Eliminating Stick-Slip Vibrations in Drill-Strings with a Dual-Loop Control Strategy Optimised by the CRO-SL Algorithm
:1. Introduction
2. System Model
2.1. Mathematical Model
2.2. Bit–Rock Interaction
3. Control Design and Parameter Optimisation
- : The steady-state error between the desired (top-drive) and achieved (drill-bit) angular velocity .
- : The residual vibration .
- : The settling time of the variables and
- : The control effort from a determined value of time, which rejects solutions with chattering.
Coral Reefs Optimisation Algorithm with Substrate Layer: A Multi-Method Ensemble Approach
Algorithm 1 Pseudo-code for the original CRO |
Require: Valid configuration of parameters controlling the CRO algorithm Ensure: A single individual with near-optimal value of its fitness
- Harmony Search (HS): It is a metaheuristic method based on stochastic optimisation [38]. It imitates the process found in music improvisation, which searches for better harmony. There are two parameters that determine the way in which new larvae are generated: (i) Harmony Memory Considering Rate (HMCR), which ranges from zero to one. If a uniformly spawned value is above the value of HMCR, then the encoded parameter value is uniformly drawn from the values in the coral, (ii) Pitch Adjusting Rate (PAR), which ranges from zero to one, which sets the probability of choosing a neighbour value of the current larva.
- Differential Evolution (DE): It is an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA), which has good abilities for global search [63]. The new larvae can be generated either by the mutation or crossover process. For a randomly selected encoded parameter, if a uniformly generated value is above the Crossover Probability (CR) value, which ranges from zero to one, the new value is obtained by , in which F is the evolution factor. Otherwise, the value is crossed with the randomly selected encoded parameter.
- Classical 2-points crossover (2Px): The crossover operator is the most used exploration mechanism in genetic and evolutionary algorithms [64] since its combination with an efficient mutation process allows achieving a suitable balance between exploration and exploitation. 2Px selects two random parents and exchanges the genetic material in-between two random points on them. Despite that each substrate is linked to a searching process, when another parent must be picked, the selection is not limited to their substrate, but it can be chosen from any part of the population instead. The reason is to contribute to genetic information exchange among substrates so they can easily cooperate.
- Multi-points crossover (MPx): This search method is a generalisation of the 2Px. In this case, k points are selected in the parents. In this work, due to the dimensionality of the problem, the value of k has been chosen to be three. Thus, a binary vector decides whether the parts of each parent are exchanged or not for the new offspring generation.
- Gaussian Mutation (GM): The Gaussian Mutation is a noisy search method based on adding random values from the Gaussian distribution to the encoded parameter values, thus generating an offspring. The standard deviation value in this work is linearly decreasing during the run, from to , where is the domain search. The Gaussian probability density function is:
4. Computational Evaluation
- , , and ;
- = 40 s and = 120 s;
- N is the result of using a 0.001 s of sampling time. The simulation is carried out by a fourth-order ordinal differential equation solver (Runge–Kutta) with fixed time of 0.001 s (i.e., );
- The input torque is, as mentioned earlier, limited to N·m.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Values |
13.93 kg · m2 | |
1.1378 kg · m2 | |
C | 0.005 N · m · s/rad |
K | 10 N · m/rad |
11.38 N · m · s/rad | |
0.0843 | |
0.0685 | |
0.0492 m | |
0.3 | |
0.1935 | |
Parameter | Description | Value |
Reef | Reef size | 120 |
Frequency of broadcast spawning | 97% | |
Substrates | HS, DE, 2Px, MPx, GM | 5 |
Number of tries for larvae settlement | 3 | |
Percentage of asexual reproduction | 5% | |
Fraction of corals for depredation | 5% | |
Probability of depredation | 5% | |
Maximum number of iterations | 50 |
Optimal Control Parameters | |||
P | I | ||
3.33 × |
Non-Optimal Control Parameters | |||
P | I | ||
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Share and Cite
Pérez-Aracil, J.; Camacho-Gómez, C.; Pereira, E.; Vaziri, V.; Aphale, S.S.; Salcedo-Sanz, S. Eliminating Stick-Slip Vibrations in Drill-Strings with a Dual-Loop Control Strategy Optimised by the CRO-SL Algorithm. Mathematics 2021, 9, 1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9131526
Pérez-Aracil J, Camacho-Gómez C, Pereira E, Vaziri V, Aphale SS, Salcedo-Sanz S. Eliminating Stick-Slip Vibrations in Drill-Strings with a Dual-Loop Control Strategy Optimised by the CRO-SL Algorithm. Mathematics. 2021; 9(13):1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9131526
Chicago/Turabian StylePérez-Aracil, Jorge, Carlos Camacho-Gómez, Emiliano Pereira, Vahid Vaziri, Sumeet S. Aphale, and Sancho Salcedo-Sanz. 2021. "Eliminating Stick-Slip Vibrations in Drill-Strings with a Dual-Loop Control Strategy Optimised by the CRO-SL Algorithm" Mathematics 9, no. 13: 1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9131526
APA StylePérez-Aracil, J., Camacho-Gómez, C., Pereira, E., Vaziri, V., Aphale, S. S., & Salcedo-Sanz, S. (2021). Eliminating Stick-Slip Vibrations in Drill-Strings with a Dual-Loop Control Strategy Optimised by the CRO-SL Algorithm. Mathematics, 9(13), 1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9131526