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Gender Differences in the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Higher Education: Characteristics and Consequences

Division of Academic Development (ALU), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, 5063 Bergen, Norway
Division of Academic Development (ALU), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, 5414 Stord, Norway
Department of Psychosocial Science, University of Bergen, 5015 Bergen, Norway
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Educ. Sci. 2024, 14(12), 1363;
Submission received: 5 November 2024 / Revised: 8 December 2024 / Accepted: 10 December 2024 / Published: 12 December 2024


Student gender differences in technology acceptance and use have persisted for years, giving rise to equity concerns in higher education (HE). To explore if such differences extend to generative artificial intelligence (genAI) chatbot use, we surveyed a large Norwegian HE student sample (n = 2692) using a fully mixed concurrent equal status design. Our findings show that men exhibit more frequent engagement with genAI chatbots across a broader spectrum of applications. Further, men demonstrate a heightened interest in genAI chatbots as tools and in their relevance to future career prospects. Women primarily utilize genAI chatbots in text-related tasks and express greater concerns regarding critical and independent thinking. Women also exhibit a stronger need to learn how to determine when it is wise to use and how to trust genAI chatbots. Consequences are discussed for the individual, society, and HE institutions in terms of social reproduction, diversity competence, and equitable teaching practices.

1. Introduction

The arrival of generative artificial intelligence language chatbots based on large language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, Microsoft’s Copilot, and others—in this article all referred to as genAI chatbots—has spurred a lot of discussions in higher education (HE) communities. GenAI chatbots utilize machine learning techniques to train artificial neural networks using extensive text data. By evaluating the likelihood of subsequent words within a sequence, these models generate text that closely mimics human language. They excel in tasks such as summarization, writing, coding, and responding to input prompts by answering questions [1]. Due to these capacities, initial discussions were marked by fear of student cheating and even potential use of genAI chatbot abolishment [2]. However, with time, the focus of these discussions has changed. Despite their hazards and limitations, genAI chatbots offer many possibilities in higher education [3] and are already used extensively in many arenas outside of academia. Given that the main mandate of HE institutions is to prepare students for a successful career and promote societal advancement through the application of knowledge and innovation, the consensus now seems to be that students should use genAI chatbots during their studies to acquire the digital competence needed for the future [4,5].
Numerous studies point out clear gender-based discrepancies in the perception and use of technology. In student populations, the literature suggests that men tend to have a more positive attitude when it comes to technology compared to women [6,7,8]. However, some studies have found no gender difference [9]. Furthermore, women tend to be more prudent in their assessments of technological advancements [10]. A comprehensive meta-analysis [11] showed that men typically exhibited a more positive attitude towards technology compared to women, particularly in terms of belief (i.e., perceived societal benefits of technology) and self-efficacy (i.e., confidence in one’s ability to master and effectively utilize technology). The authors noted that in comparison to earlier meta-analyses, the gender gap in self-efficacy has decreased, and that, overall, despite being less positive compared to men, women’s attitude towards technology is still generally positive [11]. The differences in attitudes toward and utilization of technology across genders may be connected to a range of factors, including the traditional integration of computers into education [12], gender stereotypes [13], gender barriers [14], and gender inequalities [15]. Furthermore, studies show that gender plays a role in how artificial intelligence (AI) is received, with men generally adopting a more positive view of AI [16,17].
If gender differences in perceptions and use of AI technology, including genAI chatbots, prepare women and men unequally for a successful future, HE institutions should take note. Given their mandate, HE institutions should be conscious of and prepared to counteract mechanisms which may maintain, cause, or add to existing differences between groups, such as those based on gender. Theories of social reproduction focus on how social inequalities and hierarchies are perpetuated and reinforced in society, for example through educational institutions [18]. They argue that by altering the structural and cultural mechanisms within educational institutions, it is possible to counteract the reproduction of inequalities. The concept of “capital” (social, cultural, and economic) is central here and plays a crucial role in shaping a person’s opportunities in society [18]. In this context, knowledge and skills related to the use of genAI chatbots in one’s own education can be seen as examples of cultural capital that provide students with advantages in their learning process and future lives. Students who lack this cultural capital may not have access to or may not experience training in genAI chatbots as a potentially useful learning tool. According to theories of social reproduction, traditional gender roles and social expectations can influence how men and women are encouraged to engage in different activities in education. If the field of genAI is perceived as more attractive or relevant to men, it can lead to mechanisms that disadvantage women.
In summary, while digital competence and technology use are linked to career opportunities and societal progress, significant gender gaps persist in technology attitudes and usage. Recent findings extend these gaps to AI, but evidence is insufficient to confirm whether gender differences exist in genAI chatbot use and what characterizes such potential differences. If less genAI chatbot use during higher education limits women’s career opportunities, higher education institutions may inadvertently contribute to existing gender disparities. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have yet examined gender differences in genAI chatbot use in large student samples, and the need for mixed-methods studies in the field is warranted [3]. Understanding these potential differences is crucial for higher education institutions if they are to cater to all students equally and promote societal advancement. Therefore, this study aimed to explore gender differences in genAI chatbot use among a large sample of HE students in Norway, using a concurrent fully mixed design. Specifically, we addressed the following research question: Are there significant gender differences in genAI chatbot use in higher education, and if so, what characterizes these gender differences?

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Design

To explore and understand differences between male and female use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) chatbots in their learning activities, we used a fully mixed concurrent equal status design [19]. In this study, all data were collected concurrently, and both the quantitative and the qualitative datasets were given equal weights when drawing conclusions. The purpose was to quantitatively examine whether significant gender differences in genAI chatbot use existed and to qualitatively explore such differences. Thus, both our objectives and research question encompass a quantitative and a qualitative component [20]. Furthermore, to be able to capture experiences and attitudes at one moment in time, it was pertinent that we collect both the quantitative and the qualitative data concurrently. We analyzed the responses from the closed and open-ended questions separately and mixed the results from the two datasets in our conclusions. Thus, the integration of quantitative (QUAN) and qualitative (QUAL) approaches occurred in the development of the research question, in the design of the survey (open questions were designed to elaborate on the closed questions), in our analyses, and to draw our conclusions (Table 1).
Using a mixed-methods design allowed us to examine our research question both broadly and in depth [21]. This may be considered particularly urgent in a new field of research such as genAI in education without a well-established body of knowledge and where there is a need for exploration and discovery. Further, triangulating data from both quantitative and qualitative methods can enhance the validity of research findings. This approach generates findings that are both relevant and actionable in real-world contexts, thereby addressing the need for research-based knowledge on genAI technologies in higher education institutions.

2.2. Sample and Procedure

The data in this study were collected using a cross-sectional anonymous survey in September 2023 at a major Norwegian university college. The survey was distributed through the institution’s learning management system, its social media platforms, and on campus info boards and posters. In total, 2692 students participated, but as not all participants responded to every question or measure, sample sizes are noted under the description of the background variables in this section and in the table and figure legends in the results section.
Based on this study’s definition in which gender identity refers to the psychological sense an individual has of their own gender [22], 1313 (55.2%) of the students in our sample identified as women and 1067 (44.8%) identified as men. Further, 17.8% (n = 423) of the students were 20 years or younger, 44.5% (n = 1058) were 21–24 years of age, and 37.8% (n = 899) were 25 years or older. This distribution in gender and age is comparable to the Norwegian student population in which 60% identify as women and 40% as men, and 15% of the students are 20 years or younger, 47% are between 21 and 24, and 38% are 25 years or older [23]. Most of the students were bachelor’s students (64.3%, n = 1731), followed by master’s students (24.9%, n = 671), continuing education students (6.9%, n = 187), and, lastly, students belonging to one-year study programs (3.9%, n = 103). In the Norwegian student population, 66% are bachelor’s students and 33% are master’s students [23]. The students in our sample attended four different faculties. Most of the students belonged to the faculty of engineering and natural sciences (33.7%, n = 907); followed by the faculty of health sciences (27.9%, n = 749); the faculty of teacher education, culture, and sports (24.4%, n = 658); and the faculty of economics and social sciences (14%, n = 378). These numbers are not compared to the national population as the composition of faculties varies for every HE institution.
The data collection procedures followed the regulation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research [24]. The data collection was digital, using SurveyXact by Rambøll [25], and the participants were informed of the purpose of the study, that their participation was voluntary, and that no personal, sensitive, or identifiable data were collected. To increase participation, one iPad and ten gift certificates worth 500 NOK each were raffled out. Rewarding participation can pose challenges in research ethics and must always be carefully considered. Students might participate primarily for the incentive rather than out of genuine interest in the survey topic. This could undermine the principle of voluntary participation and lead to less meaningful contributions—which, in turn, can compromise the integrity and reliability of the study. Still, we ultimately decided on a lottery because we assessed the value of a rich dataset and high response rates to be substantial. At the time, studies on students’ use of genAI chatbots were scarce and the need for research-based knowledge significant. The student e-mail addresses collected for the lottery were not connected to the survey responses, ensuring complete anonymity and preservation of their privacy.

2.3. Measures and Questions

To measure the students’ frequency of genAI chatbot use, we included the single item question from Møgelvang et al. [1]—How often do you use/have you used genAI chatbots?—measured on a 5-point options scale: 1 = Daily, 2 = Weekly, 3 = Monthly, 4 = A few times, and 5 = Never. Further, to measure the degree of genAI chatbot training and integrated use of genAI chatbots in the students’ courses, we posed these two questions: Have you received any training in the use of genAI chatbots? and Have you experienced integrated and active use of genAI chatbots in your courses? The response alternatives to both questions were yes and no. Ultimately, to identify the students’ areas of genAI chatbot use and the students’ learning needs, we asked For which of the following tasks have you used genAI chatbots? [1] and What would you like to learn when it comes to the use of genAI chatbots? The first question on areas of genAI chatbot use was followed by 16 different response alternatives, e.g., Solving math or statistics problems and generating text. The second question on learning needs was followed by 11 response alternatives such as How to use genAI chatbots without cheating and how to use genAI chatbots in good ways in my education. The four open-ended questions included areas of use, experienced possibilities and challenges with genAI chatbots in their education, thoughts on good use in education and life, and requests or wishes for their future use of genAI chatbots in education. In total, we received open-ended answers equivalent to 43,000 words and 120 text file pages.

2.4. Data Analysis

To examine students’ use of genAI chatbots and gender differences quantitively, we conducted frequency analyses, a Mann–Whitney U test, and several Chi-square tests for independence using Jamovi 2.3 [26]. Differences with p < 0.05 were considered significant. To analyze the qualitative data, we employed content analysis [27]. This approach explores phenomena and underlying patterns in the data material by quantifying qualitative data in a systematic way. We used NVivo throughout to organize, systematize, and visualize the qualitative analysis. The content analysis followed five systematic and closely linked steps [28] (Figure 1).
In the first step, we split the whole dataset into two new datasets: one including the open-ended answers from women, and the other from men. Then, we used key word analysis [29] to explore word frequencies in the data material. By focusing on key words and frequencies, our aim was to gain a better insight into the underlying matter in the two datasets, allowing further exploration. In the third step, we explored the key words in their context, which can unpack a variety of how the key words are used. An example in our material is the term “think”. This term is mainly used in two different ways, such as “you lose the ability to think for yourself” and “I think…”. Exploring words in context allows sensitivity to such variations, strengthening our analysis process. For this process, we used NVivo’s word tree function to visualize the context in which the most frequent words appeared, selecting only words that were relevant to the research question. This enabled us to identify patterns, differences, and similarities while maintaining analytic integrity [27]. In the fourth step, we examined these patterns and themes by studying similarities and differences in the use of the most frequent key words in context, providing a nuanced understanding of how key words were used by women and men [29,30]. When we found differences, we explored the word trees more in depth to isolate trends related to the gendered use of genAI chatbots. Illustrative examples of such differences are given in Supplementary Material. This process provided us with a foundation for drawing informed conclusions and discussing the implications of our findings. Ultimately, in the fifth step, we utilized the visualization and analysis of the patterns in the dataset and combined these with the “reference” function in NVivo to identify quotes that illustrated the differences between male and female usage and perceptions of genAI chatbots.
By using NVivo’s word frequency query and word tree functions to explore and analyze the data, we strived to ensure transparency in every step of our analysis. Key word frequencies allowed us to document, argue, and test our conclusions, as well as to be transparent and reduce the chance of overweighting or underweighting data [30]. Further, this approach enabled a systematic and reliable analysis that could be replicated by others.

3. Results

3.1. Quantitative Results

To examine if there was a gender difference in generative artificial intelligence (genAI) chatbot use frequency, we first conducted a frequency analysis split by gender (Figure 2). Second, we conducted a Mann–Whitney U Test [31,32] to compare and test for significant differences. The Mann–Whitney U test was chosen due to a significant p-value in the normality test (Shapiro–Wilk) and in the homogeneity of variances test (Levene’s). There was a significant difference in scores for women and men (U = 503,060, p < 0.001, n = 2380). The effect size was measured with Rank biserial correlation and revealed a coefficient of 0.28, which may be interpreted just below a medium magnitude [33].
To examine if there were any gender difference in the training in and integration of genAI chatbots into teaching, we performed two Chi-square tests for independence (x2). None of the Chi-square tests for independence were significant, indicating no significant gender difference in either genAI chatbot training χ2(1, n = 2380) = 3.02, p = 0.08, phi = 0.04 or in genAI chatbot integration χ2(1, n = 2380) = 0.03, p = 0.87, phi = 0.00. Thus, even if men had used genAI chatbots more frequently than women, they had not experienced significantly more training in genAI chatbots in their courses. Men had also not experienced a significantly more integrated use of genAI chatbots in their courses. In fact, only 6.3% of the participants had experienced genAI chatbot training (women = 3%, men = 3.3%) and 8.6% integration of genAI chatbots in their courses (women = 4.7%, men = 3.9%).
Further, to identify whether there were any significant gender differences in the students’ areas of genAI chatbot use and genAI chatbot learning needs, we performed additional Chi-square tests for independence (Table 2 and Table 3).
The results from the Chi-square tests on significant gender differences in areas of genAI chatbot use (Table 2) showed that men use genAI chatbots significantly more than women in 14 of the 16 areas of use included in the survey. The gender difference was particularly visible when it came to writing or testing programming code, solving math or statistics problems, and generating text. Looking at the phi coefficient in Table 2, the magnitude of the significant differences in areas of genAI chatbot use is considered small, except for writing or testing programming code, which was medium [33]. As writing or testing programming code is a skill closely linked to study discipline, we performed a sequential logistic regression analysis to control for faculty belonging. The results showed no violation of the assumptions and that gender as a predictor variable was still significant (p < 0.001) when controlling for faculty belonging—albeit with a lower effect size (odd’s ratio = 2.48) than faculty belonging (p < 0.001, odd’s ratio = 6.48–20.61) (Appendix A).
The results from the Chi-square tests on significant gender differences in learning needs (Table 3) showed that women express a significantly stronger need to learn how to know if they can trust genAI chatbots—and how to know when it is wise to use them. Further, men express a significantly stronger need to learn how to know if they can use genAI chatbots in their bachelor‘s and master’s theses, how to maximize them when working with tasks, and how genAI chatbots and algorithms work. The magnitude of all these differences is considered small [33].

3.2. Qualitative Results

To further explore the significant gender differences in genAI chatbot use, we performed a descriptive content analysis of the qualitative data in five steps. When splitting up the dataset in the first step, we found that even though more women responded to the survey, men wrote more in the open categories. Thus, men wrote 24,000 words, filling the equivalent of 74 text file pages, whereas women wrote 19,000 words, spanning 46 text file pages.
When exploring the most frequent keywords among men and women in the second step (Table 4), we found that both genders appear to recognize the significance of genAI chatbots as an aid in learning work. They do, however, use different words to describe them and their implications for learning. Notably, we discovered that men have a special interest in genAI chatbots and their application in learning work. This is shown in keywords such as “find”, “questions”, “answers”, “tasks”, and “tools”. Further, words like “write”, “texts”, and “solve” indicate a focus on application in writing and text comprehension. Men also seem to show awareness of how genAI chatbots may improve or help their own learning processes, as seen in the use of “better”, “understand”, and “learning”. Women, on the other hand, seem to be mostly interested in genAI chatbots as tools for text-related activities. This is seen by the frequency of the words “texts” and “write(ing)”. Furthermore, we found that women often mention the word “critical” and “learn(ing)” in relation to the technology. They use terms as “ideas”, “inspiration”, and “maybe”, indicating an exploratory attitude toward genAI chatbots and a perception of them as a source of creative stimulus—which is not as evident among men. Women’s use of “feel” suggests a stronger tendency toward personal reflection, potentially indicating an emotional dimension or a more humanistic perspective on the role of genAI chatbots in the learning environment
In summary, the distribution of the most frequent keywords in Table 4 might suggest that men may be more directed toward the functional aspects of genAI as a tool, while women might include a wider range of personal and critical reflections on genAI chatbot use in education.
To explore if these differences in keywords could indicate different perceptions of and approaches to learning with genAI technology between the genders, we explored the words in context (step 3) and examined underlying patterns and themes (step 4). Through these steps, we identified three main findings: Section 3.2.1 Men point to more areas of use and seem more interested in understanding genAI chatbots as tools—and how these tools may assist them in their learning tasks; Section 3.2.2 Women have more reservations regarding the use of genAI chatbots in education and express more concerns about critical use and possible loss of independent thinking than men; and Section 3.2.3 Men perceive genAI technology as more relevant to their future employment. For the sake of overview, these three findings are treated separately below and followed by respective quotes from men and women (step 5). However, in the data material, the findings are inextricably linked, and our conclusions are based on an overall assessment rather than on a specific examination of each of the analysis components independently. Thus, the presentation of the following three findings must be seen and understood in context.

3.2.1. Men Point to More Areas of Use and Seem More Interested in Understanding GenAI Chatbots as Tools—And How These Tools May Assist Them in Their Learning Tasks

By combining the word frequency for “learn(ing)” (mentioned 125 times by men and 68 times by women) and the word trees for “how” and “understand” (Supplementary Material Figures S1–S4), we discovered the following: men point to more areas of genAI chatbot use, they seem more interested in genAI chatbots as tools, and they focus more on what these tools can offer them in their own learning process than women. Further, we saw that where men primarily connect “how” and “understand” to “tool”, women primarily connect “how” and “understand” to “text”. We found additional support for this in the wordcount of the word “tool”—used 86 times by men and 24 times by women (Table 4)—and in the word trees for “tool” (Supplementary Material Figures S5 and S6). Furthermore, this was supported by the wordcount of the word “text”—mentioned 122 times by women and 90 times by men (Table 4)—and by the linkage between “understand” and “tool” and “text”, respectively. The link between “understand” and “tool” existed only for men while the link between “understand” and “text” existed only for women. Thus, it seems as if men use genAI chatbots for more purposes and are more interested in learning about them in general and what genAI technology as a tool can offer them in their own learning process. The focus of women seems to be somewhat narrower, primarily addressing how genAI chatbots may be used to understand texts or in the writing process. In many ways, these findings triangulate our quantitative results, and they are illustrated by the following quotes from the open answers in the survey:
“It is a very nice tool. For example, if one is struggling with understanding how to solve a math problem, the AI can explain it in various ways so that we can actually comprehend it.”
“Chatbots can be used as an efficient tool to understand and rephrase questions/problems that you are trying to comprehend, which makes it easier for the learner. It is also a helpful tool for efficiency/organization.”
“…I believe that if students receive proper training in using this tool, they can have better and more efficient use of their time in their educational journey. Chatbots are going to be used more and more in everyday life, and I think it’s important to incorporate them into education so that students are prepared for a future with chatbots as tools.”
“To understand or summarize literary texts.”
“I find it very beneficial to translate text and comprehend complex texts that consume a lot of my time and that I sometimes give up trying to tackle. It can assist in initiating the writing process, and I learn from how ChatGPT structures text when reading it. Source criticism also becomes highly relevant when using AI.”
“…It can be an excellent way to grasp the curriculum, and it can also motivate students because they feel they are getting help in understanding things and articulating themselves in writing.”

3.2.2. Women Have More Reservations Regarding the Use of GenAI Chatbots in Education and Express More Concerns About Critical Use and Possible Loss of Independent Thinking than Men

When we examined the word tree for “important” (Supplementary Material Figures S7 and S8), we found that both genders include many of the same points, but that women connect “important” to “critical” to a much larger degree than men. This is also seen in the wordcount for “critical”, which is used 57 times by women and 35 by men (Table 4). Women seem to focus on the importance of learning how to use technology in a good way, receive training, use it as a resource, and critically engage with the technology. Although men also connect “important” to “critical”, they seem more preoccupied with the importance of “getting training”, “keeping up with development”, “looking at how it can be used”, “learning about”, and “being able to use”. Looking at the male responses, they seem to emphasize the role of technology in society and the safe and responsible development of technology, as well as its effective use in education. They consider, to a greater extent, the relationship between “society” and “education” when using the term “important”.
Women mention the word “maybe” twice as often as men (29 times to 15, Table 4), and in the word tree for “think” (Figure 3), we discovered that women, to a greater extent, connect it to “critical thinking”. They also use it more in the meaning of “think for yourself”. Further, in the quotes and in the word trees for “feel” (Supplementary Material Figures S9 and S10), it is evident that women more often than men reflect on and refer to emotions in connection with the use of genAI chatbots in education. They, interestingly, ask a lot of questions in their answers, too. Combined, these patterns may indicate that women have more reservations when it comes to genAI chatbots in education and that they are both more preoccupied with critical use and how genAI technology can undermine the ability to think independently. These findings coincide with and triangulate our quantitative findings in terms of learning needs (Table 3). Their use of the word “feel” may signal that they are more emotionally invested in the question of genAI in education, but it may also just be an expression of a difference in word preference between the genders.
These conclusions are illustrated by the following quotes:
“I think it makes it too easy to find answers. It leads to a loss of the ability to think for oneself and critically.”
“AI offers an opportunity to gain inspiration and ideas, guidelines and advice, but it’s also not something to be blindly trusted, and one must use AI with a critical eye and rather as a support to, and have trust in, one’s own skills.”
“Machine learning is an important tool for the future and can be seen much in the same way as the calculator when it was introduced; the requirements for the individual must be increased, but it would be regressive not to implement these tools in education.”
“I think that it should be gradually introduced how it can be used, what it can be used for. There is no doubt that this is going to be important in many subjects. We should get ahead of the game in schools and teach how it can be used ethically correct.”

3.2.3. Men Perceive AI Technology as More Relevant to Their Future Employment

In the word tree for “workplace” (Figure 4), men—more so than women—write about how genAI chatbots are relevant and valuable to their future, in general, and to their future employment, specifically. This finding is supported by keyword searches, showing that the quote distribution on this topic was 26 (men) to 11 (women). When women connect genAI chatbots to their future and/or their future working life, they focus more on how they are unavoidable and how to use them appropriately. In many respects, these findings echo both the male and female responses in main finding 3.2.2, where we found that: (a) men emphasize the role of technology in society and the relationship between “society” and “education”, and (b) women emphasize the importance of learning how to use AI technology in a good way, critically engage with the technology, and retain the ability to think for yourself.
Examples of quotes that illustrate these conclusions are as follows:
“Chatbots are becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives, and I believe it is essential to incorporate them into education so that students are prepared for a future where chatbots are common tools. If you need a quick function in coding that you understand and know how to write well but don’t have the time, you can rely on ChatGPT to generate 10–15 lines of code in a matter of seconds, thus enhancing your productivity in the workplace.”
“It is going to be used in a work context now and in the future, so it is important that we learn already now how to use it both now and, in the future, as well as how it works and what errors it can make.”
“In general, I think that’s just the way the future is, and after its release, it will be impossible to ban because there will always be ways to use it without getting caught. It is here to stay, so guidance on how to use it properly is appropriate.”
“One cannot avoid AI, so it is more important to learn how to make the best use of AI, rather than spending resources on banning it when it will become highly relevant in the workplace anyway.”

4. Discussion

The purpose of this study was to examine if significant gender differences in technology use extend to generative artificial intelligence (genAI) chatbots in higher education (HE). Through a fully mixed concurrent equal status design, we found that men use genAI chatbots more frequently and point to more areas of use. Considering that we found no significant gender differences in genAI chatbot training or integration in their courses, men may—to a larger degree than women—use and test out genAI chatbots on their own, whether on campus or elsewhere. Further, we found that men are more interested in genAI chatbots as tools, how these tools work, and how they may support and maximize their learning. Also, and in alignment with previous studies on attitudes towards technology [11], men in our study linked genAI technology more to societal benefits, in general, and to their future employment, in particular. Women, by contrast, primarily used genAI chatbots for tasks such as understanding or translating text. They tended to express greater reservations about chatbot use, including concerns over critical thinking and the potential loss of independent thought. Additionally, their reflections more frequently included emotional considerations related to chatbot use. As shown in previous studies on attitudinal gender gaps towards computerization [10], women in our study also expressed a stronger need to learn how to know if they could trust genAI chatbots and when it was wise to use them. Although our study cannot exclude other demographic factors that may influence genAI chatbot usage, we have substantial evidence to support the notion that the gender difference is significant. When controlling for academic discipline in our analysis of genAI tasks, which are typically associated with technology-oriented fields, we observed both significant gender and disciplinary difference. This aligns with findings from recent studies among HE students [34,35]. One of these found gender, study level, and discipline to significantly affect the HE students’ attitudes to and usage of genAI technologies [34]. The other study demonstrated that gender, age, and study discipline are all significant predictors of positive attitudes towards AI, and that gender emerged as the strongest predictor of the three [35].
Our findings may be understood and interpreted through three different perspectives pertaining to different levels: personal consequences, societal consequences, and higher education consequences.

4.1. Personal Consequences

The differing gendered approaches to genAI chatbot use identified in our study—where men use them more frequently, explore broader applications, and emphasize their relevance to future employment—may have significant personal consequences. For men, extensive chatbot use and a focus on employability may facilitate job searches and enhance career prospects, whereas women may face rather different scenarios. Current predictions [4,5,36] state that experience with AI technology may play a significant role for future careers and job security. If these predictions become true, women may, due to less genAI chatbot use and, consequently, potential lack of cultural capital [18]—i.e., lack of genAI chatbot proficiency—decrease their opportunities in society. In the worst-case scenario, women may risk being overlooked in their pursuit of employment and maybe even displaced from their future positions in favor of male applicants. Such a scenario would greatly enhance already existing gender inequalities in working life where women are paid less, work less, have less pension funds, and possess fewer board positions—even in Norway, which is one of the world’s most gender-equal countries [37]. A recent Norwegian study on the digital gender divide found such a scenario to not be unlikely [38]. On the one hand, this study documents how female students—particularly those excelling academically—tend to opt out of AI usage. On the other hand, business managers emphasize that AI skills are precisely what could significantly boost the career prospects of these top-performing female students who currently avoid engaging with AI technologies.
Previous research has established that although men continue to show more positive attitudes towards and make more use of technology than women, this gender gap has been reduced [11]. Given that frequent technology use leads to enhanced digital competence, such tendencies may be considered positive. The gender gap in genAI chatbot use and attitudes among HE students identified in both our study and in a recent study from Sweden [34] may also lessen with time. Although both studies found significant gender differences in use frequency, areas of use, attitudes, and learning needs, the effect sizes were mainly small. However, we cannot assume that the development of gender difference patterns established in previous research is transferable to the genAI chatbot context. As the field is so new, we simply do not know. Thus, it is imperative to identify initiatives that may mitigate these gender disparities—and quickly put the necessary means to use to equalize them. Initiatives suggested by Stöhr et al. [34] include gender-sensitive strategies, customized interventions, and inclusive design principles to ensure that genAI-driven educational solutions align with the distinct needs and preferences of various student groups. Given that their study was based in Swedish higher education, similar initiatives could be successfully adapted and implemented within our context.

4.2. Societal Consequences

Our findings show that women, compared to men, use genAI chatbots less frequently, point to fewer areas of use, voice a more critical approach, express more concerns about the potential loss of independent thinking—and link their use less to employability. If workplaces in the future favor male to female employees due to their more extensive experience with genAI chatbots and their focus on employability, it may lead to severe consequences for society. If we do not sufficiently include female perspectives, we risk jeopardizing the critical diversity competence [39] society depends on—both in terms of including all citizens and elevating diverse perspectives to jointly ensure societal advancement. Such a societal advancement may be particularly at risk in cultures where women’s voices are already being systematically marginalized or silenced. While we observed these gender differences in Norway, one of the most gender-equal nations [37] and one of the world’s leading countries regarding the acceptance, competence, and utilization of digital technology [40], there are many societies where access to technology and opportunities for women are worse [14,15]. Given our findings, there is reason to believe that the gender gap in genAI chatbot use in such societies may not only be greater, but they may also increase the already existing gender barriers and inequalities.
The critical perspectives voiced by female students in our study echo findings in previous studies on technology and technological advancements from the last two decades [6,7,8,10,41,42] to the present day and the introduction of AI [16,17]. These studies, some dating back more than 25 years [41,42], suggest that men and women historically have had different attitudes toward technology. Women are often found to view technology more in terms of process management, while men may focus on innovation and creation. Additionally, women tend to perceive technology’s impact on education differently, sometimes rejecting it when seen as merely technical rather than pedagogical. With genAI chatbots tapping into challenges different from former technologies, e.g., ethics, elevating critical voices may be considered of extraordinary importance. Misuse of genAI chatbots may pose threats to individuals and communities alike, including dissemination of misinformation, manipulation of public sentiment, exploitation of vulnerable demographics, and perpetuation of biases and discriminatory practices [43]. An efficient means to addressing all these challenges may be the critical approach women voice in our study. Thus, given the advancing integration of genAI technologies into both professional environments and societal structures, the inclusion of female perspectives through female employment may assume heightened significance.

4.3. Higher Education Consequences

While there’s substantial enthusiasm about genAI, we must not overlook the critical perspectives on power and diversity in the HE sectors. Given the mandate of HE to equally prepare all students for the future and contribute to societal advancement for the greater good, it is essential for institutions to identify and implement initiatives aimed at mitigating the gender differences highlighted in our study, thereby fostering a more equitable use of genAI chatbots. We propose that such initiatives start with critical reflection on and dialogues about how HE can alter the structural and cultural mechanisms to counteract the reproduction of gender inequalities and cultural capital [18], i.e., genAI chatbot proficiency. When attempting to analyze and alter such mechanisms, it is beneficial to adopt both a diversity perspective and a critical thinking perspective [38]. These complementary perspectives may enhance our ability to develop genAI chatbot policies and teaching practices that work towards fostering more equitable and inclusive educational environments [44].
Our findings show that women mainly use genAI chatbots to understand or translate text, and that they express more concerns in terms of critical use and the potential loss of independent thinking. They do also, to a lesser degree than men, experiment with genAI chatbots on their own, and they express a stronger need to learn how to know if they can trust them and when it is wise to use them. Taken together, these findings suggest that women’s use of genAI chatbots depend more on training and integration within the context of their studies. Considering that our findings also show that men in general seem to express less concerns about critical use and possible loss of independent thinking than women, it is likely that such training and integration would benefit the genAI chatbot use of both genders. To broaden women’s areas of genAI chatbot use, empower them as confident users, and encourage more extensive engagement—while simultaneously fostering men’s awareness of critical genAI chatbot use and the importance of independent thinking—it is crucial for higher education institutions to integrate genAI chatbots into their teaching practices. These practices should introduce the students to several areas of use and model good and critical use. As male teachers seem to value genAI more than female teachers [45], it may be increasingly important to support female instructors in implementing such practices. Further, as genAI chatbot use is mainly driven by students themselves, rather than being linked to traditional teacher-led practices [46], the implementation of genAI use in HE could take place in cooperation with the students. Cooperative efforts between teachers and students on the implementation of genAI chatbot use could lead to useful insights and innovative modes of use—and even to co-creation. Co-creation is when students work together with their teachers to create the learning framework, making the students more independent, secure, and responsible [47]—all desirable outcomes for student genAI chatbot use.

4.4. Limitations

Several limitations should be mentioned when interpreting the results of our study. First, the study was a cross-sectional study, and no causal relationships could be claimed. Thus, the study could not give any explanations for the gender differences we identified, rendering it impossible to say why women and men use genAI chatbots differently, both in extent and mode. Nevertheless, with the rich dataset at our disposal, we have generated novel and significant insights into the nature of these differences, thereby also shedding light on potential avenues for addressing them. Second, the measures consisted of single items, which may be considered less resistant to random error than scales. However, as we did not intend to measure complex latent constructs and the extensive qualitative answers to the open-ended questions triangulated our quantitative findings, it is reasonable to assume that our aggregated findings are both reliable and valid. Third, the combination of the survey’s anonymity and the use of a raffle incentive introduces the possibility that some students may have submitted multiple responses. Still, there exist compelling justifications for employing anonymity in survey methodology. Anonymity serves to protect participants and may lead to more honesty, mitigating the impact of socially desirable responses [48]. Moreover, the substantial sample size employed in this study is anticipated to counteract the potential influence of multiple responses from individual students. In fact, the large sample size may be considered one of the great strengths of the study in terms of accuracy and robust analyses. Fourth, the lack of random sampling could mean that many of the students who responded to the survey may have had strong opinions about or a particular interest in genAI. This self-selection effect can skew the results, potentially overrepresenting the perspectives of those who are either highly supportive of or strongly opposed to the use of genAI, failing to capture the full spectrum of opinions. Fifth, the use of multiple significance tests may have increased the probability of a Type I error. Bonferroni corrections may counteract this threat, but as such corrections in our study would have reduced the significance level to <0.01, they are not recommended [49]. Also, the probability of a Type I error was reduced by the study’s extensive data triangulation. Sixth, considering that the participants were not randomly selected and originated from the same institution, the results may not be representative of a broader population. Notwithstanding, the study sample is, to a certain degree, comparable to the Norwegian student population regarding gender, age, and study level. Seventh, having been conducted in a highly gender-equal society, its applicability to other contexts with varying gender dynamics may be limited. However, this limitation could also serve as a strong incentive to initiate research exploring such potential differences in settings where this knowledge might be even more critical. Developing an awareness of these disparities could be pivotal in fostering more equitable societies worldwide.

4.5. Implications

The implications of our study may be understood within the realm of research, theory development, and in the higher education (HE) context. As a novelty, our study documents a multitude of significant gender gaps in genAI chatbot use, extending our previous knowledge base on gender differences into this new and emerging field. Studies examining students’ use of genAI chatbots in higher education are crucial for our ability to develop a knowledge-based approach to the effective, critical, and safe utilization of these chatbots, ensuring equal opportunities for all students. Thus, future research could (1) explore changes in chatbot usage over time to gain a deeper understanding of how gender disparities evolve, (2) shed light on the underlying causes of gender disparities in the use and perception of genAI chatbots, and (3) examine how HE may counteract such gender disparities. Such knowledge may be even more valuable in contexts different from ours and, particularly, in societies where gender disparities are deeply entrenched. Thus, we recommend conducting further research across various contexts to examine these potential gaps, understand their consequences, and determine the necessary measures to address them. Moreover, to attain a comprehensive understanding of how our interaction with genAI chatbots may shape both individuals and society, it may be necessary to develop entirely new theoretical frameworks. GenAI technology appears to touch upon aspects of human existence that differ from those affected by previous technological innovations, necessitating the contextualization of empirical data within newer and alternative frameworks. Lastly, it is paramount to systematically and knowledgeably integrate genAI chatbots into teaching practices within higher education in ways that cater to all students, irrespective of gender or other affiliations. The development of such practices requires an acknowledgment that such chatbots have not been developed with the educational context in mind and underscores the necessity for a profound structural engagement with learning and pedagogy.

5. Conclusions

This fully concurrent mixed-methods study has identified and explored novel and significant insights into a multitude of gender differences in generative artificial intelligence (genAI) chatbot use in a large higher education (HE) student sample in Norway. These gender differences may lead to consequences for the individual, society, and HE institutions. To avoid social reproduction and promote critical diversity competence, it is paramount for HE institutions to identify and implement initiatives aimed at mitigating the gender disparities highlighted in our investigation, thereby promoting a more equitable utilization of genAI chatbots.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Female word tree HOW; Figure S2: Male word tree HOW; Figure S3: Female word tree UNDERSTAND; Figure S4: Male word tree UNDERSTAND; Figure S5: Female word tree TOOL; Figure S6: Male word tree TOOL; Figure S7: Female word tree IMPORTANT; Figure S8: Male word tree IMPORTANT; Figure S9: Female word tree FEEL; Figure S10: Male word tree FEEL.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.M., C.B., S.G. and K.L.; Data curation, A.M., C.B. and K.L.; Formal analysis, A.M., C.B. and K.L.; Methodology, A.M., C.B., S.G. and K.L.; Project administration, A.M.; Investigation, A.M., C.B. and K.L.; Visualization, A.M., C.B. and K.L.; Roles/Writing—original draft, A.M., C.B., S.G. and K.L.; Writing—review & editing, A.M., C.B., S.G. and K.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education (Ref 272178, 11 August 2023).

Informed Consent Statement

The participants were informed of the purpose of the study, that their participation was voluntary, and that no personal, sensitive, or identifiable data were collected.

Data Availability Statement

The data of the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Sequential logistic regression showing gender and faculty belonging as predicting variables of writing or testing programming code.
Table A1. Sequential logistic regression showing gender and faculty belonging as predicting variables of writing or testing programming code.
95% CI 95% CI
PredictorEstimateSELLULZZOdd’s RatioLLUL
Intercept ᵃ0.060.08− .4281.07 0.91 1.25
Note. a Reference level; CI = confidence interval; LL = lower limit; UL = upper limit; FTECS = Faculty of teacher education, culture, and sports; FENS = Faculty of engineering and natural sciences; FHS = Faculty of health sciences; FESS = Faculty of economics and social sciences.


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Figure 1. The 5-step analysis of the qualitative data.
Figure 1. The 5-step analysis of the qualitative data.
Education 14 01363 g001
Figure 2. GenAI chatbot use frequency split by gender (n = 2380).
Figure 2. GenAI chatbot use frequency split by gender (n = 2380).
Education 14 01363 g002
Figure 3. Word trees for “think”.
Figure 3. Word trees for “think”.
Education 14 01363 g003
Figure 4. Word trees for “workplace”.
Figure 4. Word trees for “workplace”.
Education 14 01363 g004
Table 1. Overview of the continuous mixed-methods design process.
Table 1. Overview of the continuous mixed-methods design process.
Mixed-method research question. Survey with QUAN and QUAL responses Examine quantitative data using Jamovi Decide focus for qualitative analysis Analyze qualitative data using a content analysis approach in NVivo Conclusion based on both QUAN and QUAL analysis
Table 2. Chi-square tests using continuity correction for gender differences in areas of genAI chatbot use (n = 2380).
Table 2. Chi-square tests using continuity correction for gender differences in areas of genAI chatbot use (n = 2380).
Areas of genAI Chatbot UseUse Women *Use Men **X2 (1)pphi
n (%)n (%)
Writing or testing programming code95 (7%)329 (31%)222<0.0010.31
Solving math or statistics problems155 (12%)266 (25%)68.7<0.0010.17
Improving text that you have written320 (24%)366 (34%)27.8<0.0010.11
Generating text198 (15%)279 (26%)44.3<0.0010.14
Having a conversation148 (11%)151 (14%)4.190.0350.04
Finding answers to questions related to schoolwork553 (42%)572 (54%)30.7<0.0010.11
Finding answers to questions not related to schoolwork428 (33%)479 (45%)37.2<0.0010.13
Playing games12 (1%)33 (3%)13.9<0.0010.08
Writing music9 (1%)22 (2%)7.640.0030.06
Translating text from other languages213 (16%)190 (18%)0.940.3320.02
Finding sources/literature137 (10%)178 (17%)19.5<0.0010.09
Summing up texts316 (24%)331 (31%)14<0.0010.08
Writing tasks that are graded28 (2%)54 (5%)14.3<0.0010.08
Understanding difficult language234 (18%)194 (18%)0.030.8200.00
Getting new ideas526 (40%)512 (48%)14.7<0.0010.08
Getting feedback on my text284 (22%)351 (33%)37.6<0.0010.13
* (n = 1313). ** (n = 1067).
Table 3. Chi-square tests using continuity correction for gender differences in genAI chatbot learning needs (n = 2380).
Table 3. Chi-square tests using continuity correction for gender differences in genAI chatbot learning needs (n = 2380).
GenAI Chatbot Learning NeedsNeed Women *Need Men **X2 (1)pphi
n (%)n (%)
Use genAI chatbots without cheating814 (62%)681 (64%)0.770.3590.02
Use genAI chatbots in my education in a good way984 (75%)784 (73%)0.590.4430.02
Know if I can trust the genAI chatbot answers I get767 (58%)571 (54%)5.550.0190.05
Use genAI chatbots as sources and how to do that573 (44%)467 (44%)0.010.9500.00
Use genAI chatbots in my bachelor’s and master’s theses492 (37%)496 (46%)19.3<0.0010.09
Maximize genAI chatbots when I work on my tasks510 (39%)513 (48%)20.1<0.0010.09
Check if the genAI chatbot is mistaken695 (53%)560 (52%)0.030.8600.00
Develop my own thoughts while using genAI chatbots556 (42%)432 (41%)0.760.3830.02
Know when it is wise to use genAI chatbots and when it is not670 (51%)494 (46%)5.080.0240.05
Learn about algorithms and how genAI chatbots work479 (36%)480 (45%)17.3<0.0010.09
Learn about my institution’s genAI chatbot regulations882 (67%)678 (64%)3.280.0700.04
* (n = 1313). ** (n = 1067).
Table 4. Distribution of the most frequent keywords among men and women.
Table 4. Distribution of the most frequent keywords among men and women.
Use(d) (173) Google (39) Use(d) (191) Not (39)
Chatbot(s) (132) Mistake(s) (38) Text(s) (122) Think(ing) (58)
How (122) Idea(s) (38) ChatGPT (111) Aid (37)
Find(ing) (112) Very (36)Write(ing) (92) Better (34)
ChatGPT (107) Source(s) (35) How (92) Only (33)
Question(s) (93) Critical (35) Question(s) (76) Idea(s) (32)
Learn(ing) (125) Not (34) Find(ing) (75) Very (32)
Text(s) (90) Education (34) Learn(ing) (68) Education (31)
Task(s) (88) Aid (33) Help(ing) (66) Inspiration (29)
Tool(s) (86) Help(ing) (32) Answer(s) (62) Maybe (29)
Help (81) Good (31) Self (60) Difficult (28)
Information (80) Often (31) Critical (57) Teach(ing) (25)
Answer(s) (71) Never (31) Shall (57) Tool(s) (24)
Way (69) Solve(ing) (29) Task(s) (56) Exam(s) (23)
Even though (64) Problem(s) (27) Believe(ing) (55) Source(s) (23)
Write(ing) (59) Think(ing) (27) Chatbot(s) (54) Well (22)
Important (54) Topic(s) (26) Never (52) Correct (22)
Cheat(ing) (51) Without (26) Assist (52) Stand(ing) (20)
Better (49)Chat (25) Understand(ing) (68) Contribute(ing) (19)
Student(s) (48) Exam(s) (24) Create(ing) (51) Own (19)
Do(ing) (47) Task(s) (24) Information (50) Mean (19)
Correct (34) Explain(ing) (23) Student(s) (49) Ask(ing) (19)
Understand(ing) (68) Mean (23) Chat (45) Good (18)
Where (43) Useful (23) Important (44) Knowledge (18)
Could (43) Ask(ing) (23) Could (43) Always (17)
Believe(ing) (43)Example(s) (22)Way (42)Feel (17)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Møgelvang, A.; Bjelland, C.; Grassini, S.; Ludvigsen, K. Gender Differences in the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Higher Education: Characteristics and Consequences. Educ. Sci. 2024, 14, 1363.

AMA Style

Møgelvang A, Bjelland C, Grassini S, Ludvigsen K. Gender Differences in the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Higher Education: Characteristics and Consequences. Education Sciences. 2024; 14(12):1363.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Møgelvang, Anja, Camilla Bjelland, Simone Grassini, and Kristine Ludvigsen. 2024. "Gender Differences in the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Higher Education: Characteristics and Consequences" Education Sciences 14, no. 12: 1363.

APA Style

Møgelvang, A., Bjelland, C., Grassini, S., & Ludvigsen, K. (2024). Gender Differences in the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Higher Education: Characteristics and Consequences. Education Sciences, 14(12), 1363.

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