr and Jaklitsch [24] approximated the number of taxa accepted in Helminthosporium is about 46. In addition, Voglmayr and Jaklitsch [24] synonymised Exosporium with Helminthosporium and evaluated 17 Helminthosporium species by morphological and molecular systematic analysis. Konta et al. [34] listed 216 Helminthosporium species based on the records of Species Fungorum 2021. Considering that the number of Helminthosporium species does not match and many subsequent authors followed Siboe et al.’s [10] treatment, 63 species are currently accommodated in this genus. A checklist for these 63 Helminthosporium species, including major morphological features, host information, locality and sequence data, is provided in Table 2. Most of these are commonly collected from leaves and decaying wood in terrestrial habitats [22,24,30,34], and only two species, H. aquaticum Hong Y. Su, Z.L. Luo and K.D. Hyde and H. submersum Z.L. Luo, N. Zhao, K.D. Hyde and H.Y. Su, are recorded in freshwater habitats [23,28]. Thus, large-scale surveys of fungal resources in aquatic and terrestrial habitats with different geographic regions, ecological environment, vegetation type and climatic conditions will contribute to the knowledge of the fungal diversity and to a better understanding of the doubtful species, further clarifying their taxonomic status by phylogenetic analyses.

Author Contributions

Y.-F.H., J.-W.L., Z.-H.X. and J.M. designed the study and were involved in writing the paper; Y.-F.H. and Z.-H.X. were responsible for sample collections; Y.-F.H. and J.-W.L. were involved in phylogenetic analyses. R.F.C.-R., K.Z. and J.M. contributed to planning and editing of the paper. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 31970018, 32160006).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All sequences generated in this study were submitted to GenBank.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Phylogram generated from maximum-likelihood analysis based on combined ITS, LSU, SSU, TEF1 and RPB2 sequence data for the families Corynesporaceae, Massarinaceae and Periconiaceae. The ML and BI bootstrap support values above 75% and 0.90 are given above the nodes. The tree is rooted to Cyclothyriella rubronotata (TR) and C. rubronotata (TR9). Strains from the current study are in bold. Some branches were shortened according to the indicated multipliers.
Figure 1. Phylogram generated from maximum-likelihood analysis based on combined ITS, LSU, SSU, TEF1 and RPB2 sequence data for the families Corynesporaceae, Massarinaceae and Periconiaceae. The ML and BI bootstrap support values above 75% and 0.90 are given above the nodes. The tree is rooted to Cyclothyriella rubronotata (TR) and C. rubronotata (TR9). Strains from the current study are in bold. Some branches were shortened according to the indicated multipliers.
Jof 09 00280 g001
Figure 2. Helminthosporium guanshanense (HJAUP M1022, holotype): (a) surface of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (b) reverse of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (c) conidiophore and conidiogenous cells; (dg) conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia; (h) conidiogenous cells and conidia; (i) conidia.
Figure 2. Helminthosporium guanshanense (HJAUP M1022, holotype): (a) surface of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (b) reverse of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (c) conidiophore and conidiogenous cells; (dg) conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia; (h) conidiogenous cells and conidia; (i) conidia.
Jof 09 00280 g002
Figure 3. Helminthosporium jiulianshanense (HJAUP M1057, holotype): (a) surface of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (b) reverse of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (c) conidiophore and conidiogenous cells; (d,e) conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia; (f) conidia.
Figure 3. Helminthosporium jiulianshanense (HJAUP M1057, holotype): (a) surface of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (b) reverse of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (c) conidiophore and conidiogenous cells; (d,e) conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia; (f) conidia.
Jof 09 00280 g003
Figure 4. Helminthosporium meilingense (HJAUP M1076, holotype): (a) surface of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (b) reverse of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (c,g) conidiogenous cells and conidia; (df) conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia; (h) conidia.
Figure 4. Helminthosporium meilingense (HJAUP M1076, holotype): (a) surface of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (b) reverse of colony after 4 weeks on PDA; (c,g) conidiogenous cells and conidia; (df) conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia; (h) conidia.
Jof 09 00280 g004
Table 1. Species and GenBank accession numbers of DNA sequences used in this study. New sequences are in bold.
Table 1. Species and GenBank accession numbers of DNA sequences used in this study. New sequences are in bold.
SpeciesCulture/Specimen No.GenBank Accession Numbers
Byssothecium circinansCBS 675.92 GU205235GU205217OM337536DQ767646GU349061
Corynespora cassiicolaCBS 100822GU296144GU301808GU371742GU349052
C. smithiiL120 KY984297KY984297KY984361KY984435
C. smithiiL130 KY984419KY984298KY984298KY984362KY984436
Cyclothyriella rubronotataTR = CBS 121892KX650541KX650541KX650571KX650516
C. rubronotataTR9 ET = CBS 141486 KX650507KX650544KX650544KX650574KX650519
Helminthosporium aquaticumS-096 HT = MFLUCC 15-0357 KU697310KU697306KU697302
H. austriacumL132 HT = CBS 139924KY984420KY984301KY984301KY984365KY984437
H. austriacumL169 = CBS 142388 KY984303KY984303KY984367KY984439
H. caespitosumL99 ET = CBS 484.77 KY984421JQ044448JQ044429KY984370KY984440
H. caespitosumL141KY984305KY984305KY984368
H. chengduenseUESTC 22.0024 = CGMCC 3.23575 HTON557757ON557745ON557751ON563073ON600598
H. chengduenseUESTC 22.0025 ON557756ON557744ON557750ON563072ON600597
H. chiangraienseMFLUCC 21-0087 HTMZ538538MZ538504
H. chinenseUESTCC 22.0026 = CGMCC 3.23570 HTON557760ON557748ON557754ON600601
H. chlorophoraeBRIP 14521 AF120259
H. dalbergiaeH4628 = MAFF 243853AB797231AB807521LC014555AB808497
H. endiandraeCBS 138902 = CPC 22194 HTKP004478KP004450
H. erythrinicolaCBS 145569 HT = CPC 35291MK876432NR_165563MK876486
H. genistaeL129 = CBS 139922KY984423KY984309KY984309KY984373
H. genistaeL142 ET = CBS142597KY984310KY984310KY984374
H. genistaeL143 = CBS 139927KY984311KY984311KY984375
H. genistaeL144 = CBS 139928KY984312KY984312KY984376
H. genistaeL148 = CBS 139929KY984315KY984315KY984379
H. genistaeL149 = CBS 139930KY984316KY984316KY984380
H. guanshanenseHJAUP C1022 ETOQ172247OQ172239OQ172249OQ234978OQ256247
H. hispanicumL109 HT = CBS 136917KY984424KY984318KY984318KY984381KY984441
H. jiulianshanenseHJAUP C1057 ETOQ172253OQ172245OQ234979
H. juglandinumL101 = CBS 136912KY984319KY984319KY984382KY984442
H. juglandinumL102 = CBS 136913KY984320KY984320
H. juglandinumL118 HT = CBS 136922 KY984321KY984321KY984383KY984443
H. juglandinumL97 = CBS 136911 KY984425KY984322KY984322
H. leucadendriCBS 135133 = CPC19345 HT KF251654KF251150KF252159KF253110
H. livistonaeCPC 32158 = CBS144413 HTNG_064539NR_160348
H. magnisporumH4627 = MAFF 239278 = TS 33 HTAB797232AB807522AB811452AB808498
H. massarinumKT 838 ET = MAFF239604AB797233AB807523AB809628AB808499
H. massarinumKT 1564 HT = MAFF 239605 = CBS 139690AB797234AB807524AB809629AB808500
H. meilingenseHJAUP C1076 ETOQ172246OQ172238OQ172244OQ234980OQ234981
H. microsorumL94 KY984426KY984327KY984327KY984388KY984446
H. microsorumL95 KY984328KY984328KY984389KY984447
H. microsorumL96 ET = CBS 136910KY984427KY984329KY984329KY984390KY984448
H. nabanhenseHJAUP C2054 ETOP555400OP555398OP555394OP961931
H. nanjingenseZM020380 = HHAUF020380KF192322
H. oligosporumL92 = CBS 136908KY984428KY984332KY984332KY984393KY984450
H. oligosporumL93 ET = CBS 136909KY984333KY984333KY984394KY984451
H. quercinumZT-97034 = CBS 112393KY984334KY984334KY984395KY984452
H. quercinumL107 = CBS 136915KY984336KY984336KY984397
H. quercinumL90 HT = CBS 136921KY984429KY984339KY984339KY984400KY984453
H. sinenseHJAUP C2121 ETOP555399OP555397OP555393OP961932
H. solaniCBS 365.75KY984430KY984341KY984341KY984402KY984455
H. solaniCBS 640.85KY984342KY984342KY984403
H. submersumMFLUCC 16-1360 HTMG098796MG098787MG098586
H. submersumMFLUCC 16-1290 PTMG098797MG098788MG098780MG098592MG098587
H. syzygiiCPC35312 = CBS 145570 HT MK876433NR_165564MK876487
H. tiliaeL87 = CBS 136906KY984344KY984344KY984405
H. tiliaeL88 ET = CBS 136907KY984431KY984345KY984345KY984406KY984457
H. velutinumH4626AB797240AB807530LC014556AB808505
H. velutinumH4739AB797235AB807525LC014557AB808501
H. velutinumL115 = CBS 136924 KY984347KY984347KY984408KY984458
H. velutinumL131 ET = CBS 139923KY984432KY984352KY984352KY984413KY984463
H. velutinumL98KY984433KY984359KY984359KY984417KY984466
H. yunnanenseHJAUP C2071 ETOP555392OP555396OP555395OP961934OP961933
Massarina cistiCBS 266.62 = JCM 14140 HTAB797249AB807539LC014568AB808514
M. eburneaCBS 473.64AF164367GU301840AF383959GU371732GU349040
M. eburneaH3953 = CBS 139697AB521718AB521735LC014569AB808517
Periconia byssoidesH4600 = MAFF243872AB797280AB807570LC014581AB808546
P. digitataCBS 510.77AB797271AB807561LC014584AB808537
P. macrospinosaCBS 135663KP184080KP184038KP183999
P. pseudodigitataKT 1395 = CBS139699 = MAFF 239,676 HTNG_064850NG_059396NR_153490AB808540
Pseudosplanchnonema phorcioidesL16 = CBS 122935 KY984434KY984360KY984360KY984418KY984467
Stagonospora paludosaS 601 NT = CBS 135088 KF251760KF251257KF252262KF253207
S. perfectaKT 1726A = MAFF 239609AB797289AB807579AB809642AB808555
S. pseudoperfectaKT 889 = CBS 120,236 = MAFF 239607 HTAB797287AB807577AB809641AB808553
S. tainanensisKT 1866 = MAFF 243860 AB797290AB807580AB809643AB808556
“–”, sequence is unavailable; Strain with ET (epitype), HT (holotype), NT (neotype), and PT (paratype); Abbreviations: CBS: Central Bureau voor Schimmel cultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CGMCC: China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center; CPC: Collection of Pedro Crous housed at CBS; HHAUF: Herbarium of Henan Agricultural University: Fungi; HJAUP: Herbarium of Jiangxi Agricultural University, Plant Pathology; JCM: Japan Collection of Microorganisms; MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand; UESTCC: University of Electronic Science and Technology Culture Collection, Chengdu, China; ITS: internal transcribed spacer; SSU: small subunit ribosomal; LSU: large subunit ribosomal; TEF1: transcriptional enhancer factor 1-alpha; RPB2: second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II; others are not registered abbreviations.
Table 2. Synopsis of morphological characteristics, sequence data, host and locality compared across accepted Helminthosporium species.
Table 2. Synopsis of morphological characteristics, sequence data, host and locality compared across accepted Helminthosporium species.
SpeciesConidiophores (μm)ConidaSequence DataHost/LocalityReferences
ShapeColourSize (µm)Septa
Helminthosporium acaciae140–280 × 7–11 Obclavate Subhyaline to pale brown31–49 × 10–143–6AbsentOn dead branches of Acacia farnesiana/Sierra Leone[7]
H. ahmadii220–650 × 12–15 Obclavate, sometimes rostrateBrown to dark brown95–150 × 25–305–15 AbsentOn dead branches of Quercus sp./Pakistan[7]
H. aquaticum410–580 × 13–17 ObclavatePale brown to brown70–80 × 16–188–10PresentOn submerged decaying wood/China[23]
H. austriacum275–700(–920) × 11.5–19Obpyriform to lageniformPale brown,(30–)35–48(–97) × (10.0–)13.7–16.5(–19.8)(4–)5–7(–10)PresentOn dead corticated twigs of Fagus sylvatica/Austria[24]
H. bambusicola55–247 × 4–6 ObclavatePale brown, paler towards the apex36–66 × 6–115–8Absent On dead Bambusa sp. culm/China [16]
H. bauhiniae350–1100 × 10–15 Obclavate, rostrateSubhyaline to pale brown55–145 × 16–187–18 AbsentOn dead twigs of Bauhinia tomentosa/Sierra Leone[7]
H. belgaumense260–455 × 6.6–10 Ellipsoidal to subsphericalBrown to dark brown 18–24 × 14.9–18.21Absent On dead twigs of unidentified plant/India[59]
H.caespitosum(21–)27–37(–44) × (11.2–)12.2–14.5(–16.5)Medium to dark reddish brown, paler toward the apexBroadly ellipsoid to obclavate, sometimes rostrate(67–)82–109(–119) × (22.0–)27.3–35.5(–40.5)(3–)6–10PresentOn dead corticated branches of Betula sp./Canada[24]
H. chengduense133–391 × 7–15 Obclavate, sigmoid, lunate or uncinate Grey-white to pale brown41–251 × 8–133–16PresentOn decaying branch of unidentified host/China[30]
H. chiangraiense168–304.5 × 5.5–12 Obclavate, rostratePale brown141–207 × 14–229–13PresentOn dead twigs of unidentified plant/Thailand [29]
H. chinense214–461 × 6–16 ObclavatePale gray to brown42–109 × 5–114–10 PresentOn decaying branch of palm trees/China[30]
H. chlorophorae120–270 × 7–10ObclavateSubhyaline to pale brown52–102 × 8–116–9PresentOn dead twigs of Chlorophora regia/Sierra Leone[7]
H. claviphorum(200–)350–900 × 8.5–11 ObclavatePale yellowish brown45–95 × 12–155–14AbsentOn rotten branch/Peru[32]
H. conidiophorellum60–280 × 7–8.5 Subulate Pale brown100–147.5 × 9.5–1111–17AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[18]
H. constrictum88–205 × 5–8 ObclavatePale brown, paler towards the apex57–120 × 9–129–15 AbsentOn dead branches of Trachycarpus fortunei/China[15]
H. cubense(25–)50–150 × 4–5 Obclavate or cylindricalBrown, paler towards the apex18–62.5 × 6–183–7AbsentOn rachis of Roystonea regia/Cuba[60]
H. dalbergiae300–1300 × 10–12(–15)ObclavateStraw-coloured to pale brown58–125 × 12–145–17PresentOn dead branches of Dalbergia sissoo/Pakistan[7]
H. dongxingense340–650 × 16–25 Ovoid or obpyriformMiddle brown to brown, paler towards the apex50–78 × 17–256–10Absent On dead branches of Rhododendron sp./China[19]
H. endiandrae200–300 × 5–7 Obclavate Brown(35–)37–45(–57) × (7–)8(–9)3(–4) PresentOn leaves of Endiandra introrsa/Australia[24,61]
H. erythrinicola500–1200 × 6–10 Obclavate Medium brown(70–)80–90(–110) × (9–)10–11(–12)(6–)7–8(–12)PresentOn leaves of Erythrina humeana/South Africa[26]
H.genistae(155–)280–460(–560) × 15–23Obclavate to rostratePale golden brown to brown(41–)51–73(–93) × (10.5–)12.7–15.8(–17.5)5–12PresentOn dead corticated twigs of Cytisus scoparius/France[24]
H. guangxiense330–850 × 15–20ObclavateMiddle brown, paler towards the apex76–110 × 16–229–17AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[18]
H. guanshanense282.5–977.5 × 15–20 Obclavate, rostrate Pale brown55–107.5 × 10–153–14 PresentOn dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree/ChinaThis study
H. hispanicum130–540 × 13–22.5ObclavatePale brown69–99(–130) × (17–)18–21(–24)(4–)6–11(–14)PresentOn dead corticated twigs of Juglans regia/Spain[24]
H. hunanense70–226 × 5–7ObclavateMiddle brown, paler towards the apex56–127 × 10–144–12AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[16]
H. italicum(190–)330–600 × (12–)16–18(–20) Obclavate Pale brown to brown, with apical cell paler than other cells,58–78 × 15–19(–23)6–11 PresentOn dead branch of Alnus glutinosa/Italy[27]
H. jiulianshanense(290–)531–712 × 10–15Obclavate, rostratePale brown to brown(57–)78–120 × 13–17.56–13PresentOn dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree/ChinaThis study
H. juglandinum(175–)215–325(–455) × 11–23Obclavate, rostratePale brown(69–)89–145(–205) × (15.0–)16.5–20.0(–25.0)(5–)9–17(–20)PresentOn dead corticated twigs of Juglans regia/Austria[24]
H. juglandis619–1030 × 10.5–14Clavate Brown50–119 × 10–12.74–15 Absent On living branches of Juglans regia/China[20]
H. kakamegense250–550 × 8–12 Obclavate, rostrateSubhyaline30–90 × 8–104–15AbsentOn dead attached twig of Uvariopsis congensis/Kenya[10]
H. kalakadense1000–2000 × 17–25Obclavate45–60 × 13–168AbsentOn dead unidentified twig/India[24,62]
H. kalopanacis63.1–207.5 × 8.3–13.3 SubcylindricalPale dark brown33.2–59.8 × 10–16.62–5 AbsentOn dead wood of Kalopanax septemlobus/Russia[63]
H. leucadendri100–300 × 4–6(–7)Obclavate to subcylindricalMedium brown(35–)70–110(–170) × (6–)7–8(–11)(3–)4–6(–10)PresentOn leaves of Leucadendron sp./South Africa[24,64]
H. ligustri127–700 × 9.5–18Obclavate, rostrate or pseudorostratePale brown, subhyaline towards the apex24–38.5 × 9.5–134–6 AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[18]
H. livistonaeUp to 500 × 4–6 subcylindricalMedium brown(25–)40–55(–65) × (7–)8–9(3–)4–6(–7)PresentOn leaves of Livistona australis/Australia[25]
H. longisinuatum20–75 × 3.5–5 Narrowly obclavate Middle brown, paler toward the apex65–220(–1000) × 8–10.59–22 AbsentOn rotten trunk of Palmae/Peru[32]
H. magnisporum150–270 × 8.5–13.5Obclavate, rostratePale olive-brown to pale brown, paler toward the apex100–203 × 12.5–22.57–18PresentOn dead fallen branches of an unknown woody plant/Japan[17,33]
H. massarinum380–810 × 7–9Obclavate, rostrate Pale brown 17–56.5 × 5–91–8PresentOn vines of Berchemia racemosa/Japan[22]
H. matsushimae20–65 × 3–4.5 CylindricalMedium to dark brown(20–) 50–100 × 6–8.5(3–) 6–14Absent On rotten petiole of Palmae/Peru[13,32]
H. mauritianum250–750 × 14–20 Obclavate Subhyaline to rather pale brown27–55 × 8–133–7 AbsentOn twigs and stems/Mauritius[7,65]
H. meilingense544–712.5 × 12.5–17 Obclavate, rostratePale brown (20.7–)41.5–82.8 × 6.9–10.46–13PresentOn dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree/ChinaThis study
H. microsorum100–550 × 8–14 ObclavatePale to mid golden-brown60–160 × 12–229–17 PresentOn twigs of Quercus ilex/Italy[6,66]
H. multiseptatum390–650 × 10–14 Thinly obclavate or nearly whip-likePale brown, paler towards the apex78–190 × 11–1613–25 AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[15]
H. nabanhense365–557 × 6.5–13.5Obclavate, rostratePale brown to brown26.5–46.5 × 6.5–103–6PresentOn dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree/China[31]
H. nanjingense250–470 × 6.9–7.7Subulate or nearly whip-likePale brown64.5–170.5 × 7.3–10.36–17PresentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[21]
H. novae-zelandiae165–330 × 12.5–14.5Obclavate to fusiform, sometimes shortly rostrateGolden brown to dark brown, paler toward the apex56–103 × 16–21.5(5–)6–7(–8)AbsentOn dead wood and bark of Vitex lucens/New Zealand[67]
H. obpyriforme225–460 × 9.5–13 ObpyriformMiddle brown, paler towards the apex47–74 × 14–195–9 AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[18]
H. oligosporum(17–)22–35(–46) × (8.0–)8.5–10.5(–11.5)Obclavate, sometimes rostrate, smooth but occasionally wrinkled with agePale brown to brown, paler toward the apex(37–)59–80(–124) × (14.8–)15.8–18.0(–20.0)6–12(–16)PresentOn dead corticated twigs of Tilia cordata/Austria[24]
H. ovoideum380–510 × 15–25 Ovoid to ellipsoidalModerately brown, paler towards the apex27–61 × 13–213–8 AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[18]
H. palmigenum70–180(–250) × 7–10 ObclavateBelow pale brown, upper subhyaline 27–47 × 6.5–94–9 AbsentOn rotten fruit of Cocos nucifera/Papua New Guinea[68]
H. pseudomicrosorum155–288 × 11–15ObclavateBrown, paler towards the apex82–142 × 17–277–16 AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified tree/China[18]
H. quercicola(115–)133–226(–300) × 14–20 Obclavate Brown60–100 × 15–228–10AbsentOn dead corticated branches of Quercus cf. reticulata/USA[24]
H. quercinum(40–)74–199(–332) × 11–18Obclavate, rostrateBrown(47–)78–130(–201) × (13.2–)15.3–18.0(–20.5)8–13(–20)PresentOn dead corticated twigs of Quercus petraea/Austria[24]
H. sichuanense300–550 × 14–25Obclavate, Middle brown, paler towards the apex41–86 × 10–145–11 Absent On dead branches of an unidentified plant/China[14]
H. sinense220–370 × 6–8.5Obclavate Pale brown37–60 × 5.5–8.52–7PresentOn dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree/China[31]
H. solani120–600 × 9–15 ObclavateSubhyaline to brown24–85 × 7–112–8 PresentOn stem of Solanum nigrum/England[7,49]
H. spurirostrum200–600 × 18–23 Obclavate, sometimes pseudorostrateModerately brown to brown, paler to the apex27–73 × 7–15.54–7 AbsentOn dead branches of an unidentified plant/China[14]
H. subhyalinum120–200 × 6–8.5 Thinly obclavate Subhyaline72–125 × 9–11.56–9 AbsentOn living leaves of Phoenix hanceana/China[15]
H. submersum239–423 × 8.5–15.5 Obclavate, rostratePale brown to mid-brown41–55 × 14.5–18.56–10PresentOn submerged decaying wood/China[28]
H. syzygii150–400 × 10–15 Obclavate Medium brown (70–)80–100(–150) × (19–)22–23(–25)(7–)9–12PresentOn bark canker of Syzygium sp./South Africa [26]
H.tiliae(68–)79–133(–150) × 9–15Obclavate to rostratePale to golden brown(57–)74–111(–122) × (13.5–)13.7–19.0(–24.5)7–18(–25)PresentOn dead corticated branches of Tilia platyphyllos/Austria[24]
H. velutinum(163–)340–698(–960) × 14–26 Obclavate to rostratePale golden brown to brown(42–)56–89(–142) × (11–)14.3–18.5(–24.7)6–18 PresentOn dead corticated twigs of Fagus sylvatica/Austria [4,24]
H. yunnanense560–680 × 12.5–15.5Obclavate, sigmoid, lunate or uncinatePale brown30.5–55.5 × 9–114–7PresentOn dead branches of an unidentified broadleaf tree/China[31]
All conidia are smooth, except for H. conidiophorellum, H. endiandrae and H. oligosporum, which are verrucose or roughened; All conidiogenous cells are polytretic except for H. caespitosum, H. endiandrae, H. leucadendri and H. oligosporum, which are monotretic; All species are reported from terrestrial habitats except for H. aquaticum and H. submersum, which are recorded in aquatic habitats; All conidia are solitary except for H. endiandrae, H. massarinum and H. sinense, which produce catenate conidia.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Hu, Y.-F.; Liu, J.-W.; Xu, Z.-H.; Castañeda-Ruíz, R.F.; Zhang, K.; Ma, J. Morphology and Multigene Phylogeny Revealed Three New Species of Helminthosporium (Massarinaceae, Pleosporales) from China. J. Fungi 2023, 9, 280.

AMA Style

Hu Y-F, Liu J-W, Xu Z-H, Castañeda-Ruíz RF, Zhang K, Ma J. Morphology and Multigene Phylogeny Revealed Three New Species of Helminthosporium (Massarinaceae, Pleosporales) from China. Journal of Fungi. 2023; 9(2):280.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hu, Ya-Fen, Jing-Wen Liu, Zhao-Huan Xu, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz, Kai Zhang, and Jian Ma. 2023. "Morphology and Multigene Phylogeny Revealed Three New Species of Helminthosporium (Massarinaceae, Pleosporales) from China" Journal of Fungi 9, no. 2: 280.

APA Style

Hu, Y.-F., Liu, J.-W., Xu, Z.-H., Castañeda-Ruíz, R. F., Zhang, K., & Ma, J. (2023). Morphology and Multigene Phylogeny Revealed Three New Species of Helminthosporium (Massarinaceae, Pleosporales) from China. Journal of Fungi, 9(2), 280.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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