On Exactitude in Financial Regulation: Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, and Expectiles
:1. Introduction
2. Value-at-Risk and Coherence
2.1. Value-at-Risk
2.2. Subadditivity, Coherence, and Comonotonicity
- Translation (drift) invariance: Adding a constant return c to total return will reduce risk by that amount: .
- (Linear) homogeneity: Multiplying any position by positive factor λ results in a corresponding, linear increase in risk: .
- Monotonicity: If position Y1 is first-order stochastically dominant to position Y2, in that Y1 offers higher returns than Y2 in every conceivable economic state (Levy 1992, 2015), then the risk associated with Y1 cannot exceed the risk associated with Y2: . Y1 dominates Y2 in the sense that —i.e., the cumulative distribution function of losses for Y1 is less than or equal to the cdf for Y2 for all x. Therefore, .
- Subadditivity: The risk associated with two combined positions cannot exceed the total risk associated with either position, considered alone: .
3. Expected Shortfall and Elicitability
3.1. Expected Shortfall as a Response to VaR
3.2. Elicitability
- “Let the interval I be the potential range of the outcomes, … and let the probability distribution F be concentrated on I.”
- “Then a scoring function is any mapping S: I × I → [0, ∞).”
- “A functional is a potentially set valued mapping .”
- “A scoring function S is consistent for the functional T if for all F, all t ∈ T(F) and all x ∈ I.”
- The scoring function S “is strictly consistent if it is consistent and equality of the expectations implies that x ∈ T(F).”
- Therefore, “a functional is elicitable if there exists a scoring function that is strictly consistent for it.”
3.3. The Nonelicitability of Expected Shortfall
4. Backtesting
4.1. Traditional Backtesting
4.2. Comparative Backtesting
- : The internal model predicts at least as well as the standard model.
- : The internal model predicts at most as well as the standard model.
5. Robustness: Realism and Tradeoffs in the Choice of a Risk Measure
6. Expectiles
6.1. The Appealing Properties of Expectiles
6.2. Expectiles as Quantiles
6.3. Visual Comparisons of Expectiles and Quantiles
7. Expressing the Expectile Function μ(τ) in Terms of α, VaR, and Expected Shortfall
7.1. Expectiles as a Function of VaR and Expected Shortfall
7.2. VaR, Expected Shortfall, and Expectile Values for Normally Distributed Risk
8. Expectiles as Gain/Loss Ratios
9. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Zone | Exceedances | Plus Factor k | Cumulative Probability (in %) |
■ | 0 | 0.00 | 08.11 |
■ | 1 | 0.00 | 28.58 |
■ | 2 | 0.00 | 54.32 |
■ | 3 | 0.00 | 75.81 |
■ | 4 | 0.00 | 89.22 |
■ | 5 | 0.40 | 95.88 |
■ | 6 | 0.50 | 98.63 |
■ | 7 | 0.65 | 99.60 |
■ | 8 | 0.75 | 99.89 |
■ | 9 | 0.85 | 99.97 |
■ | 10+ | 1.00 | 99.99 |
Zone | Traditional | Comparative |
VaR (BCBS 2013): | Nolde and Ziegel (2017a): : The internal model predicts at least as well as the standard model. : The internal model predicts at most as well as the standard model. Some choice of significance level . E.g., = 0.05. | |
Expected shortfall (Costanzino and Curran 2018): | ||
■ | is rejected at = 0.05. | |
■ | Neither nor is rejected | |
■ | is rejected at = 0.05. |
α | VaRα | ESα | τ(α) |
0.00135000 | –2.99998 | –3.28308 | 0.000127364 |
0.00353299 | –2.69372 | –3.00000 | 0.000401386 |
0.010000 | –2.32648 | –2.66521 | 0.00145241 |
0.025000 | –1.95996 | –2.33780 | 0.00477345 |
0.050000 | –1.64485 | –2.06271 | 0.0123873 |
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Chen, J.M. On Exactitude in Financial Regulation: Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, and Expectiles. Risks 2018, 6, 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks6020061
Chen JM. On Exactitude in Financial Regulation: Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, and Expectiles. Risks. 2018; 6(2):61. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks6020061
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, James Ming. 2018. "On Exactitude in Financial Regulation: Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, and Expectiles" Risks 6, no. 2: 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks6020061
APA StyleChen, J. M. (2018). On Exactitude in Financial Regulation: Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, and Expectiles. Risks, 6(2), 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks6020061