A Drive-through Simulation Tool for Mass Vaccination during COVID-19 Pandemic
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Drive-through in Public Health and Mass Vaccination
2.2. Design and Operational Challenges of Drive-through Facilities for Mass Vaccination
2.3. Drive-through Mass Vaccination Modeling and Simulation Tools
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Drive-through Layout
3.2. Drive-through Model Agents and Processes
3.3. Simulation Inputs and Outputs
- Open service lanes (minimum: 1; maximum: 10; default: 10).
- Number of staff serving in each open service lane (minimum: 2; maximum: 4; default: 4).
- Choice to dedicate lanes to High Occupancy Vehicles (HOVs) to allocate specific lanes to them or not. This policy requires and enforces that all ten service lanes be in operation.
- Number of lanes assigned to the HOVs (minimum: 1; maximum: 9; default: 5).
- Choice to automatically optimize the number of HOV lanes according to the last hour queue patterns.
- Choice to parallelize service where possible (if enough staff are available at the LOV station) to Low Occupancy Vehicles (LOVs). This policy choice is only available if the HOV choice is selected.
- Choice to allow pre-registration of clients (default: false), as well as the fraction of clients (at car level) that preregister (default if pre-registration is chosen: 75%), and the timesaving factor that becomes effective for the pre-registered clients (default if pre-registration is chosen: 25%);
- Average registration and vaccination times per person (default: 6.44 and 5.36 min respectively).
- Average recovery time per car (default: 5 min).
- Minimum and maximum passengers in a car (default: 1 and 5, respectively).
- Fraction of dependent children (except the driver) on average (default: 20%).
- Number of incoming cars per minute (default: 5).
- Fraction of cars rejected from the screening booth (default: 1%).
- Number of shifts per day.
- Working hours per shift.
- Number of days (for the whole simulation run).
4. Results
4.1. Base Experiment
4.2. Parameter Variations and Sensitivity Analyses
4.2.1. Number of Lanes
4.2.2. Number of Staff in Each Station
4.2.3. Pre-Registration
4.2.4. Arrival Rate and Schedule
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Value |
Greeting and screening time per car (minute) | Uniform (0.25, 0.5) |
Average registration time (minute) per passenger | 4.24 * |
Average vaccination/dispensing time per passenger (minute) | 3.36 * |
Minimum number of passengers | 1 |
Maximum number of passengers | 5 |
Fraction of non-adult passengers | 0.2 |
Number of incoming cars per minute | 5 |
Fraction of cars rejected at the screening | 0.01 |
Number of shifts per day | 3 |
Hours of operations in each shift | 8 |
Number of days | 1 |
Lanes open | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
Staff in each station | 4 |
Pre-registration | No |
High occupancy vehicle lane | No |
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Share and Cite
Asgary, A.; Najafabadi, M.M.; Karsseboom, R.; Wu, J. A Drive-through Simulation Tool for Mass Vaccination during COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare 2020, 8, 469. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040469
Asgary A, Najafabadi MM, Karsseboom R, Wu J. A Drive-through Simulation Tool for Mass Vaccination during COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare. 2020; 8(4):469. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040469
Chicago/Turabian StyleAsgary, Ali, Mahdi M. Najafabadi, Richard Karsseboom, and Jianhong Wu. 2020. "A Drive-through Simulation Tool for Mass Vaccination during COVID-19 Pandemic" Healthcare 8, no. 4: 469. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040469
APA StyleAsgary, A., Najafabadi, M. M., Karsseboom, R., & Wu, J. (2020). A Drive-through Simulation Tool for Mass Vaccination during COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare, 8(4), 469. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040469