In actuarial science, the discounted sum of losses over time can be considered as a randomly weighted sum of a sequence of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. Those independent and identically distributed random variables represent the claim amounts in successive development years, while the weights represent the discounted factors. Similar studies that have assumed independence between the inter-occurrence time and the forthcoming claim amounts include
Taylor (
Delbaen and Haezendonck (
Waters (
Sundt and Teugels (
Cai (
2002) and
Yuen et al. (
2006) who not only assumed independence between inter-occurrence time but have also derived the asymptotic tail probabilities associated with free interest risk model. In addition,
Boogaert et al. (
Willmot (
Leveillé and Garrido (
Leveillé and Adékambi (
2012) and
Léveillé et al. (
2010) have not only assumed the independence between the inter-occurrence time and the claim sizes but have also generalized the moments of the aggregate renewal sums.
Leveillé and Hamel (
2018) have used non-homogeneous and doubly compound Poisson process with stochastic force of interest and have derived the moments generating functions of the discounted aggregate claims. Moreover, they have found the inverse of the moments generating functions numerically and analytically.
Geluk and Tang (
2009) have studied the asymptotic behavior of the tail probabilities of a sum of real-value random variables. They have assumed that the distributions of the random variables belong to the subexponential class. Using asymptotically independence assumptions, they have showed that the asymptotic behavior of the tail probabilities is the same as that of the independence case. Although the independence assumption appears to be custom in risk theory, it has recently been subject to severe criticism due to the fact that it does not provide reliable estimates under extreme events, for example, see
Boudreault et al. (
2006) and
Zhang and Yang (
2011). Thus, the use of dependent risk models has exhibited some positive interests in the literature.
Yang et al. (
2012) have also studied the asymptotic behavior of the tail probabilities of a randomly weighted sum of subexponential random variables under dependence structure. In their paper, they have assumed that the random weights and the corresponding summand are dependent and the sequence of the pairs of random variables are i.i.d.
Liu and Gao (
2015) have considered the problem of the tail behavior of the discounted aggregate sum in dependent risk models with constant force of interest. They have assumed that the claim sizes are of an upper tail asymptotic independence structure. Moreover, they have assumed that the claim sizes and the inter-occurrence time have a specific dependence structure and they have derived an asymptotic formula in the case where the claim size distribution belongs to the intersection of long-tailed distribution class and dominant variation class.
Albrecher and Boxma (
2005) have developed a dependent risk model in which they have assumed that the inter-claim time and the forthcoming claim amounts are governed by a semi-Markov process. Further to that,
Albrecher and Teugels (
2006) have used a random walk process to model the dependency between the inter-claim time and the forthcoming claim amounts. Their results are more elaborate as they have modeled this dependency using a copula and have derived exponential estimates of the ruin probabilities in finite and infinite time horizons.
Yang et al. (
2014) have considered a nonstandard risk model in which they have assumed a Lévy process for the interest rate. Assuming a specific dependency among the claims, they have derived the tail probability of the discounted aggregate claim.
Lu et al. (
2018) have extended the work of
Yang et al. (
2014) by considering the multi-risk model. They incorporated the dependence structure among the claim severities and by assuming a multidimensional Lévy process for the force of interest, they have derived the asymptotic tail distribution of the discounted aggregate claim. This paper attempts to assess the impact of the dependency between the inter-occurrence time and the forthcoming claim severities through a copula approach and derives the asymptotic tail probabilities. The closest study to ours is that of
Asimit and Badescu (
2010) who have considered in a constant force of interest environment a heavy tailed distribution of the discounted aggregate claim in which the dependence structure is modeled via copulas. They have derived numerically the asymptotic tail probabilities, the asymptotic finite time ruin probabilities and asymptotic approximations for some common risk measures associated with the discounted aggregate claims distribution, without taking into account any effect of the interest rate.
Asimit and Badescu (
2010) have also derived a convolution form of the asymptotic tail probability of the aggregate claim under homogeneous Poisson risk model when the force of interest rate
and a closed-form expression has only been derived for the special case of
. In the present paper, we have extended their result by finding a closed-form expression of the tail probability under homogeneous, mixed and non-homogeneous Poisson processes (Theorems 2–7), assuming that the counting process following Poisson distribution may be restrictive.