1. Introduction
The fundamental problem that we consider is the valuation of a financial instrument using a discounting rate that differs from the rate at which the instrument’s future cash flows accrue. Since such financial instruments are synonymous with fixed income assets, we will focus thereon. Nonetheless, we have no reason to believe that the framework that we develop cannot be extended to the valuation of a generic financial asset. The financial crisis brought this valuation problem to the foreground when substantial spreads emerged between inter-bank interest rates that were previously bound by single yield curve consistencies, culminating in a new valuation paradigm of multiple yield curves: one used for discounting (the overnight indexed swap (OIS) yield curve) and others used for forecasting of cash flows (the y-month inter-bank offered rate (IBOR) curve, ). However, this problem was also prevalent pre-crisis when an economy is considered, which has an inter-bank swap market, a government bond market and trades in the global economy via the foreign exchange market, resulting in three different curves: the nominal swap curve, the government bond curve and the foreign exchange basis curve. The valuation of any financial instrument that is issued in one of these markets, but has cash flows that are determined by any of the other markets, once again manifests the fundamental problem.
In this paper, we directly address the fundamental problem, articulated above, in a general sense. Considering the aftermath of the financial crisis; however, academic literature on multi-curve interest rate modelling (in the context of the developed inter-bank swap market) has evolved rapidly. Here, we classify this literature into four categories or modelling approaches and provide a non-exhaustive list of references and a brief summary of the main contributions therein.
The first category is short-rate models.
Kijima et al. (
2009) propose a three-yield curve model (discount, swap and government bond curve) for an economy with the respective short-rates governed by Gaussian, exponentially quadratic models.
Kenyon (
2010) and
Morini and Runggaldier (
2014) consider Vasicek, Hull–White (HW) and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) short-rate models for the OIS, IBOR and/or OIS-IBOR spread curves.
Filipović and Trolle (
2013) propose a Vasicek process with stochastic long-term mean as the OIS short-rate model with explicit models for default and liquidity risk.
Alfeus et al. (
2017) adopt a novel approach of modelling “roll-over risk” explicitly in a structural setup and as a specific example consider multi-factor CIR-type processes for this and the OIS short-rate. Their structural approach is more general than that and can be applied in other settings.
The fourth and final category are pricing kernel models. At the present time, we are only aware of
Crépey et al. (
2016) and
Nguyen and Seifried (
2015) who have formulated multi-curve systems with pricing kernels. We highlight here that, in our opinion, both of these papers adopt a hybrid pricing kernel-LMM approach since the OIS curve is modelled with a pricing kernel, while the IBOR process is modelled in an ad hoc fashion; we will expand on this in
Section 3 and
Section 5. In this paper, we develop a pure pricing-kernel based approach, which we believe to be the first of such a modelling class.
The solution that we propose rests on a pricing formula, which we call the across-curve pricing formula. This formula has a pricing kernel-based model for the economy as its foundation. More specifically, the pricing kernel framework models the set of yield curves associated with the respective economy under consideration. This enables us to link the set of yield curves in a consistent arbitrage-free manner through the definition of a curve-conversion factor process. This conversion process plays an important dual role, giving rise to the across-curve pricing formula that enables consistent valuation and hedging of financial instruments across curves. It turns out that the curve-conversion factor process is consistent with an FX process in multi-currency modelling in a pricing kernel framework, and therefore our approach is also consistent with the FX analogy first proposed by
Bianchetti (
2009) for interest rate derivatives (or the developed inter-bank swap market) in an LMM setting. In our work, we are interested in more than developed markets or the inter-bank swap market and endeavour to build consistent relations among a wide variety of developed and emerging market fixed-income assets including inflation-linked notes, FX contracts, and hybrid products such as inflation-linked FX instruments. Here, we mention
Flesaker and Hughston (
1996b) for an arbitrage-free pricing kernel approach to the valuation of FX securities, and to
Frey and Sommer (
1999) if one were to consider extending classical short rate models, based on diffusion processes with deterministic coefficients, for FX-rates. The approach by
Jarrow and Yildirim (
2003), based on the HJM-framework, might be treated as in
Section 4 and used for inflation-linked pricing as shown in
Section 6, later in this paper. We note here the early work in 1998 by
Hughston (
1998) who produced a general arbitrage-free approach to the pricing of inflation derivatives, in which (to our knowledge) a foreign exchange analogy was used in such a context, for the first time. In Hughston’s work, the Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) index is treated like a foreign exchange rate that links the nominal and the real price systems as if they were domestic and foreign currencies, respectively. The work by
Pilz and Schlögl (
2013) on modelling commodity prices re-interprets a multi-currency LMM approach. Similarities can be seen when applying our approach to multi-currency and multi-curve LIBOR models, as developed in
Section 6.3, where an FX-LIBOR forward rate agreement is priced. In all that follows, we refer to the discounting curve as the
x-curve and the forecasting curve as the
y-curve. Therefore, when describing our framework, we speak of the xy-formalism, while we refer to the application thereof as the xy-approach.
With regard to the multi-curve system adopted by developed market practitioners for their inter-bank swap market, we will show that there is a natural formulation of such a system within our framework. Moreover, we will show that this natural formalism is not adopted by practitioners, or the market in a strict sense in general. Rather, practitioners have adopted a more rigid version of the flexible multi-curve system we propose, the choice of which results and ensures simpler specifications for fundamental interest rate products, i.e., forward rate agreements (FRAs) and interest rate swaps (IRSs). We will also formulate a multi-curve system for emerging markets, one that is remarkably consistent with the corresponding developed market system, this feature being entirely attributable to the critical dual role played by the curve-conversion factor process. We will expand on this in
Section 2 and
Section 3.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 introduces the curve-conversion factor process and the across-curve pricing formula.
Section 3 introduces consistent multi-curve interest rate systems for developed and emerging inter-bank swap markets.
Section 4 reviews and reformulates existing HJM multi-curve modelling approaches within the context of the xy-approach and introduces a new framework that we call the xy-HJM framework.
Section 5 introduces a generic class of rational multi-curve models and revisits recent rational multi-curve approaches based on pricing kernels in light of the xy-framework. Moreover, the linear-rational term structure models are shown to belong to a more general class of pricing-kernel-based (rational) models and are extended to the multi-curve setup. In
Section 6, the across-curve pricing approach is adopted to price inflation-linked and FX securities, including hybrid contracts. In
Section 7, we draw various conclusions and take the opportunity to summarise our findings.
2. Across-Curve Pricing Formula
In this section, we define the curve-conversion factor process and deduce what we term the across-curve pricing formula. At the basis of the curve-conversion factor process lies the assumption that, within a given economy, there is a distinct market associated with each curve. Each of these markets are characterised by its own set of market, liquidity and credit risk factors. In turn, each set of market, liquidity and credit risk factors may be systematic or idiosyncratic in nature. The curve-conversion factor process plays a dual role: (i) it provides a mechanism (akin to a ladder) that enables one to transit consistently from one discount curve system to another; and (ii) it facilitates the equivalent representation of cash flows across markets (or curves), no matter what financial instrument is implicitly being priced or interest rate system being modelled. This feature enables consistent valuation across different curves (or markets). The paradigm we shall adopt for the development of the across-curve pricing approach is one based on pricing kernels. Previous works developing and applying the pricing kernel paradigm comprise, e.g., (
Constantinides 1992;
Flesaker and Hughstona 1996a,
Rogers 1997;
Jin and Glasserman 2001;
Hughston and Rafailidis 2005;
Akahori et al. 2014;
Macrina 2014;
Filipović et al. 2017). Next, we introduce the stochastic basis and the pricing kernel system.
We consider a filtered probability space
, where
denotes the filtration and
the real-world probability measure. We introduce an
-adapted pricing kernel process
, which governs the inter-temporal relation between asset values at different times in a financial market. It is a fundamental ingredient in the so-called standard no-arbitrage pricing formula, for a non-dividend-paying financial asset
H, given by:
The no-arbitrage asset price process
is obtained by taking the conditional expectation of the random cash flow
, occurring at the fixed future date
, that is discounted by the pricing kernel. Standard references, in which asset pricing using pricing kernels is discussed, include, e.g., (
Hunt and Kennedy 2000;
Duffie 2001;
Cochrane 2005;
Grbac and Runggaldier 2015).
In order for us to deduce the across-curve pricing formula, seen as an extension to the pricing formula (
1), we assume the existence of a set of (continuous-time)
-adapted pricing kernel processes
, where
, each linked to a distinct
y-market. The price
of a non-dividend-paying financial asset
H, with (random) cash flow
at the fixed future date
T, is then given by:
The superscript
y emphasises that the pricing formula (
2) holds for the valuation of assets in the
y-economy (or in the
y-market). In fact, the pricing kernel process
governs the inter-temporal relation between the present value of financial assets and their future cash flows in the associated
y-economy. It then follows in a straightforward manner, that the price process
of a zero coupon bond (ZCB), with payoff
at the fixed maturity
T and quoted in the
y-market, is given by:
The discount bond system, spanned in theory by a continuum, but in practice a finite number of maturities , generates a term structure curve. Since this curve is indexed by the particular market y, we refer to it as the y-curve. In all that follows, we single out one of the set of the y-markets (and thereby its associated y-curve) and refer to it as the x-market (and its associated term structure curve as the x-curve); of course, then this market also has an associated -adapted pricing kernel . The x-market is the market within which pricing (or discounting) occurs, while the y-market will denote the market within which the cash flows of the financial instruments are forecasted (or accrued).
The fundamental pricing problem that is considered in this paper is one where a financial instrument accrues cash flows at a rate of interest that differs from that used for discounting. First, we consider the problem of cash flow forecasting and equivalent representation under different curves (or markets), before we tackle the problem of valuation (or discounting). An equivalent cash flow representation across curves (or markets) is justified in
Appendix A using no-arbitrage portfolio-based strategies. These findings are formalised in the following definition that introduces the curve-conversion factor process.
Definition 1. Consider an economy with n distinct markets characterised by a set of pricing kernel processes and associated discount bond systems , where and . The converted value in the x-market at time t of any spot cash flow determined in the y-market is given by:where . The converted value at time t in the x-market of any forward cash flow (t,T), measurable at time t but payable at time T, determined in the y-market is given by:where . These two relations are combined by the definition of the -adapted curve-conversion factor process:where is the time until which the cash flow being converted is measurable and is the payment date. We note that the cash flows
are linked by the identity
, for
. With this definition at hand, we now have the necessary tool to resolve the fundamental pricing problem considered in this paper, i.e., valuing a generic financial instrument that accrues cash flows under one curve, the
y-curve, but is priced under another curve, the
x-curve. Our approach is consistent with the FX analogy proposed by
Bianchetti (
2009), but formalised in an economy modelled by a set of pricing kernels; we describe our approach as the xy-formalism. At the heart of this formalism is the pricing formula presented next. We refer to this formula as the across-curve pricing formula. The relation of this novel formula to the fundamental pricing formula (
1) is shown in the proof of the following proposition.
Proposition 1. Let . Consider a generic financial asset H that has a single -measurable cash flow occurring at the fixed time and determined by the y-curve (or the y-market). It is noted that in the time interval , the quantity is fixed at the value observed at time . Within the xy-approach, the price process of a financial instrument, determined by the x-curve (or x-market) and contingent on the asset H, is given by: The curve-conversion factor process is introduced in Definition 1.
Proof. For information, we note that, by an application of the relation (
2), the price process
of the financial asset
H is deduced to be:
since the cash flow
-measurable and it occurs at
T. At time
, we convert
to the corresponding value
in the
x-market by use of the conversion factor
Now, we insert the converted cash flow
in the standard no-arbitrage formula (
1) (or formula (
2), where y = 0 is taken to be the
x-curve) where
is assumed. We have,
Given that
-measurable, we deduce the following by the tower property of conditional expectation:
. In addition, for
, we have
. Recalling that
, and by choosing to write
in order to emphasise the interaction between the
x- and the
y-curves, the proof is complete. We add that the one-to-one across-curve extension to the standard pricing formula (
1) is recovered by setting
in the relation (
4). ☐
Remark 1. When and , using Proposition 1, we may define the ZCB:for , which has two representations using the definition of the conversion factor (3). Given Proposition 1, we can now present the dual role played by the curve-conversion factor process, within the xy-formalism, which is described in the following corollary.
Corollary 1. Within the xy-formalism, if the cash flow is directly observable in the economy, then the curve-conversion factor process enables valuation by acting at the level of the discounting curve as follows: However, if the curve-converted cash flow is directly observable in the economy, then the curve-conversion factor process enables valuation by acting at the level of the cash flow as follows:where is the x-market value of , for . Proof. If
is determined in the
y-market and directly observable (i.e., quoted) within the economy, then according to Proposition 1, the value of such a payoff within the
x-market, at the future terminal time
T, is given by:
which is model-implied, since the curve-conversion factor process
is determined by the specific forms of the pricing kernels
, respectively. Therefore, since
is not directly observable in the economy due to
, the curve-conversion factor process is subsumed into the discounting process in Equation (
4) for
, by observing that
, which yields Equation (
Conversely, if
is determined in the
y-market, but the converted quantity
is directly observable within the economy, then:
is model-implied, which is subsumed into the cash flow process by observing that
from Equation (
4), which yields Equation (
11). ☐
Remark 2. Corollary 1 proves to be critical in Section 3, where consistent multi-curve systems are derived for both developed and emerging inter-bank swap markets. With regard to FRAs (the fundamental inter-bank swap market derivative), which has an IBOR process as its underlying process, it turns out that the y-market determined IBOR process is directly observable in the emerging market, but its curve-converted equivalent is directly observable in the developed market. In this instance, the dual nature of the curve-conversion factor process caters for this apparent cross-economy market inconsistency, resulting in one consistent modelling framework. In
Appendix B, we provide the consistent set of changes of numeraire assets and associated equivalent probability measures, which ensure that no arbitrage is produced when the across-pricing formula is applied using an equivalent martingale measure.
3. Pricing Kernel Approach to Multi-Curve Systems
First, we consider the definition of a spot IBOR, i.e., a deposit rate that is offered at a fixed time
by a set of suitably credit-rated banks within a given economy. We assume that the maturity of said IBOR is
, so that the associated tenor is given by
. Then, we may define (or represent) the spot IBOR process via ZCB instruments by:
, and where
is the price at time
t of a ZCB, with tenor
, that matures at time
. In the classical single-curve framework, where IBORs are considered an appropriate proxy for risk-free rates and where a tradable discount bond system is assumed, one can then proceed to define the forward IBOR process via the canonical no-arbitrage pricing relation:
, and where
is the IBOR tenor and
is the pricing kernel process. By use of the relation (
14) with
, and the ZCB pricing relation
, one obtains the forward IBOR process:
. We note that the product of the pricing kernel process and the discounted forward IBOR process
is an
-martingale, which is analogous to the forward IBOR process being a martingale under the
-forward measure in the classical single-curve theory.
The classical relation (
16) states that the forward IBOR value at time
t can be replicated by a linear combination of zero-coupon bonds, i.e., by one maturing at the IBOR reset date
and another ZCB maturing at the IBOR settlement date
. In a market where the spread between an overnight indexed swap (OIS) rate and the corresponding IBOR is non-zero, relation (
16) is no longer acceptable. That is, the now risky IBOR can no longer be replicated using risk-free ZCBs. In other words, the IBOR market is exposed to risk factors which are not necessarily affecting the risk-free ZCB market, while the risk exposure also varies depending on the IBOR tenor
one is investing in. Hence, one needs to assume that holding a financial contract written on a three-month IBOR exposes an investor to a different risk profile than when holding an instrument written on a six-month IBOR. It follows that assuming risk-free ZCBs can replicate the same risk exposures as contracts written on an IBOR is wrong because: (a) an IBOR may be subject to more risk sources than the risk-free ZCBs; and (b) the number of risk factors affecting an IBOR contract may depend on the IBOR tenor.
We ask the following question: If one insisted on keeping the relation (
16), albeit subject to modifications, how would one need to adjust (in a consistent and arbitrage-free manner) the relation between an IBOR model and the associated ZCBs in a multi-curve setup? It turns out that the answer is an extension based on the xy-formalism introduced above. Here is how we do it.
First, we consider a collection of interest rate curves indexed by
where we refer to the
x-curve as the discounting curve and the
y-curve as the forecasting curve. An example for a pair of curves
may be the pair
where the zero-curve is the OIS curve and the one-curve is the one-month IBOR curve. The case where
is the (classical) single-curve economy. Next, we make the relationship (
16) curve-dependent and write:
Thus, the y-ZCB system has an associated y-tenored IBOR, which is subject to the same set of risk factors, i.e., the y-tenored IBOR defines the y-ZCB system. Moreover, the y-ZCB price process satisfies the martingale relation , which is to say that no-arbitrage is assumed within the self-consistent y-market.
Next, we detail the development of consistent multi-curve interest rate systems inspired by the xy-formalism for both, emerging and developed markets.
3.1. Discounting Systems in Emerging Markets
In this section, we consider the simpler case of an emerging market, in particular one where no OIS zero-coupon yield curve exists. To be precise, the spot overnight rate is observable, but there are no tradable and liquid overnight indexed swaps, i.e., there is no OIS derivative market to enable the construction of a yield curve. For more information on the specific nuances and issues relating to emerging inter-bank swap markets, we refer the reader to
Jakarasi et al. (
2015), and the references therein, who consider the problem of estimating an OIS zero-coupon yield curve in South Africa. In such a market, all forecasting and discounting of cash flows is done by one liquid, risky
y-tenored IBOR zero-coupon yield curve, only.
To derive the multi-curve discounting system within the xy-formalism, we first consider the pricing of standard FRAs. FRAs are the fundamental primitive securities in any interest rate market, which facilitate price discovery for forward IBORs. The FRA considered here has reset time
and maturity time
, which is also assumed to be the settlement time, and is therefore written on the future spot IBOR
. The value at time
of this FRA is denoted by
, with the first character of the superscript indicating the discount curve, and the second character denoting the forecasting curve. For a unit nominal, the FRA’s payoff at
is given by:
is an arbitrary strike rate expressed in the
y-market. We emphasise that the FRA’s payoff is actually measurable at time
; however the actual cash flow is only paid at time
1 As a consequence, we may also define the in-advance FRA payoff
, which is the value
discounted by
, by:
Using the pricing Equation (
4) with
, along with relations (
15), (
16) and (
17), the FRA price process is derived as:
By setting
, the fair FRA rate process is recovered and is given by:
. The notation
emphasises that this fair FRA strike rate applies when the
y-curve is used for both, discounting and forecasting.
Next, we consider a standard IRS with unit nominal, reset times
, payment times
, referencing the
y-tenored IBOR and arbitrary fixed swap rate under the
y-market denoted by
. Again applying pricing relation (
4) with
, together with relations (
15), (
16) and (
17), the IRS price process is derived as:
. Using the same notation convention as with the FRA, the fair IRS rate process is given by:
. For a brief treatment of bootstrapping in an emerging market, we here refer to
Appendix C.
3.2. Discounting Systems in Developed Markets
Next, we consider the more complex case of a developed market where, in general, an OIS market exists. In such a market, cash flows are forecast using the
y-tenored IBOR zero-coupon yield curve, but discounted using the OIS zero-coupon yield curve. Such a product feature is also consistent with the notion of collateralisation. We consider the same FRA as in the emerging market case; however, we now assume that discounting occurs under the
x-curve (or the OIS curve, to be more specific). We now have to make use of relation (
4) in order to define the FRA’s payoff.
Proposition 2. The developed market FRA with reset time , expiry time and unit nominal has a terminal payoff, within the x-market, given by:where, as before, and is the strike rate within the y-market. The in-advance FRA payoff is then given by:which is the discounted value of the terminal payoff within the x-market. Proof. A direct application of relation (
4) leads to the result in Proposition 2. Like the emerging market FRA, notice that the developed market FRA’s payoff is also measurable at
with the actual cash flow occurring at
. ☐
Before we consider the derivation of the value of the developed market FRA, the following lemmas will prove to be useful in this regard.
Lemma 1. The converted y-tenored forward IBOR process:for , satisfies the martingale relation:for . Proof. This statement follows from Equations (
3), (
26) and (
15). ☐
Lemma 2. The fair forward price of a forward contract initiated at time t to exchange a cash flow , determined in the y-market, for a cash flow of , in the x-market, with being converted at , but the final payoff occurring at expiry is given by: Proof. The value of such a forward contract is given by:
which follows from Equation (
3) and the tower property of conditional expectations, while setting
and solving for
yield the required result. ☐
We now have the necessary results to derive the value of the developed market FRA, which is presented in the following theorem.
Theorem 1. The value of the developed market FRA with reset time , expiry time and unit nominal, within the x-market, is given by:for , where and is the strike rate within the x-market. Proof. Using Proposition 2, the value of the developed market FRA, for
, is given by:
with the first term following from Lemma 1 and the second term from Equation (
3). Equation (
30) follows from applying the result of Lemma 2 to the second term and factorising accordingly. ☐
The value of this FRA is commensurate with the value of a multi-curve (or basis) FRA in a developed market, i.e., the price dynamics are consistent with the standard FRA contract traded in developed markets. The form of the developed market FRA’s value within the xy-framework leads to the following definition for the multi-curve forward IBOR process.
Definition 2. The multi-curve market-implied y-tenored forward IBOR process is given by:for , where is defined in Remark 1. Moreover, we may also derive the fair developed market FRA rate given the value of the FRA provided by Theorem 1.
Corollary 2. The fair FRA rate process at time t of a developed market FRA written on the market-implied y-tenored forward IBOR (26), with reset time and settlement time , is given by:for . Proof. Setting the value of the developed market FRA, given by Equation (
30), equal to zero, we find that
at time
t. Then, for any time
, the result for the fair FRA rate process,
, follows accordingly. ☐
Remark 3. Relation (33) is the direct multi-curve analogy to the single-curve relation (21). In fact, for , one recovers the single-curve expressions (20) and (21). Remark 4. Using Definition 2, one may re-state the value of the developed market FRA as:for , which is the direct multi-curve analogy to the emerging market FRA value (20) with the y-ZCBs replaced by the -ZCBs. Now that we have these results, it is also important to consider the relationship between and . In particular, one would want due to the greater degree of risk associated with the multi-curve y-tenored forward IBOR process versus the corresponding x-tenored process. The following corollary reveals the conditions under which this feature is achieved, by making use of the associated forward capitalisation factor (FCF) processes.
Corollary 3. The multi-curve market-implied y-tenored FCF process , observed at time and applying over the period , defined by:is greater than or equal to the corresponding x-tenored FCF process:if interest rates are non-negative and for all where . Proof. Using Equation (
35) and Definition 2, we can show that:
is the
y-tenored FCF and
is the
y-tenored FCF represented equivalently in the
x-market. Then, using Definition 1 and Equation (
9), we can show that:
Now, in order to have
, we must have that:
where the last inequality holds if interest rates are non-negative, i.e.,
. Finally,
if interest rates are non-negative and
for all
. This may be easily evidenced by setting
and allowing
to vary, while also using the linear and monotonic properties of conditional expectations. ☐
This corollary proves that the xy-approach, applied to a developed market, yields a y-market interest rate system, which is dominated by the x-market system, i.e., for . Furthermore, this y-market system provides a forward IBOR process, , and enables the construction of a conversion factor process , which facilitates the definition of the developed market y-tenored forward IBOR process . Therefore, while the y-market system is still fictitious, given that it cannot be directly observed, we still consider it to be a model-consistent system given our curve-conversion framework that is inspired by currency modelling.
Remark 5. Using the FCF, one may also express the terminal payoff of the developed market FRA by:where . Then, applying the same results as before, the value of the FRA, for , is:where . If we define the multi-curve y-tenored forward IBOR process by:and the multi-curve x-market equivalent FRA strike rate by:we then recover the developed market FRA price process: . We note that in this model so that:and if interest rates are non-negative and for all and for . This is the approach adopted by Nguyen and Seifried (2015), and it shall be revisited in Section 5. Two comments on their multi-curve model, given the context of the xy-approach, follow: - (i)
The quantities and that determine the FRA’s floating and fixed cash flows are derived from the curve-converted quantities and , respectively. This is in contrast with and , the directly comparable curve-converted quantities used in the xy-framework. Therefore, these derived quantities are no longer consistent with a currency modelling analogy, with each differing from the correctly converted quantities by an additive factor of .
- (ii)
Observation (i) is further supported by Equation (41) which shows that the conversion factor process effectively models the spread between the multi-curve y-tenored FCF and the corresponding x-tenored FCF, as opposed to the classical forward exchange rate. Moreover, the derived y-market system has almost no relation to the developed market y-tenored interest rate system, that one seeks to model, since the model derived y-market system dominates the x-market system, i.e., for .
Remark 6. The mathematical quantity that directly models the y-tenored forward IBOR process is and not . This is a consequence of industry standards in developed markets, that the product of the x-pricing kernel and the x-curve discounted y-tenored forward IBOR process is a martingale under the -measure. In the xy-approach, this implies that:for . It is not possible to achieve this relationship within the xy-framework, given our representation of the y-tenored forward IBOR process (17). However, this relationship is achieved if we replace with . Our market-implied y-tenored forward IBOR process, , reveals the convolution of a conversion factor (which facilitates the market’s martingale assumption (42)) and the model y-tenored forward IBOR process, . This result questions the utility of the y-ZCB system in the developed market context. The y-ZCB system is a model construct, derived from the y-tenored model-consistent or model-implied forward IBOR process, , which unravels the market’s martingale adjustment from the observed y-tenored market-implied IBOR process, , via the conversion factor . Remark 7. The xy-framework advocates the following price process for a multi-curve FRA:for . We note that the conversion factor (or martingale adjustment) has been applied to the discounting x-ZCB system and not to the model for the y-tenored forward IBOR process. However, we note that the terminal FRA payoff would now be: This allows us to disentangle the y-ZCB system from the x-ZCB system, which enables us to model the y-curve discounting in a consistent, robust and rigorous fashion. From an economics perspective, if one compares the return generated from an xy-FRA to a yy-FRA, one can show that:as required, since discounting at the x-curve essentially represents a collateralised FRA, which should therefore return the holder less than an equivalent investment in a non-collateralised FRA, represented by the y-curve discounting. Next, we consider the developed market IRS, i.e., one that forecasts cash flows under the y-curve but discounts under the x-curve, unlike the emerging market IRS.
Theorem 2. The value of a developed market IRS, within the x-market, with reset times , payment times and unit nominal, referencing the y-tenored IBOR is given by:for , where and where is the fixed swap rate within the x-market. Proof. Starting with the emerging market version of the IRS with fixed swap rate
within the
y-market and applying pricing relation (
4), analogues to Proposition 2, the developed market IRS price process is given by:
which, upon application of Lemma 1 and Equation (
3), simplifies to:
. The result follows by observing that the fixed IRS rate may be expressed in the
x-market by
. This may be justified in an analogous fashion to the fixed FRA rate, but this time making use of a fixed-for-fixed swap contract as opposed to a forward contract, as in Lemma 2. ☐
Remark 8. Using Definition 32, one may re-state the value of the developed market IRS as:for , which is the direct multi-curve analogy to the emerging market IRS value (22) with the y-ZCBs replaced by the -ZCBs. Corollary 4. The fair fixed swap rate process of a developed market IRS written on the market-implied y-tenored forward IBOR (26), with reset times , payment times and unit nominal, is given by:for . Proof. Setting the value of the developed market IRS equal to zero, given by Equation (
48), it follows that the
y-market fair fixed IRS rate is
at time
t. Using the proof of Theorem 2 and Remark 1, the
x-market fair fixed IRS rate (converting the
y-market rate) is given by
at time
t. Then, for any time
, the result for the developed market fair IRS rate follows accordingly by setting
. ☐
For a brief treatment of bootstrapping in a developed market, we here refer to
Appendix C.
3.3. Consistent Multi-Curve Discounting in Emerging Markets
Now that we have a good understanding of how the xy-formalism enables the modelling of multi-curve interest rate systems in developed markets, we may consider resolving the same problem for the case of an emerging market. Our first hurdle in moving from a developed to an emerging market setting is the non-existence of the OIS curve.
Recall that we have assumed the existence of a collection of interest rate curves indexed by where we refer to the x-curve as the discounting curve and the y-curve as the forecasting curve. In a common developed market, with 0 denoting the nominal OIS curve, 1 the 1-month IBOR curve, 2 the 3-month IBOR curve, 3 the 6-month IBOR curve and 4 the 12-month IBOR curve. Moreover, the stochastic evolution of each of these curves are modelled via a pricing kernel process , which are in turn calibrated using liquid linear and non-linear interest rate market instruments. In a common emerging market, only one IBOR tenor is usually tradable and liquid; therefore, it is not possible to calibrate the entire set of pricing kernel processes , which span the common developed interest rate market. This leads us to the following remark.
Remark 9. In the common emerging market, only one IBOR tenor, , is tradable and liquid thereby enabling the specification and calibration of a well-defined pricing kernel process . Pricing kernel processes for all other IBOR tenors are to be estimated statistically (or otherwise) as a suitable functional form of , i.e.,where is measurable and adapted, such that the corresponding estimated y-ZCB (and y-curve) systems, , may be constructed via:for . In Remark 9, if the function
is linear, then the estimated
y-ZCB is given by:
which implies that it is possible to directly replicate the estimated
y-ZCB through either a static or dynamic replication strategy using the
-ZCB. However, this may not be possible, in general, if the function
is convex (concave), as the estimated
y-ZCB will be governed by the following inequality:
which follows by the application of Jensen’s inequality. The xy-formalism may now be applied in the emerging market setting, assuming the existence of a collection of interest rate curves, indexed by
, that are modelled by the calibrated pricing kernel process
and the set of estimated pricing kernel processes
. First, we consider the developed market FRA within the emerging market context, i.e., one where the payoff is forecasted by the
y-curve and then discounted by the
x-curve. The terminal and in-advance FRA payoffs remain unchanged and are identical to Equations (
24) and (
25), respectively
2, with the FRA price process also assuming the familiar form:
, while
continues to be the correct forward IBOR process. Notice that the derivation of Equation (
54) follows by a direct application of Corollary 1.
Definition 3. The multi-curve emerging market y-tenored forward IBOR process is given by:for , unlike the developed market which required the definition of the market-implied y-tenored forward IBOR process for . This is due to the fact that there is currently no market standard for pricing an emerging market FRA that is forecasted and discounted under different curves, with the only observable market quantity being the spot IBOR process
. It is also possible, as in the case of developed markets, to define a fair FRA rate process,
; however one would not be able to observe this quantity in the market (since these FRAs are not traded, in general); therefore, this would be a model-implied quantity.
3Similarly, we may consider the standard developed market IRS in the context of an emerging market. The value of the IRS at some time
, making use of the same relations as before, is again given by:
, for
, continues to be the correct forward IBOR process, analogous to the FRA result. As with the FRA, the fair IRS rate process is model-implied (unless the
y-tenored IBOR process is the tradable tenor and
) and given by
In a multi-curve emerging market interest rate system, within the xy-framework, the initial (estimated)
y-ZCB systems may be constructed in a completely analogous fashion to the single-curve emerging market relations, see
Appendix C, since
. That is, all initial model-implied quantities are only dependent on the
y-curve or
y-ZCB system.
If we consider a FRA and an IRS within this context with payoffs forecasted by the
-curve and discounted by one of the other curves, denoted by the
x-curve, then the pricing formulae are given by:
from Equations (
54) and (
56), respectively. At this juncture, it is important to note that the
, plays the same role as the
, does in the single-curve emerging market setting in
Section 3.1. This leads us to the following definition for the
-ZCB system, in general.
Definition 4. In the multi-curve interest rate system derived within the xy-framework, the -ZCB system, , defined by:may be considered to be a quanto-bond assuming: - (i)
the x-curve with varying notional defined by the forward conversion factor ; or
- (ii)
the y-curve with varying notional defined by the spot conversion factor .
Remark 10. Within the developed market context, where the nominal OIS curve is considered to be the distinct, single-curve tradable system, which we shall denote here as the -curve, one may dynamically replicate y-ZCBs and -ZCBs, where , via the following set of -curve quanto-bonds:whereas, within the emerging market context where one nominal IBOR swap curve is considered to be the distinct, single-curve tradable system, which we have denoted as the -curve, one may dynamically replicate x-ZCBs and -ZCBs, where , via the following set of -curve quanto-bonds: 4. xy-HJM Multi-Curve Models
In this section, we develop Heath–Jarrow–Morton (HJM) multi-curve interest rate systems based on the xy-formalism introduced in this paper. The xy-HJM multi-curve system will be derived using results from
Section 3.
We consider the filtered probability space where is the filtration generated by two sets of independent multi-dimensional -Brownian motions and , respectively. Being synonymous with the xy-formalism, we consider an economy with two distinct markets, x and y, where x may be interpreted as a proxy default-free OIS-based market and y as a risky IBOR-based market. Furthermore, we assume that the x- and y-markets are driven by the multi-dimensional -Brownian motions and respectively, where is n-dimensional and is m-dimensional. This allows us to define the pricing kernel process associated with each market.
Definition 5. The -adapted x- and y-market pricing kernel processes and satisfy, respectively,where and are the short rates of interest; and and are the n- and -dimensional market price of risk processes associated with the x- and y-markets, respectively. Next, let
be (well-defined) processes, respectively satisfying:
, where
is one-dimensional,
denotes the Euclidean norm, and
n- and
-dimensional, respectively. The processes
are generic adapted processes satisfying the implicit integrability conditions, with
n- and
m-dimensional, respectively. We may then define the respective ZCB prices as follows:
Definition 6. Setting and , the -adapted x- and y-market ZCB-systems satisfy, respectively, the dynamical equations:following the application of Ito’s Lemma. Invoking the classical HJM drift condition, , results in being a -(local) martingale, which is a requirement for the xy-HJM framework. Proposition 3. Assuming that the x- and y-market ZCB-systems are differentiable in T, the instantaneous forward rate processes and , respectively defined by and , satisfy:which are consistent with the classical HJM instantaneous forward rate model. Proof. By direct application of Ito’s Lemma, the logarithm of the ZCB price process is:
and therefore, taking the negative and differentiating with respect to
T gives:
which yields the required instantaneous forward rate result. ☐
Grbac and Runggaldier (
2015) provide a thorough account of the approaches that have been adopted in modelling a developed market multi-curve interest rate system with the HJM framework. Here, we reprise the key results, given the economy that has already been introduced in this section, in order to contextualise the xy-HJM framework within the existing body of literature.
Grbac and Runggaldier (
2015) note that all approaches that have been adopted model the
x-market ZCB-system
with the classical HJM model, while the multi-curve market-implied
y-tenored forward IBOR process, which we denote here by
, is modelled in one of three ways:
- (i)
is specified in an ad hoc fashion (usually) inspired by the LIBOR market model (LMM) such that this approach is referred to as a hybrid HJM-LMM;
- (ii)
where, as before, defines the FCF such that under certain parameter restrictions (see Proposition 4 below) is a -(local) martingale; and
- (iii)
assuming the classical HJM drift condition for the y-market ZCB system.
In each approach, is a -(local) martingale, as required. Model (i) is inconsistent with our approach, since our focus is on modelling ZCB-systems directly and implying simple spot and forward rate models from that; therefore, we merely make note of (i) for completeness. Models (ii) and (iii) are comparable to our approach; therefore, we expand upon them below.
Proposition 4. If the following parameter restrictions hold:then the process a -(local) martingale, thereby enabling the use of Model (ii). Proof. Applying Ito’s lemma to
, using Equations (
59) and (
61), we have:
from which it follows that the required martingale condition is achieved only if Equation (
65) is enforced. ☐
Remark 11. In Grbac and Runggaldier (2015), both the x- and y-markets have the same sources of risk, i.e., are driven by the same set of Brownian motions, which resolves the parameter restrictions to:for . Model (iii) requires one to compute a conditional expectation,
, which is possible given our model choices, i.e., Equations (
59) and (
61), along with the classical HJM drift condition applied to the
y-market ZCB-system. Note that in
Grbac and Runggaldier (
2015), this model is justified by analogies to credit and foreign exchange modelling. Their model setup leads to two different parameter restrictions, depending on which analogy is assumed. Our pricing kernel-based HJM setup leads to a unique parameter restriction (the classical HJM drift condition for the
y-market ZCB-system), which subsumes both analogies, since our setup does not require us to specify an exchange rate process in an ad hoc exogenous manner. This may be seen in the following proposition, recalling the results from Proposition 1.
Proposition 5. The xy-HJM framework’s forward curve-conversion factor process satisfies:while the spot curve-conversion factor process satisfies:where . Proof. Using the definition of the conversion factor, Equation (
3), along with Definition 6, observe that
, while
. The result then follows by a straightforward application of Ito’s Lemma using Equations (
60) and (
59). ☐
Remark 12. By the Girsanov theorem, it is straightforward to show that there is a multi-dimensional -Brownian motion that satisfies upon changing measure from to the x-market risk-neutral measure . Moreover, there is also a multi-dimensional -Brownian motion that satisfies upon changing measure from to the x-market T-forward measure .
In this paper, we have proposed the xy-formalism for multi-curve interest rate modelling and in turn advocated model structures for both multi-curve emerging and developed market forward IBOR processes (see Definitions 3 and 2, respectively). We document these multi-curve forward IBOR processes within the xy-HJM context in the next definition.
Definition 7. Within the xy-HJM framework, the multi-curve emerging market y-tenored forward IBOR process is given by:with the FCF process, , satisfying:for , such that the process is a -(local) martingale. The multi-curve developed market y-tenored forward IBOR process is given by:with the converted FCF process, , satisfying:for , such that the process is a -(local) martingale. We note that is also a -(local) martingale; however, the multi-curve developed market y-tenored forward IBOR process does not have an elegant differential representation as it is essentially the difference between two stochastic processes, these being the converted FCF process and the curve-conversion factor process.
Remark 13. The only parameter restrictions required by the xy-HJM framework are the classical HJM drift conditions for both the x- and y-market ZCB systems. Therefore, Model (iii), as presented in Grbac and Runggaldier (2015), is also a viable model for the developed market forward IBOR process, albeit an unnatural one given the incompatibility between the x-market pricing kernel () and the y-market forward IBOR process (). Another viable model within the xy-HJM framework is that of Nguyen and Seifried (2015), given by Equation (39); however, recall the observations in Remark 5 regarding this model. In the next section, rational multi-curve models are introduced. Such models, and in particular those produced in
Section 5.2, provide a rich class of flexible and tractable specifications for xy-HJM multi-curve models and associated spread dynamics.