Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Material
2.2. Method
- Only male author(s) (blue);
- Mixed-gender authors (yellow);
- Only female author(s) (green).
3. Results
3.1. Descriptive Analysis
3.2. Bayesian Analysis
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
SoloFemale | |||||
‘Written by a solo female author’ | ‘Not written by a solo female author’ | ||||
AllFemale | |||||
‘Written by a group of female authors’ | ‘Not written solely by a group of female authors’ | ||||
FirstFemale | |||||
‘First author being female’ | ‘First author being male’ | ||||
Female | ‘Having at least one female author’ | 14.19% | 10.72% | 26.31% | 31.65% |
‘Having no female author’ | 19.62% |
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Variable | Meaning | Type of Variable | Value |
OpenAccess | Whether the publication was Gold Access or not | binary | Gold Access = 1 Non-Gold Access = 0 |
Female | Whether there was female involvement (or at least one author is female) | binary | Having at least one female author = 1 Having no female author = 0 |
FirstFemale | Whether the first author of the publication is female or male. The variable does not include cases in which the publication was written by a solo female author and a group of female authors | binary | The first author being female = 1 The first author being male = 0 |
SoloFemale | Whether a solo female author wrote the publication | binary | Written by a solo female author = 1 Not written by a solo female author = 0 |
AllFemale | Whether the publication was written solely by a group of female authors | binary | Written solely by a group of female authors = 1 Not written solely by a group of female authors = 0 |
Parameters | Mean | SD | n_eff | Rhat |
Constant | −1.41 | 0.07 | 7501 | 1 |
Female | 0.64 | 0.10 | 6712 | 1 |
Female × FirstFemale | −0.26 | 0.12 | 7687 | 1 |
Female × SoloFemale | −1.03 | 0.20 | 9996 | 1 |
Female × AllFemale | −1.35 | 0.22 | 9312 | 1 |
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Nguyen, H.T.T.; Nguyen, M.-H.; Le, T.-T.; Ho, M.-T.; Vuong, Q.-H. Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam. Publications 2021, 9, 45.
Nguyen HTT, Nguyen M-H, Le T-T, Ho M-T, Vuong Q-H. Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam. Publications. 2021; 9(4):45.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNguyen, Huyen Thanh T., Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Tam-Tri Le, Manh-Toan Ho, and Quan-Hoang Vuong. 2021. "Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam" Publications 9, no. 4: 45.
APA StyleNguyen, H. T. T., Nguyen, M.-H., Le, T.-T., Ho, M.-T., & Vuong, Q.-H. (2021). Open Access Publishing Probabilities Based on Gender and Authorship Structures in Vietnam. Publications, 9(4), 45.