1. Introduction
Recently, an increasing amount of literature focuses on uncertainty as it relates to financial markets. The problem is that, the probability distribution of randomness in these markets is unknown. Typically, the unknown distribution is either estimated by statistical methods or calibrated to given market data by means of a model for the financial market. For example, in credit risk, the default probability is not observed, hence, have to be estimated from observable data. These methods introduce a large model risk.
Knight (
1921) pointed towards a formulation of risk which is able to treat such challenges in a systematic way. He was followed by
Ellsberg (
1961), who called random variables with known probability distribution
certain, and those where the probability distribution is not known
In this paper, we address these problems by constructing a model such that the parameters are characterised by uncertainty. Then, a single probability measure in a classical model is replaced by a family of probability measures, that is, a full class of models.
Following the modern literature in the area, we will call the feature that the probability distribution is not entirely fixed or, cannot be modelled by a single probability measure,
ambiguity. This area has recently renewed the attention of researchers in mathematical finance to fundamental subjects such as arbitrage conditions, pricing mechanisms, and super-hedging. In equity markets, volatility uncertainty plays a crucial role, and has been extensively investigated, see for example,
Avellaneda et al. (
Denis and Martini (
Lyons (
Vorbrink (
2014). A major difficulty in this setting is that volatility uncertainty is characterized (at least in continuous time) by probabilities measures being mutually singular. Thus, the classical fundamental theorem of asset pricing fails to justify the no-arbitrage conditions, and new techniques are demanded, see
Bayraktar and Zhang (
Bouchard and Nutz (
Burzoni et al. (
2017), and
Biagini et al. (
In this paper, we introduce the concept of ambiguity to
defaultable term structure models. The starting point for term structure models are typically bond prices of the form
is the instantaneous forward rate and
T is the maturity time. This follows the seminal approach proposed in
Heath et al. (
1992). The presence of credit risk
1 in the model introduces an additional factor known as the default time. In this setting, bond prices are assumed to be absolutely continuous with respect to the maturity of the bond. This assumption is typically justified by the argument that, in practice, only a finite number of bonds are liquidly traded and the full term structure is obtained by interpolation, thus is smooth. There are two classical approaches to model market default risk: the
structural approach Merton (
1974) and the
reduced-form approach (see for example,
Artzner and Delbaen (
Duffie et al. (
Lando (
1994) for some of the first works in this direction).
Structural models of credit risk describe the modelling of credit events specific to a particular corporate firm. Here, the underlying state is the value of a firm’s assets which is observable. Default time is define as the first time the firm’s asset value falls below a certain barrier level (for example, its liabilities). Hence, default is not a surprise. The approach links the default events to the firm’s economic fundamentals, consequently, default time is endogenously within the model. However, the assumption that the firm’s asset value is observable is often too strong in real applications, see
Duffie and Lando (
2001) and the survey article
Frey and Schmidt (
2011). Structural models in credit risk have been studied under many different viewpoints, see
Black and Cox (
Frey and Schmidt (
Gehmlich and Schmidt (
Geske (
Kim et al. (
Leland and Toft (
Merton (
In comparison to the structural approach, reduced form approaches take a less stringent viewpoint regarding the mechanisms leading to default and model default events via an additional random structure. This additional degree of freedom together with their high tractability led to a tremendous success of this model class in credit risk modelling. For more details on the reduced form approach, we refer to
Bielecki and Rutkowski (
2002), and the references therein. Structural models can be embedded into (generalized) reduced form models as pointed out in
Bélanger et al. (
2004) and
Fontana and Schmidt (
Reduced-form models typically postulate that default time is totally inaccessible and, consequently, bond prices are absolutely continuous with respect to the maturity. Under the assumption of zero
recovery2, this implies that credit risky bond prices
are given by
denoting the
random default time. Since
is totally inaccessible, it has an intensity
. For example, if the intensity is constant, the default time is the first jump of a Poisson process with constant arrival rate
. More generally,
may be viewed as the conditional rate of occurrence of default at time
t, given information up to that time. In a situation where the owner of a defaultable claim recovers part of its initial investment upon default, the associated survival process
in (
2), is replaced by a semimartingale. The quantity of the investment recovered is the so-called
Under ambiguity, we suggest that there is some prior information at hand which gives a upper and lower bounds on the intensity. The implicit assumption that the probability distribution of default is known is quite restrictive. Thus, we analyse our problem in a multiple priors model which describe uncertainty about the “true probability distribution". By means of the Girsanov theorem, we construct the set of priors from the reference measure. The assumption is that all priors are equivalent.
In view of our framework, it is only important to acknowledge that a rating class provides an estimate of the one-year default probability in terms of a confidence interval. Also estimates for 3-, and 5-year default probabilities can be obtained from the rating migration matrix. Thus, leading to a certain amount of model risk.
The aim of this paper is to incorporate ambiguity into the context of single-name credit risk. We focus on ambiguity on the default intensity, and also discuss ambiguity on the recovery.
The main results are as follows: we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a reference probability measure to be a local martingale measure for credit risky bond markets under default ambiguity, thereby ensuring the absence of arbitrage in a sense to be precisely specified below. Furthermore, we consider the case where we have partial information on the amount that the owner of a defaulted claim receives upon default.
The next section of this paper introduces homogeneous ambiguity, and its example.
Section 3 introduces the fundamental theorem of asset pricing (FTAP) under homogeneous ambiguity. In
Section 4 and
Section 6, we derive the no-arbitrage conditions for defaultable term structure models with zero-recovery, and fractional recovery of the market value, in our framework. We conclude in
Section 7.
2. Intensity-Based Models
Intensity-based models are the most used model class for modeling credit risk (see (
Bielecki and Rutkowski 2002, Chapter 8) for an overview of relevant literature). The default intensity, however, is difficult to estimate and therefore naturally carries a lot of uncertainty. This has led to the emergence of rating agencies which, since the early 20th century, estimate bond’s credit worthiness
Modeling of credit risk has up to now incorporated uncertainty in the default intensity in a systematic way. On the other side, a number of Bayesian approaches exist, utilizing filtering technologies (see, for example,
Duffie and Lando (
Frey and Schmidt (
2009), among many others).
Here, we introduce an alternative treatment of the lack of precise knowledge of the default intensity based on the concept of
ambiguity following the seminal ideas from Frank Knight in
Knight (
Uncertainty in our setting will be captured through a family of probability measures replacing the single probability measure in classical approaches. Intuitively, each represents a model and the family collects models which we consider equally likely.
In this spirit, working with a single , or with a set which contains only one element, is in a one-to-one correspondence to assuming that the parameters of the underlying processes are exactly known. In financial markets, this is certainly not the case and ambiguity helps to incorporate this uncertainty into the used models.
We consider throughout a fixed finite time horizon . In light of our discussion above, let be a measurable space and be a set of probability measures on the measurable space . In particular, there is no fixed and known measure (except in the special case where contains only one element which we treat en passant).
Intensity-based default models correspond to the case where the ambiguity is homogeneous, i.e., there is a measure such that for all . Here, means that and are equivalent, that is, they have the same nullsets. The reference measure only has the role of fixing events of measure zero for all probability measures under consideration. Intuitively, this means there is no ambiguity on these events of measure zero. In the following, is the expectation with respect to the reference measure .
Remark 1. As a consequence of the equivalence of all probability measures in , all equalities and inequalities will hold almost-surely with respect to any probability measure , or, respectively, to .
Ambiguity in Intensity-Based Models
In this section, we introduce ambiguity in intensity-based models. Our goal is not the most general approach in this setting: we rather focus on simpler, but still practically highly relevant cases. For a more general treatment, we refer the reader to
Biagini and Zhang (
2017). The main mathematical tool we use here is enlargement of filtrations and we refer the reader to
Aksamit and Jeanblanc (
2017) for further details and a guide to the literature.
Assume that under
we have a
d-dimensional Brownian motion
W with canonical and augmented
4 filtration
and a standard exponential random variable
, independent of
, that is,
. The Brownian motion
W has the role of modelling market movements and general information, excluding default information. We therefore call
market filtration in the following. The filtration
includes default information and is obtained by a progressive enlargement of
, i.e.,
To finalize our setup, we assume that .
Note that up to now, everything has been specified under the reference measure and nothing was said about the concrete models we are interested in (except about the nullsets). These models will now be introduced using the Girsanov theorem, i.e., by changing from to the measures we are interested in.
Consequently, the next step is to construct measures
with appropriate processes
– under
, the default time
will have the intensity
. More precisely, assume that
is some positive process which is predictable with respect to the market filtration,
. Define the density process
Note that
is a
-local martingale and corresponds to a Girsanov-type change of measure (see Theorem VI.2.2 in
Brémaud (
1981)). If
we obtain an equivalent measure
Under the measure
has intensity
: more precisely, this means that the process
is a
Now we introduce a precise definition of ambiguity on the default intensity which is very much in spirit of the
G-Brownian motion in
Peng (
2010): we consider an interval
denote lower (upper) bounds in the default intensity. Intuitively, we include all possible intensities lying in these bounds in our family of models
. More precisely, we define the set of density generators
H by
Ambiguity on the default intensity is now covered by considering the concrete family of probability measures
In the following, we will always consider this
. First, we observe that this set is convex.
Lemma 1. is a convex set.
Proof. Consider
. Then,
Now consider the (well-defined) intensity
, given by
. Then,
such that by (
refers to an equivalent change of measure. Finally, we have to check that
, which means that
: note that
follows. Similarly,
and the claim follows since
t was arbitrary. □
Remark 2. Intuitively, the requirement states that there is always a positive risk of experiencing a default, which is economically reasonable. Technically it has the appealing consequence that all considered measures in are equivalent.
It turns out that the set of possible densities will play an important role in connection with measure changes. In this regard, we define
admissible measure changes with respect to
The associated Radon-Nikodym derivatives
are the possible Radon-Nikodym derivatives for equivalent measure changes.
Remark 3. It is of course possible to consider an ambiguity setting more general than the specific one in (6). One possibility is to consider only a subset of . Another possibility is to allow the bounds and to depend on time, or even on the state of the process – this latter case is important for considering affine processes under uncertainty and we refer to Fadina et al. (2019) for further details. In Section 5, we consider indeed such a more general setting. 3. Absence of Arbitrage under Ambiguity
Absence of arbitrage and the respective generalizations, no free lunch (NFL), and no free lunch with vanishing risk (NFLVR), are well established concepts when the underlying probability measure is known and fixed. Here, we give a small set of sufficient conditions for absence of arbitrage extended to the setting with ambiguity. In this regard, consider, a fixed set of probability measures on the measurable space . In addition, let be a right-continuous filtration.
Discounted price processes of the traded assets are given by a finite dimensional
. The semimartingale property holds equivalently in any of the filtration
or the augmentation of
, see (
Neufeld and Nutz 2014, Proposition 2.2). It is well known that then
X is a semimartingale for all
A self-financing trading strategy is a predictable and
X-integrable process
and the associated discounted gains process is given by the stochastic integral of
with respect to
Intuitively, an
arbitrage is an admissible self-financing trading strategy which starts from zero initial wealth, has non-negative pay-off under all possible future scenarios, hence for all
, there is at least one
, such that the pay-off is positive. This is formalized in the following definition, compare for example
Vorbrink (
2014). As usual a trading strategy is called
a-admissible, if
for all
Definition 1. A self-financing trading strategy Φ is called-arbitrage if it is a-admissible for some and
- (i)
for every we have that ,
-almost surely, and
- (ii)
for at least one it holds that .
Since all probability measures are considered as possible, a -arbitrage is a riskless trading strategy for all possible models (i.e., for all ) while it is a profitable strategy for at least one scenario (i.e., for at least one ).
The main tool for classifying arbitrage free markets will be local martingale measures, even in the setting with ambiguity. In this regard, we call a probability measure a local martingale measure if X is a -local martingale.
It is well-known that
no arbitrage or, more precisely,
no free lunch with vanishing risk (NFLVR) in a market where discounted price processes are locally bounded semimartingales is equivalent to the existence of an equivalent local martingale measure (ELMM), see
Delbaen and Schachermayer (
1998). The technically difficult part of this result is to show that a precise criterion of absence of arbitrage implies the existence of an ELMM. In the following, we will not aim at such a deep result under ambiguity, but utilize the easy direction, namely that existence of an ELMM implies the absence of arbitrage as formulated below.
From the classical fundamental theorem of asset pricing (FTAP), the following result follows easily.
Theorem 1. If, for every there exists an equivalent local martingale measure , then there is no arbitrage in the sense of Definition 1.
Proof. Indeed, assume on the contrary that there is an arbitrage with respect to some measure which we fix for the remainder of the proof. If there exists an ELMM then would be an arbitrage strategy together with an ELMM, a contradiction to the classical FTAP. □
This (sufficient) condition directly corresponds to the existing results in the literature (see, for example,
Biagini et al. (
2017)) where arbitrages of the first kind are studied under the additional assumption of continuity for the traded assets.
6. Ambiguity on the Recovery
A detailed study of bond markets beyond zero recovery is often neglected, the high degree of uncertainty about the recovery mechanism being a prime reason for this. This motivates us to take some time for developing a deeper understanding of a suitable recovery model under ambiguity.
We start from the observation that intensity-based models always need certain recovery assumptions, as for example, zero recovery, fractional recovery of treasury, and fractional recovery of par value, see (
Bielecki and Rutkowski 2002, Chapter 8). We have so far considered the case where the credit risky bond becomes worthless at default (zero recovery). In the following, we will consider
fractional recovery of market value where the credit risky bond looses a fraction of its market value upon default. Other recovery models can be treated in a similar fashion.
6.1. Fractional Recovery without Ambiguity
Fractional recovery of market value (RMV) is specified through a marked point process
where the stopping times
denote the default times and
denotes the associated fractional recovery. Let
denote the
recovery process. Then,
R is non-increasing, positive with
. The recovery process replaces the default indicator in (
7). More precisely, we assume that the family of defaultable bond prices under RMV satisfy
Remark 4. If a default occurs at , the bond looses a random fraction of its pre-default value. Thus, the value is immediately available to the bond owner at default. It is still subject to default risk because of the possible future defaults occurring at .
First, we state a generalization of Proposition 1 to this setting. To this end, we require more structure and continue in the setting of the
Section 2. Assume that the marked point process
is independent from
W and standard in the following sense: the random times
are the jumping times from a Poisson process with intensity one, and the recovery values
are independent from
W, and uniformly distributed in
The filtration
is obtained by a progressive enlargement of
with default and recovery information (given by
R), i.e.,
We assume again
. As next step, we introduce measure changes for the marked point process. Let
This implies that the defaultable bond prices under RMV,
, at maturity time
t of this bond, pays out
, the accumulated fractional default losses. Then,
is a special semimartingale w.r.t.
. Let
denote the associated jump measure and let
denote its compensator, see Chapter II.1 in
Jacod and Shiryaev (
2003) or Chapter VIII.1 in
Brémaud (
1981). Note that
We introduce the densities
where the predictable process
is positive and, for any
, the
-predictable process
is also positive. If
, we can define the equivalent measure
we denote all pairs
which satisfy the above properties. Then, the compensator of the jump measure
see T10 in Section VIII.3 of
Brémaud (
1981). Next, we compute the compensator of
R. We obtain from (
16) that
is a
-martingale. For a
-progressive process
g, we denote
Proposition 2. Assume that Assumption 1 holds and let g be a positive and -predictable process. Consider a measure on , such that is a -martingale, W is a -Brownian motion, and . Then is a local martingale measure if and only if
- (i)
- (ii)
holds -almost surely.
Proof. We generalize the proof of Proposition 1 to the case of RMV. To this end, let
. Then (
17) reads
Integrating by part yields
Note that, by assumption,
is a
Q-martingale and that
R is of finite variation and
is continuous. Hence, by Lemma 2,
and we obtain the result as in the proof of Proposition 1. □
Example 2. A classical example is when the defaults arrive at rate , and the recovery values are i.i.d. Then, . We obtain that the instantaneous forward rate of the defaultable bond equals . In the case of zero recovery, we recover , and, in the case of full recovery (the case without default risk), .
6.2. Fractional Recovery with Ambiguity
We introduce ambiguity in this setting by changing from the standardized measure to various appropriate measures via the Girsanov theorem. We also generalize the setting for ambiguity from the quite specific to a general set of probability measures here, see Remark 3. The reason for this is also economic: while bounding the intensity from above and below seems to be quite plausible, an upper/lower bound on the recovery (i.e., on ) sounds too strong for some applications.
Recall that
was the set of all candidates
which induce the measure changes via (
19). Ambiguity is introduced by the set
of probability measures satisfying
contains only one probability measure, we are in the classical setting, otherwise there is ambiguity in the market. Measure changes from
to a new measure are done via the density
(see (
18)) where, as above,
are positive and progressive. Recall the definition of the density
in (
Theorem 3. Let , and assume that Assumption 1 holds. Then there exists an ELMM for if
- (i)
there exists an -progressive such that ,
- (ii)
there exist and , such that and -almost surely, and
- (iii)
holds -almost surely.
Absence of arbitrage in this general ambiguity setting can now be classified, thanks to Theorem 1 as follows: if an ELMM exists for each , then the market is free of arbitrage in the sense of Definition 1.
Proof. Fix
. We can define an equivalent measure
as in (ii). According to Theorem 3.40 in Chapter III of
Jacod and Shiryaev (
2003), this refers to a Girsanov-type (and equivalent) change of measure. Moreover,
is a
-Brownian motion. Next, note that the compensator of the jump measure
computes, according to T10 in Section VIII.3 in
Brémaud (
1981), to
from Equation (
20). This implies that
is a
Now, we show that
is indeed a martingale measure: from (
22) we obtain that
It follows that
by the definition of
and the drift condition (iii). Hence, discounted bond prices are
-local martingales and the proof is finished. □
Remark 5. We can view zero recovery in the above setting by assuming that and letting . Note that this case is excluded in RMV setting, since, under this assumption, at the first default all prices drop to zero and further defaults can not occur.