WaRM: A Roof Material Spectral Library for Wallonia, Belgium
:1. Summary
2. Methods
2.1. Sampling
2.2. Measurement Protocol
2.3. Final Spectral Signature Processing
3. Data Description
3.1. Tiles
3.2. Metals
3.3. Slates and Corrugated Sheets
3.4. Membranes, PVC and Solar Panels
4. Conclusions and Prospects
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Study Area | Spectral Range [nm] | Instrument | Data Acquisition | Number of Roof Material Spectra |
Wan et al. [18]; Snyder et al. [19] MODIS UCSB Emissivity Library | Various localizations, USA | 3300–14,500 | MIDAC M2510-C FTIR | Laboratory | 18 |
Herold et al. [20] Santa Barbara (SB) spectral library | Santa Barbara, CA, USA | 350–2500 | ASD FieldSpec3 | In situ | 3 |
Kokaly et al. [21] USGS v.7 | Various localizations, USA | 350–2500 | ASD FieldSpec3 | Laboratory | 16 |
Baldridge et al. [22]; Meerdink et al. [23] ASTER 2.0, ECOSTRESS 1.0 | Various localizations, USA | 400–15,400 | Perkin–Elmer Lambda 900UV/VIS/NIR, Perknic-Nicolet 520 FTIR | Laboratory | 18 |
Ben-Dor et al. [24] | Tel-Aviv, Israël | 430–940 | CASI, ASD FieldSpec3 | Airborne In situ | 2 |
Heiden et al. [13,25] | Dresden and Potsdam, Germany | 350–2500 | HyMap and ASD FieldSpec3 | Airborne In situ | 13 |
Ilehag et al. [26] KLUM | Karlsruhe, Germany | 350–2500 | ASD FieldSpec-4 Hi-Res | In situ | 38 |
Sobrino [27] DESIREX | Madrid, Spain | 350–2500 | Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS), ASD FieldSpec3, GER | Airborne In situ | 1 |
Nasarudin and Shafri [28] | Campus of university, Malaysia | 350–2500 | ASD FieldSpec3 | In situ | 15 |
Kotthaus et al. [29] LUMA SLUM | London, UK | 350–15,400 | HR-1024 field spectro-radiometer, M200 FTIR | Laboratory | 30 |
Zambrano-Prado et al. [30] | Mediterranean regions | 400–1000 | AISA Eagle 2 sensor | Laboratory | 39 |
WaRM | Various localizations, Wallonia, Belgium | 350–2500 | ASD FieldSpec3 Hi-Res | Laboratory In situ | 26 |
Roof Material | Class | Number of Samples | Degree of Weathering |
Aluminium—Black painting | Metal | 1 | Low |
Aluminum—Grey painting | Metal | 1 | Low to medium |
Aluminum—Natural | Metal | 1 | Low |
Artificial slate with asbestos—Brown color | Slate | 6 | Medium |
Artificial slate without asbestos—Anthracite color | Slate | 4 | Low |
Artificial slate without asbestos—Brown color | Slate | 1 | Low |
Artificial slate without asbestos—Light gray color | Slate | 2 | Low |
Artificial slate without asbestos—Purple color | Slate | 1 | Low |
Bitumen membrane—Black color | Membrane | 3 | Low to medium |
Ceramic tile—Black color | Tile | 8 | Low to high |
Ceramic tile—Brown color | Tile | 4 | Low |
Ceramic tile—Orange color | Tile | 6 | Low to high |
Fiberglass roofing panel—Translucent and corrugated | PVC | 1 | High |
Concrete tile—Black color | Tile | 3 | Low to medium |
Concrete tile—Brown color | Tile | 1 | Low |
Corrugated asbestos cement sheet | Corrugated cement sheet | 2 | Medium |
EPDM membrane—Black color | Membrane | 1 | Low |
Lead—Natural | Metal | 2 | Medium |
Natural slate—Anthracite color | Slate | 2 | Low to medium |
Natural slate—Purple color | Slate | 2 | Low |
Photovoltaic solar panel | Solar panel | 1 | Medium |
Polycarbonate panel—Twin wall | PVC | 1 | Low |
Steel—Black painting | Metal | 2 | Low to medium |
Steel—Grey painting | Metal | 1 | Low to medium |
Steel—Orange painting | Metal | 1 | Low |
Zinc—Natural | Metal | 4 | Low to high |
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Wyard, C.; Marion, R.; Hallot, E. WaRM: A Roof Material Spectral Library for Wallonia, Belgium. Data 2023, 8, 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8030059
Wyard C, Marion R, Hallot E. WaRM: A Roof Material Spectral Library for Wallonia, Belgium. Data. 2023; 8(3):59. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8030059
Chicago/Turabian StyleWyard, Coraline, Rodolphe Marion, and Eric Hallot. 2023. "WaRM: A Roof Material Spectral Library for Wallonia, Belgium" Data 8, no. 3: 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8030059
APA StyleWyard, C., Marion, R., & Hallot, E. (2023). WaRM: A Roof Material Spectral Library for Wallonia, Belgium. Data, 8(3), 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8030059