Additivity and Interactions in Ecotoxicity of Pollutant Mixtures: Some Patterns, Conclusions, and Open Questions
:1. Introduction and Aims
2. Additivity and Deviations from Additivity
3. Concentration Addition and Independent Action in Ecotoxicology
4. Combination Index in Ecotoxicology
5. Is It Possible to Predict Synergism?
5.1. Prediction of Synergism (or Antagonism) among Pairs of Chemicals
5.2. The Prediction of Multicomponent Interactions Based on Previous Knowledge on Component-Component Interactions
6. Fractional Approaches in Real World Conditions: Are They a Suitable Way Forward?
6.1. Chemical Concentrations at or Near the Toxicological Thresholds of Observable Effects
6.2. Mixtures of Individually “Active” Chemicals Only
6.3. Mixtures at Limited and Very Specific Component Ratios
6.4. Considering the Mixture and Its Potential Toxicity as a Static Entity
6.5. Mixtures Evaluated on Apical End-Points and Not Considering Interactions with Other Toxicologically Relevant Non-Chemical Factors
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Rodea-Palomares, I.; González-Pleiter, M.; Martín-Betancor, K.; Rosal, R.; Fernández-Piñas, F. Additivity and Interactions in Ecotoxicity of Pollutant Mixtures: Some Patterns, Conclusions, and Open Questions. Toxics 2015, 3, 342-369.
Rodea-Palomares I, González-Pleiter M, Martín-Betancor K, Rosal R, Fernández-Piñas F. Additivity and Interactions in Ecotoxicity of Pollutant Mixtures: Some Patterns, Conclusions, and Open Questions. Toxics. 2015; 3(4):342-369.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRodea-Palomares, Ismael, Miguel González-Pleiter, Keila Martín-Betancor, Roberto Rosal, and Francisca Fernández-Piñas. 2015. "Additivity and Interactions in Ecotoxicity of Pollutant Mixtures: Some Patterns, Conclusions, and Open Questions" Toxics 3, no. 4: 342-369.
APA StyleRodea-Palomares, I., González-Pleiter, M., Martín-Betancor, K., Rosal, R., & Fernández-Piñas, F. (2015). Additivity and Interactions in Ecotoxicity of Pollutant Mixtures: Some Patterns, Conclusions, and Open Questions. Toxics, 3(4), 342-369.