Health-Related, Social and Cognitive Factors Explaining Gambling Addiction
:1. Introduction
1.1. Current State of Gambling Addiction
1.2. Relationship of Gambling Addiction to Clinical and Health Factors
1.3. Relation of Gambling Addiction with Social and Cognitive Factors
1.4. The Role of Cognitive Distortions in Gambling
1.5. The Present Study
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
2.2. Measurement Instruments
2.3. Procedure
2.4. Ethical Considerations
2.5. Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Relation of the Various Factors with Gambling Addiction
3.2. Regressions on Gambling Addiction
4. Discussion
Study Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristics | Total (n = 258) |
Women, n (%) | 153 (59.5) |
Mean age (SD) | 20.95 (2.19) |
Nationality, n (%) | |
Spanish | 249 (96.5) |
Others | 9 (3.5) |
Relationship status, n (%) | |
Single | 150 (58.2) |
In a relationship | 102 (39.5) |
Married | 6 (2.3) |
Work situation, n (%) | |
Unemployed | 183 (71) |
Part-time | 66 (25.5) |
Full-time | 9 (3.5) |
Factors | SOGS |
Depression | 0.2 ** |
Focusing on solving the problem | −0.01 |
Negative self-targeting | 0.05 |
Positive re-evaluation | −0.06 |
Open emotional expression | 0.14 * |
Avoidance | −0.07 |
Seeking social support | −0.1 |
Religion | 0.18 ** |
Prosocial behavior | −0.13 * |
Susceptibility to priming | 0.25 ** |
Cognitive distortions about gambling | 0.5 ** |
Maximum sum wagered | 0.52 ** |
Predictor | β | T | p |
Depression | 0.24 | 3.01 | <0.01 |
Priming susceptibility | 0.25 | 3.27 | <0.01 |
Prosocial behavior | −0.18 | −2.28 | <0.05 |
Religion | 0.17 | 2.18 | <0.05 |
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Esparza-Reig, J.; Martí-Vilar, M.; González-Sala, F.; Merino-Soto, C.; Hernández-Salinas, G.; Toledano-Toledano, F. Health-Related, Social and Cognitive Factors Explaining Gambling Addiction. Healthcare 2023, 11, 2657.
Esparza-Reig J, Martí-Vilar M, González-Sala F, Merino-Soto C, Hernández-Salinas G, Toledano-Toledano F. Health-Related, Social and Cognitive Factors Explaining Gambling Addiction. Healthcare. 2023; 11(19):2657.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEsparza-Reig, Javier, Manuel Martí-Vilar, Francisco González-Sala, César Merino-Soto, Gregorio Hernández-Salinas, and Filiberto Toledano-Toledano. 2023. "Health-Related, Social and Cognitive Factors Explaining Gambling Addiction" Healthcare 11, no. 19: 2657.
APA StyleEsparza-Reig, J., Martí-Vilar, M., González-Sala, F., Merino-Soto, C., Hernández-Salinas, G., & Toledano-Toledano, F. (2023). Health-Related, Social and Cognitive Factors Explaining Gambling Addiction. Healthcare, 11(19), 2657.