Sequential Treatment by Ozonation and Biodegradation of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater to Eliminate Organic Contaminants
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Wastewater Samples Preparation
2.2. Ozonation Procedure
2.3. Biodegradation Procedure
- Inoculum of the pre-acclimated consortium (with Ph and A, 1:1—Ph:A) to the sample without previous ozonation.
- Inoculum of the pre-acclimated consortium (with oxalic and formic acids—OFA) to the ozonated samples.
2.4. Analytical Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Ozonation
3.2. Inoculum Acclimation Prior to Biodegradation
3.3. Biological Treatment without Ozonation
3.4. Combined Treatment: Ozonation before Biodegradation
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ozonation | ||||||
I | II | III | IV | |||
Column | Nova Pack C-18, 250 × 4.6 mm: 10 μm | Prevail Organic Acid, 150 × 4.6 mm | ||||
Mobile phase | CH3OH-H2O (50:50) | C2H3N-H2O (30:70) | C2H3N-H2O (70:30) | H2O-KH2PO4 25 mmole, pH = 2.5 | ||
Flow rate, cm3/min | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | ||
Injection volume, μL | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | ||
λ, nm | 210 | 260 | 210 | 260 | 210 | 210 |
Biodegradation | ||||||
V | ||||||
Column | Prevail Organic Acid, 150 × 4.6 mm | |||||
Mobile phase | H2O-KH2PO4, 25 mmole, pH = 2.5 | |||||
Flow rate, cm3/min | 1.0 | |||||
Injection volume, µL | 30 | |||||
λ, nm | 210 |
Column | Elite 5 MS; 30 m × 0.32 mm × 0.25 mm |
Mobile phase | Helium |
Sample volume, μL | 0.5 |
Split | 20% |
Flow rate, cm3/min | 0.8 |
Injector temperature | 230 °C |
Temperature program | 60 °C after 8 min; 60–240 °C, 30 °C/min; 240 °C after 10 min |
Source temperature | 230 °C |
Transfer temperature | 230 °C |
Ionization energy, eV | 70 |
Mass, m/z | 25 to 400 |
Wastewater | Extract by CH3Cl | Acid Hydrolysis H+ | Carrez Classification II | ||||||||
Retention Time | Formula/MW | Retention Time | Formula/MW | Retention Time | Formula/MW | Retention Time | Formula/MW | ||||
1.620 | CH3OH | 32 | 1.620 | CH3OH | 32 | 1.62 | CH3OH | 32 | 1.61 | CH3OH | 32 |
3.33 | C2Cl4 | 164 | 1.72 | C5H12 | 72 | 3.29 | C2Cl4 | 164 | 4.817 | C5H8O4 | 132 |
4.633 | C5H8O | 84 | 2.25, 2.37, 2.48 | C5H12O | 88 | 1.83 | C6H12 | 84 | 1.782 | C5H10O2 | 102 |
4.450 | C5H10O3 | 118 | 5.12 | C6H8O | 96 | 2.28 | C7H16 | 100 | 2.08 | C6H12 | 84 |
1.700 | C5H12 | 72 | 2.8, 2.92, 3.19, 3.68 | C6H10O | 98 | 6.82 | C12H16 | 160 | 5.08 | C6H10O3 | 130 |
5.620 | C6H4Cl2 | 146 | 4.95 | C6H12 | 84 | 9.49 | C12H24 | 168 | 3.066 | C6H12O | 100 |
2.100 | C6H6 | 78 | 1.77, 1.8, 1.88, 1.99 | C6H14 | 86 | 13.95 | C14H12O4 | 244 | 6.418 | C6H12O2 | 116 |
2.075 | C6H10 | 82 | 2.48 | C7H16 | 100 | 10.64 | C16H22O4 | 278 | 4.917 | C6H14O2 | 118 |
1.98, 2.12 | C6H12 | 84 | 3.13, 5.27 | C7H14O | 114 | 11.77 | C18H38 | 254 | 1.82, 1.85, 1.87, 1.95 | C6H14 | 86 |
2.42, 3.15 | C6H10O | 98 | 2.53 | C7H16O | 116 | 2.28 | C6H8 | 80 | |||
4.650 | C6H12O3 | 132 | 8.75, 8.84 | C8H12O3 | 156 | 4.82, 4.92 5.08 | C7H16 | 100 | |||
1.75, 1.78, 1.8, 1.87, 1.97 | C6H14 | 86 | 3.62 | C8H18O | 130 | 4.583 | C7H14O | 114 | |||
2.849 | C7H8 | 92 | 6.32 | C11H24 | 156 | 7.085 | C7H14O2 | 130 | |||
3.62, 4.25 | C7H14 | 98 | 7.001 | C12H26 | 170 | 1.948 | C7H16O | 116 | |||
5.2 | C7H14O3 | 146 | 9.85 | C13H28 | 184 | 7.651 | C8H16O2 | 144 | |||
2.15, 2.22, 2.43, 3.45, 4.24, 4.97 | C7H16 | 100 | 6.77 | C15H32 | 212 | 2.933 | C9H20 | 128 | |||
11.27 | C8H14O4 | 174 | 9.39 | C15H28O2 | 240 | 12.57 | C11H24 | 156 | |||
3.660 | C8H16 | 112 | 13.28, 14.02 | C20H42 | 282 | 15.27 | C18H38 | 254 | |||
2.50, 2.58, 2.75, 2.8, 2.88, 3.2 | C8H18 | 114 | 18.67 | C26H54 | 366 | 13.64 | C20H42 | 282 | |||
4.68, 5, 5.08, 5.17, 5.25, 5.42, 5.67 | C9H12 | 120 | |||||||||
4.967 | C9H16O | 140 | |||||||||
4.57, 4.77, | C9H18O | 142 | |||||||||
4.38, 6.751, 6.98 | C9H20 | 128 | |||||||||
6.98, 8.22 | C10H8 | 128 | |||||||||
5.317 | C10H20 | 140 | |||||||||
4.833, 6.30, 8.068 | C10H22 | 142 | |||||||||
5.37, 6.15, 6.20, 6.45, 6.70, | C10H24 | 144 | |||||||||
7.65, 7.35, 7.75 | C11H10 | 142 | |||||||||
7.070 | C11H16 | 148 | |||||||||
8.068 | C12H10 | 154 | |||||||||
5.7, 5.8, 6.02, 6.07, 7.07 | C11H24 | 156 | |||||||||
8.22, 8.29, 8.3, 8.4, 8.47 | C12H12 | 156 | |||||||||
8.59, 8.64 | C13H12 | 168 | |||||||||
7.55, 11.29 | C12H26 | 170 | |||||||||
8.69, 8.80–8.97 | C13H14 | 170 | |||||||||
9.60 | C14H12 | 180 | |||||||||
9.09, 9.23 | C14H14 | 182 | |||||||||
9.42 | C14H16 | 184 | |||||||||
10.62 | C14H18O4 | 250 | |||||||||
16.94 | C16H22O4 | 278 | |||||||||
10.42 | C17H34O2 | 270 | |||||||||
9.84 | C18H38 | 254 | |||||||||
11.47 | C19H36O2 | 296 | |||||||||
14.52, 16.24 | C26H54 | 366 | |||||||||
16.51 | C28H34O | 286 |
No | Compounds | MW | M30O | M60O | ||
RT before Biodegradation | RT after Biodegradation | RT before Biodegradation | RT after Biodegradation | |||
1 | CH4O | 32 | 1.30 | 1.32 | 1.30 | 1.27 |
2 | C5H10O3 | 118 | 4.47 | 5.68 | 4.47 | |
3 | C6H6 | 78 | 2.09 | |||
4 | C6H10O | 98 | 3.19 | |||
5 | C6H12O | 100 | 2.58 | 2.58 | ||
6 | C6H12 | 84 | 1.98 | |||
2.13 | ||||||
7 | C6H14 | 86 | 1.87 | |||
8 | C6H12O2 | 116 | 3.37 | |||
9 | C6H12O3 | 132 | 3.98 | 4.67 | 3.98 | |
10 | C7H8 | 91 | 2.82 | |||
11 | C7H14 | 98 | 2.03 | |||
2.25 | ||||||
12 | C7H12O4 | 160 | 4.78 | 5.23 | ||
13 | C7H14O2 | 130 | 2.13 | |||
14 | C7H14O3 | 146 | 5.28 | |||
15 | C7H16 | 100 | 2.12 | 2.87 | ||
2.28 | ||||||
2.50 | ||||||
16 | C8H10 | 106 | 3.97 | 3.97 | ||
4.07 | ||||||
4.33 | ||||||
17 | C8H18 | 114 | 2.22 | 4.33 | ||
2.43 | 2.43 | |||||
2.52 | ||||||
2.90 | ||||||
3.32 | 3.37 | |||||
6.42 | ||||||
19 | C8H14O | 126 | 2.52 | |||
20 | C9H12 | 120 | 5.01 | 4.68 | 4.40 | 4.68 |
5.08 | 5.00 | |||||
5.27 | 5.08 | |||||
5.45 | 5.42 | |||||
5.45 | ||||||
21 | C9H18O | 142 | 4.78 | |||
22 | C9H20 | 4.40 | 2.89 | |||
23 | 134 | 5.68 | 5.40 | 5.70 | 5.40 | |
6.48 | 5.98 | |||||
6.48 | ||||||
24 | C10H18O | 154 | 4.88 | |||
25 | C10H22 | 142 | 5.46 | |||
26 | C11H10 | 142 | 7.27 | 7.65 | ||
27 | C11H16 | 148 | 6.68 | 6.63 | ||
28 | C11H24 | 156 | 6.30 | 6.30 | ||
29 | C12H10 | 154 | 8.07 | 8.07 | ||
30 | C12H12 | 168 | 8.38 | 8.40 | ||
31 | C13H14 | 170 | 8.97 | 8.95 | ||
32 | C13H28 | 184 | 7.55 | 11.27 | ||
33 | C14H10 | 178 | 10.09 | |||
34 | C14H30 | 198 | 6.98 | 6.98 | ||
35 | C14H18O4 | 250 | 10.64 | |||
36 | C17H34O2 | 270 | 5.80 | 10.42 | ||
37 | C27H56 | 380 | 9.11 | 9.13 | ||
9.22 | 10.40 | |||||
10.42 | 14.44 | |||||
11.27 | ||||||
38 | C28H58 | 394 | 15.01 | 15.72 | ||
16.29 | 16.41 | |||||
18.58 | 18.59 | |||||
Total number of compounds | 38 | 15 | 30 | 15 |
Compound | Original Wastewater | After Ozonation M30O | After Biodegradation | After Ozonation M60O | After Biodegradation |
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons | 4.4 | - | - | - | - |
Alkanes | 17,7 (C5–C12, C18, C26) | 47.4 (C7–C14, C28) | 53.3 (C28) | 13.3 (C27, C28) | 53.3 (C27, C28) |
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons | 33.3 | 50.0 (C10–C14) | - | 53.4 (C11–C14) | 20.0 |
Polar Hydrocarbons | 31.1 (C5–C28) | - | 46.7 (C5–C6) | 33.3 (C5–C17) | 26.7 |
Aromatic Hydrocarbons | 13.5 | 2.6 | - | - | - |
Total | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
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Amacosta, J.; Poznyak, T.; Siles, S.; Chairez, I. Sequential Treatment by Ozonation and Biodegradation of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater to Eliminate Organic Contaminants. Toxics 2024, 12, 138.
Amacosta J, Poznyak T, Siles S, Chairez I. Sequential Treatment by Ozonation and Biodegradation of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater to Eliminate Organic Contaminants. Toxics. 2024; 12(2):138.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAmacosta, Jessica, Tatyana Poznyak, Sergio Siles, and Isaac Chairez. 2024. "Sequential Treatment by Ozonation and Biodegradation of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater to Eliminate Organic Contaminants" Toxics 12, no. 2: 138.
APA StyleAmacosta, J., Poznyak, T., Siles, S., & Chairez, I. (2024). Sequential Treatment by Ozonation and Biodegradation of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater to Eliminate Organic Contaminants. Toxics, 12(2), 138.