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Journal: Toxics, 2022
Volume: 10
Number: 531

Article: Deciphering the Global Proteomic Profile Involved in Methylmercury-Induced Cerebellar Neurodegeneration and Motor Dysfunction in Adult Rats
Authors: by Leonardo Oliveira Bittencourt, Pedro Philipe Moreira Matta, Priscila Cunha Nascimento, Luciana Eiró-Quirino, Walessa Alana Bragança Aragão, Aline Dionizio, Luanna Melo Pereira Fernandes, Márcia Cristina Freitas Silva, Marília Afonso Rabelo Buzalaf, Michael Aschner, Maria Elena Crespo-Lopez, Cristiane Socorro Ferraz Maia and Rafael Rodrigues Lima

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