2. Preliminaries
In the sequel, we will use the following notation:
denote the sets of positive integers, respectively, the set of real numbers, while
denote the sets of non-negative integers, respectively, the set of non-negative real numbers. For the notions and properties of general topology employed here, we refer to the reader to [
The concept of quasi-metric space has its origin in the articles of Niemytzki [
37] and Wilson [
38], in which these authors worked with asymmetric distances for purely topological reasons. For instance, Wilson proved that every
topological space with a countable base is quasi-metrizable. Later on, many authors contributed to the progress of the theory of quasi-metric spaces in the field of general topology. An excellent compilation of articles on quasi-metric spaces published up to 1982 can be found in the monograph by Fletcher and Lindgren [
39] where the authors provided a detailed and systematized study of these structures and other related ones (for subsequent updates, see the survey article from Künzi [
40], and the book from Cobzaş [
41], and the references therein).
Let be a set. A function is a quasi-metric on , provided that it verifies the following two conditions for every :
() if and only if
In that case, we say that is a quasi-metric space.
If fulfills condition () and the next strengthening of condition (): , if and only if , we will refer to as a quasi-metric on .
In that case, we say that is a quasi-metric space.
Let be a quasi-metric on a set Then, we have the following notions and fundamental properties, denoted by () and (), respectively, which will be utilized in the rest of the paper:
() The function , defined as is also a quasi-metric on called the reverse (or the conjugate) quasi-metric of and the function defined as , is a metric on Notice that if is , then is also a quasi-metric.
() As in the metric case, for each and we refer to the set as the -ball of center x and radius It is well known that the family is a base of open sets for a topology on called the topology induced by If is a quasi-metric, the topology is a topology on If is a Hausdorff (or ) topology on we say that is a Hausdorff quasi-metric space.
() A sequence in is -convergent to a point if and only if as
() A sequence in is called left Cauchy in if for each there is an , such that whenever it is called right Cauchy in if it is left Cauchy in , and it is called Cauchy in if it is left and right Cauchy in
() A sequence in is Cauchy in if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence in the metric space
() is said to be bicomplete if the metric space is complete, and it is said to be Smyth complete if every left Cauchy sequence in is -convergent.
() Smyth completeness implies bicompleteness, but the converse does not hold in general (see Example 1 below).
To the end, in this section, we remind of two basic examples of non- quasi-metrics that correspond to the asymmetric counterparts of the usual metric on , and we also recall a well-known full quasi-metric version of the Banach contraction principle.
Example 1. Denote by the non- quasi-metric on R given by for all Then, for all . Since for all we infer that is bicomplete. However, it is not Smyth complete because is a left Cauchy sequence in that is not -convergent.
Example 2. It is well known that the non quasi-metric space is Smtyh complete, where we have also denoted by the restriction of the quasi-metric to However is not Smyth complete because is a left Cauchy sequence in which is not -convergent.
Theorem 2. Let be a self map of a bicomplete quasi-metric space , and let be a constant such that, for every , we have Then, has a unique fixed point Furthermore, as for all .
Let be a quasi-metric space. As in the metric case, a self map of that satisfies the contraction condition of Theorem 2 will be called a Banach contraction (on ).
Remark 1. Note that Theorem 2 can be obtained as a consequence of the classical Banach contraction principle because, clearly, every Banach contraction on is a Banach contraction on the metric space and the bicompleteness of coincides, by definition, with the completeness of (see (N4)).
3. Contractions of Suzuki-Type and Fixed Point Results
We begin this section by presenting an example of a self map
of a Smyth complete quasi-metric space that satisfies the contraction condition (
1), but it is free of fixed points. Actually, our self map verifies the following contraction condition apparently stronger than (
1): There is a constant
such that, for every
Example 3. Let and let ϱ be the quasi-metric on given by
for all
for all
for all ,
for all with
Since every non-eventually left Cauchy sequence -converges to we deduce that () is Smyth complete.
Now let be the self map of defined as and for all Obviously has no fixed points. We prove that, nevertheless, it fulfills the condition (2) for . If and with we obtain If and we obtain If and we obtain
We have shown that fulfills the contraction condition (2), and hence the contraction condition (1). Remark 2. It is interesting to emphasize that both the quasi-metric ϱ of the preceding example and other of their variants (see [3]) can be used in modeling increasing sequences of information where, roughly speaking, the element contains more information than the element and the supremum element ∞ (also denoted by is an “ideal” element that captures the information of all of the elements of the sequence. Thus, in Example 3, one has that is a strictly decreasing sequence, which can be interpreted to mean that the element represented by contains more information than the one represented by Furthermore, and as as we could expect in a reasonable model. Definition 1. Let be a quasi-metric space. A self map of that satisfies the contraction condition (1), will be called a basic contraction of Suzuki-type (on ), while a self map of that satisfies the contraction condition (2), will be called a 2-basic contraction of Suzuki-type (on ). Evidently, every 2-basic contraction of Suzuki-type on a quasi-metric space is a basic contraction of Suzuki-type. Moreover, it is clear that if is a metric space, both concepts coincide via the symmetry of The following is an example of a basic contraction of Suzuki-type on a Hausdorff quasi-metric space that is not a 2-basic contraction.
Example 4. Let and defined as:
for all
if with
for all
for all
We want to show that ϱ is a quasi-metric on Since whenever we focus our attention in checking that the triangle inequality is fulfilled for all
If and we obtain If and we obtain The rest of cases are obtained as a direct consequence of the following easy inequality:for all Therefore, is a quasi-metric space. Actually, it is Hausdorff because every point of is isolated, i.e., is -open for all and thus, agrees with the discrete topology on so is a metrizable topological space.
Now define a self map of as for all and
We are going to show that is a basic contraction of Suzuki-type on
Indeed, for every , we obtain Furthermore, for every , we obtain We also haveand, for We conclude that is a basic contraction of Suzuki-type with constant
Finally, note that for , we obtainand, nevertheless,which implies that is not a 2-basic contraction of Suzuki-type on Remark 3. In Remark 1, we have underlined that Theorem 2 can be obtained as a consequence of the classical Banach contraction principle. In order to guarantee that this situation does not occur in our context is crucial to obtain an example of a basic contraction of Suzuki-type on a bicomplete quasi-metric space , which is not a basic contraction of Suzuki-type on the complete metric space . Fortunately, the 2-basic contraction of Example 3 fulfills this requirement via Theorem 1 (see also Example 7 below).
In what follows, we will present positive results that are partially inspired in the recent article [
19] by Fulga, Karapinar, and Petrusel, where the authors obtained, among other results, two terrific and very general fixed point theorems for bicomplete
quasi-metric spaces, by combining conditions of Suzuki-type, contraction conditions of
-type in the style of Samet, Vetro, and Vetro [
42] and interpolation conditions. For our goals here, it will be enough to consider the following consequence of [
19] (Theorem 2).
Theorem 3. Let be a self map of a bicomplete quasi-metric space , and let be a constant such that, for every , the following contraction condition holds:Then, has a unique fixed point. Definition 2. Let be a quasi-metric space. A self map of that satisfies the contraction condition (3), will be called an FKP-contraction (on ). Evidently, every FKP-contraction on a quasi-metric space is a 2-basic contraction of Suzuki-type. It is clear that both concepts coincide when is a metric space. However, it follows from Theorem 5 below that the 2-basic contraction of Suzuki-type of Example 3 is not an FKP-contraction.
The proofs of the following auxiliary lemmas use standard methods. Notwithstanding, in order to help the readers and for the sake of completeness, we give outlined demos of them.
Lemma 1. Let be a self map of a quasi-metric space .Then, for every Proof. Assume the contrary. Then, there exist , such that
a contradiction. □
Lemma 2. Let be a basic contraction of Suzuki-type on a quasi-metric space . Then, for each the sequence is left Cauchy in , and is a non-increasing sequence in
Proof. Let
, for which the contraction condition (
1) holds. Fix
we deduce from (
1) that
Following this process, we obtain
for all
, and
, for all
By standard arguments, we deduce that
is a left Cauchy sequence in
is a non-increasing sequence in
Lemma 3. Let be a self map of a quasi-metric space , and let be a constant, such that, for every , the following contraction condition holds:Then, for each the sequence is Cauchy in Proof. Fix It is clear that is a basic contraction of Suzuki-type, so, by Lemma 2, the sequence is left Cauchy in
We are going to show that it is also a right Cauchy sequence in
We have
, by the contraction condition (
4). By repeating the process, we infer that
for all
. Consequently,
is a right Cauchy sequence in
Hence, it is a Cauchy sequence in
(see (
)). □
Theorem 4. Let be a 2-basic contraction of Suzuki-type on a Smyth complete quasi-metric space . Then, for each there exists , such that and as
Proof. Fix By Lemma 2, is a left Cauchy sequence in where for all Since is Smyth complete, there exists , such that as
By Lemma 1, for each
, we have
Consequently, we can find a subsequence
, such that
for all
If (
5) is met, since, by Lemma 2,
we obtain
for all
for all
c is the contraction constant. Therefore,
for all
Since as we deduce that with as
If (
6) is met, from the contraction condition, we infer that
for all
Since as we obtain as We also have that and as , so by applying the triangle inequality, we obtain Hence, for all so for all From the triangle inequality, it follows that which concludes the proof. □
Corollary 1. Let be a 2-basic contraction of Suzuki-type on a Smyth complete quasi-metric space . Then, has a unique fixed point . Furthermore, as for all
Proof. Fix
By Theorem 5, there exists
, such that
, we have that
Suppose that
is another fixed point of
. Then
By the contraction condition,
Finally, given any by Theorem 4, there exists such that and as Since is the unique fixed point of we conclude that as □
The next result generalizes Theorem 3 to non-
quasi-metric spaces. In this way, we can recover the main part of the quasi-metric spaces that appear in the modeling of several processes in the theory of computation, which, as we pointed out in
Section 1 are non-
Theorem 5. Let be a FKP-contraction on a bicomplete quasi-metric space Then, has a unique fixed point Furthermore, as for all
Proof. Fix
is an FKP-contraction, it satisfies the contraction condition (
4). So, by Lemma 3,
is a Cauchy sequence in
for all
is bicomplete, there exists
, such that
We shall prove that is a fixed point of
As in the proof of Theorem 4, it follows from Lemma 1 that
for all
Consequently, we can find a subsequence
, such that
for all
If (
7) is met, since
is an FKP-contraction, we deduce that
for all
c is the contraction constant.
Exactly as in the proof of Theorem 4, we obtain and as Since is an FKP-contraction, the equality implies that for all . Therefore, as so We conclude that is a fixed point of .
If (
8) is met, reasoning as in the preceding case, we obtain
is an FKP-contraction, from the equality
we deduce, as in the preceding case, that
is a fixed point of
Finally, suppose that
is another fixed point of
Since is an FKP-contraction, we deduce that Similarly, we show that Hence, and thus, is the unique fixed point of . □
The following is an example where we can apply Theorem 4 but not Theorem 5.
Example 5. Let be the Smyth complete non- quasi-metric space of Example 2. Let be the self map of defined as and for all We first show that is not a Banach contraction on Indeed, choose an arbitrary Let and Then,
Next we show that, however, is a 2-basic contraction on with constant Indeed, since for every , we only need to analyze the case where and To reach this, suppose that , i.e., . If we obtain and Thus, we come to a contradiction. Hence, so and which implies Therefore,
We conclude that is a 2-basic contraction on By Theorem 4, there is such that (note that in this example that condition is satisfied by all points of ).
Finally, we check that is not an FKP-contraction on . To this end, it suffices to note that for an arbitrary that we obtain, taking and , that , but . Therefore, we cannot apply Theorem 5.
Next we give an example where we can apply Theorem 5, but not Theorem 3.
Example 6. Let , and let ϱ be the non- quasi-metric on given by for all if with , , if and and , if and
is Smyth complete, and hence, bicomplete because the left Cauchy sequences in are eventually constant.
Now, define a self map of by and
We first note that is not a Banach contraction on because but
We assert that is an FKP-contraction on with constant By the construction of , we only need to focus our attention in the next cases:
Case (a) Then, but in this case, we have:
Case (b) Then,
Case (c) and Then,
Case (d) and Then,
We have checked that is an FKP-contraction on so we can apply Theorem 5. In fact has a unique fixed point, namely Finally, we cannot apply Theorem 3 because is not a quasi-metric space.
Related to Remark 3, we give an example where we can apply Theorem 3 (and also Corollary 1) to a Smyth complete Hausdorff qusi-metric space but not Theorem 1 to the complete metric space .
Example 7. Let and let defined as for all if and if and and otherwise.
It is easily checked that ρ is a quasi-metric on , and that is a Hausdorff topology on (in fact, is a compact topology and . Clearly is Smyth complete.
Now define a self map of as and
We first note that is not a basic contraction of Suzuki-type on the complete metric space so we cannot apply Theorem 1. Indeed, we have , but
We shall prove that, however, is an FKP-contraction on , with constant
If , we obtain If we obtain
In the rest of the cases, it is routine to check that
Therefore, we can apply Theorem 5 (note that we can also apply Corollary 1). In fact, has a unique fixed point, namely .
As we pointed out in
Section 1, the last part of the paper is devoted to developing a general method that allows us to construct non-
quasi-metric spaces on which it is possible to systematically generate contractions of Suzuki-type that are not Banach contractions. We illustrate this approach by applying our fixed point results to show the existence and uniqueness of solution for some kinds of functional equations from which we derive the existence and uniqueness of a solution for a very well-known difference equation. To this purpose, the following result will be crucial.
Proposition 1. Let be a quasi-metric space, such that and , let be a strict non-empty subset of , and ⊥ be an element, such that . Put and Define a function as:
for all
for all
for all ,
, otherwise.
Then, we have:
(A) is a non- quasi-metric space. Moreover, is bicomplete if is.
(B) If is a self map of , such that for all , and the set is non-empty, then is not a Banach contraction on
Proof. (A) We omit the easy proof that is a non- quasi-metric space. Now, let be a Cauchy sequence in Via the definition of there is such that for all and for all Hence, is a Cauchy sequence in Let , such that as Since on , we infer that on So as We conclude that is bicomplete.
(B) Take any
, such that
, we obtain
is not a Banach contraction on
In the sequel, we shall denote by
the zero function on
for all
Adopting the notation of Proposition 1, let
be the quasi-metric space, such that
is the supremum quasi-metric on
, i.e.,
for all
Of course,
for all
we infer that
is a complete metric space, i.e.,
is a bicomplete quasi-metric space.
Put , i.e., and let
Denote by the quasi-metric on constructed in Proposition 1. Thus, is bicomplete by Proposition 1(A).
Now, let
be the functional equation with initial value
and such that
for all
Define a self map of as follows:
, and for all
and otherwise.
for all
Observe that
and thus,
for all
for all
is not a Banach contraction on
by Proposition 1(B).
We are going to check that is an FKP-contraction on To this end, it is appropriate to note that for all
Therefore, is an FKP-contraction with contraction constant
We have proven that all conditions of Theorem 5 are fulfilled, so that has a unique fixed point , which is obviously the unique solution of the functional equation F.
Remark 4. This approach has the advantage that we only need pay attention to calculating when Moreover, we also deduce that i.e., because for all
As a consequence, we obtain that the difference equation, with initial value andfor all with and has a unique solution which consists of the restriction of h to This type of difference equations is well-known, and belongs to the family of difference equations for population growth (also called, sometimes, logistic difference equations); see e.g., [43] (p. 515).