Learning to Teach as a Spectator or a Participant—Ideas of Vocational Learning in Policy on Teacher Education
:1. Introduction
1.1. Aim of the Study
- How are ideas on vocational learning in SBE described in national policy?
- Do the above ideas change over time, and if so, how?
- How are these ideas configured in policy at a local institution of teacher education?
1.2. The Theory and Practice Tension in Teacher Education
1.3. Learning in SBE through a Spectator Perspective or a Participant Perspective
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. The Documents
2.2. Analysis of Documents
3. Results
3.1. How Ideas on Vocational Learning in SBE Are Described in Policy and How These Ideas Change over Time
SBE within teacher education should prominently comprise practical exercises and exposing the students to a smaller amount of teachers´ teaching styles, is not adequate. [.…] Practice needs to consist of more real-life experiences. Students need to take part in lifelike and realistic exercises within their education as to able to “construct” their own solutions and reflect upon these.[34] (p. 100)
The ambition is that students shall follow development during a longer period of time and get the opportunity to enhance their understanding for the local conditions of the pedagogical organization. By this concentration, students are expected to familiarize themselves to the culture and to learn the school code that is specific for the practice/partner school.[34] (p. 103)
During SBE, the student should plan and conduct pedagogical activities in varied group sizes, actively follow the planning of the teacher team and participate in the ongoing work that the teacher team is responsible for—all together with one or several supervisors from the teacher team.[34] (p. 104)
At the preschool, school, recreational center and adult education center, students are expected to cooperate and teach the same children, adolescents or adults. [...] on the basis of their diverse experiences and perspectives, students should discuss questions that are of importance for all teachers so that they can develop a shared perspective on child, adolescent and adult learning and socialization.[34] (p. 127)
The school based part of the general field of education enfolds possibilities to learn while working and gives the students opportunities to develop their professional skills as well as their abilities to reflect. During the school based part, knowledge such as discussions with children, pupils and parents and work in teacher teams should be included. Such knowledge is obtained through experiences from many different situations.[4] (p. 19)
Additionally, it is appropriate to schedule practice periods at different times during the school year to enable insight into various special tasks that teachers deal with, for example, grading or long-term planning. It is also of importance that practice comprises examples of other recurring tasks that are part of the teacher profession such as parent meetings and local development work. This also places demands on students’ engagement and flexibility.[35] (p. 399)
Only permanent employees and qualified teachers who have at least three years experience can be appointed supervisors. The teacher should also have completed adequate further supervisor education at an institute of higher education. Guidelines for reasonable compensation for supervisors should be established by the committee. The position of a supervisor is a very important assignment that should be seen as a career step for a teacher.[35] (p. 403)
Having teacher practicum in the local area can be of importance for the student for social reasons but also as a way to strengthen the connection between TE and schools. Universities should therefore primarily provide teacher practice at schools in the immediate geographic area.[35] (p. 400)
……the investigation recommends that SBE is given in a smaller amount of longer periods. For an education of four years, it can for example be appropriate to place SBE in for periods of about a month each. It is also sensible that the first period is not placed too soon. […] Having SBE too soon enfolds a risk of becoming pure auscultation.[35] (p. 399)
A pilot project with specific practice schools and specific practice preschools should be characterized by a high concentration of students and further educated supervisors. SBE should be a natural part of the organisation and supervisors should be highly competent so that the students´ development can be furthered. By having a high concentration of students and supervisors, there should be adequate possibilities for exchanging experiences both between supervisors and students as well as amongst themselves […] All supervisors should have 7.5 ECTS in leadership training, or the equivalent.[2] (p. 4)
3.2. Changes on a Local Level and How Policy Ideas Are Configured in Policy at a Local Institution of Teacher Education
Teacher practice is a part of all three blocks of course studies and comprises pedagogical work, observations and interviews in various learning environments, listening, reflecting, and teaching exercises, as well as research and development work.[36]
Practice shall be located to relevant ages and subject areas and is to comprise the following: planning and performing pedagogical activities with personal responsibility under supervision, listening, observing and reflecting in connection to everyday school activity, participation in general competence development at the assigned practice school.[38]
SBE should be a central and important part of the organisation at the specific practice school. The aim is to create a high concentration of student teachers as well as qualified teachers who are further educated within supervision. The amount of supervisors at every specific practice should be at least six. Every supervisor should be able to supervise two students at the same time which facilitates cooperation between the students.[39]
Being a specific practice preschool/specific practice school comprises that students and supervisors are concentrated at a smaller amount of schools. The supervisors at the specific practice preschool/school form a team of supervisors that are joint responsible for the students placed there. The team of supervisors also contribute to the development of SBE within the specific practice preschool/school. The concentration of students within the specific practice preschool/school facilitate for peer learning between the students during the courses of SBE.[40]
The student should do shorter, temporary excursions during their education. The temporary excursions are done as to provide for as much experience as possible from the SBE courses and for the student to experience the diversity that he/she will meet in his/her occupation […] The length of the excursions can vary depending on the aim of the excursion.
4. Discussion
4.1. The Tug-of-War between Theory and Practice
4.2. Separating or Combining Theory and Practice? Going from National to Local Policy
5. Conclusions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Policy Level | Local Level |
SOU 1999:63 Prop. 1999/2000:135 SOU 2008:109 Prop. 2009/10:89 Prom U2013 SFS 2014:2 | Local course syllabus 2007 Local program curriculum 2012 Local program curriculum 2014 Local SBE handbook 2013 Local application pilot project specific practice schools 2014a |
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Jederud, S. Learning to Teach as a Spectator or a Participant—Ideas of Vocational Learning in Policy on Teacher Education. Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 726. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12100726
Jederud S. Learning to Teach as a Spectator or a Participant—Ideas of Vocational Learning in Policy on Teacher Education. Education Sciences. 2022; 12(10):726. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12100726
Chicago/Turabian StyleJederud, Sandra. 2022. "Learning to Teach as a Spectator or a Participant—Ideas of Vocational Learning in Policy on Teacher Education" Education Sciences 12, no. 10: 726. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12100726
APA StyleJederud, S. (2022). Learning to Teach as a Spectator or a Participant—Ideas of Vocational Learning in Policy on Teacher Education. Education Sciences, 12(10), 726. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12100726