3. Topology on Soft Continuous Function Spaces
Let be a family of soft topological spaces over the same parameters set We define a family of soft sets as follows;
is a soft set over
for each
is defined by
Let us consider the topological product
of a family of soft topological spaces
We take the restriction to the diagonal
of each soft set
Since there exists a bijection mapping between the diagonal
and the parameters set
then the restrictions of soft sets are soft sets over
E [
be a soft topological space,
be a family of soft topological spaces, and
be a family of soft mappings. For each soft point
we define the soft mapping
is any soft mapping, then
is satisfied for the family of soft mappings
Theorem 2. is soft continuous if and only if is soft continuous for each .
Proof. ⟹ Let f be a soft continuous mapping. Since the soft mappings are also continuous, the composite mapping will be continuous.
⟸ Let
be an any soft base of product topology.
Since the soft mappings
are soft continuous, the soft set
is soft open. Thus, is soft continuous. ☐
If is a family of soft continuous mappings, then the soft mapping is soft continuous.
Now, let the family of soft topological spaces
be disjoint; i.e.,
for each
. For the soft set
over the set
E, define the soft set
and the soft topology
define by
It is clear that is a soft topology.
Definition 22. A soft topological space is called the soft topological sum of the family of soft topological spaces and denoted by
be an inclusion mapping for each
is soft continuous.
Let be a family of soft topological spaces, be a soft topological space, and be a family of soft mappings. We define the soft function by where each soft point can belong to a unique soft topological space If is any soft mapping, then is satisfied for the family of soft mappings .
Theorem 3. The soft mapping is soft continuous if and only if are soft continuous for each
Proof. ⟹ Let f be a soft continuous mapping. Since the soft mappings are also continuous, the composite mapping will be continuous.
⟸ Let
be a soft open set. The soft set
belongs to the soft topology
if and only if the soft set
belongs to
f is soft continuous. ☐
Let be a family of soft continuous mappings. We define the mapping by , where each soft point belongs to It is clear that if each is soft continuous, then f is also soft continuous.
Theorem 4. Let be a family of soft topological spaces. Then,are satisfied for each Proof. We should show that
. Let us take any set
U from
From the definition of the topology
, there exists a soft open set
such that the set
belongs to the topology
Conversely, let
. Then, from the definition of the topology
, there exist soft open sets
such that
. Then,
The topological sum can be proven in the same way. ☐
be two soft topological spaces.
denotes the all soft continuous mappings from the soft topological space
to the soft topological space
; i.e.,
are two soft sets over
X and
Y, respectively, then we define the soft set
as follows:
Now, let be an any soft point. We define the soft mapping by . This mapping is called an evaluation map. For the soft set over is satisfied. The soft topology that is generated from the soft sets as a subbase is called a pointwise soft topology and denoted by
Definition 23. is called a pointwise soft function space (briefly ).
Example 5. Let and . If we give the soft sets for and defined bythen the families and are soft topologies. Now, let us give the soft continuous mappings set . consist of the mappings Then, the soft subbase of soft pointwise topology consists of the following sets. Remark 5. The evaluation mapping is a soft continuous mapping for each soft point .
Proposition 6. A soft mapping —where is a soft topological space—is a soft continuous mapping if and only if the soft mapping is a soft continuous mapping for each
Theorem 7. If the soft topological space is a soft space for each , then the soft space is also a soft space.
Proof. The soft points of the soft topological space denoted by ; i. e., if then and if then Now, let be two soft points. Then, it should be or . If then for each If then such that Therefore, is satisfied. In both cases, is satisfied for at least one Since is a soft space, there exists soft open sets where the condition of the soft space is satisfied. Then, the soft open sets and are neighbourhoods of soft points and respectively, where the conditions of soft space are satisfied for these neighbourhoods. ☐
Now, we construct relationships betwen some function spaces. Let
be a family of pairwise disjoint soft topological spaces,
be a soft topological space, and
be a product and sum of soft topological spaces, respectively. The soft mapping
is defined by
, where
belongs to unique
We define the inverse mapping of ∇
for each
Theorem 8. The mappingis a soft homeomorphism in the pointwise soft topology. Proof. To prove the theorem, it is sufficient to show that the mappings
∇ and
are soft continuous. For this, we need to show that the soft set
is a soft open set, where each
belongs to a soft subbase of the soft space
is the last soft set,
is a soft open set on the product space
Now, we prove that the mapping
is soft continuous. Indeed, for each, the soft set
belongs to the subbase of the product space
is satisfied.
Since the set
belongs to subbase of the soft topological space
the mapping
is soft continuous. Thus, the mapping
is a soft homeomorphism. ☐
Now, let
be the family of soft topological spaces,
be a soft topological space. We define mapping
by the rule
Let the inverse mapping
for each
Theorem 9. The mappingis a soft homeomorphism in the pointwise soft topology. Proof. Since
is bijective mapping, to prove the theorem it is sufficient to show that the mappings
are soft open. First, we show that the mapping
is soft open. Let us take an arbitrary soft set
belongs to the base of the product space
Since the soft set
is soft open,
is a soft open mapping.
Similarly, it can be proven that
is soft open mapping. Indeed, for each soft open set
Hence this set is soft open and the theorem is proved. ☐
Now, let
be soft topological spaces and
be a soft mapping. Then, the induced map
is defined by
for soft points
. We define exponential law
by using induced maps
; i.e.,
We define the following mapping
which is an inverse mapping
E as follows
Generally, in the pointwise topology for each soft continuous map g, the mapping need not be soft continuous. Let us give the solution of this problem under some conditions.
Theorem 10. Let , and be soft topological spaces and the mapping be soft continuous. If there is a pointwise soft topology in the function space and the soft mapping is soft continuous, then the soft mappingis also soft continuous. Proof. By using the mapping
we take
, where
t denotes switching mapping which is the mapping changing the places of the arguments. Let us apply exponential law
E to
. For each soft point
Since Hence evaluation maps e and t are soft continuous, is soft continuous. ☐