1. Introduction
Associative, Jordan, and Lie ideals of nest algebras on Hilbert space have been substantially investigated in the literature (e.g., [
4]), whilst in what concerns their module structure, or the corresponding theory in the Banach space setting, the literature is not so abundant. Notwithstanding, some headway in that direction has been made, as in the case of [
9], for example.
In particular, the Lie structure of Hilbert space nest algebras seems to be substantially more difficult to unveil than its associative counterpart. In fact, bimodules of Hilbert space nest algebras were fully characterised in the early eighties ([
1]), whilst Lie ideals had to wait for almost twenty years to be given some insight ([
2]). The existing characterisation of Lie ideals, provided by Hudson, Marcoux, and Sourour in ([
2], Theorem 12), is given in terms of inclusions: it states that any weakly closed Lie ideal of a Hilbert space nest algebra must contain a weakly closed ideal and be contained in the sum of that ideal with a von Neumann subalgebra of the diagonal of the nest algebra.
Almost two decades later, this characterisation of Lie ideals of nest algebras was shown to admit an extension to Lie modules ([
8]). It was proved in [
8] that for any weakly closed Lie module
of a nest algebra
, similarly to ([
2], Theorem 12), there exist weakly closed
and a von Neumann subalgebra
of the diagonal of the nest algebra, such that:
is the largest weakly closed
-bimodule contained in
(cf. ([
8], Theorem 1)).
The present work is an extension of ([
8], Theorem 1), and consequently, of ([
2], Theorem 12) both in what concerns the setting and the structures considered: here, we go from Hilbert to Banach spaces and from Lie ideals to Lie modules. It is also the case that, with respect to the bimodule
we obtain a stronger result inasmuch as we are able to characterise the largest
-bimodule contained in a weakly closed subspace
not necessarily a Lie
-module (see Theorem 1). In this regard, we also characterise the weakly closed bimodule generated by a given subspace of
which needs not be closed in any topology (see Proposition 1).
Some challenges arise when attempting to extend the second inclusion in (1) to the Banach space setting, mainly due to the absence of orthogonal projections intrinsically associated with the structure of Banach spaces, whereas, in the case of Hilbert spaces, orthogonality is a key tool to obtain the results. However, we show that an identical result still holds for a class of Banach space nest algebras (see
Section 3).
The main results are Theorems 1–3, the latter two appearing in
Section 3 and the first one appearing in
Section 2.
This work is organised as follows.
Section 2 is concerned with the first inclusion in (1) and culminates with its main result, i.e., Theorem 1. In this theorem, we obtain an explicit description of the largest
similar to that of [
8], but now holding for any weakly closed subspace
be it a Lie
-module or not. Moreover, we also characterise the smallest weakly closed
-bimodule that contains a subspace
which is not assumed to be closed in any topology (Proposition 1). In
Section 3, we construct a weakly closed
and a weakly closed subalgebra
determined by
such that the second inclusion in (1) can be extended to an appropriate class of Banach space nest algebras (those satisfying the so-called
-property defined in
Section 3) and their modules (Theorem 2).
Section 3 ends with Theorem 3, which integrates all the main results for the class of nest algebras satisfying the
Section 3 also includes two examples: one example of a nest algebra satisfying the
π-property (Example 1), and another giving the explicit form of a weakly closed Lie module, which was obtained using the three main theorems of this work (Example 2).
We end this section by establishing some notation and recalling a few facts needed in what follows. Let
X be a complex Banach space, and let
denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on
X. The set of closed subspaces of
X is partially ordered by set inclusion. A family
of closed subspaces of
X is said to be a
subspace lattice if it contains arbitrary infima and suprema, that is, if it is closed under intersections (∧) and norm closure of linear spans (∨). A
nest is a totally ordered subspace lattice containing
. The
nest algebra associated with the nest
is the weakly closed subalgebra of
defined by:
The space together with the product defined, for all , by is a Lie algebra. A linear subspace of is called an -bimodule if , and a Lie -module if .
, we define
f lie in the dual space
X, and let
. The rank one operator
X is defined by
. Following [
7], define
where the annihilator of a subspace
. The closure, in the weak operator topology, of a set
is denoted by
. Recall that the
strong operator topology and the
weak operator topology on
are defined, respectively, by means of convergence of nets as:
- (i)
A net in converges to the operator T in the strong operator topology if converges to , for all .
- (ii)
A net in converges to the operator T in the weak operator topology if converges to , for all and .
The next two lemmas make a note of some facts, whose proofs are included for the reader’s convenience.
Lemma 1. Let be a nest on a Banach space X, and let . Then, the following hold:
- (i)
- (ii)
is dense in in the weak*-topology of .
Proof. (i) If is such that , then . Hence, . For any such that , we have , and therefore, . Hence, is equal to N or . However, if , then , because . Therefore, in both cases, .
(ii) The assertion holds trivially for . Suppose now that . Observe that is weak*-closed and that, for , we have . Let . If , then , and consequently, .
Suppose now that
. Then, the pre-annihilator of
Y is:
In the third equality, we make use of the fact that all
are closed and, in the last equality, of the fact that
, whose proof is similar to that of Lemma 1 (i). It follows that the weak*- closure of
Y is
. □
The next lemma is essentially in [
Lemma 2. Let be a nest on a Banach space X, let be the corresponding nest algebra, let be a norm closed -bimodule, and let be a rank one operator. Then, the following hold:
- (i)
The operator lies in if and only if there exists such that and ;
- (ii)
If lies in , then, for all , the rank one operator lies in ;
- (iii)
If lies in , then, for all , the rank one operator lies in ;
- (iv)
If is weakly closed and lies in , then, for all , , the rank one operator lies in .
Proof. (ii) We begin by proving a claim.
Claim. If is such that , then, for all , the operator lies in .
. Since
. Thus:
is closed. By the Hahn–Banach Theorem, there exists
such that
. Thus, by (i),
. Since
is a module, it follows from
lies in
, thus establishing the claim.
Now, let be arbitrary. Notice that the case has already been addressed. By Lemma 1 (i), . Hence, there exists a sequence in that converges to z in the norm topology. Accordingly, let , where, for all , and . By the above claim, each . Since is norm closed and converges in norm to , one has that .
(iii) Firstly we prove the following claim.
Claim. If is such that , then, for all , the operator lies in .
Let . Since , , hence, we can choose such that . To show that , we consider the two cases and separately.
If , then . Since and , by (i), . If , then . Additionally, we have , which implies . Thus, by (i), .
is a module,
which finishes the proof of the claim.
Now let be arbitrary. Notice that the case has already been addressed. By Lemma 1 (ii), there exists a net in that converges to g in the weak*-topology. Accordingly, each , for some with . By the above claim, each lies in . The weak convergence of the net to yields .
(iv) Since , by (ii) we have . Therefore, since , by (iii), it follows that . □
For simplicity, in what follows, -bimodules and Lie -modules might be referred to as bimodules and Lie modules, respectively.
2. Bimodules
A function on a Banach space nest is said to be an order homomorphism if , whenever . An order homomorphism is said to be left continuous if, for any set , .
It is well known that, for Banach and Hilbert spaces alike, weakly closed bimodules of nest algebras can be determined by order homomorphisms on the relevant nests (see, e.g., [
6]). In this section, we resume the analysis of these order homomorphisms associated with bimodules. However, in contrast to [
6], we obtain an explicit description of the order homomorphism solely determined by the rank one operators in the bimodule. This approach is akin to that taken in [
8] in the Hilbert space setting.
The next lemma, of which we make a note here for future reference, is a consequence of ([
6], Theorem 2.10, Corollary 2.13, Theorem 2.15).
Lemma 3. Let be a nest in a Banach space X, let be the corresponding nest algebra, and let be a weakly closed -bimodule. Then, there exists a left continuous order homomorphism such that:Moreover, coincides with the closure in the weak operator topology of the linear span of its rank one operators. Remark 1. Notice that, by Lemma 3, the weak closure of an -bimodule is:for some left continuous order homomorphism . Lemma 4. Let be a nest on a Banach space X, let be the corresponding nest algebra, and let be a weakly closed -bimodule. Let be the mapping defined, for all , by:Then, a rank one operator if and only if, for all , . The map ϕ on is a left continuous order homomorphism. Proof. Let be a rank one operator in , and let . If , then . Since , we have that , and therefore, . On the other hand, if , then , since . Hence, .
Conversely, suppose that, for all , one has . We begin by proving a claim.
Claim. If is such that , then, for all , the operator lies in .
, we know that
. In addition,
, and therefore,
. Hence, there exists a sequence
converging to
y in the norm topology. Accordingly, for all
, there exists
, with
. Since
, it follows that
. By Lemma 2 (iv), each
. Since
converges to
in the norm topology,
, thus establishing the claim.
Now let be arbitrary. Observe that the case has already been addressed. By Lemma 1 (ii), there exists a net in which converges to g in the weak*-topology. Accordingly, each , for some with . By the above claim, each lies in . As weakly converges to , and it follows that . In particular, , yielding .
We will show next that
is a left continuous order homomorphism. Let
be such that
. Then:
and consequently,
. Hence,
is an order homomorphism on
be a non-empty family of subspaces of
and set
. We must show
. If
, then, since
is an order homomorphism,
. If
, then for each
there exists
such that
. Hence:
By the definition (2) of , we have . Since is an order homomorphism, the inequality also holds. Thus, , which shows that is left continuous. □
Corollary 1. Let be a nest in a Banach space X, let be the corresponding nest algebra, and let be a weakly closed -bimodule. Let a rank one operator of , and letThen, if and only if . Proof. Suppose
. By Lemma 3, there exists an order homomorphism
such that:
If , then, since , we have .
If , then, since , by (2), . Hence, since , we have .
Therefore, for any , for all . Thus, .
Conversely, suppose . Since , it is immediate that . □
We are now able to characterise the largest -bimodule contained in a weakly closed subspace of .
Theorem 1. Let be a weakly closed subspace of the algebra of bounded linear operators on a complex Banach space X, let:and let be the left continuous order homomorphism defined by:Then, the largest -bimodule contained in is: Notice that, since this theorem holds for general weakly closed subspaces of
, it also gives a characterisation of the largest
-bimodule contained in a weakly closed Lie
-module. It is also worth pointing out that the order homomorphism
is uniquely determined amongst those fixing
(see ([
6], Proposition 2.3)).
Proof. We show next that coincides with the set of rank one operators in .
Suppose firstly that is an operator in , and let with . It follows from the definition (4) that . Hence, , and consequently, . On the other hand, if , then . Hence, . Therefore, .
Conversely, we must show that, if , then , that is, for all the operator .
Fix then a rank one operator lying in . Firstly, we prove that for , with , and , the operator lies in .
Observe that , for . Since , it is also the case that is a non-zero set spanned by y. Therefore, , and consequently, . Now, we consider two cases: (1) and (2) .
By (4), there exists a rank one operator
such that
. Since
, one has
. Since
, it follows that:
Hence, since , we have that .
- Case (2).
In this case, . For , there exists a sequence in converging to z in the norm topology. Accordingly, for all j, consider , with .
It follows from that . Notice also that , yield .
Since , , and , the operator lies in , for all . Noticing that weakly converges to , it follows that . That is, for all and , the operator lies in . Hence, by (3), one has , which ends the proof of the claim.
Consider again the operator and let . Then, by Lemma 1 (ii), there exists a net (gj) in span{} that converges to g in the weak*-topology. Accordingly, let , where .
By the above claim, each . Hence, by (3), for all , the operator lies in . Since is weakly closed and weakly converges to , we have that . Therefore, , as required.
We have shown that the set of rank one operators of the weakly closed -bimodule coincides with . Therefore, by Lemma 3, is equal to the closure in the weak operator topology of the linear span of . Since , it follows that .
We show now that, if is an -bimodule that is contained in and contains , then . It suffices to consider the case where is weakly closed. Notice that, if this were not the case, then the closure of in the weak operator topology is itself an -bimodule containing and contained in , since is weakly closed.
Let . By Lemma 2 (iv), for all and , the operator lies in . Hence, since , , and consequently, . Since , the bimodules and have the same set of rank one operators. By Lemma 3, both and coincide with the closure in the weak operator topology of the linear span of , yielding . Consequently, is the largest -bimodule contained in .
We omit the proof that is a left continuous order homomorphism, as it is very similar to the one presented in Lemma 4. □
As a complement to Theorem 1, which describes the largest -bimodule contained in a weakly closed subspace , the following proposition describes the smallest (weakly closed) -bimodule containing a subspace .
Proposition 1. Let be a subspace of the algebra of bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. Let be a nest in X and let be the corresponding nest algebra. Then, the smallest weakly closed -bimodule containing is:where is the order homomorphism defined by: Proof. It is immediate from the definition of that, for all and , we have . Therefore, . It is also easy to see that is a weakly closed -bimodule.
be a weakly closed
-bimodule. By Lemma 3:
for some left continuous order homomorphism
. Suppose that there exists
for which
. Then, by the definition of
, there exists
such that
, yielding that
. Therefore, for the condition
to hold, it is necessary that, for all
, we have
. It follows that
, and consequently,
is the smallest weakly closed
-bimodule containing
. □
3. Lie Modules
In this section, we consider nest algebras associated with families of projections. A
projection P on
X is a bounded linear operator such that
. The set
of projections on
X can be endowed with an ordering: for projections
, define
(see [
10]). Notice that, in this case,
Now, we consider nests
of complemented subspaces. More precisely, we assume that, for every
, there exists a subspace
C of
X such that
is isomorphic to
X (as topological vector spaces), and therefore, the canonical projection
induced by this isomorphism is a bounded linear operator on
X. Nests of finite dimensional or finite co-dimensional closed subspaces are concrete examples satisfying this condition (see [
12]). We will suppose additionally that the subspaces in the nest
(and their complements) are such that the corresponding projections commute (see Example 1) and will restrict our investigation to this class of nests in this section. In what follows,
will denote both the set of ranges and the associated family of projections, to simplify the notation. We will denote elements of
by the letters
when treating them as subspaces and by
when viewing them as projections.
This class of nests will allow for extending the results of [
8] in a natural way, as is shown in the remainder of this section. Henceforth, the nest algebra corresponding to a nest of the type above will be described adopting the notation of
Section 2, that is,
. In fact,
can now have an alternative description:
which will be frequently used. Notice also that
is contained in the nest algebra
Lemma 5. Let be a Lie -module and let . Then, the following hold:
- (i)
If are projections such that , then ;
- (ii)
If is weakly closed and P is a projection such that , then:
Proof. (i) Since
, we can write:
Thus, since
is a Lie
(ii) Let
be such that
. Since
is a weakly closed subspace of
, it suffices to show that, for every rank one operator
. Note that
, and by part (i) of this lemma
(see also Remark 2 below); hence, the following operator:
lies in
. Therefore,
, whenever
We will now consider the case . Suppose firstly that . Then, there exists a functional such that . Replacing by in the above calculation, we obtain that . Hence, .
By a similar reasoning, since
, it follows that
. Therefore, the following lies in
Suppose now that
. Since
, there exists
such that
, and thus, also
. Applying a reasoning along the lines of that above, leads to two equalities similar to (5), but now replacing
, respectively. It follows that
lie in
. Hence, the following lies in
Remark 2. We will often use the fact that, for all , the operators and lie in , which is a direct consequence of part (i) of this lemma.
be a weakly closed Lie
-module. We will now focus on constructing a weakly closed
and a weakly closed subalgebra
such that
To this end, we begin with the definition of four subspaces along the lines of [
Given a weakly closed Lie
, define the subspaces the subspaces
, and
Lemma 6. Let be a weakly closed Lie -module. Then, the following hold.
- (i)
is a weakly closed ideal of ;
- (ii)
is a weakly closed -bimodule;
- (iii)
Proof. (i) We start by showing
is an ideal of
. For all
, and
and hence,
. Since
is weakly closed, it follows that
. The operator
and, by Lemma 5 (i),
, therefore:
, we have shown that
. By observing that
, we conclude that this operator lies in
For every
, there is a net
converging to
U in the strong operator topology, with:
(here, we use the fact that the closure in the weak operator topology of a convex set coincides with its closure in the strong operator topology). Let
. As seen above,
. Hence:
yielding that
. Similarly,
. Thus,
is an ideal of
(ii) We will now show that
. It is sufficient to show that, for all
, the operators
, and
are in
, as we can then apply a similar argument based on limits. In fact, similarly to (7), for every
, there is a net
converging to
U in the strong operator topology, with:
. If
were such that
, and then:
yielding that
. Similarly, we could argue that
We show now that, for all , and , we have indeed that the operators and lie in . Since, by Lemma 5 (i), , we may consider only the case where .
. We can write:
The operator
is in
, and the following is in
. Hence,
Analogously, the following is in
, and the following is in
We will show next that . It suffices to show that, for all , and , the operators and lie in .
, we have
, and thus:
. It follows that
lies in
, and therefore, also in
It remains to see that
. If
, then the result holds trivially. Suppose that
. Then, by Lemma 5 (ii):
. Observe that:
, the operator
. By Lemma 5 (i),
, and hence,
. It follows that
. Therefore,
Similarly to what was just shown for , we will now prove that . It is sufficient to show that, for all , , and , the operators and are in .
, the following lies in
It only remains to see that
. If
, the result is immediate. If this is not the case, then
, as before. We have:
, the following operator lies in
Furthermore, , since . Hence, . This concludes the proof that is a weakly closed -bimodule.
(iii) Finally, we prove that
. Since
, we have only to show that:
It is sufficient to show that, for all , and , the operators and lie in .
, the result is immediate. If this is not the case, then, by Lemma 5,
. Thus, since
, and noting that
, the following is in
which shows that this operator lies also in
. □
Remark 3. Since is a weakly closed -bimodule, there exists a left continuous order homomorphism such that:as pointed out in Section 2 (see Lemma 3). Suppose that is a projection such that . Then, for all projections with , we have:where is any operator in the Lie module . In fact, since and :By the definition of , and, therefore, We turn our attention now to the construction of the weakly closed subalgebra of the nest algebra . We begin with some definitions.
be the commutant of the nest
. Observe that
is a weakly closed subalgebra of
and that we also have:
as the weakly closed algebra of all operators
for which there exists
such that:
is such that
. It is understood here that the scalar
depends both on the operator
T and the projection
We define now a property that characterises the class of nest algebras to which the main result of this section (Theorem 2) applies, as this property plays a relevant role in its proof. A nest algebra
associated with a nest
is said to have the
property if there exists a (surjective) projection
such that:
for all
. Any idempotent homomorphism is such a projection. To help motivate this definition, we mention below some examples of nest algebras with the
Example 1. Let X have a Schauder basis and let be a nest of the form where:for some with for . Then, there is a (contractive) projection satisfying, for all , . We now give a proof of this statement. Note that, for , . It is easy to see that the corresponding nest algebra is:where we define . Similarly, is the set of operators T such that . Therefore: We define the projection as follows: for each , with , for , let: Then, for any , , with and : Hence:where the sum is taken over and . Therefore: Similarly, holds. It follows that, for all , , Remark 4. Any nest in a finite dimensional Banach space X has a projection π as in Example 1. It only suffices to consider a finite basis in the above reasoning.
The nest algebras in Example 1 and Remark 4 are concrete examples of nest algebras satisfying the
-property, as is any Hilbert space nest algebra (see ([
13], Chapter II, Section 8)).
Theorem 2. Let be a nest algebra having the π-property, and let be a weakly closed Lie -module. Then, there exists a weakly closed -bimodule , and there exists a weakly closed subalgebra of such that , where and are as in (6) and (11), respectively. Moreover, .
Proof. Let and be defined as in (6) and (11), respectively. By Lemma 6 (iii), we have .
We will show that
, yielding that
. Let
be a left continuous order homomorphism such that:
which exists since
is a weakly closed
-bimodule. We will show that, for all
For any
, one has:
since, by the definition of
, the operator
lies in
. Hence:
, by the
from which it follows that
. By a similar reasoning:
Therefore, for all
which implies that
commutes with
Q. Therefore,
. It follows that:
. Therefore,
It remains to show that . Let be such that . Then, there exists such that .
Recall that
and, by Lemma 6,
. Since
, we have also
. Therefore, for any rank one operator
, the operator:
lies in
, since
. Hence, by (10):
that is:
where we have used the fact that
commutes with all
. Therefore, there exists
such that, for all
It follows that:
, as required. □
An immediate consequence of this theorem and Theorem 1 is that we can find that the inclusions in (1) do hold for nest algebras having the -property, provided the spaces involved are properly defined. We summarise this in the next theorem.
Theorem 3. Let be a nest algebra having the π-property, and let be a weakly closed Lie -module. Then, there exist weakly closed -bimodules and and there exists a weakly closed subalgebra of such that:where: - (i)
is the largest weakly closed 𝒜-bimodule contained in and is given by:where is the left continuous order homomorphism defined in (4),
- (ii)
are as in (6) and (11), respectively, and
Proof. The theorem follows immediately from Theorems 1 and 2. □
The next example applies the main results of this work to determine the form of a Lie module.
Example 2. Let be the nest in the Banach space X of Example 1, and let be the corresponding nest algebra. Let be a rank one operator, and let be the weakly closed Lie -module generated by and the identity I. We wish to find explicitly.
Observe that, by Theorem 3, the Lie module contains a non-zero largest bimodule. In fact, by Corollary 1 and Theorem 1, this bimodule must contain .
Notice also that, if is a weakly closed -bimodule containing , then is the smallest weakly closed Lie -module containing and the identity I.
Let be the smallest -bimodule containing , that is, is the -bimodule generated by . Since we want to find the smallest Lie module containing and the identity I, then it suffices to consider .
Now, by Corollary 1 and Theorem 1, the left continuous order homomorphism associated with is: Hence, where: