1. Introduction and Statements of Results
Let denote set of all positive integers. For let be a triple with called a Pythagorean triple. The Pythagorean theorem states that the lengths of the sides of a right triangle turns to a Pythagorean triple. Moreover, if is a Pythagorean triple, so is , for any If the triple is called a primitive Pythagorean triple. Of course, the most famous one among them is . The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta (598–665 AD) gave a practical way generating all primitive Pythagorean triples: a triple is a primitive Pythagorean triple for every satisfying the following conditions
(mod 2) (see [
Recently, in [
2], the authors extended this notion to the triple of integer-valued
matrices. Namely, a triple of such matrices
is said to be
Pythagorean if it satisfies
As a trivial example, Equation (1) holds for any triple
in which
are Pythagorean triples. We refer to [
2] for non-trivial examples and more details. We notice that this is not the first connection between Pythagorean triples and square matrices, see [
This interesting extension of Pythagorean triples motivates us to search a counterpart, in Differential Geometry, of this topic of Number Theory. For this purpose, a surface
immersed into a 3-dimensional Riemannian space form
are the squares of the matrices corresponding to the first, second and third fundamental forms of
, respectively, is considered. We call Equation (2) the
Pythagorean-like formula for a surface immersed into
As an example, let
be the 3-dimensional Euclidean space
As usual we denote by
a sphere of radius
r in
centered at the origin. As is known, the metric of
is given by
; for
one naturally obtains the Euclidean metric
. The second and the third fundamental forms of
satisfies the Pythagorean-like formula if and only if the following algebraic equation of degree 2 holds
Equation (
3) has only one positive root, i.e.,
, which is the conjugate of
, the
Golden Ratio. This immediately implies that the Gauss curvature
becomes the Golden Ratio.
Besides the Pythagorean Theorem, since the early ages, Golden ratio
have had great interest not only for mathematicians but also for other scientists, philosophers, architects, and artists, for example see [
5]. Indeed, we can see its importance due to Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), reference ([
“Geometry has two great treasures; one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a precious jewel”.
The main result is the following.
Theorem 1. Let be a compact surface immersed into with nonzero extrinsic curvature everywhere. If satisfies a Pythagorean-like formula given by Equation , then it is a totally umbilical round sphere with Gauss curvature where φ is the Golden ratio.
Remark 1. For , we take an open hemisphere
We also denote by A the matrix corresponding to the shape operator
The Pythagorean-like formula also can be interpreted in terms of shape operator
which is similar to the equation
is identity on the tangent bundle of
In [
7], Equation (4) was completely solved for the so-called
golden-shaped hypersurfaces in real space forms.
We notice that the starting point for the main idea of this study is the Pythagorean Theorem in spite of the fact that the Pythagorean-like formula given by Equation (
2) is not directly related to the distance between points as in the usual case.
2. Preliminaries
In this section we provide some basics from [
denote a 3-dimensional Riemannian space form of constant sectional curvature
a Riemannian metric on
. Therefore,
turns to the
Euclidean space the 3-
sphere and the
hyperbolic space when
respectively. Here,
is the usual unit sphere of
given by
the hyperquadric of the Lorentz–Minkowski space
given by
is the standard Lorentzian metric. We denote by
the open hemisphere consisting of all points
x on
Next, let
be an orientable surface immersed into
with metric
induced from Riemannian metric
Denote by
the unit normal vector field over
the tangent space of
at the point
second fundamental form is the symmetric bilinear form given by
is the
shape operator. is called
totally geodesic when
totally umbilical when
, where
is a nonzero constant. The eigenvalues of
p, denoted by
, are called the
principal curvatures of
Denoting the trace of A by
is called the
mean curvature of
is said to be
minimal if
H vanishes identically.
The Gauss equation for
gives the
Gauss curvature K by
is the
extrinsic curvature of
In the Euclidean setting, obviously we have
Noting that
is a self-adjoint linear operator at each point of
, we introduce the
third fundamental form of
p by
Therefore, the Cayley–Hamilton Theorem for the matrix
has the form:
3. Proof of Theorem 1
be an immersed surface into
, respectively, satisfying the Pythagorean-like formula given by Equation (
2). If
is totally geodesic, i.e.,
then it follows
and hence the Pythagorean-like formula leads to the contradiction
Furthermore, if
is degenerate, or equivalently
, then the Equations (2) and (5) imply
which contradicts the fact that
is positive definite. Therefore, we necessarily assume
everywhere. In the Euclidean setting, it is equivalent to assume
everywhere. If
is minimal, from Equations (2) and (5) we derive
Taking the determinant, we obtain
at each point of
. Then
is a nonzero constant, or equivalently,
K is constant. If the ambient space is
must be totally geodesic (see [
10] (Corollary 1)), which gives a contradiction. Otherwise, i.e., the ambient space is
, there exist two cases (for details, see [
11] (Corollary 3)):
Case a. and is totally geodesic. This case is not possible, already we discussed it above.
Case b. and is an open piece of the Clifford torus. Thus, , which does not fulfill Equation .
Consequently, an immersed surface into or satisfying the Pythagorean-like formula can be neither totally geodesic, nor minimal, nor have degenerate second fundamental form.
Next we present the proof of the main result.
Proof of Theorem. Let
be a compact surface immersed into
, respectively, with non-degenerate second fundamental form. Assume that
satisfies the Pythagorean-like formula. By substituting (5) into (2), we get
Notice that matrices do not commute by matrix multiplication
. Since
is positive definite and everywhere
have inverse matrices and thus Equation (
8) can be rewritten as
denotes the inverse matrix of
is the
unit matrix. Taking the determinant of the Equation (
9), we obtain
, Equation (
10) reduces to
By substituting
into Equation (
11), we obtain
Now assume that
in Equation (
12). Thereby Equation (
11) reduces to
Because of compactness of
, there exist a point
at which
is strictly positive, i.e.,
(see [
12] (Theorem 13.36)). Furthermore, because
Equation (
13) yields
which is not possible because the left-hand side of formula (
14) is strictly positive: contradiction. This implies from Equation (
12) that
for each point of
Solving Equation (
15) yields that
is a constant
is the Golden Ratio. Since
is strictly positive at least at a point on
one leads to
Therefore, we obtain
This completes the proof by the fact that every compact surface with
constant is a totally umbilical round sphere (see [
13] (Theorem 1)). □