Magnetic Compression Anastomosis–Past Experience and Current Proposals for Further Development in Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. General Aspects and Preclinical Experiments
- At the anastomotic line, epithelization and connective tissue matrix proliferation dynamically develop at the so called “zone of moderate compression”, where the compression forces decrease gradually towards the periphery. This is effectively modulated by the rounded edges of magnetic compression surfaces. Flat magnets should not be used for MCA because they are associated with a higher degree of scarring and, thus, stricture formation.
- In the demarcated central zone, maximal compression is required to ensure reliable anastomotic coaptation, and to exponentially compress the subjected tissue to the point of desiccation and necrosis, preventing suppurative necrosis with inflammation within the anastomosis itself, which may lead to inadequate anastomosis formation and increased proliferation of granulation tissue.
- At the demarcation zone that constitutes the inner anastomotic line, epithelization steadily progresses and bridges the rim of the thinned desiccated central tissue. The magnet thereby gradually becomes detached and passes distally within 7 to 10 days; thus, the anastomotic healing by primary intention is completed (Figure 2) [15,17,18,20].
3.2. Review of Clinical Trials
3.2.1. Non-Operative MCA Esophageal Recanalization
3.2.2. Non-Operative MCA Ileostomy Undiversion
3.2.3. Swenson Type MCA-Based Pull-through for Hirschsprung Disease
3.2.4. Non-Operative Urethral Recanalization
3.2.5. Extravesical Ureterocystoneostomy
3.3. Clinical Success for MCA
3.4. Recognized Adverse Effects Associated with MCA
- Inability to safely perform ileostomy undiversion in two patients due to interposing of excessively thick tissue, so that the procedure was aborted due to safety concerns [24];
4. Discussion
- Designing and industrially manufacturing biocompatible and safe rare earth magnetic devices for specific anastomotic indications with optimal parameters of compression, size, and specific geometrical shape for creating MCA in pediatric gastrointestinal and urinary structures.
- Designing and industrially manufacturing an auxiliary magnetic driving device with computerized technology that would facilitate intraluminal magnet positioning and coaptation, ensuring efficient MCA creation while electronically monitoring and securing optimal tissue compression. This should be facilitated by measuring the distance and the resulting effective magnetic coercivity force, thereby detecting possible undue anastomotic tissue tension and/or bulky tissue interposition between magnets in real-time.
- Push for further research into the development and standardization of MCA in conjuncture with pediatric MIS with a focus on the following procedures:
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- Endoluminal recanalization in short-length obstructive lesions with a various pathogenesis and localization;
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- Non-operative undiversion of intestinal stomas;
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- Laparoscopic pull-through;
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- Laparoscopic extravesical ureteric reimplantation;
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- Laparoscopic biliary-digestive reconstruction;
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- Laparoscopic duodenal atresia repair;
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- Laparoscopic-assisted repair of certain anorectal malformations;
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- Thoracoscopic esophageal atresia repair with and without a fistula.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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MCA Locations and Types | Animal Model | n |
Small intestine (end-to-end and side-to-side) | rabbit | 96 (42 and 54) |
Colorectal end-to-end | canine | 47 |
Ureterovesical side-to-side with Lich-Gregoir tunnelling | canine | 55 |
Urethral end-to-end | canine | 52 |
Indications for MCA | Successful Outcomes | Adverse Outcomes |
Esophageal recanalization (n = 15) | Esophageal patency restored (n = 9) | Perforation (n = 1) Restenosis (n = 5) |
Ileostomy undiversion (n = 46) | Intestinal passage restored (n = 44) | Technical failure (n = 2) |
Swenson pull-through (n = 10) | Colorectal junction patent (n = 6) | Postop stenosis (n = 2) |
Urethral recanalization (n = 5) | Urethral patency restored (n = 4) | Partial restenosis (n = 1) |
Extravesical ureterocystostomy (n = 11) | Neo-orifice functional (n = 11) | none |
Total (n = 87) | n = 76, overall success rate 87.3% | n = 11, adverse outcomes in 12.6% |
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Kotlovsky, A.M.; Muensterer, O.J.; Nikolaev, V.V.; Razumovskiy, A.Y. Magnetic Compression Anastomosis–Past Experience and Current Proposals for Further Development in Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery. Children 2023, 10, 1328.
Kotlovsky AM, Muensterer OJ, Nikolaev VV, Razumovskiy AY. Magnetic Compression Anastomosis–Past Experience and Current Proposals for Further Development in Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery. Children. 2023; 10(8):1328.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKotlovsky, Anatole M., Oliver J. Muensterer, Vasily V. Nikolaev, and Alexander Y. Razumovskiy. 2023. "Magnetic Compression Anastomosis–Past Experience and Current Proposals for Further Development in Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery" Children 10, no. 8: 1328.
APA StyleKotlovsky, A. M., Muensterer, O. J., Nikolaev, V. V., & Razumovskiy, A. Y. (2023). Magnetic Compression Anastomosis–Past Experience and Current Proposals for Further Development in Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery. Children, 10(8), 1328.