Skills for a Working Future: How to Bring about Professional Success from the Educational Setting
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Skills for a Working Future
1.2.1. Sensemaking
1.2.2. Social Intelligence
1.2.3. Innovative and Adaptive Thinking
1.2.4. Intercultural Competence
1.2.5. Computational Thinking
1.2.6. Digital Literacy
… transcend the technological act, insist that knowledge of media is a challenge to be taken on head first and requires ownership of individuals with the aim of preparing citizens for responsible consumption but also for production in and with media. Such ownership serves to overcome challenges to accessibility and technology use, and find new spaces via critical understanding, communication and creative production[33] (p. 790)
1.2.7. Multidisciplinarity
1.2.8. Design Mentality
1.2.9. Knowledge Management
1.2.10. Virtual Collaboration
1.3. Education Oriented towards Skill Development for a Working Future
2. Justification and Purpose
- To identify the most in-demand skills in the job market through a systematic review of the literature.
- To analyze, in the literature, the type of proposals put forth by educational systems in order to target student upskilling and facilitate their incorporation into the occupational setting.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Design and Participants
3.2. Instruments
3.3. Data Analysis
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Ethical Approval Reference
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Dimension | Category |
Year of publication |
Database |
Authors | |
Most highlighted skills |
Educational proposals |
Dialnet | Web of Science | Proquest | Scopus | Pubmed | Google Scholar | Scielo | Total | |
2015 | 2 | - | - | 1 | - | - | - | 3 (7.1%) |
2016 | 1 | - | - | 1 | 1 | - | - | 3 (7.1%) |
2017 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | 1 | 4 (9.5%) |
2018 | 2 | 3 | 2 | - | 1 | - | 1 | 9 (21.4%) |
2019 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | 11 (16.7%) |
2020 | - | 5 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | - | 12 (28.6%) |
Total | 7 (16.7%) | 12 (28.6%) | 11 (26.2%) | 5 (11.9%) | 3 (7.1%) | 2 (4.8%) | 2 (4.8%) | 42 (100%) |
Database | Year | Skills | Author |
Dialnet | 2015 | Mastery of technology | Ordóñez-Jiménez, Gil-Gómez, Oltra-Badenes & González-Usach [72] |
Innovate thinking | |||
Mastery of technology | Jones & Matt [73] | ||
Virtual colaboration | |||
Interculturality | |||
Social intelligence | |||
2016 | Interculturality | González, Fanju & López [74] | |
Innovate thinking | |||
Mastery of technology | |||
2017 | Mastery of technology | Buisán & Valdés [75] | |
Virtual colaboration | |||
2018 | Mastery of technology | Vega [76] | |
Mastery of technology | Aige, Ferrer, Montserrat, Paniza & Vaquer [77] | ||
Virtual colaboration | |||
Multidisciplinary | |||
2019 | Mastery of technology | Juárez & Marqués [78] | |
Virtual colaboration | |||
Digital literacy | |||
Web of Science | 2017 | Interculturality | Garrido [79] |
Digital literacy | |||
2018 | Mastery of technology | Achtenhaguen & Achtenhaguen [80] | |
Mastery of technology | Aranda, Sánchez-Navarro, Martinez-Cerdá & Meneses [81] | ||
Master of technology | Soeiro, Uras & Royo [82] | ||
2019 | Innovate thinking | Ruchiwit, Patchotasingh & Phanphairoj [83] | |
Critical thinking | Voinea [84] | ||
Innovate thinking | |||
Multidisciplinarity | Hero & Lindfors [85] | ||
2020 | Critical thinking | Aguilar, Alcántara & Braun [86] | |
Mastery of technology | López, Couso & Simarro [57] | ||
Multidisciplinarity | |||
Digital literacy | |||
Mastery of technology | Vasilescu, Serban, Dimian, Aceleanu & Picatoste [87] | ||
Innovate thinking | van Laar, var Deursen, van Dijk, & de Haan [88] | ||
Mastery of technology | Fajaryati, Budiyono, Akhyar & Wiranto [89] | ||
Proquest | 2017 | Interculturality | Castro, García, Jaramillo & Lozano [90] |
2018 | Virtual colaboration | Pereira, Vilas-Boas & Rebelo [91] | |
Mastery of technology | Jahlil [58] | ||
Digital literacy | |||
Virtua collaboration | |||
2019 | Innovate thinking | Admiraal, Post, Guo, Saab, Makinen, Rainio, Vuori, Jacky, Gerd & Gerard [92] | |
Mastery of technology | |||
Multidisciplinary | |||
Mastery of technology | Periáñez-Cañadillas, Charterina & Pando-García [93] | ||
Innovate thinking | Nakano & Wechsler [94] | ||
Master technology | Xenos, Cheistodoulopoulou, Mallas & Garafolakis [95] | ||
Innovate thinking | |||
Inovate thinking | Domínguez, Oliveros, Coronado & Valdez [54] | ||
Mastery of technology | |||
Multidisciplinarity | |||
2020 | Interculturality | Carballal & Pinillos [96] | |
Mastery of technology | |||
Innovate thinking | Sima, Ileana, Subíc & Dumitry [97] | ||
Interculturality | Kukla, Pelekh & Smolenska [98] | ||
Scopus | 2015 | Master of technology | Lin, Yu, Hsiao, Chu, Chang & Chien [99] |
Virtual colaboration | |||
Multidisciplinary | |||
2016 | Innovate thinking | López [5] | |
Critical thinking | |||
Mastery of technology | |||
2019 | Innnovate thinking | Oliveira & Cunha [100] | |
Mastery of technology | Ismail & Hassan [101] | ||
2020 | Mastery of technology | Frunzaru & Corbu [102] | |
Interculturality | |||
Pubmed | 2016 | Innovate thinking | Manjarrez [21] |
Mastery of technology | |||
Social intelligence | |||
2018 | Interculturaly | Ilich & Akilina [103] | |
Virtual collaboration | |||
Digital literacy | |||
2020 | Multidisciplinary | Ivzory, Sachs, Reiter & Schreuer [55] | |
Google Scholar | 2020 | Mastery of technology | Castellanos & Escott [104] |
Virtual collaboration | |||
Mastery of technology | Prospectiva [105] | ||
Virtual colaboration | |||
Digital literacy | |||
Scielo | 2017 | Mastery of technology | Pernías [106] |
Social Intelligente | |||
Innovate thinking | |||
2018 | Critical thinking | Mackay, Franco & Villacis [107] | |
Multidisciplinarity |
Skills | Textual Evidence |
Mastery of technology (42) | “Information technologies in society as a tool to facilitate both personal and productive processes (...) are increasingly present in organisations and operational processes that depend more on the correct implementation of technology” (p. 93) [72] |
“different technologies can play different roles in a virtual team. (…) multimedia such as video-conferencing and 3-D technologies provide a richer environment that more closely simulates face-to-face communication. For this, is necessary a mastery of diferents type of technology” (p. 57) [73] | |
“the interest in technological change (...) and the possibilities offered by its development and application in different areas, has generated a new panorama of opportunities” (p. 192) [74] | |
“Industry 4.0 therefore emerges as a new industrial revolution, and consists, in short, of incorporating and mastering new technologies or digital enablers in industry (p. 90) [75] | |
“technology has become increasingly common in themajority of contexts of daily and industrial life, there has been amajor use of technological devices, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, domotic systems, etc” (p. 1) [76] | |
“Experts have considered (...) the importance of having a good level of digital competence in the search for and mastery of employment” (p. 81) [78] | |
“Technological innovation at the levels of business and national competitiveness, as well as extensive use of current technologies” (p. 14) [21] | |
“The continued use of technological tools can serve (...) to improve their digital skills necessary for personal and professional development in the digital age” (p. 2) [57] | |
Virtual collaboration (21) | “The primary reasons for using these virtual teams was to access talent in different locations, promote collaboration and brainstorming for problems, decisions or issues” (p. 49) [73] |
“The Connected Industry 4.0 strategy promotes the creation and development of these collaborative environments (...) with the future development of a Connected Industry 4.0 platform to serve as a virtual meeting point between industry and enablers” (p. 98) [75] | |
“Aspects (...) most demanded by companies (...): living in networks, communication and online collaboration” (p. 70) [78] | |
“The creation of a shared work space is important. Similarly, (...) it is equally significant to have a physical space, parallel to the virtual one, in which to work together or independently, creating a collaborative work space” (p. 594) [77] | |
Innovate thinking (20) | “companies that are not willing to suffer only develop innovative thinking in their employees and jump on the bandwagon of digital transformation through the development of digital skills and digital leadership” (p. 94) [72] |
“The needs and current context lead organizations to seek creative, proactive profiles with an appropriate technological and digital training. These demands also force professionals to keep on training in order to remain competitive and promote their innovative thinking” (p. 194) [74] | |
“The business world is (...) making the development of a culture of innovation a priority. It is the creative and proactive worker who will be most valued in the future” (p. 6) [5] | |
“Innovative thinking promotes different styles of thinking, seeking to encourage originality in entrepreneurs” (p. 60) [21] | |
Interculturaly (19) | “Intercultural competence implies a respect for one’s own identity and the identity of others and an adaptation of behaviour to the functional requirements of the social environment is therefore one of the most important challenges for business leaders” (p. 20) [90] |
“The professionals of the future will be involved in intercultural business and labour relations where they will have to manoeuvre with skill” (p. 369) [96] | |
“Most of the companies surveyed value the fact that the student has mastered languages (...). Also that they have had some intercultural experience (...) through the Erasmus programme” (p. 199) [74] | |
“Most of these authors suggest that planned cultural training as well as actually sending team members to different countries to meet colleagues and learn about the different cultures was essential to the success of intercultural virtual teams” (p. 50) [73] | |
Multidisciplinary (14) | “Multidisciplinary consideration enhances effective decision-making and encourages more analytical and in-depth study” (p. 337) [107] |
“As the real-life problems and challenges to cope with are not compartmentalized into clear-cut disciplines. (...). In the real-life, one job (...) faces several multidisciplinary problems: product design (...) service design (...), algoritms, (...) design (...) and business” (p. 92) [92] | |
“The importance of a multidisciplinary analysis (...) is a key aspect (...) to bring professional practice closer to reality” (p. 594) [77] | |
Social intelligence (8) | “In addition, organisations need to recognise that there are cultural differences (...) in terms of work and time expectations, or levels of risk-taking or knowledge sharing, thus enhancing the development of social intelligence” (p. 50) [73] |
“Levels of social intelligence and innovation are linked to levels of national and individual competitiveness” (p. 14). Also, “social intelligence can stimulate creativity and innovation” (p. 21) [21] | |
Digital literacy (7) | “The need to devote resources to digital literacy for all job seekers is even more evident” (p. 82) [78] |
“promote the ability to select and use information available on the web critically and safely, identifying and contrasting authorships and reliable information sources, as well as performing dynamic searches; also known as digital literacy” (p. 18) [57] | |
Critical thinking (3) | “Our brain has a great capacity to make decisions. When faced with a challenge, it channels all available information and critical thinking into decision making” (p. 2) [5] |
“Critical thinkers are those who think carefully, ensuring the validity of each inference, doubting their own perception of reality and questioning the rigour and purpose of each piece of information (…) is the key to professional success” (p. 338) [107] | |
“The acquisition of specific skills, such as critical thinking, allows you to analyze and evaluate your own thinking so that you can make decisions and solve complex problems with innovative strategies” (p. 166) [86] |
Dialnet | Web of Science | Proquest | Scopus | Pubmed | Google Scholar | Scielo | Total | |
2015 | 1 | - | - | 1 | - | 1 | - | 3 (11.5%) |
2016 | - | - | - | 2 | - | 1 | - | 3 (11.5%) |
2017 | 1 | 1 | 2 | - | - | 2 | - | 6 (23%) |
2018 | 5 | 2 | - | 1 | - | - | - | 8 (30.8%) |
2019 | - | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | - | 4 (15.4%) |
2020 | 1 | - | - | - | 1 | - | - | 2 (7.7%) |
Total | 8 (30.8%) | 5 (19.2%) | 4 (15.4%) | 4 (15.4%) | 1 (3.8%) | 4 (15.4%) | - | 26 (100%) |
Database | Year | Proposals | Author |
Dialnet | 2015 | Learning with a rock music group | Gallardo & Estévez [108] |
2017 | Radio stations | Araya [109] | |
2018 | Robotics | Vega [76] | |
STEM education | Muñoz-Rujas, Diéz-Ojeda, Greca & Montero [110] | ||
Chatbot | Herrero-Diz & Varona-Aramburu [111] | ||
Net-teaching and co-working | Aige, Ferrer, Sánchez-Escribano, Paniza & Vázquez [77] | ||
APS: service learning | Cabanés-Cacho, García-Casarejos & Romera [112] | ||
2020 | Hi-Tech | Ufarte, Calvo & Murcia [113] | |
Web of Science | 2017 | MOOC | Milligan & Littlejohn [114] |
2018 | Digital Skills Acelerator project | Soeiro, Uras & Royo [82] | |
Gamification | Martínez-Cerda, Torrent-Sellens & González-González [115] | ||
2019 | Gamification | Alomari, Al-Samarraie & Yousef [116] | |
Multidisciplinary innovation project | Hero & Lindfors [85] | ||
Proquest | 2017 | iD-Tech | Clarke [117] |
Disruptive education | Pilonieta [60] | ||
2019 | STEM education | Domínguez, Oliveros, Coronado & Valdez [54] | |
Prolongo & Pinto [59] | |||
Scopus | 2015 | MOOC | Hernández-Carranza, Romero-Corella & Ramírez-Montoya [118] |
2016 | Gamification | Senderek, Brenken & Stich [119] | |
STEM education | Potkonjak, Gardner, Callaghan, Mattila, Guetl, Petróvic & Jovanovi’c [120] | ||
2018 | WorldSkills | Smirnova, Zanfir, Vaganova, Vasilevna, Vladimirovna & Masaleno [61] | |
Pubmed | 2020 | SUPER | Ivzori, Sachs, Reiter & Schreuer [55] |
Google Scholar | 2015 | STEM education | Lin, Yu, Hsiao, Chu, Chang & Chien [99] |
2016 | MOOC | Penstein & Fershke [121] | |
2017 | ABI: Inquiry-based learning | Sabando, Maldonado, Acevedo & Said [122] | |
STEM education | Toma & Greca [62] | ||
Scielo | - | - | - |
Educational Proposal | Text Evidence |
STEM education (6) | “STEM education can be used to assess junior high students collaborative problem-solving skills” (p. 319) [99] |
“future advances is possible in the field of virtual-worlds-based laboratories for STEM disciplines and in particular for engineering and robotics (...) the introduction of technologies (…) or the introduction of entirely original concepts” (p. 24) [120] | |
“This method promotes critical thinking, teamwork and creativity; necessary skills to meet the challenges represented by the 4.0 industrial revolution” (p. 18) [54] | |
“acquire skills that will enable them to solve problems and interpret the world around them and in the complex societies of the 21st century” (p. 459) [59] | |
“The experience (…) was positive, as they found the use of the elements and the conditions to comply with each of challenges by using collaborative and participatory work, taking advantage their creativity and even artistic skills to generate innovative solutions” (p. 15) [110] | |
“aims to respond to the economic challenges (...) identify the needs of workers who require more flexible knowledge and new skills to meet current labour and social requirements, and emphasize the need to solve problems (...) through scientific literacy” (p. 392) [62] | |
MOOC (3) | “helped them to broaden their focus to prepare themselves for their future role, (...) broaden their skillset to increase their effectiveness at work, (...) and preparing them for new roles, and career progression” (p. 99) [114] |
“the participants efficiently mobilised skills and abilities in the use of ICTs, thanks to which they were able to generate their open resources and disseminate them through mass media on the Internet” (p. 81) [118] | |
“framework include methods for assisting help exchange among students as well as means to navigate the massive amount of data that is produced by the community” (p. 673) [121] | |
Gamification (3) | “increase corporate use of play-based learning as part of vocational work-based learning to better meet future qualification requirements of companies, as well as training of workers with less education experience” (p. 44) [119] |
“gamification is the only significant tool in non-STEM studies. Results are very useful for (...) effectiveness in computer-supported collaborative learning” (p. 1055) [115] | |
“The results showed the potential of using gamification techniques in promoting motivation, engagement, and performance” (p. 402) [116] | |
APS: service learning (1) | “to train future professionals in (…) values such as ethics, sustainability, transparency, equity and solidarity, that are such necessary nowadays” (p. 1001) [112] |
ABI: Inquiry-based learning (1) | “strengthens academic performance and enhances the development of superior skills designed for future work” (p. 20) [122] |
Hi-Tech (1) | “Having different subjects where hi-tech teaching is inserted promotes innovation in universities, following the rhythm of time and reacting to the evolution of the demands of new professional profiles” (p. 56) [113] |
ID-Tech (1) | “Course topics include coding, 3D modeling, artificial intelligence, robotics and game design. iD Tech is dedicated to bridging the digital divide and is committed to gender diversity” [117] |
Robotics (1) | “the students at pre-university curricular level learn the principles of Science and Engineering and the computer programming skills demanded in today’s society” (p. 13) [76] |
Radio stations (1) | “This strategy could favor the strengthening of values, social inclusion and prevention of social problems in young people, as well as the development of generic competences that can provide important inputs for their future professional” (p. 1) [109] |
Chatbot (1) | “Points out a path to follow in order to train students better able to face the changing media scenario” (p. 2084) [111] |
Net-teaching and co-working (1) | “provides flexibility in the management of education (...) possibility of interdisciplinarity (...) and a greater approach to reality, which today is telematics” (p. 540) [77] |
Digital Skills Acelerator Project (1) | “will produce the knowledge, resources and social capital to enable the introduction of the Digital Skills and Competences model (...) may present a solution to the identified skills gap of youth, of unemployed and of large part of active population” (p. 4) [82] |
Multidisciplinary innovation project (1) | “It promotes the development of different personal characteristics, social skills, emerging leadership skills, creativity, future orientation, social skills, technical, development and testing skills and skills related to the implementation of innovation, such as marketing planning, sales and entrepreneurship skills” (p. 500) [85] |
SUPER (1) | “help students to connect the school world with practical work experience and equip them with learning strategies and skills in both fields, as well as knowledge about their future possibilities in the labour market” (p. 13) [55] |
Disruptive education (1) | “Education focused on training processes with the advance of information and communication technologies (...), where wide spaces of creation mark and influence the ways of thinking and acting in almost all areas of productivity and thought” (p. 62) [60] |
Learning with a rock music group (1) | “can acquire highly valued skills in today’s labour market, especially in fields such as engineering, economics, entrepreneurship, politics or science” (p. 62) [108] |
WorldSkills (1) | “The application of the WorldSkills movement allowed to increase personal interes (...) to independent work, made it possible to carry out self-assessment and self-examination of knowledge, skills and practical skills” (p. 4107) [61] |
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García-Pérez, L.; García-Garnica, M.; Olmedo-Moreno, E.M. Skills for a Working Future: How to Bring about Professional Success from the Educational Setting. Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 27.
García-Pérez L, García-Garnica M, Olmedo-Moreno EM. Skills for a Working Future: How to Bring about Professional Success from the Educational Setting. Education Sciences. 2021; 11(1):27.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcía-Pérez, Laura, Marina García-Garnica, and Eva María Olmedo-Moreno. 2021. "Skills for a Working Future: How to Bring about Professional Success from the Educational Setting" Education Sciences 11, no. 1: 27.
APA StyleGarcía-Pérez, L., García-Garnica, M., & Olmedo-Moreno, E. M. (2021). Skills for a Working Future: How to Bring about Professional Success from the Educational Setting. Education Sciences, 11(1), 27.